38th IVU World Vegetarian Congress - Dresden 2008 Programme

Published: 11.07.2008
Updated: 02.07.2015

38th IVU World Vegetarian Congress - 100 Years of Food Revolution

A joint event of the International Vegetarian Union (IVU), and the Vegetarier-Bund Deutschlands e.V. (VEBU)

38th IVU World Vegetarian Congress - Dresden 2008 Programme

as of 10.07.08
(subject to change)

Sunday, 27th July 2008

Festival Hall

20:00 to 22:00 Opening Ceremony

Daily schedule


Opening of the Congress Centre


Beginning of the morning lectures (with tea/coffee break)




Beginning of the afternoon lectures (with tea/coffee break)


Dinner (except Friday)


Beginning of the evening programme


Closing of the Congress Centre


Monday, 28th July 2008                        Main topic: Animal Rights and Animal Welfare


  • Dilip Barman, USA, Introduction to Animal Rights Philosophy (English) (Festsaal)


  • Dr. Eisenhart von Loeper, Germany, Animal Rights, the Constitution and Humanity (German) (Festsaal)


  • Martin Schlatzer, Austria, Ecological Aspects of a Vegetarian Nutrition with Focus on Climate Change (German) (Festsaal)
  • Dr. Edmund Semler, Austria, Raw Food: Myths, Facts and Successes of an Alternative Diet (German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Stephen Walsh PhD, UK, Simple Guidelines for Healthy and Economical Living without Animal Products (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Felix Hnat, Austria, Intrdoduction to the Use of the Ecological Footprint Concept in Vegan Campaigning (German) (Bahr Room)
  • Christopher Fettes, Ireland, International Friendships between Vegetarian Families (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Rynn Berry, USA, Christ versus Anti-Christ: the Vegetarianism of Jesus and Hitler (English) (Elbe Room)


  • John Davis, UK, 100 Years of the International Vegetarian Union (English) (Festsaal)
  • Prof. Peter Hines + Dr. Matthew Cole, UK, The Impact of Food Supply Chaines in Global Warming: The Lifestock Effect (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Brenda Davis, Canada, Defeating Diabetes - Lessons from the Marshall Islands (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Alberto P. Gonzales, Brazil, Raw Vegetarian Kitchen: Hope for Health at the Bottom of the Pyramid (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Saurabh Dalal, USA, Ahimsa and the Spirit of Jainism (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Marlene Kautz, Germany, Breathing - Movement - Meditation (German) (Elbe Room)


  • VEBU AGM (Festsaal)
  • EVU AGM (Neumarkt Room)
  • Thomas Schwarz, Germany, Youth Culture, Music and Social Criticism (German) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Dr. Riccardo Trespidi, Italy, The Science of Ethical Nutrition (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Dipl.-Okonom Bernd Ackermann, Germany, Animal-friendly Organic Farming and our Future on Earth (German) (Bruhl Room)
  • Didi Sudesh, Germany, Body, Soul, Mind and Matter (English) (Elbe Room)


  • VEBU AGM continued (Festsaal)
  • EVU AGM continued (Neumarkt Room)
  • Eric Karlsson, Sweden, Nature Cure - a Holistic Natural Living and Self-Healing System (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Jayant Patel, UK, A Strategivc Approach to Eradication of Animal Cruelty, World Hunger and Environment Devastation (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Film: Devour the Earth (English with German subtitles) (Bruhl Room)
  • Speaker's Corner, English (Elbe Room)


  • *Galli Theater presents Communication Theater*
    Interactive, exciting and together with the audience will a story be created. One actor presents a story, but he does not know the story before. The audience is asked to give ideas and hints to create this spontaneous myth which will be acted out, full of joy and creativity by the actor. (Festsaal)


Tuesday, 29th July 2008                        Main topic: Vegetarian Nutrition, Health and Sport


  • Prof. Dr. Peter Clarys, Belgium, Vegetarian Nutrition and Physical Performance Capacity (English) (Festsaal)


  • Brenda Davis + Vesanto Melina, Canada, Vegan Nutrition for Life - Big Blunders, Simple Solutions (English) (Festsaal)


