World Veganism: Bibliography

Author:  Image of John DavisJohn Davis
Published: 03.02.2013
Updated: 02.07.2015

All links go to original editions on Google Books or unless otherwise stated, and are listed in roughly chronological order, instead of the usual alphabetical by author - use search to find authors or keywords. The contents are not necessarily vegan, or any sort of vegetarian, but indicate a movement towards more humane thought and healthy lifestyles.

Starting with Indian texts:

  1. Outlines of Jainism by Jagmanderlal Jaini M.A., Indore. Pub. Cambridge, 1916. Founded by Mahavira, 599 BC - avoids all harm to animal life.
  2. Jaina Sutras Part I & II trans. Hermann Jacobi, Oxford 1884
  3. Texts from the Buddhist canon, commonly known as Dhammapada, with accompanying narratives trans. Samuel Beal, Prof. of Chinese, London, 1878. Buddha (?563-483 BC)
  4. The Lankavatara Sutra; a Mahayana text trans. Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki, London, 1932
  5. Asoka, the Buddhist emperor of India by Vincent A. Smith M.R.A.S., Oxford, 1901. Asoka (273?-232 BC) banned all animal slaughter in India.
  6. The Laws of Manu trans. George Buhler, Oxford, 1886. Somewhat disputed Hindu texts... does not prohibit meat eating but: p.99, Law 48: "Meat can never be obtained without injury to living creatures, and injury to sentient beings is detrimental to (the attainment of) heavenly bliss; let him therefore shun (the use of) meat."

    Greece, Rome and Early Christian

  7. Hesiod's Works and Days (c.800 BCE) contained in Homer's Batrachomyomachia, hymns and epigrams; Hesiod's Works and days; Musasus' Hero and Leander, trans. George Chapman, London,1858
  8. Hesiod: Works and Days Trans Hugh G. Evelyn-White, 1914. Describes a mythological 'golden age' of a plant based diet.
  9. Pagan Regeneration: a study of mystery initiations in the Graeco-Roman world Harold Rideout Willoughby 1929. Includes Orphic Communities. p.129: "The ascetic prescription included an abstinence from meat..."
  10. Herodotus - trans. Rev. William Beloe 1831. P.236: "The neck of land which stretches from the country of the Gindanes towards the sea is possessed by the Lotophagi who live entirely upon the fruit of the lotos."
  11. The Fragments of Empedocles (link to trans. W.E. Leonard Ph.D., Chicago, 1908. Part 2 says much about transmigration of souls and the Orphic/Pythagorean traditions.
  12. The life of Apollonius of Tyana by Philostratus (the Athenian)
  13. Plato's Republic commentary by Lewis Campbell M.A., Ll.D., London, 1902.
  14. The Republic of Plato trans. Thomas Taylor c.1800. This edition: London, c.1894. In Books II & III Plato (428-347 BC) develops the dietary ideas of Pythagoras.
  15. The Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers By Diogenes Laertius (?412-?323 BC), includes a section on Pythagoras, trans. C. D. Yonge, 1853
  16. Ovid's Metamorphoses by Publius Ovidius Naso (43 BC - AD 17). This edition pub. London 1822. Book 15, p.516 is a biography of Pythagoras. p.519: "He first forbid animal food to be served up at the tables of men".
  17. Seneca's Morals - Seneca (c.5 BC - AD 65) - trans Sir Roger L'estrange c.1870 p110: "I gave over eating of flesh".
  18. Plutarch's Morals Vol.5 by Plutarch (c.AD 46-c.120)- edited by W. W. Goodwin Ph.D, Harvard, 1878. Includes the essay 'Of Eating Flesh'.
  19. The works of the Emperor Julian... translated from the Greek pub. 1798. p.178: Julian... lived on vegetables (several references to his Pythagorean diet.)
  20. The Ante-Nicene Fathers Translations of the Writings of the Fathers down to A.D. 325 edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson, Vol.2 (of 10 vols.) P.137 - 'On Eating', from The Instructor, by Clement of Alexandria.

