Subject Index Of The Inventory Of The Stories In N. Balbir’s Āvaśyaka Studien

Published: 13.07.2007
Updated: 02.07.2015

International Journal of Jaina Studies
(Online) Vol. 3, No. 1 (2007) 1-25



Balbir’s Āvaśyaka-Studien, Introduction Générale et Traduction is a valuable manual on a most important text of the Śvetāmbara Jains. In order to make this book usable a necessary subject index was made of it.


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Subject Index Of The Inventory Of The Stories In N. Balbir’s Āvaśyaka Studien

(Nalini Balbir, Āvaśyaka-Studien. Introduction Générale et Traductions. Alt- und Neuindische Studien 45, 1. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1993. Numbers refer to pages 126−195 and 229-439 of the book. Keywords are printed in capitals. For proper names as a rule see Mohanlal Mehta & K. Rishabh Chandra, Prakrit Proper Names III. Ahmedabad: L.D. Institute, 1970-72)

ABHAE (Abhaya) 166, 181, 233, 363
ABHIGGAHA ('removal of the embryo') 135, 303 ('voluntary restriction in food')
ABHIPPĀE ('intention') 158
Ābhīra 127 (potter quarrels with his wife destroying their wares),
151 (∼s enter the order),
194 (Jain ∼ couple in Cutch), 359, 437 (cf. 127)
ĀBHĪRĪ 400, 435 (see Ābhīra)
abstention, see aṇuvrata
acquaintances 127
act (rash ∼ prevented by monks' advice) 127
ĀDĀṆA-BHAṆḌA-METTA-NIKKHEVAṆA-SAMII ('caution as to the apparel of the
monks') 177
AḌAVĪ ('forest, wilderness of existence') 154
ADDHĀṆE ('road') 173
adultery of man with his daughter in law 194
adultery of woman 150, 161, 165, 193
advice of monks saves from rash act 127
AGAE ('antidote') 164, 174
āgamao ('with regard to the Scriptures') 232
ĀGAME ('tradition') 158
āhākamma ('inacceptable') 245[1]
-aka 341 note 208 (suffix with participial value)
akayapuṇṇa ('man without religious merit') 165
Ajja-Khauḍa 157 (a magician)
AJJAVA ('honesty') 183
AJJHAVASĀṆA ('mental stress') 144
AJJIYĀ-LĀBHA ('receiving alms from a nun') 172
AKĀMA-NIJJARA ('spontaneous expulsion of karman') 149
alms 128, 131 (bad ∼), 150 (accepting one ∼ only is considered meritorious),
172 (receiving ∼ from a nun), 187 (ants eating spoiled ∼ die), 245 (unacceptable ∼
accepted), 301f.
ALOHE ('lack of desires') 183
ĀLOYAṆA ('confession') 179
AMACCA-PUTTE, 167 (∼ tests prince's longing for adventure)
AMACCE, see minister
ĀMALAGAṂ ('emblic myrobalan') 168 (artificial ∼), 269 (not used for pūjā)
AṆAVAJJAṂ ('avoiding the reprehensible') 154
AṄKE ('sign of recognition') 162
ANNĀYAYĀ ('incognito ascetism') 183
antidote (AGAE) 164 (poisoned elephant revived), 191 (∼ against possession by a
ants, see urine, drinking of ∼; alms
AṆUBHŪE ('knowledge') 149
AṆUKAMPĀ ('compassion') 149
Aṇuvrata 192ff.
anusvāra added or removed in messages 239
anuyoga 305
APPAMĀE ('permanent vigilance') 186
apprenticeship (SIKKHĀ) 162, 273
Arabian nights 174 (Jain ∼)
ĀRĀHAṆĀ ('reaching the goal at the approach of death') 187
Ardha-Māgadhī 138 (traces of ∼)
arithmetic (GAṆIE) 163
arrogance 155 (MĀNA)
asceticism (TAVE) 169, 183 (incognito ∼)
ASSE ('horse') 163
ATTHA ('money, wealth') 158
ATTHA-NIPPHATTI ('obtaining wealth') 169
ATTHA-SATTHE ('Arthaśāstra') 162f.
ATTA-DOSOVASAṂHĀRO ('abstention from errors one has in one's hands') 185 (Jinadeva refuses to eat meat for his recovery)
AVACCE ('descendants') 130 (of Ṛṣabha); 136 (of Mahāvīra)
AVAHĀRA ('embryo transplantation')[2] 135
Avantisukumāla 179, 181
Āvaśyaka 251
aversion from dirty monks (VITIGICCHĀ) 191
avoiding (PARIHARAṆĀ) 173
ĀYĀR(OVAE) ('correct behaviour') 184
Bāhala horse easily broken in 143
Bāhubali 132
BĀLA-TAVE ('fool's fast) 150
Bambhadatta legend 144
battle, see: fight
beans (māsā) taken for flies 191
beggar (daridda) 154 (seduced by queens), 169 (robbed and killed by dacoits)
behaviour, monastic 143, 184 (good ∼; bad ∼ of Nimbaga), 185 (see SUVIHI)
betel 174 (dhobi cleans clothes tainted by ∼)
BHARAHA-SILA 158 (Rohaka)
Bharata, see combat, disc, digvijaya; as cakravartin 132f.
