Ladnun - Jain Vishva Bharati - Trip To Spirituality [42.1] Maryada Mahotsav 2005 - Day 1

Published: 13.02.2005
Updated: 15.02.2008

From 13th to 15th February 2005, the campus of JVB Ladnun resembled to a beehive. It was annual Maryada Mahotsav, the only occasion where nearly all monks and nuns of the order gather. Every one of them, not being in a too far walking distance, tries to attend the meeting, and so do Samanijis from overseas. Many lay followers are attracted by the celebrations as well; there is hardly another occasion to be near so many saints as for Maryada Mahotsav. Many-storied buildings are completely inhabited by nuns, respectively monks; a special atmosphere is vibrating in the air.

On Maryada Mahotsav, the rules of conduct again are read out to the saints by their head, Acharya Mahaprajna. The founder of the order, Acharya Bikshu, had laid them down about 250 years ago. Further, the present Acharya announces the tasks for the coming year, and who is supposed to go where. Understandably, these circumstances are connected with nervousness among the audience.

This was not the first time, we were participating in Maryada Mahotsav. In 2001, we were at Gangashahar, Rajasthan (which will be documented soon); 2004, we were able to report on it through the excellent photos and press releases from Jalgaon city. 2005 at Ladnun, there was no press release at all; so, we were happy for the opportunity to be present there.

Where all kinds of birds and squirrels were cavorting on the other days, on these three extraordinary days, people oozed out of their cars and hurried to the Assembly Hall. The normally peaceful and quiet campus resembled nearly to a big city’s parking place.

To meet children’s need of moving and entertainment, and to release them from sitting motionless at one place, without being able to follow what exactly is going on, children got the opportunity to go to a nearby exposition where care was taken of them. They got drawing materials and formed little groups where they communicated with each other. The merchants of the exposition, together with JVB voluntaries had organized this facility.

On the campus, we (Editors Aparigraha, second left, & Karuna, third left, Jain) met many friends. Dr. G. L. Jain (second right) just had arrived with his friends from Preksha Dhyan Academy Udaipur. They were proposed to be awarded for their special contribution to the propagation of the benefits of Preksha Meditation and expressed the hope to be mentioned at least.

These Sadhvishrees did not go for Gochari on that day. They came from a visit someone had asked for. They continued their way as usual and were neither astonished, nor impressed, how many cars were on the campus. They responded to our respectful bowing down with the usual blessing hand gesture and asked us smilingly if we enjoyed everything. Then they hurried back to their group in the hall.

Meanwhile, the big Assembly Hall filled up with people, arriving from all directions, recognising each other, exchanging greetings, looking for 'their' place to sit down. Male and female community members sit separately, the colourful view is taken from the female side. Near to the stage, Sadhvishrees and Samanijis are forming a white barrier to the colourful drive. In front, right from the colomn, a monitor was installed, to make it easy to follow even for those sitting rather far away from the stage.

Everybody's attention is focused on Acharya Mahaprajna (middle), Yuvacharya Mahashraman (right), and Sadhvi Pramukha Kanakprabha (left). They are on the stage during the whole morning and afternoon ceremonies, each about two or three hours, sometimes more. For not wasting precious time, they are occupied with own activities as well. Reading, writing articles, speeches and the like can be observed during such a common gathering. They all are working in public, not losing a single minute their disciplined way of life. Sometimes, they are even in deep meditation. It is a very intensive experience to go oneself into deep meditation when they do.

Munishree Shuklal Kumar is addressing the audience. In Surat, Gujarat, where Acharyashree and the Sangh had passed their 2003 Chaturmas, he had initiated a project for the upliftment of socially deprived people which has been continued by a group of lay followers after he had left town. He is presenting the results of an alphabetisation project and the names of those having worked successfully, without mentioning that this project was initiated by him. Editors by chance got to know the background of the project. The project was awarded.

Another project was also awarded. Dr. G. L. Jain was very happy to receive the award he had dreamt of. Together with the award, a check with a considerable amount of Rupees was handed over to him.

Who would have believed that these beautiful Bougainvillae are florishing in a park in the middle of a semi-aride desert? After the long sessions in the hall, people enjoyed walking in the park, admiring the beautiful flowers. Some of the participants came from desert areas where no drop of waters falls during the whole year. Not only for them, these red flowers will be a sweet remembrance.

This wild peacock has already backed out for sleep. The grey-blue evening sky is reflecting the sun's last rays before darkness for another night wins over sunlight. First day of Maryada Mahotsav 2005 was over.


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      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Bikshu
      3. Acharya Mahaprajna
      4. Aparigraha
      5. Chaturmas
      6. Dhyan
      7. Gangashahar
      8. Gochari
      9. Gujarat
      10. JVB
      11. JVB Ladnun
      12. Jalgaon
      13. Karuna
      14. Ladnun
      15. Mahashraman
      16. Maryada
      17. Maryada Mahotsav
      18. Meditation
      19. Preksha
      20. Preksha Dhyan
      21. Preksha Meditation
      22. Rajasthan
      23. Sadhvi
      24. Sadhvi Pramukha
      25. Sadhvi Pramukha Kanakprabha
      26. Sangh
      27. Surat
      28. Udaipur
      29. Yuvacharya
      30. Yuvacharya Mahashraman
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