
Published: 08.10.2009
Updated: 30.07.2015

Samani Nidesika Bhavit Pragya while addressing audience in Korba, Chhattisgarh said that Efficiency means "A person being talented and personally skillful or capable.”

A person becomes more efficient, when more pressure is insisted on him. Efficiency is related to Concentration, which again is related to the mind, and mind is connected with breath. In the lack of concentration, 20% of our Energy is utilized.  Work which would have been done by two hours is elongated and is completed after 10 hours, nearly a difference of 8 hours happens due to lack of concentration.

In order to develop a balanced body, good food and proper exercise are necessary, same way to develop our knowledge and to increase the mental standard; we have to read good books. Books that mean excellent literature and good philosophy. As improper eating leads to unhealthiness, so also polluted, dirty and exciting reading causes imbalance to the mind. “Food makes us live and good books teaches us how to live.”

In the words of Edison “Reading is as important to mind, as exercise to the body.” Bal Gangadhar Tilak said,” I will welcome good literature even in the hell, because where there are good books, hell is also converted to heaven.” Lord MACAULAY Expressed,” If I become an Emperor and if anyone deny me from reading, then in that situation I would resign and give up emperorship.” He said,” These two eyes externally see this gross world, but by good reading we visualize ourselves internally, so books are our best friends.”

If a person is being found of company of experts, then naturally he also gains good experience. Experts do not rely on the words of others.

Doctor Lopnov is of opinion that if a person utilizes 10% of his energy, then he can become one of the greatest men of the word. But that man should be totally confident about his energy otherwise he will not be successful in life. Self-confidence is an essential virtue of life. By self-confidence a person becomes physically, mentally and emotionally strong where as fear destroys our energy. Self- confidence is the basic and stepping-stone to success. Confidence keeps energy level in good amount.

Enthusiasm increases the white blood corpuscles in the blood to around 1600 in number whereas disappointment reduces it to 1400.

Thought process should be high, sublime, positive, so that mental standard remains high.  Once a foreign doctor asked Gandhiji “What is the reason for the decrease in size of physical structure of Indians where as there was increase in those of the western people”. To this Gandhiji replied, “It seems that you are a doctor and you are worried about the physical size, whereas I am worried that there should not be decrease in their mental standard.  If mental standard is high, he gains success in life.

Thinking really produces waves in atmosphere. As per thoughts, waves arise. Negative thinking ruins a person. In this scientific world of living, we come to know that jealousy is the main reason for ulcer. Superiority complex is the cause for pain in joints, shoulders and spondilitis. Anger is reason for cancer and indigestion. Greed is the reason for jaundice and it also causes increment of cough, laziness, hardness, stiffness and pain in different parts of the body. Hatred is reason for leprosy and skin disease. Fear is the reason for high blood pressure and stiffness. Worry leads to diabetes. Mental tension causes gastric troubles. Attachment is the root cause for all sins. It reduces digestion.  Indigestion makes a person violent considering all these facts we can conclude that positive thinking is extremely essential for leading a peaceful and productive life.

Exercise has a great impact on digestive system. Generally slow digestion leads to putting on weight. In that situation reduction in regular eating leads to obesity, so exercise is essential to maintain a healthy body. 

  1. Exercise makes an active digestive system. Though proper digestion, body consumes food, inhalation of oxygen with exercise reduces fatness metabolism.
  2. Through good metabolism and regular exercise body absorbs calories early and extra calories are also well utilized. If we exceed in eating compared to regular routine eating, this also causes extra fat in the body. Thus fatness can be decreased only by exercise.
  3. By exercise every cell, tissue, organ, gland including all the systems of body work in a healthy way and mind lives peacefully and happy.
  4. By exercise, not only hunger, but it also regulates the abdominal system.  Mostly ladies try to maintain bodyline by dieting, the result of which is they gain wrinkles on their face and look awkward and older.  If ladies exercise regularly, they can maintain their bodyline.
  5. Exercise keeps the flow of blood fit. After 30 years of age every decade of it blood circulation from the heart reduces from 6 to 8% whereas blood pressure increases from 4 to 6%, where as muscles of the body loosens about 4%. Exercise makes one spinal cord more flexible. Therefore, from all views to increase physical efficiency, regular morning walking and exercise is very necessary.

There are three types of food:

  1. Hitabhuka: The food, which is helpful for health and strength.
  2. Mitabhuka: To eat lesser than the required amount.  Hunger should be divided into four parts.  Two parts should be allotted for food; one part for gas and the fourth part should be empty.
  3. Ritabhuka: Eat always with good feelings. If you are mentally tensed and if you eat at that time, then your food also get converted into bad notion, so there should be tension free eating. These three points should be observed during eating:

In regard to food three things are required:

  1. Food variety should be less.
  2. Avoid excess eating.
  3. The food that causes exciting sensational feelings should be avoided.

Punctuality keeps a man healthy, wealthy and wiseLaziness is an enemy of a person. It is great obstacle to go ahead in life. So avoid it and proceed further. Discipline of body and mind on time helps in generating talent energy.

Brain is central house for knowledge. It has three windows - Curiosity, reading and thinking. If these three windows are locked, the new ideas and thoughts never appear. A person without curiosity is an animal. If a person depends only on nature, then he would never success to make his food, clothing and shelter and there would be no scientific inventions either. It is curiosity that has given way to all these new inventions like TV, phones, computers, Internet, etc., and it has taught the art of living also. The birth of science is indeed astonishing.  It happens due to curiosity. Now and then curiosity gives birth to reading and reading inspires to think. Thereby we can say, “Reading is food and Thought is digestion”. Thinking comes from self. Therefore to increase mental efficiency, intelligent must always think, and develop new ideas. Be conscious that thinking should not change into worry. 

Positive thinking keeps our nervous system and all other systems of the body healthy. Deep breathing, retention, concentration (meditation) on the nose tip is all required for emotional development. A part of our brain is odor brain that is more developed in animals. Fear, anger, ego etc. takes place in the brain.  Concentration on the nose tip (Prana) helps in changing fear, anger, etc., controlling the abdominal system and helping stability of wind and mind.

By increasing all types of efficiency a person can play an important role in making personality development.


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          Page glossary
          Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
          1. Anger
          2. Bhavit
          3. Body
          4. Brain
          5. Chhattisgarh
          6. Concentration
          7. Discipline
          8. Fear
          9. Gandhiji
          10. Greed
          11. Meditation
          12. Pragya
          13. Prana
          14. Samani
          15. Samani Nidesika Bhavit Pragya
          16. Science
          17. Tilak
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