Samani Mudit Pragya | Samani Shukla Pragya |
Happy Diwali
Best wishes for all to have auspicious, spiritual, prosperous and bright future.
on this pious occasion JVBNA organizes
Diwali Pravachan Special Insight by
Samani Mudit Pragyaji & Samani Shukla Pragyaji
(Disciples of H.H. Acharya Mahapragyaji)
on - 17th Oct., Saturday, 10.30 AM - 12.3o PM
at - Iselin Library: 1081 Green street, NJ-08830
on 18th Oct., Sunday - From 7.00AM - 7.00PM
at - JVBNA Center
Come and join us to celebrate this special festival Diwali
Diwali–A festival of lights to illuminate our souls through spirituality.
The festival of light remembers the depart of the Great Soul Bhagwan Mahavira who left his enlightened teachings for all of us, giving hope and strategy for a happy life.
For further information contact: 732- 404- 1430