Anuvibha - VI International Conference On Peace And Nonviolent Action

Published: 07.09.2007
Updated: 30.07.2015

(a transnational center for peace and nonviolent action associated with the Department of Public Information of the United Nations)

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Organized by
Anuvrat Global Organization

(in association with Ahimsa Samvaay Kendras of Jaipur and Rajsamand)

An Invitation

Dear friend/friends,

You will be pleased to know that ANUVIBHA that has been waging a campaign against violence and hatred in consonance with the goals of UNO for the last many years is soon going to celebrate the Silver Jubilee of its inception. Many events have been planned in conjunction with the main celebration on 30th Dec. 2007. It has decided to organize the VI ICPNA on this occasion in two parts.

We cordially invite you to participate in both the events if possible or make it possible to attend at least one event. The first part is a vitally significant three-day international dialogue (23rd Dec. to 25th Dec, 2007) on the Challenge of Violence, Hunger and Poverty: Evolving Sustainable Countermeasures followed by its second part in the form of the First International Nonviolence Training Camp from 26th Dec. to 28th Dec. 2007.

These events are being organized in cooperation with many international and national NGOs and institutes dedicated to peace and nonviolence. The venue of the conference is Children’s Peace Palace at Rajsamand, a town near Udaipur - the city of lakes situated at a distance of just 60 kilometers. It will be held under the auspices of His Holiness Acharya Mahapragya, one of the most revered national saints and a celebrated Jain Acharya known for his historic Ahimsa Yatra (a journey on foot to enhance people’s awareness of nonviolence) and Yuvacharya Mahashraman, successor to Acharya Mahapragya.

The two apostles of nonviolence have been telling the world that the survival of humanity will be difficult if the culture of violence continues to spread its tentacles and a constructive endeavour is not launched to stem the tide. Acharya Mahapragya, who also heads a well-known movement called Anuvrat Movement, believes that the commitment of the people to the observance of basic vows (anuvrats) propagated by it, will go a long way in not only ridding the planet of violence but also in alleviating hunger and poverty to a great extent.

The other two problems that grip the sixty percent human population today are hunger and poverty. Acharya Mahapragya is of the view that despite the best efforts by agencies like UN the number of people who go to bed without any food is rising at an alarming rate. More than 800 million remain without food every day and more than two billion people live below the poverty line. The gap between the rich and the poor is widening. In order to tackle the twin problems he has presented a new model of economics called Nonviolence Relativist Economics (ahimsa sapeksha arthshastra) or Nonviolence-Oriented Economics. The detailed programme including information about plenary session is given separately in the pages that follow.

THE SECOND PART of the VI ICPNA is the First International Nonviolence Training Camp which will be held from 26th Dec. to 28th Dec. 2007. Those who also want to join this camp will be welcome and they can continue to stay at the Peace Palace for another three-days or those who only wish to take part in this camp are also welcome. The decision is yours. It is the first phase of Acharya Mahapragya’s mission to launch a worldwide campaign for nonviolence training.

In reality humanity is passing through the most critical time of its existence. Innocent people in all parts of the world are being killed in the name of religion, caste and colour. Society continues to be fragmented into castes and sub-castes and politics has become an instrument of power, vendetta and vengeance. In short, the challenge of violence that we face today is unprecedented. It is responsible for climate change and global warming. It is fostering a culture of plutocracy - a mad race for wealth-which neither cares for ecological and environmental harmony nor for ethical values. Acharya Mahapragya who has recently entered the 88th year of his life, continues to heal the wounds of the people torn by strife. He is of the view that just as millions around the world including armies, paramilitary forces and terrorists are being systematically trained in violence, we can train children and youths in a culture of ahimsa to root out anarchy, indiscipline and corruption. He has launched a worldwide programme of training youths and children in a culture of ahimsa to counter violence effectively.

A Dhyan Yogi par excellence Acharya Mahapragya believes that most humans in all parts of the world lead a highly stressful life. Their emotional competence is gradually degenerating because they do not know the art of controlling their impulsive impetuosity (aavega) which is the root of violence in the world. It also causes stress and diseases. In order to control human emotions he has developed a scientifically tested system of Preksha Meditation. The moment a person looks within, he experiences instant relief. The presence of such an enlightened yogi known for his transcendental wisdom and clairvoyance both at nonviolence training camp and at the international dialogue will inspire you all to explore the inner world and experience the power of ahimsa that will change your lifestyle and enhance your emotional competence.

Those who are concerned about this three-dimensional challenge i.e. violence, hunger and poverty and consider nonviolence training useful must come to Rajsamand (India) in the last week of Dec. 2007 to share their views.

We look forward to welcoming you to VI ICPNA at Rajsamand near Udaipur (raj.)

