05.05.2017 ►JAINA ►Newsletter

Published: 06.05.2017
Updated: 07.05.2017

Federation Of Jain Associations in North America


Jai Jinendra!

Acharya Shree Mahashramanji is the religious head of Terapanth and we make a small endeavour to give details of this enlightened soul.

We are getting huge response to our JAINA Mangalam App and please download if you have not yet.


Ashok Domadia
JAINA President & Chairman


One who remains equanimously in the midst of pleasures and pains is a sramana, being in the state of pure consciousness.

- Bhagwan Mahavir


Glorious in peace, sharp in silence, humble in learning and magnanimous in simplicity is the brief introduction of  Acharya Shree Mahashraman, previously known as Mahashraman Muni Mudit. He possesses an extraordinary genius and minute insight and intuition. Extreme gentleness and complete dedication are the important features of his singular personality. Due to extraordinary characteristics, Muni Mudit led many old monks in the Terapanth sect and became Mahashraman at the age of 28 years. He is like a gem with broad scientific and rational outlook. In 1997 at the age of 35 years he became the "Yuvacharya", successor designate to the present Acharya. He became Acharya on 9th May 2010 after Mahaprayan of His Holiness Acharya Shri Mahapragya. Padabhishek was held at Sardarshahar on 23rd May 2010.


We use our senses to satisfy our external needs and that is supposed to give happiness. Pratisanlinta involves restraining the senses from external happiness and divers their use for spiritual uplift. To control the sensual desires is also Pratisanlinta. As regards the sensual things, not to see them by eyes, not to hear them by ears, not to smell them by nose, not to taste them by tongue, and not to touch them by skin is called controlling by senses means Pratisanlinta.

One should not develop a possessive attitude to what is seen, to what is listened, to what is smelled, to what is tasting and to what he is touching. Sense organs are useful, if they are used for spiritual purposes.

Pratisanlinta is of four types;

1) INDRIYA SANLINTA: means to control our senses
2) KASHAY SANLINTA: means to control our kashays, i.e Anger, pride, deceit and greed.

3) YOG SANLINTA: means to use our body, mind and speech for the upliftment of the soul.
4) VIVACTACHARYA SANLINTA: such places should be avoided that obstruct our spiritual progress.


Once in the city of Apapa, a Brahmin named Somil was conducting a Yagna (sacrificial ceremony) at his home. There were over four thousand Brahmins present at the occasion, and there were eleven popular scholars among them. Indrabhuti stood out as a bright star. Somil was a staunch supporter of the Brahmin philosophy and was very happy during the ceremony. The whole town was excited by this event in which they were going to sacrifice the sheep and the goats. Suddenly, Somil noticed many celestial beings coming down towards his sacrificial site. He thought…



Jain Society of Ottawa Carleton celebrated Mahavir Jayanti on Sunday, April 16 at the Hindu temple in Ottawa, Canada. The Jain population in Ottawa is quite small, at about 100 members. However, at our annual celebration of Mahavir Jayanti they attract a large crowd from the wider community. This year they had about 450 in attendance.

The popularity of the program is no doubt because of its rich content, from Pooja, bhajans, dances, illustrated presentation on a basic tenet of the faith, to the narration of some beautiful quotes from the Jain writings that are interspersed throughout the program. Each year there is something new. Many of those present find it a soul-uplifting experience. The highlight of the program this year, as in the previous years, was the participation of young children, presenting a dance or dressed as Devi Devatas offering Arghya during the Mahavirpooja. The Samivatsal after the program, in which most of the dishes were prepared by members of own group, was another highlight.


Each karma particle has a capacity to give a specific type of fruit to the soul when it matures. The nature of the fruit that karma will give on maturity is determined right at the time of bondage of karmas. There are 8 major types and 158 sub-types of nature of karma. These 158 varieties of karma lead to various type of pleasant and unpleasant experiences and circumstances for the Jiva.

There are eight main types of karma which are categorized into the ‘harming’ and ‘non-harming’ each divided inti four types. The harming karmas known as GHATIYA KARMA directly affect the soul powers by impending its perception,knowledge,energy and also brings about delusion. They are destructive karmas as follows:

1) Gyanavarniya karma(knowledge-obscuring karma),
2) Darshanavarniya karma(perception-obscuring karma),
3) Mohniya karma(deluding karma), and
4) Antray karma(obstacle-creating karma)..

While ghati karma destroy the manifestations of the essential attributes of the soul and Aghatiya karmas are mainly concerned with the environments surrounding and bodies.


9. YJA

Catch a glimpse of what YJA is all about in our new "About YJA" video at

YJA is teaming up with Young Jains UK and Young Jains of Singapore for its FIRST Walk-A-Thon supporting AkshayaPatra, a mid-day meal program in India. In an effort to ensure that no child is deprived of an education due to hunger, Akshaya Patra aims to feed millions of school children as they learn and achieve.

How to participate:

1) Fill the form at yja.org/walkathon let us know your mileage and fundraising goal
2) Walk/run your miles from May 1st through 22nd on your own- track through apps or fitbit type devices
3) Direct your family and friends to donate through our website from May 1st through 22nd by selecting your name from the drop down menu on the donation form.

This is a wonderful opportunity for YOU to contribute to bettering someone’s future and raising money to motivate and nourish children in India.



Satyavati was fourteen years old. One day she was busy with house hold work and had worn a beautiful dress. At that time an old beggar lady came there and said, "Oh my daughter give me some food to eat in the name of God". Satyavati brought the food from kitchen and gave her. The beggar said, "My daughter, God bless you. You are very kind hearted. Please give me your this coloured shirt for my daughter. I like this very much."

Satyavati thought for a moment and went inside. After some time she came out with her shirt and gave it to the beggar lady. The old lady blessed her and set out happy. When the beggar had gone, Satyavati thought, "That was my favourite shirt, I shouldn't have given it to the beggar".

At the same time an inner voice said to her, "Satyavati, why are you felling like this? You are a religious person. Do not have attachment with colours. Your life is natural white. You will show the path of welfare to the world". She at once took an oath never to wear colored clothes in future. From that day onwards she wore only white clothes.


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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Acharya
          2. Acharya Shree Mahashraman
          3. Acharya Shree Mahashramanji
          4. Acharya Shri Mahapragya
          5. Aghatiya
          6. Anger
          7. Bandh
          8. Bhagwan Mahavir
          9. Bhajans
          10. Body
          11. Brahmin
          12. Brahmins
          13. Consciousness
          14. Deceit
          15. Federation of Jain Associations in North America
          16. Gautam Swami
          17. Ghati
          18. Ghati karma
          19. Ghatiya
          20. Gommateshwara
          21. Greed
          22. Gyanavarniya
          23. Gyanavarniya Karma
          24. Indrabhuti
          25. Indriya
          26. JAINA
          27. Jaina
          28. Jains UK
          29. Jainworld
          30. Jayanti
          31. Jinendra
          32. Jiva
          33. Karma
          34. Karmas
          35. Kashay
          36. Mahapragya
          37. Mahaprayan
          38. Mahashraman
          39. Mahavir
          40. Mahavir Jayanti
          41. Mohniya
          42. Mohniya Karma
          43. Muni
          44. Ottawa
          45. Padabhishek
          46. Pooja
          47. Prakriti
          48. Pratisanlinta
          49. Pride
          50. Sardarshahar
          51. Singapore
          52. Soul
          53. Sramana
          54. Swami
          55. Tap
          56. Terapanth
          57. YJA
          58. Yog
          59. Young Jains
          60. Young Jains UK
          61. Yuvacharya
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