We are celebrating October month as Ahimsa month, where this whole month we will learn about one of the most important principles of Jainism i.e. Ahimsa through quotes, articles and stories.
We have organized an essay competition on ‘Practicing Ahimsa In Our Daily Life’. To participate, please read the details given below.
Ashok Domadia JAINA President Chairman - JAINA BOD
Quote of the week
“People indulge in violent activities against living beings individually and collectively in many ways; discerning this, a wise man neither himself inflicts violence on these bodies, nor induces others to do so, nor approved of their doing so."
- Acharanga Sutra,Ch.1
Jainism has 3 main principles namely Ahimsa, Anekant and Aparigraha. Out of these 3 principles, Ahimsa is one of the most important one. To understand Ahimsa we need to first understand Hinsa (Violence). There are two types of violence 1) Dravya Hinsa and 2) Bhav Hinsa. If any living being is murdered or killed or physically assaulted it is called Dravya Hinsa. On the other hand if any act of violence that is not performed physically but is imagined in the mind it is called Bhava Hinsa
Jainism has taught the world that violence is not only a physical phenomena but a mental one as well. Mahavir gave principle of Ahimsa at a time when there were sacrifices offered in yagnas. In addition to this there was violence committed even in domestic acts like cooking, sweeping, grinding etc. Mahavir was a visionary Tirthankar. He realized that to maintain equilibrium in the universe non-violence must be sought by all possible means. He taught the people about eternal truth, “Ahimsa Parmo Dharma.” All the living beings share collective existence in the universe. Violence disturbs the divine design resulting into many problems. People use cosmetics which pass through violence on many innocent living creatures. Even silk clothes are manufactured after killing many silk worms. Even during home decoration and construction, lot of micro insects are killed. It is not possible to escape unintentional violence totally but care should be taken from our side to avoid Hinsa. Lord Mahavir was also against the Hinsa of Ekendriya Jivas.
Prevention of Bhav Hinsa is equally important. If one is offended or hurt that leads to permanent bitterness. One must remember that our character is not determined by what goes in our mouth but what comes out of our mouth. Each sentence must be spoken judiciously. Every deed must be weighed in terms of future consequences because the seeds of enmity are sown with Bhav Hinsa. If one is hurt by us then we should instantly apologise by saying Michhami Dukkadam.
JAINA is hosting essay competition on ‘Practicing Ahimsa In Our Daily Life’. The best article will get published in our October newsletter and at . Please send your entries to by October 17, 2016.
Competition Rules: 1. Age: No bar 2. Articles should be in English language and maximum 300 words long in a word file. 3. Writing style must be clear and easy to understand.
Ajitnath Bhagwan was the second tirthankar of this Avsarpinikaal. Ajitnath Bhagwan was born to King Jitashatru and Queen Vijaya at Ayodhya. His place of Nirvaan is Sammetshikhar. His symbol is elephant. The counting of Bhav (births) starts after gaining Samyak Darshan. Ajithnath took 3 bhavs to attain liberation. The bhav in which he attained Samayak Darshan is described below. There was a king named Vimalvahan of Sushimanagar.
Once an acharya named Aridhman arrived in the town. King visits the acharaya and asks him a question. He asks,”What inspired you to take Diksa?” Acharaya narrates an incident about his life where he saw a garden full of flowers trees and life. The garden was full of flora and beauty. It was so beautiful the one could sit for hours in that garden. After a few days when the Acharaya again passed from that place, he saw that the garden was destroyed and nothing was left in it. He realized that our body is also the same and nothing will remain. Continuous life and death will give no benefit and so to stop this cycle, diksha is the only way out. King Vimalvahan attained Samyak Darshan after hearing this from Acharaya and later goes on to become our 2nd Tirthankar as Bhagwan Ajitnath.
He had 94 Gandhar and his topic of first sermon was Dharma Dhyan. He preaches about the importance of Dharma Dhyan and there are four ways by which it can be done. Namely, Agya-vichay, Apay-vichay, Vipak-vichay, Sansthan-Vichay.
