05.07.2016 ►JVB NJ ►Inspiration | Vol 33 News & Upcoming Programs

Published: 06.07.2016

From Acharya Tulsi


Jal mein rahakar bhi kamal
rehta hai nirlipta
vaise nirmal chetna
              anasakti adipta

Lotus blooms in water but always remains above its surface. It does not have attachment to the water. In the same way, if a person remains unattached to the senses, he keeps his consciousness pure.

Regular Sessions

Preksha Meditation
Tuesdays  - 7:30PM - 8:30PM - JVBNA Iselin Center


Thursdays - 7:30PM  - 8:30PM - JVBNA Iselin Center

Youth Forum

3rd Friday of every month - 7PM - 9PM - JVBNA Iselin center
New Session begins in September

Yoga & Preksha Meditation

Saturdays - 9AM - 11AM - JVBNA Center for Peace and Meditation
Saturdays -  7PM - 8PM -  JVBNA Iselin Center

Prayer, Preksha Meditation & Swadhyay
Sundays -  10AM  - 11:30AM - JVBNA Iselin Center


Two Sundays every month - 3:30PM - 6PM - Franklin Temple Classrooms - New Session Begins in October

Pakshik Pratikraman

Every Pakkhi - 7:30 PM - JVBNA Iselin Center - Upcoming - July 4, 19

Online Classroom
Weekly - 3rd quarter - Nav Tattva 101 - Begins July 1, 2016



Man is complete and incomplete.

A gentleman asked," Who is complete?" I replied,"I am". He asked, "Who is incomplete?" I replied."I am that too." He fell into a quandary. He said "How can that be? If you are complete, how can you be incomplete too?" I had to reply again,"I live in the world of languages and therefore I am both. I live in the world where there is thinking and so I am both. I live in the world of memory, imagination, and intelligence and so I am both."

Any person who lives in the world of languages can be neither complete nor incomplete. Beyond the world of languages, there exists no concept of complete or incomplete. This is the relativity in our language. With the help of language and thought we have helped our imagination cross the frontiers set by language. We have been compelled to cross the limits set by words to enter the world beyond words. All that remains there is existence. What is, remains, imagination vanishes. If truth can be comprehended, then many philosophical discussions will also come to an end. All the complicated philosophical disputes exist in the world of language.

Truth is beyond language. Truth and language can never go together, can never be of help to each other. The anekantic view has shed quite some light on this subject. What we think of as truth is, according to anekanta relative truth. Then the question arises, do we not have the right to call truth the truth? Is all that I say untrue? It can be the truth if you accept your weakness. If you accept your incapability or the inadequacy of language, then it can be truth.The limitation of  language is that in one moment, with one word, it can only express one truth, when in actuality there are infinite truths.The entire truth can never be grasped with one single word.


Excerpts from "ANEKANTA THE THIRD EYE" by Acharya Mahaprajna

JVBNA Upcoming Programs 

Special Event - A workshop on

"Lifestyle and Diet for preventing and reversing Heart Disease and controlling Diabetes, High BP, and Obesity"

Dr. Bimal Chhajer,

renowned cardiologist from India
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Gyanshala and Youth Forum Annual Day Celebrations

Gyanshala and Youth Forum Annual Day was celebrated on 5th June, 2016 at the JVBNA Center for Peace and Meditation in the auspicious presence of Samani Sanmati Pragyaji and Samani Jayant Pragyaji.

The event was inaugurated with blissful Navkaar Mantra by Samanjis followed by Gyanshala prayer led by students, teachers and parents Gyanshala students presented their beautiful annual projects. This annual project gave the glimpse of knowledge what each group of students had learned during the year. Three groups of Gyanshala: Gyan, Darshan, and Charitra all presented their annual projects in the form of dioramas, skits, and tri-folds. Gyan group students presented and explained about their diorama on Jaatis and Kaayas. Darshan group's diorama topic was Karmas. Lastly, Charitra group created original Jain stories that were presented in the form of a trifold brochure.

Youth forum presented a skit portraying what they learnt during the year. They presented an act about kindness. One of the youth presented a Jain advertisement. This was followed by presenting of trophies, gifts, marksheets and special certificates such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and those to who were able to recite Bhaktambar Sutra from heart.  All the Gyanshala teachers were acknowledged for their hard work and dedication and given certificates.

Finally, Samani Sanmati Pragyaji’s Swadhyay was interactive and involved the children and audience.  She made the parents and audience aware of the importance and benefits of Gyanshala on children and families. For example, she explained how each student before starting their speech, greeted Samaniji and audience first. This expresses their culture being surrounded by the environment and teachings of Gyanshala. Samani Sanmati Pragyaji concluded the program with Mangal Path. The event was followed by potluck dinner arranged and volunteered by Gyanshala parents. To make the program more memorable, kids were entertained by stalls of carnival games. Children thoroughly enjoyed every game like balance the coins, pin the tail, and many more. It was a memorable and fun filled event.