Yours sincerely,
Dr. S.L. Gandhi
Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)
Opposite Gaurav Tower, Malviya Nagar
JAIPUR-302 017 (India)
Tel: 91-141-4017989/5127358
Fax: 91-141-2710118 Mobile: 098280-16989
Email: [email protected] [email protected]

International Dialogue
Challenge of Violence, Poverty and Hunger: Evolving Sustainable Countermeasures

Plenary Sessions

The following plenary sessions have been planned:

  1. The Challenge of Violence and its Many Facets - Terrorism, Fanaticism and Affluence.
  2. Is Religious Reconciliation Possible?
  3. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - The Effective Ways to Achieve Them.
  4. Nonviolence - The Only Way to Human Survival.
  5. Nonviolence Education and Training - Models and Approaches.
  6. The Problem of Poverty V/s Mahapragya’s Model of Nonviolence Oriented or Nonviolence Relativist Economics (ahimsa sapeksha arthshastra)
  7. Hunger - Can it be Really Combated?
  8. The Role of Religion in fighting Poverty and Violence.
  9. Anuvibha’s Balodaya Model of Education for creating Responsible Citizens of the Future.


In addition to these plenaries, there will be five workshops everyday. Those who want to lead workshops on any area related to the theme of the conference are invited to make proposals. In all there will be 15 workshops. Proposals for presenting Papers or leading Workshops are invited.
The aspiring plenary speakers / presenters are requested to keep in mind the sub-themes as listed above and must mention the title of the specific plenary session for which the proposal is made. The last date for receiving the proposal for plenary presentations as well for workshops is Nov. 5, 2007.

(a) For a plenary presentaion, please use the following format:

  1. Title
  2. Name of the Plenary Session for which it is meant
  3. Summary of your paper in 100 words

(b) For a Workshop just write the title and summary of hundred words

Note: Those whose proposals are accepted will be informed before 23rd Nov., 2007

Registration for the three-day International Dialogue (23rd Dec. to 25th Dec., 2007)

A token registration fee of 100 US dollars from overseas candidates and Rs. 1000 from Indian nationals will be charged. Though the cost of accommodation, meals, tea, refreshment during the conference period 22nd Dec. to 26th Dec. is enormous, in view of our silver jubilee anniversary, the organizers have decided to charge a subsidized amount of just $100 US dollars as a gesture of goodwill and friendship to cover the cost. The registration form is being provided at the end. You are requested to complete it and airmail or fax or email it to the Conference Secretariat with or without registration fee. If you are enclosing a cheque or DD, please draw it in favour of ANUVRAT VISHVA BHARATI. You may also pay the registration fee on arrival at the registration desk.


First International Nonviolence Training Camp

As already stated above the Second Part of the above conference is a three-day camp for nonviolence training under the auspices of both Acharya Mahapragya and Yuvacharya Mahashraman. The number of the ghastly incidents of the cruelest forms of violence is increasing rapidly on the face of this globe. What appals us most is that it is the children and youths who are indulging in such heinous crimes today. We are at a loss to think as to what led the Korea student Cho at Virginia Polytechnic University USA to kill 33 innocent students and teachers! A twelve year old child was shown on a channel cutting the throat of a member of his own Taliban group. 750 students were arrested from a rave party. A grandson kills his grandmother mercilessly and youths from rich families drive thier cars on pavement dwellers and laugh. Just thinking about them makes us shudder.

Acharya Mahapragya, an embodiment of ahimsa (nonviolence) and the motivator of nonviolence training will inspire the participants to look within and unlock the key to compassion, success and harmony. Under the backdrop of such tragedies, it is impossible to imagine the magnitude of the problem likely to emerge. If a child can become so cruel, what will happen to humanity? We have decided to organize the First International Nonviolence Training Camp as a countermeasure to prevent the manifestation of such horrifying spectacles.


Those who cannot pay the registration fee may apply for fee waiver. Some extremely genuine cases may be considered.

Registration for Nonviolence Training Camp (26th Dec. to 28th Dec. 2007)

Those who want to attend this camp after participating in the international dialogue or those who only want to attend the First International Nonviolence Training Camp will have to fill in the relevant column of the registration form meant for it. Those who are participating in both the events will fill in both the columns of the registration form and will add one hundred US dollars to the registration fee i.e. they will pay $ 200 US dollars. Those who only want to attend the first international nonviolence training camp will leave the three-day international dialogue related entries blank and will fill in the column meant for nonviolence training only. 100 US dollars will be charged for their accommodation, conference kit and meals. They can remit it by cheque or international money orders or pay it on the spot. This fee includes free local hospitality during the conference period. You must fax or email the completed registration form whether you enclose the fee or not.

