Dear friends! We report about the leadthrough of the First International Convention of Spiritual Practices Jaina Yoga and Preksha Meditation on territory of Ukraine in pearl of Carpathians resort city Yaremche from July, 27 for Augusts, 3 2010.
Seminars of different directions of Spiritual practices, employments on teaching Yoga and Meditation, visit of unique places of created by nature. Meditations on the tops of mountains of Carpathians. Clean air, friendly atmosphere, clean streams of the mountain rivers, waterfalls, and certainly possibility will learn for the representatives of Indian Spiritual Practices perfection of the soul and body. The reception of requests began already!
Organizers of convention:
- Center of spiritual and physical development «Eternal motion» (Kiev, Ukraine)
Benevolent fund of assistance development of spirituality of creation and arts «Victoria» (Ukraine), Preksha International (India).
Cost of residence, food, the excursion programs, teaching and entertaining programs - 300 $ USA/person
+38067 441 49 39