Jain Society of Greater Detroit
Dear Society Members,
Jai Jinendra and Pranam,
General Body Meeting - JSGD- 7/21/24
Proposal: Opportunity to Buy Building Located at 28,000 Middlebelt Road Brief Summary
- Attendance: Approximately 60 members attended the meeting.
- Introduction: Pritish Shah, Chairman of the BOT, opened the meeting and invited open questions and answers.
- Location: The building is located a block away from the Temple. Farmington Hills has an approved Master Plan for the area and there are further plans for developing the area.
- Concerns: Some members expressed that the building's use cannot be justified for Swadhyay, Pathashala, Yatris, etc., and is not necessary.
- Connectivity Issues: Many members emphasized the importance of connectivity. This building lacks connectivity, including sidewalks, making the purchase unnecessary. Connectivity was highlighted as a key goal for new projects, agreed upon by all present members.
- Alternative Suggestions: It was proposed to explore developing the next-door property, similar to a plan proposed 10 years ago.
- Repair Costs: Questions were raised about the estimated repair costs ranging from $500K to $1.1 million. The BOT clarified that these are projections based on discussions with a Realtor and the personal experience of BOT members.
- Long Range Planning Committee: A suggestion was made to form a long-range planning committee with young, energetic new members, especially as BOT members change when their terms end.
- Feasibility Exploration: Members were invited to express their interest in exploring the feasibility of the building for the next 25 years.
- Canopy Project: The importance of a canopy project was noted, with plans to revitalize and present it for member voting in the future.
- Conclusion: The Chairman concluded the meeting and invited everyone to enjoy tea and refreshments.
Acknowledgments: Thanks to Pratkishaben, Shreyaben, and Rachnaben for preparing lunch and refreshments.
Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:30 PM.
For any concerns or comments, please email [email protected].
Next Meeting: Scheduled for August 10. Details will follow.
-Board of Trustees
Dear Society Members,
Jai Jinendra & Pranam,
Jain Society of Greater Detroit
Presents Scholar Prof. Jitendrabhai B. Shah
(Former director of L.D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad)
Jitendrabhai is a founder of Shrut Ratnakar organization based in Ahmedabad and Delhi. He is an excellent orator and very well versed in Gujarati and Hindi. He currently hosts weekly Swadhyay of “Adhyatmakalpadrum”, a Swetamber Granth in Gujarati and “Samaysar”, a Degambar Granth in Hindi. He leads a Shibir twice a year once in Gujarati and once in Hindi on “Tattvartha Sutra” which is the only composition well accepted by all the Jains. He is invited to Shrimad Rajchandra Gyanmandir for Swadhyay of “Updeshmala”.
JSGD is fortunate to have Jitendrabhai for Swadhyay bringing to us a topic which is applicable to all of us.
જય વિયરાય સ્વાધ્યાય
અનાદિકાળના ભવ પ્રમાણમાં આ જીવે ઘણા ઘણા કર્મો બાંધ્યા છે અને હજુ પણ બાંધાંતો રહે છે. તેના કારણે સંસારમાં ભવભ્રમણ ચાલુ જ છે. પૂર્વે કરેલા પુણ્યના પ્રતાપે હવે તેને માનવ ભવ મળ્યો છે, તેમજ જૈન ધર્મ અને વીતરાગ પરમાત્મા મળ્યા છે, તેથી માનવ માનવ બની નરમાંથી નારાયણ બનવાની પ્રક્રિયાનો પ્રારંભ કરે તે જરૂરી છે. તે માટે મુખ્યત્વે ૧૩ વસ્તુઓની આવશ્યકતા છે. આ વસ્તુઓની પ્રાર્થના જયવીયરાય સૂત્રમાં કરવામાં આવી છે.
ભક્તજન પરમાત્મા પાસે પ્રાર્થના કરે છે કે હે પરમાત્મા આપના પ્રભાવથી મને આ ૧૩ વસ્તુઓ પ્રાપ્ત થાઓ. માનવ ભવ ને સફળ બનાવવા સૌથી પ્રથમ સંસારના નશ્વર અને આપાત્ રમણીય ભોગ સુખો પ્રત્યે વૈરાગ્ય ભાવ જન્મે અને તે દ્વારા જીવનમાં માનવતાના ગુણો પ્રગટે અને લોકિક પ્રગતિનો માર્ગ ખુલી જાય, ત્યારબાદ લોકોત્તર પ્રગતિ સાધવા માટે અન્ય આંતરિક ગુણોની આવશ્યકતા ની જરૂર પડે છે, તે માટેની પણ આ સૂત્રમાં પ્રાર્થના કરવામાં આવી છે. ટૂંકમાં આ સૂત્રમાં નરમાંથી નારાયણ બનવા માટેના ૧૩ ગુણોનું વર્ણન કરવામાં આવ્યુ છે. ટૂંકમાં માનવ ભવને સફળ બનાવવા માટે જીવનમાં સુખ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા, આત્મિક સુખ પ્રાપ્ત કરવા અને જીવમાંથી શિવ બનવાનો માર્ગ દર્શાવનાર સૂત્ર એટલે જયવીયરાય સૂત્ર. આ સૂત્ર ઉપર વિસ્તારથી પ્રવચનો થશે.
આ સૂત્રનો સ્વાધ્યાય દરેક આત્માર્થી જીવોને લાભદાયી બનશે. જ્ઞાનાર્જન કરવા આ સ્વાધ્યાયમાં આપ સૌ અવશ્ય લાભ લેશો તથા અન્યને પણ જોડાવા પ્રેરિત કરશો.
Jay Viyaraya Swadhyay
Our soul has gone through innumerable cycles of birth and death from the time it has come out of ‘Nigod’. During these cycles of birth and death, our soul has attracted innumerable auspicious (‘Shubh’) and inauspicious (‘Ashubh’) karmas. These karmas ensure that our journey in this world continues. Due to the merits of previous auspicious karma, the soul has now acquired a human form, as well as Jain religion and Shaashan of Vitaraga Paramatma, so it is necessary for a human being to begin the process of becoming a human and from a human to a Narayana. For this, mainly 13 virtues or qualities are required. We pray to acquire these 13 qualities or virtues through the Jay Viyaraya Sutra.
Devotees pray to God that by your influence - O God, I get these 13 virtues. In order to make this human life successful, first of all, detachment towards the mortal and temporary pleasures of the world is attained and through this the qualities of humanity are revealed in life as well as the way of worldly progress is initiated. Then other inner qualities are required to achieve human progress, for which we pray in this Sutra. In short, this sutra describes the 13 essential qualities for becoming Narayana from a human. The Jay Viyaraya Sutra is a sutra that shows the way to achieve happiness in life, to achieve spiritual happiness and to become Shiva from the soul to make our human life successful. There will be an extensive Swadhyay on this sutra which will be conducted by Shri Jitendrabhai B. Shah.
The knowledge of this sutra will be beneficial to all - irrespective of the religion they follow. We urge everyone to take advantage of this opportunity and gain knowledge as well as inspire others to join.
Sunday, August 11th -Friday, August 16th, 2024
7:00 - 8:30 PM EST
Saturday, August 17th, 2024
10:30 AM – 12:30 PM EST
Please follow the link to see Prof. Jitendrabhai B. Shah's profile.