BHĀSĀ-SAMII ('caution in what one says') 177
BHĀUYA ('brothers') 151
BHĀVAMMI ('in spiritual sense') 171
BHAYA ('fear')[3] 144
BHERĪ ('the drum') 433
BHESAṆA ('terror') 135
BIRĀLĪ ('cat') 127, 425
BĪYĀ VARAVARIYĀ ('second proclamation') 131
birth 129 (∼ ritual of Ṛṣabha), 285 (chain of ∼s)
black 275 (spot on thigh of queen), 375 (see: dog)
blind man and lame 127, 295
bodhi ('deliverance') 149
bracelets 186 (sound of ∼)
brahmins, origin of ∼ 133
brothers 151 (two ∼s one of whom is hated by his mother), 161 (woman married to two ∼s), 184 (Jalaṇa and Dahaṇa)
BUDDHI ('intelligence') 158, 233 (four types of ∼), 393
Buddhist 146 (∼s converted), 162 (∼ monk and pledge), 185 (∼ monks pass off as Jains to get the better of the latter in debates), 191 (∼ converted), 193
buffalo does not drink muddy water 127, 419
burglary 193 (partaking refused by a Jain)
buttock (ahiṭṭhāṇa) 377 (fight with ∼s), 383 (do)
ca, abuse of ∼ 136 (oldest example of ∼)
CAKKE ('disc') 148, 156
CAKKH'-INDIA ('sight') 156
CALAṆ'-ĀHAYA ('kicking') 168 (which punishment for the one who kicks the king's head?)
CĀLAṆI ('filter') 411 (see: filter)
CAMPAGA-MĀLĀ ('example of the wreath of campā flowers') 172
CĀṆAKKE 167 (youth and adolescence of Cāṇakya), 191 (disagreement with Candragupta)
CANDAṆA-KANTHĀ ('sandalwood patchwork') 373
Caṇḍapingala 170 (a thief)
Candraprabhā 136 (description of Mahāvīra's palanquin)
cannibalism 139 (woman offers alms of rice and flesh of her stillborn child to Gosāla), 156 (Kalmā'āpāda story) − see DHAṆADATTE
canonical style 138, 141, 151
carpenter (VAḌḌHAĪ) 166
cat drinks spoiled milk 127, 425
caution (SAMII) 177
CEḌAGA-NIHĀṆE ('boys and treasure') 162
CEIYA-BHATTI ('attachment to certain holy places') 172
chain 127 (human ∼), 285 (chain of births)
child of first wife killed after remarriage 127
CITTAKĀRE ('painter') 166
clairvoyance 140 (of a layman), 150 (negative ∼)
cleaning (SOHĪ) 174
cloud and gravel (SELA-GHAṆA) 401
coins (NĀṆAE) 162
colic, dying from ∼ after overeating 144, 191
COLLAGA ('food') 147
combat, single ∼ of Bharata with Bāhubali 132
commentaries differ 241
compassion 149 (AṆUKAMPĀ)
communication of southern merchants with northern barbarians 127
concentration (SAMĀDHĀṆAṂ, SAMĀHĪ) 184
confectioner (PŪĪE) 166
confession (ĀLOYAṆĀ) 179 (story of two wrestlers)
conjurers 244 (perform before the king with a monkey)
conversion of brahmin 194
corpse swimming in river 167
courtesan (GAṆIĀ) 164 (admires ascetic who resists her), 166 (pregnant ∼), 170 (pities impaled dacoit), 186 (two rival ∼s), 263 (see: picture gallery)
cow 127 (lying ∼ not to be bought; milked by four men without being fed in between), 230 (five groups of ∼s herded according to their colour), 307 (∼ and calf), 369ff. (lying ∼, cf. 127)
cowherd 141 (female ∼ gives alms), 155 (see GOVĀ)
crow 132 (∼s in elephant carcass), 159f. (number of ~s, white ∼, etc.)
cultural hero (Ṛṣabha as ∼) 131
curds 172 (king Udāyaṇa turned monk wants to eat only curds)
curse 170 (strikes town of Kuṇālā)
dacoit 170 (∼ impaled pitied by courtesan); 178 (six ∼s discuss plundering a village and killing the inhabitants)
DĀMANNAGA 195 (nobleman refuses to eat meat and fish)
Damocles' sword 189 (∼ above the head of man who refused a queen's overtures)
daṇḍa ('offending act') 175f. (three kinds of ∼s)
Daṇḍa 179 (ascetic tortured by king Jauṇa)
DĀṆE ('gift') 136, 150
daridda ('beggar') 169
daughters 127 (Brahmin lady advises her three ∼ how to treat their husbands, cf. 255, 257, 259), 184 (two ∼ of king Paṇḍuseṇa)
daughter-in-law 171 (sex with ∼)
DAVVAMMI NIṆHAGA ('heresy in material sense'), 171 (novice destroying potter's merchandise)
davv'āvassaga 232, 245
deaf family 127, 397
death 127 (unmerited ~ of mongoose), 143 (causes of ∼: overeating, touching a snake, incest with mother)
death penalty 189 (sword hung over head of condemned), 192 (plunging into crocodile pond)
Devāṇuppiya ('beloved of the gods')[4] 274, 278
DEVAYĀBHIOGEṆAṂ ('under the pressure of a divinity'), 190 (∼ a layman turns against Jinism)
DEVĪ ('queen') 166
description of feminine beauty 141
desire (KAṄKHĀ) 191
DHAMMARUI 154 (a prince turned ascetic)
DHAṆADATTE 167 (father D. and five suns eat girl's corpse to avoid starvation)
DHANNE, see mustard seeds
DHIĪ-MAĪ ('fixed thought') 184
dialogue of the deaf 317
dice, see PĀSAGA; play of ∼, see JŪE
digvijaya of Bharata 132
dīkṣā of Bāhubali 132
dirtiness of monks 191 (aversion from ∼)
disc of Bharata appears 132
disguise 333 (of wife as friend of wife), 341 (∼ of woman as man)
disgust at the world (SAṂVEGE) 185, 245, 285
doctor 149, 175 (three ∼s), 185 (two ∼s)
dog 375 (carcass of black ∼ with bright teeth),[5] 379, 381
DO KANNĀO ('two girls') 173f.
