Contribution of Jainas to the Society and Culture of South India

Published: 19.03.2013
Updated: 30.07.2015


India is a web of multi colored cultural threads. The subtle and fearless intellect of the Hindus, the illumination of Buddha, the abounding humanity of Jainas, thee commercial growth of Dravidians, the organizing energy of Arabian prophets, have all entered into the inner world of people's life and even today is shaping their thoughts and aspirations. The event rise and fall but history speaks about them for thousands of years. The Jainas have long and vast history in south india. Although being purely a spiritual religion, it never declined to prove its social relevance.

In South India, Jainism is little more than a name. Even serious students of religion in India paid little attention to it. But the influence it wields, its contribution to the development of   south indian culture, commerce and literature is out of proportion to their population. Jainological material is so rich and varied and so much extended in time it is impossible to write about it in few pages.

The present paper would be an honest effort to explore the valuable contribution of the Jainas to the rich and fruitful stream of south Indian life and culture, especially in Karnataka in the history and at present.

Karnataka is called to be the home of Jaina religion. Generally it is said that with the grand exodus of Acarya Bhadrabahu, Jainism entered into the south Indian domain. Bhadrabahu then sent his 12,000 follower monks to the chola and pandya countries under the leadership of Vishaka muni and then onwards there had been great interaction between the Jainas and south Indian people. Since those saints kept rambling from place to the other, there obviously had been a space for their interaction with top class to simple living people. This paved the way for mutual understanding and transfer of Jaina ideals from monks to the local masses resulting in the spread of fragrance of Jaina Ideals and philosophy.

Eternal values have always existed in the roots of Indian religions and we have acquired them in our inheritance.

To the Dravidians culture, Jainism's contribution has been phenomenal. It has most humane doctrine that has sought for the perfection of human soul and preached non injury to every form of life reached to the south India during the very days of Rishaba, the first tirthamkara. As Hindu tradition as well as epigraphical evidence discovered in the Tuluva land in the ancient Karnataka clearly reveal.[1] In the book 'Jainism in early medieval in Karnataka,' it has been said there is also a mention of Vardhamānapura which had punnad gana, a provincial seat of the ancient Karnataka, which depicts the influence of Jainism on people in early centuries.

The Jainas have made valuable contribution to the life and societal development in Karnātaka. Although it constituted a small community still they command great respect among south-Indian community. From centuries it had been contributing to the culture of south Indians in various fields. In the field of art and architecture, in the field of upliftment of life standards, in the field of spiritual development, In the field of temple building, in the field of idol making, in the field of rituals and rites, in the field of giving donations and running charity houses and trusts, in the field of guiding the kings and rulers, helping them to run kingdom with justice and loyalty. Jain preceptors and monks have preached them how to work according to code of conduct, keeping them detached from over hankering towards money and materials. Apart from this, they have also contributed in the field of literature, as we find them in huge numbers even today. Although Jainas have made valuable contribution to the uplift the life of the people of South India, still it has not so far received the attention it deserves.

Jainism is divided and sub divided in many sects. The main two sects are the digambara and swetambara sect. Both Swetambara and digambara tradition had contributed to the society and culture of south India in the past and is still on its mission.

 The contribution of Jainas in the past

Jainas were always known for their erection of temples. Even in south India thousands of temples have been erected. Being a mercantile class, they had faith as well as wealth for the accomplishment of this task. Apart from this, it is well known fact in the history, that they had also set up four Danashalas in the four corners of the country of south India having round the clock free facility of basic needs of the life viz. food, water, clothes and medicines. Literature having the fragrance of values too had positive effect on the people. The lingayata caste in Karnataka follows the culture, which is very near to Jainas depicts the fact that Jainas had their impact on the people and life of south Indians. It is a widely known fact hence the area of my leaning will be towards the works going on at present.

The contribution of Jainas at present

The history of the future taking shape at present in Karnataka is also an interesting subject of study which will be dealt in this paper in nutshell. Jainas at present have their existence in every corner of south right from village to the city. It has nourished the society of South Indian communities, not only in the past but even at present. It is actively working for the people.

The Jain Digambara Samaj is performing a volume speaking work at Shravanabelagola. They have not only edited or reedited the Jaina scriptures but also have taken the heavy work of translating the fundamental Jaina books in Kannada language. Apart from it is contributing to teach the resource languages like prakrit etc to the students.

