
Published: 10.11.2004
Updated: 21.08.2015
Chaturmaasa, Chaturmasa, Chaturmāsas, Chaumasa, cāturmāsa

lit. "four months"

The four months of monsoon; they are called Savan, Bhadava, Asoj and Kati. Chaturmas is important for all followers of Jain religion. Often, the first two months are used for Tap; Tap is traditionally done for the purification of the soul. It varies from one day up to 30 days, according to the individual capacity.

Monks and nuns do not travel during this period.

Staying in one place during the monsoon reduces the risk of causing accidental death to numerous insects and smaller forms of life that thrive during the rains.


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  1. Chaturmas Listing [Terapanth]
  2. Soul
  3. Tap
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