  • Prof. Dr. Claus Leitzmann, Germany, Vegetarian Nutrition and Cancer Prevention (German) (Festsaal)
  • Paul Turner, USA, Foof for Life - the World's Largest Vegan Food Relief Organisation (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Elena Pridie, Romania, Focus on Children: Vegetarian from the Start, for a Healthy Life (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Dorrit Franze, Germany, Legal Tips and Tricks for Animal Rights Activists (German) (Bahr Room)
  • George Jacobs, Singapore, Howard Gardner and his Theory of Multiple Intelligences (English) (Bruhl Room)


  • Prof. Dr. med. Bernd Kronig, Germany, The Influence of a Vegetarian Diet on Cardiovascular Disease (German) (Festsaal)
  • Rynn Berry, USA, Ethical Vegetarianism and Non-violence in the World's Religions (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Jan Stastny, Czech Republic, Historical Cartoons Portraying Vegetarians (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Sebastian Zoesch, Germany, Strategies and Reflections on Spreading the Vegetarian Message (German) (Bahr Room)
  • Dr. Erika Gartmann, Germany, Symptoms and Psychological Consequences of Meat Eating (German) (Bruhl Room)


  • IVU General Meeting (Festsaal)
  • Siegfried Pater, Germany, Fast Food Destoys Life (German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Tina-Luise Fischer, Germany, Rights to Personal Status and Dignity for Higher Mammals? (German) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Guido von Arx, Switzerland, Spiritual Vegetarianism (German) (Bahr Room)
  • Alexander Nabben, Germany, Milk is more than White Blood (German) (Bruhl Room)
  • Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Karnowsky + Ulrich Rehberg, Germany, How your Will can Help (German) (Elbe Room)


  • IVU General Meeting continued (Festsaal)
  • Andreas Hanni/Stefan Gyoerke, Switzerland, Medical and Peak Physical Performance Aspects of a Vegan Diet (German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Dipl.Oek-Troph. Dagmar Puhl Sadhvi Daya, Austria, Vegetarianism and Yoga (German/English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Dr. Edmund Haferbeck, Germany, Animal Rights in the Conflict between Ecology, World Hunger and Climate Change (German) (Bahr Room)
  • Ingo F. Rittmeyer, Germany, Why does our Daily Bread make us Sick? (German) (Bruhl Room)
  • Speaker's Corner, German (Elbe Room)


  • Easy line dances to join in (Festsaal)
  • Thomas Schonberger, Germany, Foundation Vegeterra (German) (Bahr Room)


Wednesday, 30th July 2008                        Main topic: Vegetarians in Society and Politics


  • Barbara Rutting, Germany, Pleasures and Frustrations of a Vegetarian Member of Parliament (German) (Festsaal)


  • Dr. Matthew Cole + Dr. Karen Morgan, UK, Ethical Veganism and the Challenge of Interlocking Opressions: how do we create Vegatopia? (English) (Festsaal)


  • Sebastian Zoesch, DE, Veggie Investments and Veggie Business Ventures - Networking and Discussion (English/German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Guided sightseeing tours of the city

    1. Tour 1: 3 hours, by bus and on foot (9 Euros)
    2. Tour 2: 2 hours, by bus (7 Euros)
    3. Tour 3: 2 hours, on foot (fully booked)


  • Rock/Pop Concert with Xie Zheng from China and Peter Volland (Festsaal)


Thursday, 31st July 2008       Main topic:   Vegetarianism and Ecology, Nature Conservation and World Hunger


  • Caryn Hartglass, USA, Eating to Protect our Ecosystem (English) (Festsaal)


  • Dr. Vandana Shiva, India, About her work (English) (Festsaal)


  • Prof. Jurgen Rochlitz, Germany, Vegan Diet and Sustainability (German) (Festsaal)
  • Dr. Roberta Kalechofsky, USA, The Vegetarian Tradition in the Jewish Religion (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Dr. Sonja Lewandowski, Germany, Practical Tips for Vegan School Lunches and Lunch Boxes and how to introduce Vegan Food Options into the School System (Altmarkt Room)
  • Thomas Muller-Scholl, Germany, A Vegetarian Children's Project for a Healthy and Non-violent World (German/English) (Bahr Room)
  • Zuzana Skvarilova, Czech Republic, Vegetarian Diet as a Protective Diet (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Annette Pinner, UK, Meeting of Society Leaders to Exchange Experiences (English) (Elbe Room)