In Swetambaras, there are three sub-sects, Muritpujaka, Sthanakavasi and Terapanthis. The whole contribution of Jainas can be taken under four heads:

1. Reformation
2. Medication
3. Education
4. Literature

1. Reformation

In the field of reformation of the society, Jainas have played a vital role. The major contribution of the Jainas in the upliftment of life and life values, is through spiritual preaching of monks and nuns, who roam about on foot from village to village and from cities to cities to propagate the values like non violence and for the betterment of life. They inspire the people to live a good life and give up the addiction is also a great selfless service rendered by Jaina ascetics. More than anything else the role played by Jaina monk in the realm of reformation is supreme and ever shining. In this the leading role is of Jaina ascetic group., Jain monks reach to south from North with an enthusiasm to spread the moral values among people. Nearly fourty years of selfless service has resulted in growth of the people in multi-dimensions.

Acarya Tulsi, a great reformatory saint of the era, reached to south in 1968 and since 1965, he sent his ambassador monks and nuns for the very purpose which is uninterruptedly continued till today. Ac. Tulsi went door to door met the people and discussed their problem showing them better way of life. For this he introduced anuvratas to them which is reformatory code if conduct of just 11 simple vow, potent to solve the problems from individual to international level. Thousands of people accepted anuvratas and resoluted for de-addicted and non violent life. He also tried taking them out of orthodoxical customs and practices. His five years journey to the south benefited lacs of people, impression of that people bear in their minds even today.  Since then till today it has progressively and multiplically developed its programs.

Today there are several organizations working for the people dedicatedly. The organizations under the leadership of terapanth sabha and their functioning are as follows:

  • Karnataka pradeshika Anuvrata samiti is endeavoring to make individual anuvratis and also Anuvrata family, Anuvrata community etc. Hundreds of families have turned anuvrati contributing a bit for world peace.
  • The Dakshina bharat jeevan vigyan academy is giving its valuable contribution in the field of education trying relentlessly to adopt the life building course of Jeevan vigyan from nursery to post graduate level, in the schools and colleges. Several schools have adopted this course as its curriculum finding its necessity.
  • Regular yoga classes are held at Mahapragya preksha dhyan center at Bangalore. Independently meditation camps are also held.  Running yoga centers, teaching yoga and meditation to different groups of people like in associations, Jails, hospitals, industries, education institutes etc. to make the life balanced and meaningful.
  • Jaina Yuva sanghtana is an active institute having various reformative programs like conduction of group marriage, interfaith programs spread of cow protection program etc.
  • Under the mission Aao chale gaao ki aur of A.B.T.M.M (this has 361 branches working in different corners of the country), Bangalore terapanth mahila mandal has adopted seven villages around hospalya, attibele, kumbalgodu, vinayakanagar, anchepalya, kambipura, kubbalgudu, karubele, gerupalya, kangemani - give free education, schools and a clinic is run by mandal, regular attend them to solve their problems, women are motivated and taught to run small-scale industries and also to live a nonviolent and healthy life. Health checks up camps are also held for different diseases.
  • Attack on the practice of feticide - Terapanth Mahila mandal is striving relentlessly to stop this inhuman, violent act. For this several steps have been taken.

For this  5 rallies called by name ahimsa rally, jagaran rally, pukar rally, karuna rally and bhrun hatya roko rally - in which around 700-800 people took part in each and was moved in the main streets of Bangalore alarming the people