donkey (GADDAHA) 164
DOSA ('hatred') 155
doubt (SAṄKĀ) 191
ḌOVE ('wooden spoon') 165
dream 135f. (having twice the same ∼), 148
drum 375 (Kṛṣṇa's four ∼s, one abating the plague), 381ff. (∼ abating the plague), 433
DUDDHA-KĀYA ('milk can made of bamboo') 173 (two boys carrying milk in ∼)
dysentery (aisāra) 276 (as a cause of death), 291
ear, spikes in the ∼ 141
eating meat, see: meat
education 184 (good ∼)
elephant 128 (rebirth as an ∼), 160 (weighing an ∼), 163 (traces of an ∼), 164 (resuscitation of poisoned ∼), 176 (excited ∼), 182 (trained for water play)
elephant driver, see mahout
elephant stable put on fire 363ff.
eleven paths to state of Siddha 157
embryo exchange 144 (between Sulasā and Devaī)
embryo transplantation[6] 135 (see AVAHĀRA)
empty hut (sunnaghara) 176 (used for venue by lovers), 356f. (used for kāyotsarga)
ESAṆĀ-SAMII ('caution as to alms') 177
eunuch refuses to enter women's quarters 194
excrements (UCCĀRE) 160
exorcism 191
fables 131
famine victims brought to Buddhist country 145
farmer (KARISAE) 165
fast 131 (break of ∼ ritual instituted by Śreyāṃsa), 150 (fool's ∼), 184 (∼ unto death by five Pāṇḍavas), 301
fear, see BHAYA
ferryman Nanda and monk Dhammarui 155
festival, see: Indra; ūsava
fight with buttocks 377, 379. 382
filter (CĀLAṆI) 411 (∼ is full when in water, outside it is empty
fire 140 (Gosāla's magic ∼)
fireplace 133 (KUṆḌA)
fish, see meat
five 172 (∼ sons of a brahmin), 177 (∼ old monks die of thirst), 188 (∼ external agents forbid study)
flamingo can separate milk from water 127 (cf. HAṂSA)
flesh, human ∼ offered to Gośāla 139
flies, not leeches annoy when sucking 127
flowers 186 (poisoned karṇikāra ∼ avoided)
flying in the air, see magic knowledge
fool's fast (BĀLA-TAVE) 150
fools praise the wrong thing 126
forester 169 (∼ who saw town cannot tell his people what it is like)
foundation of capital (Ayodhyā) by Ṛṣabha 130
four 127 (∼ men milk a cow without feeding her in between), 375 (∼ drums of Kṛṣṇa), 429
fourteen vassals 279
fraudulent behaviour in order to be respected 155
frog 167 (killed), 176 (created by a deity to test a monk's careful walking)
funeral sermon 144
GADDAHA ('donkey') 164
gām'-āgara-nagara- 278 (village cliché)
GAṆĀBHIOGEṆA ('under the pressure of a group') 190 (a layman fights as a driver in the Rahamusala war)
GAṆḌAGA ('monk who strikes a gong for announcements') 188
GAṆIĀ ('courtesan') 164
GAṆIE ('arithmetic') 163
GAṆṬHĪ ('knot') 164
GARIHĀ ('reproach') 171, 174
1garment (PAḌA) 159
2garment (VATTHE) 174
Garuḍa 157 (Kokkāsa makes artifical ∼)
GAYA ('elephant') 160
GHAḌA ('pot[ter]') 166
GHAYA ('ghee') 166
GHAYAṆA (jester) 160 (plays joke on queen)
GHĀṆ'-INDIA ('smell') 156
ghee (GHAYA) 166
girls, two ∼ (DO KANNĀO) 173f. (princess and painter's daughter), 184, 389ff.
GO ('cow') 127, 429 (see: four)
GOLA (globule) 160 (~ in someone's nose removed with glowing pin)
goldsmith (HERANNIE) 165, 271 (jealous ∼ with 500 wives), 281 (do), 291 (do)
GOṆĪ ('cow') 369
goose (HAṂSA) 417
Gośāla 138f., 139 (utters curse)
GOVĀ ('cowherds') 155
GURU-NIGGAHEṆAṂ ('on the insistence of one's parents') 191 (a Jain offers alms to Buddhist monks)
GUTTI ('watch, surveillance') 176 (three ∼s)
hair 137 (Śakra drops Mahāvīra's hair into milk ocean)
hall 134 (of mirrors), 149 (burnt cannot be rebuilt)
HAṂSA ('wild goose') 417 (∼ can separate milk and water [cf. flamingo])
hand 359 (man seizes ∼ of woman)
hāra (pearl chain) 182
HĀSE ('joking, laughter') 157 (courtesan's daughter approaches novice)
hatred 155 (continues in various births)
head 168 (punishment for hitting the king's ∼), 255 (wife hits husband on ∼), 257 (do), 259 (do)
hearing (SO'-INDIA) 156
hecatomb 184 (sacrifice of ∼ to a yakṣa)
hedgehog curls up 127
helmsman 154, 158
HERANNIE ('goldsmith') 165
hereafter (PARALOE) 170
heresy of Jamāli 146
Herodes legend 154
heterodox 191f.
