12.10.2016 ►JAINA ►Newsletter

Published: 14.10.2016
Updated: 14.10.2016

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America

President's Message

Jai Jinendra!

JAINA had conducted youth survey at YJA Convention 2016. This survey excerpts will help us to influence youths’ involvement in Jainism and spread Jain way of living among future generation. Survey results and insights are given below.


Ashok Domadia
JAINA President
Chairman - JAINA BOD
Quote of the week

"One should not injure, subjugate, enslave, torture or kill any animal, living being, organism or sentient being. This doctrine of Non-Violence is immaculate, immutable and eternal."

- Mahavira (Acharanga Sutra, Ch. 4)

In order to serve our younger generation in better way and understand their needs, beliefs, opinions and suggestions with regards to Jainism, JAINA had conducted a youth survey at YJA Convention 2016.

With this survey, we tried to understand youth’s involvement with local Jain Center, their participation in volunteer activities, Jain principles they relate to, who influences their spiritual pursuits, their takings on Jainism etc. The purpose of showcasing this survey excerpts is to come together to influence youths’ involvement in Jainism and spread Jain way of living among future generation.

To see survey results and its insights, click on read more button.

KNOW YOUR TIRTHANKAR - Abhinandan Bhagwan
Abhinandan Bhagwan was the fourth Tirthankar of the Avsarpani Kaal. He was born in Ayodhya Nagri to King Samvar and mother Siddhartha. His symbol was monkey. His name was kept Abhinandan becasue as soon as he was born there was happiness all over the kingdom. People got extremely happy and overjoyed. He had 116 Gandhars. He attained Nirvana at Samet Shikhar. After samyak darshan he took 3 bhavs to attain nirvana.

There was king named Mahabal in Ratnasanchaya Nagri. He was full of qualities and was not attached either with his kingdom or with wealth and money. He was calm, polite, down to earth and humble. Once a sadhu arrived at the nagri and he was so impressed that he took Diksha under him. Being a man of qualities he would never get angry on someone who would criticise him or be overwhelmed if someone would praise him. He would always stay neutral and control his senses. He would do a lot of penance. By the way of penance and true faith in Jainism he attained Samyak Darshan. The topic of his first Sermon was Asharan Bhavna.


As a sword is adjusted on the basis of its edge and as a flower is considered on the strength of its fragrance, so a human being is valued on the basis of his/her humanitarian outlook. As we know that for a sound health and upkeep of body one needs vitamins, similarly in life for his/her progress the person necessarily needs certain virtues.

The virtues some of which have been named for example as vitamin A.B.C.D etc. vitamin A means Ahimsa, vitamin B means Benevolence, vitamin C means Character, vitamin D means Discipline. All the religions of the world have been erected on the foundation of non-violence. In case in life there lacks non- violence, the life will turn into a battle field.

Today, what we all witness that in life, in the family, in the society, in the country and everywhere peace is being increasingly disturbed. The main reason behind this is undoubtedly violence. More and more people are indulged in violent activities here and there. What you sow, so shall you reap. Whatever you give to others, so shall you receive in return. If you make others happy you will be happy, as result if you make others unhappy you will get same in return. This is the law of nature.

The modern person has altogether forgotten the eternal law.(S)he seeks happiness through violent means; (s)he wants happiness though (s)he resorts to violent activities.(S)he is making others unhappy and wants all the same happiness in return from the very person whom (s)he is making unhappy. (S)he has turned selfish and violent. Such activities are dangerous for him.

Our religion has been teaching non violence right from the beginning. But today alas! The things have changed for the worse. “Live and let live”, has been Jainism’s tradition but today it has become the thing of the past. Today what we perceive is the fact that we enjoy at the cost of others. The consequences is obvious everywhere i.e. rampant non-peace. Instead of adhering to a tendency of providing to one and all needy ones, there is a tendency is to kill. This tendency is on the increase every day.

Violent tendency means total disturbance in life and non-violent activities means peace in life and it must be borne in mind that a prayer is fast and stronger healer than the medicine. So we recall for a while the glorious past in which the lamp of non- violence was shining.

The King Megrath prepared himself for his sacrifice to save a pigeon.

Emperor Vikrama readied himself to make supreme sacrifice of his life for sake of the terrible ChandKousik,the cobra.

King Akbar abandoned his violent way of life under influence of Hirsuriji, the world’s great jain spiritual leader

Such many other examples are to be found in bold letters in the history. We must learn by peeping into pages of history, it is well said,"Learn from the past, plan for the future and live in the present.”

Life is extremely precious and it is hard to obtain and so you must do away with violence in all its shades.

Jain Center of America, NY
151 members of Jain Center of America, NY with a desire, a dream, a bhaav to cross the borders and do darshan, pooja and aarti as such decided to take 2016 Chaitya Paripati to Toronto, Canada.On October 1, 2016, they visited Siddhachalam and also met the JAINA team. From there,they went to Buffalo, which has an amazing temple. Jain temple is nestled in the beautiful Hindu temple.

On 2nd October,2016 they were on their way to the 1008 Adinath Jinalaya and upon seeing the “Maanstambh” at the outside, they all felt elated and the Darshan inside were just heavenly blissful. The temple of Jain Society of Toronto was their next destination. Rochester does not have a temple, but they do their pooja in India Cultural Center and they had arranged for Choviaar. In 2 days they had visited 5 Derasars and the trip ended with fond memories.


JAINA is hosting essay competition on ‘Practicing Ahimsa In Our Daily Life’. The best article will get published with your name and picture in our October newsletter and at . Please send your entries to by October 17, 2016.

Competition Rules:
1. Age: No bar
2. Articles should be in English language and maximum 300 words long in a word file.
3. Writing style must be clear and easy to understand.


To get the answer please visit website


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    • Federation of Jain Associations in North America [JAINA]
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        Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
        1. Aarti
        2. Abhinandan
        3. Acharanga
        4. Adinath
        5. Ahimsa
        6. Akbar
        7. Asharan
        8. Asharan Bhavna
        9. Ayodhya
        10. Bhaav
        11. Bhavna
        12. Body
        13. Darshan
        14. Diksha
        15. Discipline
        16. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
        17. Gandhars
        18. JAINA
        19. Jain Center of America
        20. Jain Temple
        21. Jaina
        22. Jainism
        23. Jinendra
        24. Kaal
        25. Mahavira
        26. Nirvana
        27. Non violence
        28. Non-violence
        29. Pooja
        30. Sadhu
        31. Samet Shikhar
        32. Samvar
        33. Samyak Darshan
        34. Siddhachalam
        35. Sutra
        36. Tirthankar
        37. Toronto
        38. Violence
        39. YJA
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