  • Charlotte Probst, Austria, Our Future Begins in Childhood (Festsaal)
  • Vesanto Melina, Canada, Surviving and Thriving despite Food Allergies (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Nandita Shah, India, Eating Animals and the Resultant Desensitization of our Species. Are we paying too high a price? (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Dr. Corina Gericke, Germany, The Way out of the Blind Alley of Animal Research Oriented Medicine -Vegetarian and Vegan Diets as a Contribution against Animal Experiences (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Jean Huntziger, France, The Eye, a Mirror of Malnutrition (German) (Bruhl Room)
  • Annette Pinner, UK, Meeting of Society Leaders to Exchange Experiences cont. (English) (Elbe Room)


  • Jan Stastny, Czech Republic, Franz Kafka - Vegetarian Activist (English) (Festsaal)
  • Ester Ouwehand, The Netherlands, Stefan Eck, Germany, and Ralph Chaloupek, Austria, The Necessity of Political Engagement for Animal Welfare and Animal Rights. The Animal Welfare Parties in The Netherlands, Austria and Germany (English/German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Stephen Walsh PhD, UK, Myths and Misconceptions: Things „everyone knows" which aren't true (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Marly Winckler, Brazil, Vegetarianism: a Revolutionary Lifestyle (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Renato Pichler, Switzerland, Veggie Meets Industry: the V-Label-Project (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Wasmut Reyer, Germany, „Why Vegetarian?" How to argue effectively when People ask you why you are a Vegetarian or an Animal Rights Activist (German) (Elbe Room)


  • Saurabh Dalal, USA, A Global Plant-based Solution to Global Warming (English) (Festsaal)
  • Ester Ouwehand, The Netherlands, Stefan Eck, Germany, and Ralph Chaloupek, Austria, The Necessity of Political Engagement for Animal Welfare and Animal Rights. The Animal Welfare Parties in The Netherlands, Austria and Germany, continued (English/German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Nitin Mehta, UK, European Vegetarians from the 18th Century Onwards - the Hindu Influence (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Tobis Leenaert, Belgium, Reaching Everybody. Campaigning for one Vegetarian Day a Week (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Pornthep SriNarula, Thailand, Aspects of Vegetarianism in Thailand (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Speaker's Corner, German (Elbe Room)


  • Presentation of the Kinder- and Jugend-Prize of the Vegeterra Foundation (German) (Festsaal)


  • FINETUNE - " Dances and Ballads from Celtic countries" with Helga and Peter Supplieth (Festsaal)


Friday, 1st August 2008                        Main topic: Vegetarianism and Ethics, Religion and Spirituality



  • Prof. Dr. Eugen Drewermann, Germany, Animals and People: Towards a new Ethical Relationship (Deutsch) (Festsaal)


  • Dr. Paula Brugger, Brazil,..Instrumental Rationality" as a Key Concept in Understanding our Relationship with Nature (English) (Festsaal)


  • Dr. Karl von Koerber, Germany, Sustainability and Nutrition - Ecological, Economic, Social and Health Related Dimensions of our Diet (German) (Festsaal)
  • Harald Balluch + Felix Hnat, Austria, In-vitro Meat from the Lab for the Liberation of Animals (Workshop and discussion) (German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Vibeke Helder, The Netherlands, How to Start a Health Care Insurance for Vegetarians (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Zuzana Skvarilova, Czech Republic, Vegetarianism as the Foundation for the Sustainable Development of Human Existence (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Birgit Otto, Germany, The Subtle Seducer - Refined Sugar and its „Sweet Secrets" (German) (Bruhl Room)
  • Siegfried W. F. Pagel, Germany, A Natural Concept: Human Beings as Creatures of Light and the „Sunfood" Diet (German) (Elbe Room)