honours (SAKKĀRE) 151
horse 163 (Vāsudeva as a horseman), 164 (∼ keeper), 191 (restive ∼), 267 (∼ urinates), 377 (deity steels ∼ of Kṛṣṇa)
human birth 147 (∼ difficult)
human chain 127
hunchbacked woman 146, 311
husband 161, 255 (hit on head by wife with heel of shoe), 257 (do), 281 (murdered with mirrors by 499 wives)
hygiene, lack of ∼ 183
ibbha-putta 155f. (falls in love with a queen of whom he had seen a toe)
ICCHĀKĀRA ('spontaneous wish to serve one's superior') 143
ICCHĀ MAHAṂ ('[according] to my wish') 162
ideal of feminine beauty[7] 141
IḌḌHI ('power') 151
ILĀPUTTE 151, 154
illegitimate prince Sundaridatta 148
incest 140 (of son with mother), 166 (of twins), 182 (do), 185 (of father with daughter), 193 (of son with mother; daughter with father; brother with sister)
INDE 169
INDIYA ('sense') 155 (five senses)
Indra festival, origin of ∼ 133
infanticide 345 (father kills son in order to be able to remarry)
intelligence, see BUDDHI
IRIYĀ-SAMII ('caution in walking') 177
jackal 132 (greedy ∼), 167 (cry of female ∼), 180f. (∼s eat a Jain monk at night), 347 (young monk called ∼)
JĀHAGA ('hedgehog') 427 (∼ drinks milk from pot)
JĀĪE SARAṆE ('recollection of prebirths') 130
jāi-saraṇa, see SARAṆAṂ
JAKKHO 170 (yakṣa Huṇḍiya)
JALŪGA ('leech') 127, 423 (∼ compared to mosquito)
Jamāli (Yamāri) 146 (heresy of ∼), 177
JAMMAṆA ('birth') 129 (of Ṛṣabha), 135
jars are whole or broken 127
JATTĀ ('pilgrimage') 158
jester (GHAYAṆA) 160 (plays a joke on queen)
jewel 147 (spotting ∼s in the ocean after wreckage), 168
jewellery of 14 pieces 281 (feminine ∼), 389 (do)
JHĀṆA-SAṂVARA-JOGE ('excercise to dam the influx of karman by meditation') 187
JIBBH'-INDIA ('sense of taste') 156
JIṆA-HARE 'sanctuary' 133
JOGE ('mixing substances; supernatural substances') 158
joisa (Jyotiṣka, a class of divinities) 138
JŪE ('play of dice') 147
JUGE ('yoke') 148
Kaḍapūyaṇā (a demigoddess) 139
KĀGA ('crow') 159 (sixty thousand ∼s)
kāginī ('distinctive jewel sign of brahmins') 133
kalāḥ ('social arts') 263 (64)
KĀLAYA-PUCCHĀ ('question for K.')
Kalmāṣapāda 156 (man-eating king)
kalpa-vṛkṣas disappear 128
KĀMA-NIPPHATTI ('sex') 169
KAMMA-KKHAE ('annihilation of karman') 169
KAMME ('action') 157
Kaṇḍarīka 161
KAṄKHĀ ('desire') 191
Kapila 134 (servant of Marīci and founder of Sāṃkhya)
kappaṭṭhaga ('boy') 191 (two ∼s)
KARISAE ('farmer') 165
karkoṭa ('a vegetable, Momordica charantia'[8] or mixta[9]) 321
karman, annihilation of ∼ (KAMMA-KKHAE) 169
karman, influx of ∼ 185 (∼ stopped)
karṇikāra flowers 186 (poisoned ∼s avoided)
KASĀYA ('passion') 155 (four passions)
KĀYA-DAṆḌA ('harmful act') 176 (master Caṇḍarudda kills his pupil who had stumbled)
KĀYA-GUTTI ('watch on one's acts') 176 (monk standing on one leg at night in order not to kill any living beings)
KHAGGA-THAMBAṆA ('calming of the rhinoceros') 189
KHAGGE ('rhinoceros') 168 (rebirth as a ∼)
KHAMBHE ('pillar') 160
khapūlaya (? 'faggot'; 'grain and fodder'[10]) 317 (bound at horns of cattle for sale)
1KHUḌḌAGA ('Jain novice') 160
2KHUḌḌAGA ('ring') 159 (∼ recovered from pit bottom)
kibbisiyā 155 (rebirth as a ∼)
KIḌHI-VĀṆIYA-DĀSI-ĀHĀRAṆA (example of the merchant's old slave woman) 142 king, 167 (disconsolate ∼), 267 (∼ and minister go out)
knot (GAṆṬHĪ) 164
knowledge (AṆUBHŪE) 149
KOLIA ('weaver') 165
Konkan 192 (father and son in ∼)
KOṄKAṆAGA-DĀRAE ('the boy from Konkan') 345f.
K(R)O'CA 165
KRODHA ('anger') 155
KUḌAGA ('pot') 407 (comparison of pots and pupils)
Kuiyanna (stable owner) 126
kulāla ('potter') 171
KUMĀRE ('prince') 166
Kuṇāla, blind prince 126
KUṆḌA ('place for the holy fire') 133
Kuṇālā 170 (town of ∼ hit by 15 days' rain due to curse)
Kūṇiya, Koṇiya 182
KUSĪLA-PAḌISEVAṆĀ ('visiting loose women') 157
kuṭa ('pot') 407 (see: pot)
KŪVA ('pit') 163
KŪVA-DIṬṬHANTA ('parable of the pit') 172
LAKKHAṆA ('mark') 164
laughter (HĀSE) 157
lāvaga birds 192 (child refuses to kill ∼)
leeches do not annoy when sucking 127, 423
lehāyariya (lekhâcārya) 135 ('scriptorium')
LEHE ('writing') 163
lemon tree (MĀULINGA) 169 (grove of ∼)
LESE ('colour of the soul') 178
letter 239f. (royal ∼ changed by adding or removing anusvāra)
linga 145, 181 (monk's mark: rayaharaṇa)
listening 149
lizard (SARAḌA) 159 (why does ∼ shake its head?)
LOBHA ('covetousness, greed') 155
love sickness 333ff., 353
MAGGA ('path') 161
magg'itthi 161
Māgha 261 (month with cold rain)
magic charm 191 (thief cannot use ∼)
magic fire 140 (of Gośāla)
magic knowledge (called Prajñapti) of flying, of metamorphosis 145 (of Vajrasvāmin), 157f. (walking on water), 233 (flying ascetics), 353 (creating double) magic unguent for the feet 158
Mahāgiri 180f.