  • In cinema hall slide show was presented continuously for seven days.
  • Talk with School and college students and counseling for future.
  • Seminar conducted for teachers and professors.
  • Posters, calendars, pamphlets, stickers, hoardings etc. were fixed at public places, in air port, on buses and different public places to attract their attention on this burning issue, emails were sent and CD's were presented on large scale.
  • Playing hundreds of time educating cassettes and nukkad natakas among people in villages, and clubs and gatherings of the city areas.
  • Making people to resolute not to perform this cruel act. This year 2100, 2000. forms were filled up in a program.
  • Talk show on candana channel.
  • Nursing homes were visited to interact with medical faculties.
  • · For the spread of vegetarianism, Terapanth yuvak parishad and mahila mandal joined their hand with PITA and working with it. Apart from this it is independently holds courses and workshops on vegetarianism; VCDs are also donated and distributed in thousands of numbers. It has also launched a 'Shakahaar abhiyaan', in which several butcher houses are closed and training given to women to remain away from cosmetics and things obtained by violent means.
  • · Mahila mandal has also set up a mahila vikas Kendra in which various creative and educative programs are held for women, teaching them various alternative therapies,  management of small scale industries, different language training and teaching to make them economically self dependent. Exhibitions of their hand made products are also conducted to boost up their confidence. They also provide job opportunities for the women with minimum scale of 10,900 each. In this either they are helped to begin a business and the mahila mandal would take care of dealings for few months or they are send to some reliable places for job. Mahila mandal has set up its own Arogya mandir in which these ladies can work and earn.
  • · Bal sanskara nirmana camp, kanya samskara nirmana camp, camps for dampati, mother in laws, daughter in laws, for senior citizens are also held. Experts of the subject try to solve their problems leading to a peaceful and harmonious life style.
  • ·  It has also recently undertaken two important programs i.e. Inter cultural dialogue program where it is working for the spiritual unity of the country and the state under the program of FUREC, calling different religious leaders on single stage.
  • · An independent library and reading room with healthy literature is also built up for public benefit.
  • · Awareness towards environment is also promoted by teaching non violent life style to the people.
  • · The Jain Swetambar Murtipujaka Samaja is running charity houses and many economically efficient people help the poor by donating in needy organizations.
  • · Sthanakavasi samaja spents lacs of rupees every year to protect the cows and other animals.
  • · Personality development camps are held between general and international schools benefiting thousands of students the simple techniques of higher living.
2. Medication

Jainas believes in service as it is said in agamas that service of the diseased is the service of a tirthamkara. Terapanth sect's different organizations like Mahila mandal, Yuvak parishad, Terapanthi sabha etc. and other sub organizations are contributing in various fields of society to help the poor, to aid the diseased and conduct various health programs for public welfare. It conducts camps for blinds, lames, free diagnosis and providing different kinds of medications for the people in general, sometimes separately for children, adults, and old people.  The mode of treatment available can of allopathic, ayurvedic or homeopathicIn leprosy hospital, nearly 115 patients were provided with free medication, clothes and other equipments needed.

      1. It provides clothes, food and nourishment, furnitures, sewing machines at schools, mental hospitals, Jails and other organizations like Anatha ashramas (Like vijayan, in malleshwaram), vriddha ashrama (hari om  vriddhasrama), mental hospitals etc. as per the need. For eg. in kidvai cancer hospital every year 450 patients are fed by the JST. In leprosy institute 300 packets of food are sent every year. Eight days free medical services are given every year during paryushan.
      2. In the field of medication camps diagnosis, check up and operation are held for eyes, diabetes, kidney, stone, gynecological, heart problems etc. On particular day of every week, free medical services are made available in Bangalore which poor class is greatly benefited. T.Y. Parishad is giving 1000 Rs. each to 71 lame people, and to 5 people artificial legs every year. In a village, the grama pancayata has given 300sq. ft. of land on which mahila mandal has set up a clinic run by giving medical services free of cost.
      3. Tsunami relief fund: Terapanth mahila mandal has tried its best to help the people stricken by natural calamities at various places like malleshwaram, gadaga and other places giving the assistance of about more than 10 lacs. 
      4. Under the project 'Drishti', Mahapragya Netralaya was set up in which Jaina doctors provide their free services for some time.  

3. Education

The valuable program is in the field of value education. For the inculcation of value based education system i.e. Jeevan vigyan i.e. course of Science of living, run by an unique Jain university- Jain Vishwa Bharati University is undertaken by the Jain community of Karnataka, Andhra pradesh and Tamilnadu and it is been accepted by various education institutes as a course curriculum. It is the well developed system of education right from nursery to university level education. The South Indian Jain community is giving importance to this, to develop the student's mental and emotional state with the physical and intellectual development. This is a good step towards the emergence new culture encompassing the values, in south Indian.

The Jainas have also built various schools and education institutes to promote value education. Acarya Tulsi college of Engineering, Bhagwan Mahavira college, Adarsha Vidya Mandir, mahapragya High School and hundreds of other schools in India having its extension in southern part also aiming at developing a balanced personality within the students.

Apart from building Educational institutes, it supports the running schools by providing them the financial aid. Recently terapanth sabha and its branches have arranged for a complete education of seven adopted villages. They distribute frequently the course books, uniforms, arrangements of several creative programs and prize distribution programs, every year eight students are given with scholarship. Under aao chale gaav ki aor project, they are also given yoga & art training. Manage for the availability of pure and filtered water in schools.

