Jain Vidya Sangoshthi
In the auspicious presence of Samanijis Pratibha & Punya Pragya, the Jain Vidya Sangoshti took place on Sunday, 26th March 2006, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon. Precautionarily, the Samanijis had reminded the interested in the event to the change of time which had happened in the early morning of this last Sunday in March all over Europe. From wintertime to summertime the clocks were advanced for one hour.
After Samani Punya Pragya had recited the opening prayer Manglachaaran, the speekers delivered their lectures in the following topics:
Prof. Satya Ranjan Banerjee (University of Calcutta)
Language connects to your root
Dr. Dharma Chandra Jain (University of Jodhpur)
Free will and Samyak Darshan
Dr. Sushil Jain (Assumption University, Canada)
Need of academic study in Jainism
Dr. Peter Flügel (University of London, SOAS)
Need to prepare new scholar in Jainism
Dr. Jitendra B. Shah (L.D. Institute, Ahmedabad)
Verity in Jain Literature
Rev. Akurala Samitha (Buddhist centre London)
The aim of spirituality
Rev. Samani Pratibha Pragya
Knowledge is bliss and bliss is knowledge
Dr. Harshad Sangrajka, Institute of Jainology, London
Master of ceremony
Prof. S.R. Banerjee is giving his lecture
Dr. Harshad Sangrajka, secretary Institute of Jainology, London, is addressing the audience
Nearly hundred people followed the speeches with great interest
Jain scholars at JVB London (from left): Dr. Harshad Sangrajka, London; Dr. Sushil Jain, Assumption; Prof. Banerjee, Kalkutta; Dr. Peter Flügel, London; Dr. Jitendra B. Shah, Ahmedabad; Dr. Dharma Chandra, Jodhpur.
Venue: JVB London
Sayer Centre
Oxgate Lane, Cricklewood,
London NW2 7JN
Tel/Fax: 020 8452 0913