Mahākāla 181
Mahāvīra 134 (prebirths of ∼), 139f. (∼ taken for a spy)
MAHISA ('buffalo') 127, 419
mahiya ('buttermilk') 314
mahout (MEṆṬHA) 149,[11] 257
MAHUSITTHA ('bee's wax') 161
MĀNA ('arrogance, pride') 155
MAṆA-DAṆḌA ('bad thoughts') 175
maṇasā devāṇaṃvāyāe patthivāṇaṃ ('gods need to think only, kings to speak') 274f.
MAṆĪ ('pearl') 168 (∼ in head of snake drops into pit and reddens its water); see snake jewel
man loves wife's friend 127
MAṆO-GUTTI ('watch on thoughts') 176
MANTE ('magic formula, mantra') 158
Marīci the heretic 134[12]
mark of a monk (linga) 180 (rayaharaṇa)
marriage of Ṛṣabha 130
Marudevī 132
MARUO ('brahmin') 143, 171, 188
MASAGA ('mosquito') 421
MĀULIṄGA-VAṆA ('grove of lemon trees') 168f.
MĀYĀ ('deceit') 155
MĀYĀ-SALLA ('arrow of deceit') 176 (one of the three arrows)
meat 164 (of an elephant eaten), 185 (Jinadeva refuses to eat ∼ for his recovery), 195 (young nobleman refuses to eat meat and fish; result: good marriage, wealth and divinity in next birth)
medicine 126 (in wrong dose harms)
MEṆṬHA ('mahout') 149
merchant 128 (two ∼s reborn as elephant and man), 142 (with old female slave), 143 (two ∼s, one covering his wares in the monsoon), 166 (turned monk after his wife's adultery in his absence), 151 (two ∼s)
MESA ('ram') 127, 420
message 144 (wrong ∼ causes wife's death), 165 (secret ∼)
metamorphosis, see magic knowledge
MEYAJJE 152 (the sage Metārya who had his eyes cut out)
MICCHĀ-DAṂSAṆA-SALLA ('arrow of heterodoxy') 177 (Jamāli)
milk, separating ∼ from water, see: flamingo, HAṂSA
milker 127
minister (AMACCE) 167 (∼s organize alleged messenger service to the hereafter for disconsolate king)
mirror 281 (his wives kill jealous goldsmith with ∼s), 291 (do)
misfortune (VASAṆA) 151
money, see ATTHA
mongoose's unmerited death 127, 349
monkey 126 (two ∼s), 143, 149 (∼ king), 243 (∼ couple falls from vañjula tree)
monks 191 (dirtiness of ∼)
monuments 133 (erection of commemorative ∼)
MOS'UVAESE ('showing someone how to get the better of someone else in a dispute') 193
mother advises three daughters how to treat their husband 127, 255, 257, 259
mother-in-law 261 (man hates ∼)
MUDDI ('seal') 162
mugga stone cannot be destroyed even by intense rain 127
Mūladeva 161
(MŪLAGUṆA-)PACCAKKHAṆA ('voluntary major restrictions') 185 (king Cilāya)
mustard seeds, finding ∼ in a heap of cereals 147
MUTTI ('pearl') 165
myrobalan not used for pūjā 269
Naliṇigumma 181 (Upānga 9,2,8)
NĀMA 'naming (of Ṛṣabha)' 129
namokkāra 169 (efficiency of ∼)
NAMOKKĀRA-NIJJUTTI ('Niryukti of fivefold homage') 154
NAMOKKĀRA-PHALA ('fruit of the five-fold N. salutation') 170
NĀṆAE ('coins') 162
NAULE ('mongoose') 347
needle 357 (∼ s fixed on nails of person in kāyotsarga as torture)
NIDĀṆA-SALLA ('arrow of wicked desire') 177 (one of three arrows)
NIJJĀMAGĀ ('helmsmen') 154
NIKKHAMAṆE ('going into homelessness, ordination of Mahāvīra') 136
Nimbaga 184 (bad behaviour of ∼)
NIMITTE ('sign') 163 (elephant traces)
NINDĀ ('self-criticism') 171, 174
ṆIPPAḌIKAMMAYĀ ('lack of care of the body') 183 (Nāgadatta story)
NIRAVALĀVE ('secret of confession') 179 (if a plate drops when handed over both giver and receiver are at fault)
NIVVĀṆAṂ ('extinction') 133
NIVVODAE ('water from gutter') 165 (∼ poisoned by snake kills adulterer)
NIYATTĪ ('abstention') 173
NĪYĀVĀSA-VIHĀRA ('sedentary life') 172
niyoga 183 (of Avantivaddhaṇa with Raṭṭhavaddhaṇa's wife Dhāraṇī)
north-east 273 (yakṣa-temple ∼ of Sāketa)
numbers 261
nun protected from king by Jain monk-magician 158
offspring (of Ṛṣabha), see AVACCE
omens, bad 138
omniscience 132 (of Ṛṣabha), 132 (of Marudevī),133 (of Bharata), 137 (of Mahāvīra), 142 (do)
one who knows another 126, 253
orāla ('beautiful', Sa. audārika) 335
ordeal 189
overeating and dying from colic 144, 191
PACCAKKHĀṆA ('renouncement') 154
PAḌA ('garment') 159
PAḌIHARAṆĀ ('avoidance') 173
PAḌIK(K)AMAṆA ('repentance') 173
paḍimā ('ascetic posture') 137
PAḌIYARAṆĀ ('taking care') 173
PADOSE ('rancour') 157
PAI ('husband') 161
PAI-MĀRIYĀ ('murderess of her husband') 174[13]
painter (CITTAKĀRE) 166, 270, 273 (killed by yakṣa)
painting 127 (threefold aspect of ∼), 275 (∼ a whole being after seeing only a part of it)
palm tree kills boy 130
pañcanamaskāra 192 (condemned pronounces ∼ and is saved by a deity)[14]
Pāṇḍavas 184 (fast unto death of the ∼)
PAṆIHĪ ('deceit') 185
PARA-LOE ('hereafter') 170
PARAMĀṆU ('atom') 148
PARA-PĀSAṆḌA-PASAṂSĀ ('praise of the heterodox') 191 (Cāṇakya and Candragupta disagree on the attitude towards Buddhist monks)
PARA-PĀSAṆḌA-SANTHAVA ('familiarity with the heterodox') 192
PARIHARAṆĀ ('avoiding') 173
parihāra-visuddhi ('purification by isolation') 299
pāriṇāmika-buddhi ('deductive intelligence') 335
PARIṆṆĀ ('discernment') 154
PARIPŪṆAGA ('muslin for filtering') 415
PARISĀ ('audience') 399
parīsaha ('endurance') 148, 155f.