Venue of the International Dialogue and First International Nonviolence Training Camp

CHILDREN PEACE PALACE at Rajsamand is situated on top of a hill overlooking the lake called Rajsamand. It is, indeed a beautiful place. The lake is now having some water - it has partially been filled, thanks to the Rain–God. The scenic beauty has been enhanced.

The delegates will also be able to go round and study Balodaya Project which is ANUVIBHA’s novel experiment in children’s natural moral and spiritual growth. It is the only experiment of its kind in which children imbibe basic values as they go round the twenty-two specifically designed rooms, caves etc., each dedicated to a particular value necessary for a child’s growth as a disciplined and responsible citizen of the world. There can be no other place more suited for such solemn and serene deliberations.


The delegates will be accommodated in ANUVIBHA guest house on the hill or in specially designed tents at the venue or in hotels. Those who fill in their registration forms and email or fax the same as soon as they receive the invitation will be intimated of the confirmation on first come first basis. Accommodation to be provided will be on twin-sharing basis with Gandhian or Jain simplicity. If they need hotel accommodation, it can also be arranged if requested.

Briefing Session

A briefing session will be held at 8 p.m., 22nd Dec., 2007 at the venue of the conference. You are all requested to arrive before 5 p.m. on Dec. 22, 2007.

Arrival and Reception

Though the conference will be formally inaugurated in the morning of 23rd Dec. at 9.30 a.m. at the above venue all the delegates are requested to arrive at the CHILDREN’S PEACE PALACE, Rajsamand (Udaipur) by the evening of 22nd Dec., 2007.

Udaipur is well-connected by air, rail and road. The venue of the conference is only 60 kilometers from the airport or the bus station or the railway station. If a delegate sends us his or her confirmed itinerary, arrangements will be made to receive them at the Maharana Pratap airport or at the city railway station. Our volunteers with a banner of VI ICPNA - ANUVIBHA will be present at the arrival gate of all incoming flights from Delhi or Mumbai from morning to evening on 22nd Dec. and on the dates which the delegates with confirmed itineraries, email to us.


It is the winter season. Delegates are requested to bring warm clothes with them. The temperature varies from 5 degree celsius to 10 degree celcius in the night and 18 to 20 degree celcius in the day.


The official language at all the plenary sessions will be English but the non-English speaking delegates may bring with them their own translators for simultaneous translation. They will have to complete the presentation in the prescribed time.


The delegates are advised to seek tourist visas only. In case of difficulty please contact us.

Travel Cost

All participants will have to bear the cost of their air or surface travel themselves. The organizers have no funds to give travel grants or scholarships. However, if need be, the organizers can write letters of recommendations to any trust or organization they apply to.

We once again request you to respond to our invitation positively. For more information of the events of the Silver Jubilee, kindly visit our website

Secretariat, VI ICPNA
Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)
Opposite Gaurav Tower, Malviya Nagar
JAIPUR-302 017 (India)
Tel: 91-141-4017989/5127358 Fax: 91-141-2710118
Mobile: 098280-16989 Email:

Other Important Contact Persons

Tejkaran Jain (Surana)
Chairman, National Committee for International Events
‘Kalptaru’, 10489-Sadar Thana Road
Motia Khan, New Delhi - 110 055 (India)
Tel: 91-11-23618570 Fax: 91-11-23540205
Mobile: 098100-28754 Email: [email protected]

Sanchay Jain
Secretary General, ANUVIBHA
Children’s Peace Palace
P.O. Box 28, Rajsamand-313 326 (India)
Tel & Fax: 91-2952-220516
Mobile: 098290-52452
Email: [email protected]


Vinanti Sarkar, Alternative Representative to UN
Anuvrat Global Organization (ANUVIBHA)
CCD, 425, East 51st Street
New York, NY 10022 U.S.A. Tel: 212-759-4568

(She will also act as the Project Leader for delegates coming from North America and South America. She may help in economizing the cost of travel.)



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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Acharya
          2. Acharya Mahapragya
          3. Ahimsa
          4. Ahimsa Yatra
          5. Anuvibha
          6. Anuvrat
          7. Anuvrat Global Organization
          8. Anuvrat Movement
          9. Anuvrat Vishva Bharati
          10. Anuvrats
          11. Clairvoyance
          12. Cooperation
          13. Delhi
          14. Dhyan
          15. Gandhi
          16. ICPNA
          17. International Conference On Peace And Nonviolent Action
          18. Jaipur
          19. Journey on Foot
          20. Mahapragya
          21. Mahashraman
          22. Meditation
          23. Mumbai
          24. New Delhi
          25. Nonviolence
          26. Preksha
          27. Preksha Meditation
          28. Rajsamand
          29. S.L. Gandhi
          30. Sanchay Jain
          31. Tejkaran Jain
          32. Udaipur
          33. Violence
          34. Yuvacharya
          35. Yuvacharya Mahashraman
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