Jain Center of Connecticut (JCC)
Jain Center of Connecticut (JCC) celebrated Paryushan 2016 with Shree Harakh Maru of Owensboro KY. In morning swadhyay on "Chha Dhaalaa" by Pandit Daulatramji were held from Saturday Aug 27 to Monday Sept 5. In evening Bhavna followed by lectures, in simple language and with effective examples, on following subjects were well received by all members: Chha Dhravya & Nav Tatva, Anekant ane Nay, Krodh-Vijay, Nimitt-Upadan & Gunsthanak.They also conducted Bhav Pooja, Mahaveer Janma Vanchan and Traditional & in English, Samvatsari Pratikraman.
Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC)
Jain Center of Northern California (JCNC) located in the heart of Silicon Valley at Milpitas, CA celebrated 8 Days of Paryushan Mahaparva and 10 Days of Das Lakshan for a total 18 days of Aaradhna in the auspicious presence of Samani Charitra Pragyaji, Samani Dr. Aagam Pragyaji, Pandit Shri Surendrabhai Shah and Dr. Shri Abhay Dagdeji who visited JCNC from India.
The temple was decorated beautifully all around with beautiful Rangolis depicting Jain beliefs and beautiful Aangis of Shwetamber Idols of Shri Aadinath Bhagwan and Shri Parshwanath Bhagwan done every evening of Paryushan! Swamivatsalya meals were organized during all 8 days of Paryushan and during Das Lakshan. There were 112 major Tapasyas (recognized as per JCNC criteria) done across all age groups including one Masakshman (30 days of consecutive Fasting), one 21 Upvas and 75 Atthai (8 Upvas).
Once Emperor Akbar was looking towards the main road from the balcony of his royal palace in Fatehpur Sikri. Meanwhile he saw a huge procession passing by, wherein at the centre a Jain laywoman (shravika) named Champa sat in splendor and attired in expensive clothes. On inquiry, the emperor came to know that the shravika had undertaken fast for 6 months during which she had taken only boiled water from sun-rise to sun-set and no other food. The Emperor was greatly surprised and on asking the shravika he came to know that it was possible because of the blessings of religious saint like Guru Hirvijaysuri…
Additional Tapasvis 2016
Falguni Gala 30 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Ketan Parekh 16 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Rupina Shah 16 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Vishal Shah 15 Upvas
Pragnesh Vadecha 15 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Palak Savani 12 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Saurabh Shah 12 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Raju Mehta 11 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Pinkal Doshi 8 Kheer Smudra Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Niramal Jain 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Jigna Doshi 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Suketu Kothari 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Ila Mehta 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Bhavin Modi 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Mala Sanghvi 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Neelam Savla 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Ashok Savla 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Arpi Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Deven Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Hemali Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Kirit Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Mahendra Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Malay Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Maluni Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Mansukh Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Meena M Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Nayna D Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Neeta V Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Nisarg Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Sejal B Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Sonal Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Ayushi Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Bhadresh Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Vinodini Shah 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Priya Soni 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Anchal Udani 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Vijay Chheda 8 Upvas Jain Center of Southern California
Avni R Shah 8 Upvas
Sejal S Shah 8 Upvas
Darshi Doshi 8 Upvas
Pinkal Jogani 8 Upvas
Kala Jain 8 Upvas
Sushma Parekh 8 Upvas
Krupa Parekh 8 Upvas
Alpa Shah 8 Upvas
Sunita Shah 8 Upvas
To get the answer please visit website
Down: 1) This dream had a pair of something made from flowers 2) The animal that showed that Mahavir would be a great spiritual leader 3) The number of tusks the white elephant had 6) The color of the flag fluttering in the wind 7) Mother Trishala described the claws of the lion as being 'as long as _________
Across: 4) Mother Trishala's dream about the moon meant that what would be brought to the world? 5) What was floating on the lake dream?
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Federation of Jain Associations in North America [JAINA]
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