PĀSĀE ('residence') 173
PĀSAGA ('dice') 147
passions 155 (four ∼)
PAVAE ('rope-dancer, -walker') 166
PĀYACCHITTA-KARAṆE ('practice of expiation') 187
pearl (MAṆI) 168 (in head of snake drops into pit and reddens its water)
pearl (MUTTI) 165 (perforated ∼ caught with a bristle)
pearl chain (hāra) 182
Persia 165 (women sold to ∼ as prostitutes)
PHALA ('result [of renouncements]') 195
PHĀSA ('contact') 144
PHĀS'-INDIA ('sense of touch') 156
physician (VEJJE) 149, 175 (three ∼s), 185 (two ∼s)
picture gallery 263 (of courtesan with representations of craftsmen attending to their occupation to learn the character of her customers and serve them accordingly), 275, 289
pillar which when destroyed cannot be restored 148
plague 375 (one of Kṛṣṇa's drums abates the ∼), 381
plate 179 (if dropped between two persons both are at fault)
pledge 162
poisoned flowers 186 (karṇikāra)
polyandry, see: brother 161
polygamy, see: goldsmith
possession by a Vyantarī 191
pots 127 (∼ are pure or dirty), 407 (∼ are new or old, etc.)
pots destroyed by quarreling Ābhīra merchant couple 127
potsherds are of no use 127
potter, see Ābhīra, DAVVAMMI NIṆHAGA, GHAḌA, kulāla,
pot with cobra 167
practical joke, see: jester
Pradyota 285, 291, 293
Prajñapti (magic science) 353ff.
pratyākhyāna ('refusal') 171
Pratyekabuddha 186 (four ∼s)
prebirth 130 (recollection of ∼), 134 (∼s of Mahāvīra), 177 (of Vasudeva), 194
pride 155 (MĀNA)
prince (KUMĀRE) 166
princess 190 (∼ widow rejects eating meat and becomes nun)
princess and the pea 156 (queen Sumāliyā)
promise to be kept 353
prostitutes, women sold to Persia as ∼ 193; − cf. courtesans
proverb, see maṇasā; snake
PUCCHA ('question') 133 (Bharata asks Ṛṣabha ∼ about other Jinas), 153 (for Kālaya about the consequences of sacrifices)
PŪIE ('confectioner') 166
pupils's qualification 127
PUPPHASĀLA-SUE ('son of P.') 150
purisa-paramparaa ('human chain') 270
PUTTE ('son') 161
queen (devī) 166, 275 (∼ painted after seeing only her big toe)
question, see PUCCHA
quintessence of doctrines in one śloka 153 (see e.g., Sūyagaḍa)
RĀGA ('affection') 155
Rahamusala war 190
RAHIO ('charioteer') 164 (courtesan and ∼)
rain 170 (∼ of 15 days hits town of Kuṇāla due to a curse)
RAJJA-SAṄGAHE 'cohesion of the realm' (of Ṛṣabha) 131
ram (MESA) 127 (∼ drinks without clouding the water), 420 (do)
rancour (PADOSE) 157
rash act prevented 127
rattapaḍa (Buddhist monk) 162
RĀYĀBHIOGEṆA ('under pressure of the king') 190 (∼ a layman offers an alms to a heterodox mendicant)
rāyavaṭṭaga 289 (note 157)
rayaharaṇa ('hand brush') 145 (mark of monks)
RAYAṆE ('jewels') 147
RĀYA-SUĀ ('princess') 190
rebirth 147 (∼ as a human difficult), 167 (∼ as snake for killing frog), 168 (∼ as a rhinoceros), 283 (of women as dacoits and of goldsmith as animal)
remarriage of widower 345 (impossible because of child)
repentance (PAḌIKKAMAṆE) 173
resuscitation 164 (of elephant), 175 (of man bitten by snake)
Rhampsinitus story 150
rhinoceros (KHAGGE) 168 (rebirth as a ∼), 189
riddles 174[15]
ring (KHUḌḌAGE) on pit bottom recovered 159
rivalry 237 (between sons of different mothers)
rogue 161 (two ∼s: Mūladeva and Kaṇḍarīka)
Rohiṇī 357 (first vidyā)
rope-walker (PAVAE) 152, 166
Ṛṣabha, previous births of ∼ 128; cares for a sick monk 129
RUKKHE ('tree') 159 (monkeys throw apples)
SADĀRA-MANTA-BHEA 192 (suicide of a wife after discovery of adultery)
sādhu magician protects nun from king 158
SĀDIVVAṂ ('wonder') 169
Sagaḍāla[16] 182 (a minister)
Śaiva ascetic 169
SAKKĀRE ('honours') 151
Śakra protects Mahāvīra 139
salla ('arrow') 176 (three ∼s)
salutation 154 (fivefold ∼)
SAMĀDHĀṆAṂ ('concentration') 184
SAMĀHĪ ('concentration') 184
SAMAIYAṂ ('active indifference') 152
samavasaraṇa of Ṛṣabha 132
sāmāyārī ('proper monastic behaviour') 143
