Peace Through Dialog 2007 - Samani Akshaya Pragya : New Dimension For Economic Development

Published: 15.02.2008
Updated: 09.01.2009

Jaina Convention
Federation of Jain Associations In North America

New Dimension For Economic Development

Samani Akshaya Pragya
Samani Akshaya Pragya is M.A. in Jainology and specializes in Jain Philosophy, Mediatation and Yoga. She was initiated in to the Saman order in 1982 and is a disciple of Acharya Mahapragya. She has served in the management of Jain Vishwa Bharati in India in various management capacities.

Economic development, growth and prosperity are the prime concerns of the present society. But the question arises, how it is possible to be ethical in business and what should be its process and its mechanism.

While pondering over an economic development, the following points should be invariably considered:

  1. Ahinsa and purity of means
  2. Non erosion of moral values
  3. Limit of wants

First it should be examined whether economic development is leading to more violence or otherwise. The result is in front of us. If we want to achieve sustainable development, it should be through ethical and pure means.

Ericsson has suggested some principles for setting the present system right and for bringing about changes that can be very useful for world economic policy. His foremost principle is that anger, greed, hatred and infatuation should be reduced. This may appear to be spiritualistic and sermonizing precept, but is very important. In this principle we visualize the inherent truth. An economic system can never become balanced without balancing human emotions. If the craving to possess is stronger, no economic system can become balanced, no matter how sound the policies of the government may be. If passions are strong, no good economic policy can be effective. This holds true even if passions like anger, vanity, attachment, cheating and greed remain dormant. The functioning of economic and governmental system will be on the right track when these human passions shall vanish.

For introducing the new economic system we have to adopt some parameters. The new system should not pose a danger to the world peace. There should be a reduction in crime and it should promote the feeling of non- destructiveness of the living as well as non living world. The cherished world economic system should be such under which one nation cannot exploit another and cannot establish its technological, economic or ideological hegemony. By evolving such system, some modern day problems could be solved.

There is no doubt that some concepts of modern economics have helped to solve a few problems and have rendered some relief to the poor. At the same time, it has created many new problems. If we think objectively, the truth is that the modern economic concepts have encouraged violence.

Let us then understand that the economics which is limited to eradicate poverty, is not necessarily good for us. For us that type of an economic policy would be valuable which, while eradicating poverty on one hand, would not increase the violence on the other. Hence, the synthesis of material prosperity and promotion of non-violence are the pre-requisite for a peaceful and just world order.


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        Page glossary
        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Acharya
        2. Acharya Mahapragya
        3. Ahinsa
        4. Anger
        5. Disciple of Acharya Mahapragya
        6. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        7. Greed
        8. JAINA
        9. JAINA Convention
        10. Jain Philosophy
        11. Jain Vishwa Bharati
        12. Jaina
        13. Mahapragya
        14. Non-violence
        15. Pragya
        16. Saman
        17. Samani
        18. Sustainable Development
        19. Violence
        20. Yoga
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