  • Maria Rollinger, Germany, Milk and Gluten Intolerance - the Influence of New Milk and Grain Production Methods on Intolerances (German) (Festsaal)
  • Sacinandana Swami, Germany, Vegetarianism in the Different Traditions of Ancient India (English) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Melanie Bujok, Germany, The Ontologisation of animals into farm animals (German) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Martina Kobs-Metzger, Germany, The Indian Nutritional Teachings of Ayurveda (German) (Bahr Room)
  • Jitka Skockova, Czech Republic, Introduction of the Czech Society for Nutrition and Vegetarianism (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Purnima Toolsidass, India, The Utility of Animal Welfare (English) (Elbe Room)


  • George Jacobs, Singapore, Children's Books for Promoting Veg-friendly Attitudes (English with German examples) (Festsaal)
  • Dr. Markus Keller, Germany, Potentially Critical Nutrients in Vegetarian Diets - Latest Scientific Findings (German) (Neumarkt Room)
  • Sister Wako Ishikawa, Japan, Zen Vegetarianism in Japan - Meals and Spirituality (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Karen Soeters, The Netherlands, Dutch film „Meat the Truth" (in English) with introduction (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Francesco Maurelli, Ireland, Vegetarianism and Esperanto - Two Green Ways (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Meeting of delegates from Europe (English) (Elbe Room)


  • Shankar Narayan, India, Origin and History of Vegetarianism in India (English) (Festsaal)
  • Panel Discussion on Nutrition (Neumarkt Room)
  • Dr. Marco Ceriani + Cinzia Chiarenza, Italy, Nutrition and Training for Champion of the World and Miss Universe (English) (Altmarkt Room)
  • Karen Soeters, The Netherlands, Dutch film „Meat the Truth" (in English) with introduction, continued (English) (Bahr Room)
  • Drs. Susianto Tseng, Indonesia, The Nutritional Status of Vegetarian Children in Indonesia (English) (Bruhl Room)
  • Meeting of delegates from Europe, continued (English) (Elbe Room)


  • Closing ceremony (Festsaal)


  • Gala Farewell Dinner (Diningroom)


Saturday, 2nd August 2008

Day tour

Departure: 9:00 in front of the Congress Centre.

Saxonian Switzerland, Bastei, lunch on top of the mountains, boat trip, evening meal in Dresden



Events around the Congress

Monday, 28th July 2008


Prayers for the animals at the Frauenkirche led by Sebastian Feydt (minister at the Frauenkirche) and Dr. Ulrich Seidel (Church Action for Animals) Duration: about 15 minutes

followed by a tour of the Frauenkirche guided from the pulpit


Tuesday, 29th and Wednesday 30th July 2008

The „Tierfreundemobil" - window into the world of slaughterhouses and factory farms

Advertisements soothe the conscience with pictures of idyllic farms, loving farmers and happy animals. But these so-called „livestock" don't live out their lives on heavenly green pastures; human kindness or affection is foreign to them, and their deaths come at the end of undeservedly horrible lives.

The organisation Die Tierfreunde e. V., literally The Friends of Animals, has made it their objective to dispense with the fairytales. With photos taken inside factory farms and slaughterhouses, they hope to bring to the public's attention the reality that the animal industry doesn't want consumers to see. The Tierfreundemobil, the organisation's travelling video van, is an essential part of this work and will be a guest at the World Vegetarian Congress in Dresden.

It can be seen on Tuesday beside the Kulturpalast (in the Schloss-Strasse) from about 8:30 to 18:30 and on Wednesday in the town centre in front of the Altmarktgalerie (Doktor-Kulz-Ring), on the corner of Seestrasse, from about 11:00 to 20:00, only a five minutes walk from the Kulturpalast. www.die-tierfreunde.de

International Vegetarian Union
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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Ahimsa
  2. Ayurveda
  3. Body
  4. Ecology
  5. Environment
  6. IVU
  7. International Vegetarian Union
  8. Jainism
  9. John Davis
  10. Meditation
  11. Nitin Mehta
  12. Non-violence
  13. Peter Clarys
  14. Renato Pichler
  15. Sadhvi
  16. Saurabh Dalal
  17. Science
  18. Shankar Narayan
  19. Singapore
  20. Soul
  21. Stephen Walsh
  22. Sustainability
  23. Sustainable Development
  24. Swami
  25. Vandana
  26. Vegan
  27. Veganism
  28. Vegetarianism
  29. Yoga
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