sāmāyika, see bodhi
SAMBOHA ('awaking') 136 (commentaries do not mention a canonical source for this)
SAMII ('precaution') 177 (five ∼s)
saṃjamaṇī ('meal') 335
SAṂKHEVO ('summary') 153
SAMMA-DIṬṬHĪ ('right belief') 184
SAMMĀ-VĀO ('telling the truth') 153
saṃsāra 154 (forest of ∼)
SAṂVARE ('obstruction of the influx of karman') 185
SAṂVEGE ('disgust at the world') 185
SAṂYOGA-VIPPAOGA ('union and separation') 151
sanctuary, see JIṆA-HARE 133
sandalwood drum 375, 381
SAṄGĀṆAṂ ca PARINNĀ ('discerning') 187
SAṄKĀ ('doubt') 191
SAPPE ('snake') 138, 168
SARAṆAṂ 'recollection of pre-births' 130, 138
SATTA-VAIE ('vow of seven steps') 339
SĀVAE ('Jain layman, śrāvaka') 395
SĀVAGA (-BHAJJĀ) 167, 333
SAVVA-KĀMA-VIRATTIYĀ ('abstention of all wishes') 185 (by an incestuous father)
SAYA-SAHASSE 163 (tujjha piyā majjha piū dhārei aṇūṇayaṃ)
schisms 146
scriptorium, see lehāyariya
seal (MUDDI) 162
secrets 192 (finding out wife's ∼)
security 162 (return refused)
SELA-GHAṆA ('cloud and gravel') 401
self-criticism (NINDĀ) 171
SEṆIE KOVO ('Śreṇika's anger') 363
sesame 140 (discussion between Gośāla and Mahāvīra about ∼)
SEṬṬHI ('merchant') 166
SEṬṬHI-BHAJJĀ ('merchant's wife') 189 (with the help of a yakṣa saves husband who had rejected the queen's advances)
sex 171 (with daughter-in-law); − see KĀMA-NIPPHATTI
sheth's daughter scoffed at by another 127
sieve 189 (catching water in a ∼ as an ordeal)
sight (CAKKH'-INDIA) 156
sign of recognition (AṄKA) 162
SIKKHĀ ('apprenticeship') 162, 181
siṅgiya 317
SIPPE ('manual skill') 157
SIVA 150
smell 156 (poisonous ∼), 191 (evil ∼ due to disgust at evil smell of monks in prebirth), 375 (cadaverous ∼ of dead dog)
snake 167 (rebirth as ∼ for killing frog), 168 (killed by birds), 175 (= passion); − see MAṆĪ
snake 279 (∼ at the head of the bed); − see SAPPE
snake charmer 175
snake jewel 168 (MAṆI)[17]
social groups 131 (four: Ugras, Bhogas, Rājanya, kṣatriya)
SODĀSA 189 (a king)
SOHĪ ('cleaning') 174
SO'-INDIA ('hearing') 156
Solomon's judgment 161
spittoon 311
spoon (wooden ∼; ḌOVE) 165
studying 127 (at the wrong time), 188, 315, (no ∼ with a master who resembles a deaf family)
stūpa, see THŪBHA
style (canonical) 151, 154
SUE ('listening to') 149
Suhatthi 180f. (Mahāgiri's pupil)
SUĪ ('purity') 184
suicide after discovered adultery 193 (of a wife)
suitability of pupils 127
Sumāliyā, see: princess and the pea
SUMIṆA ('dream') 135
Surapriya (a yakṣa), 287 (see also: yakṣa)
SUVIHI ('normal behaviour') 185 (of two doctors)
syllable missing 233, 235
tailor (TUṆṆĀGA) 166
takka 314
taste (JIBBH'INDIA) 156
TAVE (asceticism, fast) 169
teacher saved by royal disciples 165
teeth 375 (bright ∼ of dead dog)
temple, see JIṆA-HARE
test 159 (list of ∼s)
theft 389 (∼ of jewellery at bath), 393 (∼ of garment at bath)
thirst 177 (five monks die of thirst on alms round)
thirty two 180 (wives), 182 (sons of Sulasā)
thorn drawn from monk's foot 149
three daughters 127, 255, 257
three drums of Kṛṣṇa 375 (of yellow sandalwood)
threefold aspect of wood, painting, treasurer, flower, showing the way 127
THŪBHA ('stūpa') 133, 169 (∼ of Munisuvrata destroyed which protected Vaiśālī)
THŪLABHADDE 164, 168, 180, 182
thumb (saṃḍāsaya) 277 (right ∼ of painter cut off)
TIDAṆḌĪ ('Śaiva ascetic') 169
tit for tat 171 (punishment of novice who destroyed potter's merchandise)
TITIKKHĀ ('endurance') 148, 183
toe (pāy'-anguṭṭhaya) 156 (big ∼ of queen), 275 (do)
tongue pulled out as a punishment 162
torture, see: needle
traces of canonical style and language 138
treasure 162 (found by boys), 163 (hidden underground)
treasurer, threefold aspect of a ∼ 127
tree 159 (monkeys throw apples); 178 (parable of ∼ and fruits)
tri-daṇḍin, see TIDAṆḌĪ
Tripṛṣṭa the first Vāsudeva 134f.
