Jain Metaphysics and Science: 6.5 Time (Environment) Cycle

Published: 03.02.2018

The environment based experiences of living organisms in Arya Khand of Bharat and Airavat regions are time dependent. The variation in experiences takes place in a cyclic manner. The cycle consists of two divisions, Utsarpini and Avasarpini. The Utsarpini and the Avasarpini divisions have ascending and descending environmental conditions respectively. The Avasarpini division has six descending sub-divisions (Aara) – (i) Happy – happy (ii) Happy (iii) Happy – unhappy (iv) Unhappy – happy. (v) Unhappy, and (vi) Unhappy – unhappy, as shown in Fig. 6.7.

Similarly, there are six sub-divisions of the Utsarpini division in the reverse order. A Hundavasarpini cycle occurs after many time cycles. Such a cycle is presently running. The virtuous emotions progressively decline and debased emotions progressively increase in the Avasarpini division and reverse happens in the Utsarpini division. The attributes like touch, taste, odour and colour that is the quality of matter also progressively suffer in the Avasarpini division and reverse takes place in the Utsarpini division. Utsarpini follows Avasarpini and Avasarpini follows Utsarpini and the cycle keeps on repeating. Infinite such cycles have been completed so far and this shall continue forever. The time duration of each sub-division is different; it is a maximum for happy-happy subdivision and progressively decreases in other sub-divisions as shown in Table 6.1. The age, height and number of backbones of human beings – also progressively decrease in Avarsarpini division as shown in the table. The reverse order is followed in Utsarpini division.

Table 6.1 Avasarpini time divisions

Subdivision Number Sub-division Time span Humans
Age Height Number of back bones
1 Happy – happy 4 KK sagar 3 palyopama 6000 bow 256
2 Happy 3 KK sagar 2 palyopama 4000 bow 128
3 Happy-unhappy 2 KK sagar 1 palyopama 2000 bow 64
4 Unhappy-happy 1 KK sagar42000 years 1 KP 500(525)*bow 48
5 Unhappy 21000 years 130 years 7 Hands 24
6 Unhappy–unhappy 21000 years 20 years 1(3½)*Hands 12

KK = 107 x 107 = 1014; Sagar = a large time unit; Palyopama = a medium time unit; KP = 107 purva; Bow = Length of bow, about 2 meters; Hand = length of human arm, about ½ meter; * - Digmbara belief

We are living in the fifth sub-division of Avasarpini which started 3 years and 8 ½ months after the liberation of Lord Mahavira i.e. 524 years before Christ. Note that the environmental conditions change gradually and so in any one subdivision also there will be a gradual change in conditions within the limits shown in Table 6.1.

The above time cycle is said to be applicable only to Aryakhand of Bharat and Airavat regions. In other areas of Bharat and Airavat regions condition similar to the 4th sub-division of Avasarpini prevail.

The age of human beings and animals is one palya in Haimvat and Hairanyavat, two palya, in Harivarsha and Ramyaka and three palya in north and south Kuru, Other features of human beings also similarly apply. These regions are lands of enjoyment of low, medium and high level respectively. Thus there are six lands of enjoyment in Jambudweep and a total of 30 in the Two and Half Islands.

The conditions (environmental) prevailing in others regions of   loka is shown in table 6.2.

Table 6.2 Conditions (Environmental) in different regions of   loka

Region Conditions (Environmental)
1 North and South Kuru Similar to first sub-division of Avasarpini
2 Harivarsh and Ramayaka Similar to second sub-division of Avasarpini
3 Haimvat and Hairanyavat Similar to third sub-division of Avasarpini
4 Between Manusottara Mountain in Pushkarvara and middle of last Swayambhuramana Island. Similar to third sub-division of Avasarpini
5 Outer half of Swayambhuramana Island and Swayambhuramana Ocean Similar to fifth sub-division of Avasarpini
6 Celestial Lands of upper   loka Similar to first sub-division of Avasarpini
7 Seven infernal lands in lower   loka. Similar to sixth sub-division of Avasarpini



Jain Metaphysics and Science

Author: Dr. N.L. Kachhara


Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur


2011, 1.Edition




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Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Avasarpini
  2. Environment
  3. Loka
  4. Mahavira
  5. Palyopama
  6. Purva
  7. Sagar
  8. Time Cycle
  9. Utsarpini
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