Photo Gallery

Annual Spiritual Family Camp 

Annual spiritual family camp was held from June 10th to 12th at Arsh Vidya, PA under the blessings of Acharya Shri Mahashraman and it was led by six distinguished Samanjis: Samani Bhavit Pragyaji & Samani Kanchan Pragyaji from JVB Orlando, Samani Sanmati Pragyaji & Samani Jayant Pragyaji from JVB New Jersey,  Samani Vikas Pragyaji & Samani Maryada Pragyaji from JVB Houston. The main theme of the camp, Jain Yog is a Jain philosophy and values to maintain an optimum balance between mental and physical health.  The 3 days camp was an immersion into the science of living and Jain Yog based on the book by Acharya Mahapragya. 
The camp had more than 125 participants and the sessions revolved mainly on Jain Yog and uniqueness of Jain Yog compared with popular wellness yoga that is blooming everywhere.  Samanjis explained the rich history of Jain Yog and components of Jain Yog such as Gyan Yog, Shwas Yog, etc. Samanjis showed the participants on how to integrate in their daily lives. The highlight of the camp was the mock trial, Aap Ki Adalat, of 3 Samanjis defending and debunking the various charges against Jain Yog.  One of the camp’s activity, “Your Dream, Your Creativity”, was based on dreams which all participants old and young took part in, each group had to create a story skit based on their dreams that is related to Jainism. Other activities included Bhaktamar, meditation, and yoga sessions.  There were also parallel sessions for youth and children complete with interactive lectures, practical sessions, games and crafts. At the end of 3 days, there were melodious bhajans performed by Samani Vikas Pragyaji and Samani Kanchan Pragyaji. The participants left the camp feeling energized and refreshed.


Bhajan Sandhya 

Bhajan Sandhya was held on June 14th at the JVBNA Center for Peace and Meditation under the auspicious presence of Samani Bhavit Pragyaji & Samani Kanchan Pragyaji from JVB Orlando, Samani Sanmati Pragyaji & Samani Jayant Pragyaji from JVB New Jersey, and Samani Vikas Pragyaji & Samani Maryada Pragyaji from JVB Houston. Melodious bhajans composed and sung by Samanijis and JVBNA members were extremely well received by the audience members. It was a beautiful evening of bhakti and music. 

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International Yoga Day

Launch of Saturday Morning Yoga & Preksha Meditation Sessions
Under the auspicious guidance of Samanijis, JVBNA celebrated International Yoga Day with the launch of weekly Saturday morning Yoga and Preksha Mediation sessions on Saturday, June 18, from 9AM - 11AM at the JVBNA Center for Peace and Meditation. The attendees engaged in a 90-minute rigorous yoga session led by Ramesh Parmar. A 30-minute Preksha Meditation session led by Samanijis followed. The session was very well received by all attendees. The same pattern will follow every Saturday (barring long weekends and holidays). 

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Tassa Uttari Sutra


Tassa Uttari Karanenam,                           For its (soul’s) sanctification, repentation,
  Payachchitta Karanenam,                          purification and making it passion free, and
  Visohee Karanenam                                  annihilation of sinful karmas,
  Visalli Karanenam
  Paavaanam, Kammaanam,
  Thami Kaaussaggam, Annaththa               I engage myself in meditation renouncing
  Ussasiyenam, Neesasiyenam,                   bodily activities, with the exception of
  Khasiyenam, Chhiyenam,                          inhaling, exhaling, coughing, sneezing,
  Jambhaaiyenam, Uddu-enam                    yawning, belching breaking wind, vertigo,
  Vaayanissaggenam, Bhamaliye                 billious unconsciousness.
Shumehim, Anga Sanchalehim                  Minute body movement,
Suhumehim khel Sanchalehim                   Minute phlegmatic movement,
Suhumehim Ditthi Sanchalehim,                Minute eye movement
Evamaaiyehim Aagaarehim                       with these exceptions, my meditation
Abhaggo, Aviraahiyo                                  be unbroken and uninterrupted,
Hujja Men Kaussaggo Jaava                     Till I do not complete meditation by
Arihantaanam, Bhagawantaanam              obeisance to Arihantas, (destroyer of sins)
Na Paaremi Taav Kaayam,                        Till then, I shall keep my body steadfast
Thaanenam, Monenam,                             by observing silence and engaging
                                                                    Myself in auspicious contemplation.
Jhaanenam, Appaanam Vosiraami.           I dissociate myself from all worldly

JVBNA New Jersey

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                Page glossary
                Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
                1. Acharya
                2. Acharya Mahapragya
                3. Acharya Mahaprajna
                4. Acharya Shri Mahashraman
                5. Acharya Tulsi
                6. Anasakti
                7. Anekanta
                8. Anekantic
                9. Anekantvad
                10. Anga
                11. Arihantas
                12. Bhajan
                13. Bhajans
                14. Bhakti
                15. Bhavit
                16. Bhikshu
                17. Bimal Chhajer
                18. Body
                19. Charitra
                20. Consciousness
                21. Contemplation
                22. Darshan
                23. Environment
                24. Gyan
                25. Gyanshala
                26. Houston
                27. Iselin
                28. JVB
                29. JVB Houston
                30. JVB New Jersey
                31. JVB Orlando
                32. JVBNA
                33. Jaap
                34. Jain Philosophy
                35. Jainism
                36. Karmas
                37. Kshamapana
                38. Mahapragya
                39. Mahashraman
                40. Mangal Path
                41. Mantra
                42. Maryada
                43. Meditation
                44. Nav Tattva
                45. Orlando
                46. Paryushan
                47. Pratikraman
                48. Preksha
                49. Preksha Meditation
                50. Samani
                51. Samayik
                52. Science
                53. Science Of Living
                54. Soul
                55. Sutra
                56. Swadhyay
                57. Syadvad
                58. Tattva
                59. Third Eye
                60. Tulsi
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                62. Yog
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