May 25, 2011 (updated November 2011)
This is a brief summary of a talk I gave at the. International Vegan Festival in Malaga, Spain, June 4-12, 2011, and at the Midlands Vegan Festival, Wolverhampton UK, October 29, 2011
1806 | |
1811 | |
1813 | |
1830s | |
1830s | |
1838 | |
1842, April | |
1842 June | |
1845-6 | |
1846 | |
1847 | |
1874 | |
1887 | |
1910 | |
1909-14 | |
1931 | |
1944 Donald Watson and friends coined the word 'vegan' and founded The Vegan Society - the first issue of their journal was subtitled 'the journal of the non-dairy vegetarians' - and made it clear that they had not wanted to separate from The Vegetarian Society, they just wanted a distinct section within it. Most retained their memberships of both societies, as many do today. | |
1947 Watson was a speaker at the IVU World Veg Congress (he is front-middle right) - The Vegan Society had joined IVU soon after being founded, and has been a member ever since. | |
1957 | |
1960 The American Vegan Society was founded, joining IVU from the outset. This included a smaller group started in California as far back as 1948. | |
1960-90s | |
1995 records of printed media show a significant increase in the use of the word 'vegan' - this appears to have come from the rapid expansion of vegan websites, leading to a market for vegan books, especially recipes. | |
1997 The IVU website started a recipe collection - agreed to be entirely vegan from the outset. We now have over 3,000 in English with more in other languages. | |
1998 IVU agreed that all food at IVU Congresses would in future be completely vegan. | |
21st Century
Will all vegetarians eventually be vegan? We have no way of knowing, but the continuing trend seems inevitable
Footnotes, added a couple of days after the blog was posted:
- it will be seen from above that there has been a significant change towards veganism within IVU over the last 15 years. This is mostly due to the work of The Vegan Society (the original one in the UK). Such changes inevitably take time, and TVS deserves credit and respect for the manner in which they have promoted their cause - and they won't give up...
- the day after the blog was posted, I went back to the 'Truth Tester journals edited by William Horsell at the Ramsgate Hydrotherapy Institute. The winter 1846/47 issues contain a recipe for 'Sago Pudding' - normally made with some animal products - this one ended by proudly proclaiming what can be done 'without milk, eggs or butter'. So far this is the earliest deliberately vegan recipe that I've found, and in a vegan journal. There were plenty of earlier recipes that didn't happen to need animal products, but none I've seen that deliberately substituted them.
- the question of the lack of women above was raised. There must have been some, but the men of the time didn't bother to write about them, so we don't have any details. If anything comes to light another update will be posted.
- alongside the vegan Dr. Lambe above, the founder of the ovo-lacto Bible Christian Church in 1809 was the Rev. William Cowherd... honest! Hollywood couldn't have named them better:-)