JVB London

Published: 26.04.2004
Updated: 04.05.2021
JVBL, Jain Vishva Bharati London

Contact data

Jain Vishva Bharati London

Address: 39-41 Roxborough Rd, Harrow HA1 1NS
Phone Number: +447950606462
Web: https://www.jvblondon.org

About Us

We promote religious harmony, awareness and better understanding of the Jain philosophy within the community. We organise seminars, training, workshops and camps on science of living and how to adhere to the principle of non violence towards all living beings. JVB London promotes and guides how to improve the health and well being of the society through Preksha meditation, yoga and relaxation techniques.


JVB London derives its inspiration from the universal message of Bhagavan Mahavira.


JVB London envisions a violence free individual and society in mind, communication and action that inspires the whole world towards peace.


JVB London aims to empower the individuals and the society to actually practice Ahimsa (nonviolence), Sanyam (Moderation), and Anekant (divergent perspectives). It endeavors to create an environment of unity and harmony in society and inculcates individual transformation, which in turn leads to spiritual uplift and enlightenment.


Even after appreciating the virtues of Ahimsa, self-restrain and respect for divergent views and practices, masses lack the will power and the discipline to practice them. With these thoughts in mind JVB London presents a practical step by step approach of personal empowerment. The practice helps a person to build the inner strength resulting in a nonviolent, happy, compassionate, and contented life.

Spiritual Guidance

2021 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Swarana Pragya
2020 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Swarana Pragya
2019 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Unnata Pragya
Samani Vipul Pragya
2018 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Unnata Pragya
2017 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Unnata Pragya
2016 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Unnata Pragya
2015 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Kamal Pragya
Samani Punya Pragya
Samani Unnata Pragya
2014 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Shleel Pragya
2013 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Kanti Pragya
2012 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Him Pragya
Samani Vipul Pragya
2011 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Punya Pragya
2010 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Vikas Pragya
2010 May All Samanis returned to India when 10th Terapanth Acharya Mahaprajna left his body on 9th May 2010 and 11th Acharya Mahashraman was installed on 23rd May 2010.
2010 Jan-May Samani Prasanna Pragya
Samani Rohit Pragya
2009 Samani Prasanna Pragya
Samani Rohit Pragya
2008 Samani Prasanna Pragya
Samani Rohit Pragya


May-Dec Samani Amit Pragya
Samani Vishad Pragya
2007 Jan-May Samani Prasanna Pragya
Samani Manan Pragya
2006 Aug-Dec Samani Prasanna Pragya
Samani Sambodh Pragya
2006 Jan-Aug Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Punya Pragya
2005 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Punya Pragya
2004 Samani Pratibha Pragya
Samani Punya Pragya
Samani Jina Pragya
Samani Shukla Pragya


References are pages on which this term or individual has been marked. Select the list of references sorted by 'latest' (found on a page), 'alphabetical' or 'most used' (most frequent occurrence on a page).

Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Acharya Mahaprajna
  3. Acharya Mahashraman
  4. Ahimsa
  5. Anekant
  6. Body
  7. Discipline
  8. Environment
  9. Harrow
  10. JVB
  11. Jain Philosophy
  12. Jain Vishva Bharati
  13. Jina
  14. London
  15. Mahashraman
  16. Mahavira
  17. Meditation
  18. Non violence
  19. Nonviolence
  20. Pragya
  21. Preksha
  22. Preksha Meditation
  23. Punya
  24. Rohit
  25. Samani
  26. Samani Amit Pragya
  27. Samani Jina Pragya
  28. Samani Kamal Pragya
  29. Samani Kanti Pragya
  30. Samani Manan Pragya
  31. Samani Prasanna Pragya
  32. Samani Pratibha Pragya
  33. Samani Punya Pragya
  34. Samani Sambodh Pragya
  35. Samani Shukla Pragya
  36. Samani Swarana Pragya
  37. Samani Unnata Pragya
  38. Samani Vikas Pragya
  39. Samani Vipul Pragya
  40. Samani Vishad Pragya
  41. Samanis
  42. Sanyam
  43. Science
  44. Science Of Living
  45. Shukla
  46. Terapanth
  47. Terapanth Acharya
  48. Violence
  49. Yoga
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