| Samani Amit Pragya ji |
जैन विश्व भारती
"Soul is my God, Renunciation is my Prayer, Amity is my Devotion, Self-Restraint is my Strength, Non-violence is my Religion"
- Yug Pradhan Mahapragyaji
JVB Gyanshala Opens on 09/26 at sharp 2:55 pm. Do not miss the Jain Assembly at Sharp 3:00 PM.
Gyanshala schedule:
3:00 PM to 3:25 PM - Jain Assembly for all students by Samniji and Teachers (Jain Prayers, Chanting Sloks, Stavans, Breathing excercises) - Parents are welcome.WHY Gyanshala?
3:25 PM to 4:15 PM - Jain Study class - All levels (Gyan, Darshan, Charitra & Tap Group)
4:15 PM to 5:00 PM - Art class - All levels(divided into two groups - Small and Big)
Malevolence and depravity are smothering the world. There is an abundance of means to perturb moral values. With pragmatism, consumption is also growing rapidly. Under these conditions, Gyanshala is a compelling function. Our brain has two components. The left hemisphere is responsible for the growth of common sense, knowledge and intelligence. The right hemisphere works for the development of spirituality. How should Gyanshala be taught - in this regard Sadhus, Sadhvis and other instructors have special responsibility. A professor can teach college students but teaching five-year-old children is challenging.
1. Gyanshala should be scientific and progressive.
2. A spiritual as well as a psychological approach should mature.
3. Along with conceptual training, behavioral training should be stressed. Gyanshala is not just a concept - it is the science of living.
- Yug Pradhan Mahapragyaji
Gyanshala is a laboratory for the growth of cultural morals. This is a vital and indispensable function. The concept of Gyanshala was pioneered under the auspices of Ganadhipati Pujya Gurudev Tulsi. Acharyashri Mahaprajna breathed life into it. I began paying attention as well. I believe that for children, Gyanshala and the training of Science of living is crucial. If the generations of children are not cultivated, then how can we expect the youth to be cultured?
It is expected that we shelter children from immorality and depravity. Gyanshala is like a weapon that defends against evil as it shields morality and establishes the kingdom of virtuous ideals.
- H. H Acharyashree Mahashramanj
- Your Gyanshala Team at Jain Vishwa Bharati, Orlando