Excerpt from the daily discourse of Yuvacharya Mahashraman at Shrimad Maghva Samavasaran, Bidasar
13 February 2009
Soul hires shape of different living being's body according to his deeds till it achieves the state of salvation. It is eternal truth that death follows the life though its time, place and reasons are uncertain. Hence man should plan his future accepting & considering this bitter but eternal truth of death. Every sunset takes away the piece of life with it. This pinches man to be awakened all the time to lead happy & peaceful current life and to arrange the same for the next life by distilling the conduct & thoughts regularly. Those who want peace & happiness as their life partner, they should adore themselves with the time management, practice control over senses, make intoxicants & tobacco as enemy and nurture every breath with non-violence and honesty. Those who understand the transitory of life, they enjoy the eternal happiness without being affected by the feeling of attachment or miseries.