There are seven infernal lands in lower loka as shown in fig 6.4. Starting from top these are Ratnaprabha (gem hued), Sharkararaprabha (pebble hued), Balukaprabha (sand hued), Pankprabha (mudhued), Dhumprabha (smoke hued), Tamahprabha (dark) and Mahatamahprabha (pitch dark). The upper part of first infernal land Ratnaprabha is situated in the middle loka. The second infernal land is at a distance of one raju below this. Likewise all infernal lands are situated at a distance of one raju from each other. The Ratnaprabha has three divisions Khara division, Pank division and Abbahul division. These three divisions are 1600 yojana, 84000 yojana and 80,000 yojana thick (high) respectively. Khar division is inhabited by mansion dwelling infernal beings (Bhavanvasi deva), Pank division is by demons and fiendish youths (Raksasas) and Asur Kaumar (Vyantar deva) and the Abbahul division by infernal beings (Narki). Sharkaraprabha is 32000 yojana, Balukaprabha is 98000 yojana, Pankprabha is 24000 yojana, Dhumprabha is 20000 yojana, Tamaprabha is 16000 yojana and Mahatamaprabha is 8000 yojana thick. Different kinds of infernal beings live in these six lands.