
Published: 09.07.2010
Updated: 29.08.2012
Saman, Samanis, Samans, Samanī, Samanīs

Samans and Samanis follow the lifestyle of Jain Sadhus and Sadhvis with two exceptions:

  • They are granted permission to use means of transportations.
  • They are allowed to take food, which is prepared for them.

After probation they are formed in a training for five to seven years. They give lectures and conduct meditation camps wherever they are all around the world.

In 1980 this new order was established by the late ninth Acharya Tulsi together with his Yuvacharya Mahaprajna.

This new order was created for the spiritual care of Jain people living abroad and to represent Jainism on global religious conferences.


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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Acharya Tulsi
  3. Jainism
  4. Meditation
  5. Sadhus
  6. Sadhvis
  7. Tulsi
  8. Yuvacharya
  9. Yuvacharya Mahaprajna
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