Jain Society of Greater Detroit
Date | Time | Event / RSVP |
03/09/25 | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Hindi Cass |
03/09/25 | 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM | Hindi Puja |
03/09/25 | 11:00AM - 1:30PM | Study Class |
03/13/25 | 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM | Chaumasi Chaudas Pratikraman |
03/14/25 | 7:30 PM | Diksharthi Bahuman |
03/15/25 | 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM | Diksharthi Bahuman |
03/16/25 | 9:00 AM | Diksharthi Bahuman |
03/23/25 | 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM | Hindi Cass |
03/23/25 | 11:00AM - 1:00PM | Study Class |
03/30/25 | 10:00AM - 1:00PM | Vedniya Karma Nivaran Puja |
Jai Jinendra,
In loving memory of Bharat Sheth, Usha Sheth and their family warmly invites the Sakal Sangh to the Parswanath Bhagwan Panch Kalyanak Puja, taking place at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 22nd, at the Jain Temple.
The Puja will be followed by a Bhatu.
Please join us on March 30, 2025, for the Vedniya Karma Nivaran Puja from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
The puja will be performed by our own Puja group. We would like to thank all the sponsors for taking the laabh. Sponsorship spots for the puja are still open if anyone would like to sign up.
Puja will be followed with Swamivatsalya. Please RSVP here.
Jai Jinendra and Pranam,
JSGD is honored to host an exceptional Bahuman event from March 14–16, 2025 in celebration of Mumukshu Rishibhai's remarkable journey toward Diksha.
This event presents a rare and invaluable opportunity to engage with Mumukshu Rishibhai in person and to gain profound insights into his inspiring spiritual path of Saiyam. His unwavering dedication and commitment to spiritual principles serve as a beacon of inspiration for us all.
Also, Narendrabhai Nandu, Meghbhai Nandu and their team will be joining us to make this occasion truly memorable.
We cordially invite and encourage everyone to partake in this unique and spiritually enriching event. Your presence and participation in this momentous occasion would be greatly appreciated.
Please find the event details outlined in the flyer below..
We have invited nearby Sanghs to join us in this special celebration. To ensure we can make proper arrangements for food, seating, and event logistics, we kindly ask all members to RSVP as soon as possible.
Your prompt response to the Swamivatsalya RSVP for March 15th and March 16th will help us plan accordingly and create a well-organized and fulfilling experience for everyone.
For the first time in JSGD history, we will be showing a movie, "Awakening - A Path to Bhaav Sadhuta" made by our members (in collaboration with Atmaruchi Foundation). The plot of the movie is inspired by events in Rishibhai’s life , complete with music and dances, blending entertainment and dharmik concepts.
Don’t miss out on this unique treat !!!
To ensure the event runs smoothly and efficiently, we are seeking dedicated volunteers to assist with various tasks. Whether it's hospitality, setup, food service, or event coordination, your contribution will be invaluable in making this event a success.
We are still in need of volunteers to provide support in various areas on Saturday and Sunday.
Please sign up using the volunteer form and help support our JSGD community by contributing your time.
Your efforts will be greatly appreciated.
For the first time in JSGD history, we will be performing the sacred Shakra Stav Abhishek. This special ceremony holds deep spiritual significance, and a brief description of its meaning is provided below. The Abhishek will take place exclusively in the main Ghabhara.
Due to limited availability, we have designated fixed Gheeboli spots. Each sponsor family may have up to four members participate, with a maximum of two members present in the main Ghabhara at a time.
A sign-up sheet for the fixed Gheeboli has been posted at the temple. We encourage interested families to sign up promptly to secure their participation in this auspicious event.
વર્ધમાન શક્ર સ્તવ
વર્ધમાન શક્ર સ્તવ એ અરિહંત પરમાત્માની સ્તુતિ છે. સંસ્કૃતમાં પરમાત્માના ૨૭૩ વિશેષણોથી યુક્ત છે અને તેમનો વિશિષ્ટ મહિમા દર્શાવે છે. તેના દ્વારા ઇન્દ્રમહારાજા પરમાત્માની સ્તુતિ કરે છે. ઇન્દ્રે પ્રસન્ન થઈને પૂજ્ય સિદ્ધસેન દિવાકરસૂરિજીને શક્ર સ્તવ આપ્યું હતું. આ સ્તવ મંત્રથી ગર્ભિત છે, સઘન અર્થથી સભર છે, ઉત્કૃષ્ટ શબ્દોનું બનેલું છે. તેમાં વિશ્વમાં સર્વોત્કૃષ્ટ પુણ્યના ભંડાર, સર્વ ગુણસંપન્ન, સર્વ દોષરહિત, ૬૪ ઇન્દ્રો સહીત અસંખ્ય દેવો દ્વારા પૂજ્ય શ્રી અરિહંતપરમાત્માની વિશિષ્ટ રીતે સ્તવના કરવામાં આવી છે. તેની નિયમિત આરાધના કરનાર આરાધકના જીવનમાં અનેક પ્રકારના ભૌતિક લાભની પ્રાપ્તિ થાય છે અને અંતે મોક્ષની પ્રાપ્તિ થાય છે.
Jai Jinendra!
Mumukshu Rishibhai Zaveri and family has graciously taken the labh for Saturday, March 15th Swamivatsalya.
The following families have taken the labh of swamivatsalya for Sunday, March 16th.
Anand and Mona Bora
Ankit and Riddhi Shah
Chandresh and Hemali Doshi
Dharmendra and Rachna Parakh
Hemant and Tarulata Shah
Hemesh and Pratiksha Shah
Jaimik and Reenal Shah
Jignesh and Jayshree Madhani
Keval and Urvi Gada
Nilesh and Priya Sancheti
Pratik and Sangeen Shah
Rahul and Gayatri Munot
Rajiv and Mamata Maheshwari
Rajiv and Reepal Shah
Shailesh and Jyoti Jain
Vinit and Anuja Shah
We sincerely appreciate their generous contribution to this special event.
Jai Jinendra!
Several Gheebolis will take place throughout the three-day Bahuman event. A detailed list of Gheebolis for the event has been posted at the temple for everyone’s reference.
Gheebolis are a wonderful opportunity for members to participate in acts of devotion and generosity. We encourage all attendees to review this list and take part in this opportunity!
Jai Jinendra!
Mumukshu Rishibhai Zaveri wishes for the spiritual progress of you and your family. Please fill out this form to invite him to visit your home for Pagala.
Even though he wishes to accept every invitation, it may not be possible to accommodate all in the short timespan. Thus, all invitations for Pagala (Visiting your home) will be prioritized based on the quantity and intensity of your family's new Abhigrah (vows) on this occasion. Priority will be based on age of the members taking the Abhigrah, the difficulty, and timespan.
Temple Hours | Mon - Sat | 9:30AM - 12:30PM 5:30PM - 8:00PM |
Temple Hours | Sun | 8:00AM - 12:30PM 5:30PM - 8:00PM |
Aarti & Mangal Divo | Mon - Sun | 11:30AM and 7:30PM |
Pakshal | Mon - Sat | 9:30AM |
Pakshal | Sun | 8:00AM |