"Preksha Day" celebrated in Chennai in presence of H.H. Acharya Mahashraman on 30 Sep.
During the main discourse, H.H. said that the practice of getting free from attachment and hatred is the soul of Preksha Meditation. H.H. mentioned that during Acharya Tulsi’s days and with effort from Acharya Mahapragya, we got the Preksha Meditation system.
In Preksha meditation, one practices to see the breath remaining free from attachment and hatred. One sees the self, one sees the consciousness. One tries for self-purification and spiritual progress in Preksha Meditation. There are many types of meditation practices included in Preksha Meditation. It also includes Yogasan and Pranayam.
Acharya Mahashraman spoke about the five supporting practices of Preksha Meditation, viz. Bhavakriya, refraining from reaction, amity, silence and diet discipline.
Acharya Mahashraman also took a short meditation session during the main program. Muni Shree Kumar Shraman gave information on Preksha Meditation and said Preksha meditation is a way towards purification.
Complete discourse of H.H. at: https://youtu.be/A3nw42ZLCV8
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