Under Acarya sri Tulsi Shiksha Pariyojana, all the girls of any one village are given with the facilities of free education. Every year nearly 20 students are honored  for their genius presentation in studies, 6,000 for any one girl child for education, fees of 2 students.

4. Literature

In the field of literature, various literatures, in kannadian, and Tamil language have also contributed to create a culture of Non-violence, Non-possession and mutual peaceful co existence among South Indian cultures various puranas, like chandraprabha purana, Adipurana, Vardhamana purana, Puspadanta purana, Neminatha purana etc., kurals, charites etc. are examples of such contribution. The Jaina puranas and the epics are useful for reconstructing the history of Jainism in Karnataka and Tamilnad. The Digambara sect at Shravana Belagola is continuously undertaking hard efforts to revitalize the ancient texts and is absorbed in translating the ancient digambara texts in South Indian languages especially, in kannada. It is very valuable means for the spread of the culture of Non-violence among South Indian community. Apart from the literary texts, contemporary inscriptions constitute our chief source for the study of Jaina religion in Karnataka. They are full of information on the patronage of the Jaina devotees, who contributed for the diffusion of culture in Karnataka in early medieval times.[2]

Some of the best and earliest literary productions are from Jaina poets and authors. The Jaina contributions severally to the making of south Indian literature are noteworthy. The interesting citation bestows a highest praise on Jaina monks proves their scholar par excellence:

  • Savanam balapamagole gandivi bilgole balavirodhi vajramgole da
  • Navaripu cakramgole kouravari gadegole ponarkegavam nilvam//

"Who can withstand a Jaina monk in a contest, when he lifts the pen? as when Arjuna, his gandiva bow/ Indra his thunderbolt? Vishnu, his disc and Bhima his mace?"Th was the charm the Jainas had in past centuries.

On the other hand, even South Indians have contributed for the development of Jainism. Various eminent spiritual Jain teachers have emerged on the south Indian land like Acarya kundkunda etc who have given immeasurable contribution to the South Indian culture. The other way round the Jainas have to suffer a lot in 12th century when they  were not permitted to pursue their ancestral faith peacefully even in Karnataka. Veera goggideva and viruparasa fueled and fire of aggression let loose by Ekantada Ramayya. Powerful leaders of Saiveté movement launched a severe offensive against the Jainas and its supporters in Karnataka.

In conclusion, we can say that Jainism in the past and at the present has given valuable contribution given in different fields of life in south India. Although they have earned a lot in the pawn broker's business and have been known for exploitation at some places but the rank of contribution goes much more higher and it cannot be doubted that it has done more for the welfare of the south Indian states.


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                Page glossary
                Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
                1. Acarya
                2. Agamas
                3. Ahimsa
                4. Andhra Pradesh
                5. Anuvrata
                6. Anuvratas
                7. Anuvrati
                8. Attibele
                9. Ayurvedic
                10. Bangalore
                11. Bhagwan Mahavira
                12. Bombay
                13. Buddha
                14. Dhyan
                15. Digambara
                16. Environment
                17. FUREC
                18. Indra
                19. JAINA
                20. Jain Vishwa Bharati
                21. Jaina
                22. Jainism
                23. Jeevan Vigyan
                24. Jeevan Vigyan Academy
                25. Karnataka
                26. Karuna
                27. Kendra
                28. Mahapragya
                29. Mahavira
                30. Mahila Mandal
                31. Mandal
                32. Mandir
                33. Meditation
                34. Muni
                35. Murtipujaka
                36. Non violence
                37. Non-violence
                38. Paryushan
                39. Pradesh
                40. Prakrit
                41. Preksha
                42. Preksha Dhyan
                43. Puranas
                44. Puspadanta
                45. Sabha
                46. Samiti
                47. Samskara
                48. Sanskara
                49. Science
                50. Science Of Living
                51. Shiksha
                52. Shravana
                53. Shravana Belagola
                54. Shravanabelagola
                55. Soul
                56. Space
                57. Sthanakavasi
                58. Swetambar
                59. Tamil
                60. Terapanth
                61. Terapanth Mahila Mandal
                62. Terapanth Yuvak Parishad
                63. Terapanthi
                64. Terapanthis
                65. Tirthamkara
                66. Tulsi
                67. Vardhamana
                68. Vegetarianism
                69. Vidya
                70. Violence
                71. Yoga
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