tucch'osahi-bhakkhaṇayā ('consuming vegetables of little nutritive value') 195
TUṆṆĀGA ('tailor') 166
turtle and the yoke-hole 148 (cf. W. Bollée, JAOS 93.4 1973: 603)
twelve years 137 (of Mahāvīra's peregrinations)
twenty-two 148 (parīsaha), 183 (sons of Indradatta)
twins 130
two 173f. (∼ girls, see DO KANNĀO), 183 (∼ pupils of Kosiyajja), 184 (∼ brothers), 185 (∼ doctors), 237 (∼ queens)
uda'olla ('wet') 245
U(D)IODAE RĀYĀ ('king Udioda') 166 (protected by Vesamaṇa), 189
unbelieving deity 375
unction of Ṛṣabha, see ABHISE(G)E
unguent (magic ∼ for walking on water) 158
upasarga, prototype of ∼ ('trial') 135, 137, 141, 155
urine 178 (drinking of ∼), 267 (∼ of king's horse), 269 (do)
Usabha, see Ṛṣabha
ŪSAVA ('festival') 151
(UTTARAGUṆA-)PACCAKKHAṆA ('secondary voluntary restrictions') 186 (two monks resist wish to drink to keep their vow)
uvabhoga-paribhoga-vae ('relation to objects of enjoyment resulting from consumption or activity') 195
UVASAGGA, see upasarga 138ff., 155, 157
VAḌḌHAĪ ('carpenter') 166
VAI-DAṆḌA ('harmful word') 176 (monk says to have seen a herd of swine which
people then want to kill)
Vajrasvāmin (biography of ∼) 144
vāṇamantarī 161 (in the shape of a woman ∼ touches man at a distance and thus betrays herself)
VĀṆARAO ('monkey') 143
vañjula tree 243f.
VĀRAṆĀ ('dissuasion') 173 (king dissuades his soldiers from eating foods poisoned by enemy)
VASAṆA ('misfortune') 151
Vasubhūi 180
VATTHE ('garment') 174
VAYA-GUTTI ('watch on speaking') 176
VEJJE ('physician') 149
VIBBHAṄGE ('negative clairvoyance') 150
vibhāsā ('detailed exposition') 127
viddha 289 (technical term in painting; Leumann: 'mark', see note 159)
vidyādhara 126 (thoughtless ∼), 233, 235, 353 (woman transformed into ∼)
VIGAĪSU ya PAḌIBANDHAṂ ('inclination for vikṛti') 172 (king Udayaṇa turned monk wants to eat only curds)
VIJJĀ ('magic science') 157, 351 (vidyā)
village 247 (set on fire by jeweller who is banned), 249 (do), 278 (cliché)
village chief helps monks lost in jungle 128
villager in town 127
VĪMAṂSĀ ('examination') 157
VIṆAYA ('low service') 150
virtue, feminine 189 (proved by ordeal)
VISA-BHOYAṆA-TALĀE ('pond and eating poisoned food') 173
VITIGICCHĀ ('aversion') 191
VIUSSAGGA ('rejection') 171, 186
VIVĀHA ('marriage') 130 (of Ṛṣabha), 136 (of Mahāvīra)
vow of seven steps (SATTA-VAIE) 339ff.
VUḌḌHI ('adolescence') 130 (of Ṛṣabha), 135 (Mahāvīra)
walking on water 158 (magic unguent for ∼)
water 127 (muddy ∼ not drunk by buffaloes), 158 (walking on ∼ possible with a magic unguent), 165 (∼ from gutter poisoned by snake kills young man)
wealth, see ATTHA
weaver (KOLIA) 165 (knows the amount of yarn for a piece of cloth), 173 (∼ s daughter wants to flee with her lover)
weaverbird 143
wife 180 (playing with 32 wives), 189 (saves husband), 194 (poor ∼ sells jewellery), 261 (bound to pillar in the cold rain by husband as punishment), 271 (500 wives of a goldsmith), 281 (do), 281 (wives burn themselves after killing their husband)
wildernis of saṃsāra 154
woman 161, 169 (pregnant ∼ killed by dacoit), 174 (∼ who murders her husband), 193 (women sold as prostitutes to Persia), 127 and 349 (∼ kills mongoose), 359 (∼ refuses to enter temple)
wonder 169
wood, threefold aspect of ∼ 127
words (vayaṇa) 323ff. (uttering ∼)
wreath 172 (example of ∼ of campā flowers)
wreckage 147 (∼ of a ship laden with jewels), 184 (∼ of two princesses)
yakṣa 170 (Huṇḍiya), 273 (temple of Surappiya), 287
yoke hole, see turtle

© The Editor. International Journal of Jaina Studies 2007


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  1. Abhaya
  2. Ahiṃsā
  3. Ahmedabad
  4. Anekānta
  5. Anuyoga
  6. Ayodhyā
  7. Aṇuvrata
  8. Bharata
  9. Bombay
  10. Brahmin
  11. Brahmins
  12. Buddhi
  13. Bāhubali
  14. Cakravartin
  15. Clairvoyance
  16. Concentration
  17. Delhi
  18. Digambaras
  19. Fear
  20. Gandha
  21. Ghee
  22. Indra
  23. International Journal of Jaina Studies
  24. JAINA
  25. Jaina
  26. Jainism
  27. Karman
  28. Krodha
  29. Kāyotsarga
  30. Kṛṣṇa
  31. L. Alsdorf
  32. Leumann
  33. Lobha
  34. London
  35. Mahāvīra
  36. Marburg
  37. Mumbai
  38. Munisuvrata
  39. München
  40. Māna
  41. N. Balbir
  42. Nalini Balbir
  43. New Delhi
  44. Nindā
  45. Nāma
  46. OM
  47. Paramāṇu
  48. Paul Dundas
  49. Prajñapti
  50. Prakrit
  51. Pratyākhyāna
  52. Pride
  53. Pūjā
  54. Ram
  55. Rishabh
  56. Saṃsāra
  57. Science
  58. Siddha
  59. Sādhu
  60. Sāmāyika
  61. Sāṃkhya
  62. Tamil
  63. Tara Sethia
  64. The Story of Paesi
  65. Thomas Oberlies
  66. Tīrtha
  67. Vidyā
  68. W. Bollée
  69. Yakṣa
  70. Āvaśyaka
  71. Śreyāṃsa
  72. Śvetāmbara
  73. śloka
  74. Ṛṣabha
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