    Al-Ma'rri (Abu 'l-'Ala - 973-1057, Syria/Baghdad)

  21. The letters of Abu 'l-'Ala of Ma'arrat al-Nu'man - D. S. Margoliouth, M.A. 1898 - biography and letters of Al-Ma'rri
  22. The Diwan of Abu'l-Ala - Henry Baerlein, 1909
  23. Abul Ala, The Syrian - Henry Baerlein, 1914
  24. The Luzumiyat of Abu'l-Ala - Ameen F. Rihani, 1918
  25. Studies in Islamic poetry - R. Nicholson, 1921 - mostly poetry of Al-Ma'rri

    Europe - Middle Ages to 17th Century - The Renaissance

  26. Leonardo da Vinci, artist, thinker and man of science Vol.1 by Eugène Müntz, 1898. p.17 footnote: "It appears from Corsali's letter that Leonardo ate no meat, but lived entirely on vegetables, thus forestalling our modern vegetarians by several centuries."
  27. Discourses on the sober life (Discorsi della vita sobria) Being the personal narrative of Luigi Cornaro (1467-1566) New York, 1916 edition
  28. The Art of Living Long - the treatise by the celebrated Venetian centenarian, Luigi Cornaro (1465-1566), with essays, pub.1903
  29. Utopia by Sir Thomas Moore (1478-1535) 2008 edition: p.108 "some live unmarried and chaste, and abstain from eating any sort of flesh."
  30. The Essays of Michael de Montaigne, Vol II (1533-1592) trans. Pierre Coste, this edition London 1811
  31. Poemata: Latin, Greek and Italian Poems by John Milton 1608-1674 ( plain text 146k) this edition c.1876. - Elegy VI, line 60: 'Let herbs to them a bloodless banquet give'
  32. The Works of Abraham Cowley Vol.III (1620-1667), Samuel Johnson, John Aikin, this edition 1806. p.173 The Garden
  33. Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets ( plain text 255k) by John Evelyn (1620-1706) First pub. 1699, this edition New York, 1937. From the foreword: 'Evelyn... is probably the first advocate in England of a meatless diet.'
  34. Tryon's Letters, Domestick and Foreign, to Several Persons of Quality, Occasionally Distributed in Subjects, Viz. Philosophical, Theological, and Moral. by Thomas Tryon (1634-1703), pub.1700 (see eg Letter XIX 'Of Flesh Broths', p.87)
  35. A Pythagorean of the Seventeenth Century - Alexander Gordon, Liverpool 1871. Commentary on, and extracts from, Tryon's (ovo-lacto) autobiography.

    Europe 18th Century - The Age of Enlightenment

  36. An Essay of Health and Long Life By George Cheyne, M.D. F.R.S., 1724. " Benefit of a low Diet, living altogether on 'vegetable Food and pure Element.' "
  37. Fables of Mr. John Gay first appeared 1726, this edition London, 1792. John Gay (1685-1732) wrote many references to humane diet.
  38. The Fable of the Bees by Bernard Mandeville, 1729
  39. The Seasons by James Thomson, first pub. 1726-30, this ed. London, 1824.
  40. An Essay on Man by Alexander Pope ((1688-1744), first pub. 1732-5, this edition London 1820. Humane commentary
  41. Emanuel Swedenborg: a biography by James Wilkinson, Boston, 1849. p.238: He writes on the subject in his Arcana as follows: "Considered apart, eating the flesh of animals is somewhat profane...."
  42. Works Vol.26 (inc. The Princess of Babylon) by Voltaire. This edition 1769.
  43. The Philosophical Dictionary by Voltaire, short edition 1802. See Beasts p.31
  44. A Philosophical Dictionary Vol VI by Voltaire. See Viands p.315
  45. Memoirs of the Life of Voltaire by Voltaire. This edition London, 1784
  46. John Wesley (1703-1791) biography by Richard Green, pub. late 19th century. p.35: in the hope of thereby promoting his own piety, he began to use a vegetable diet.
  47. Free Thoughts Upon the Brute-creation By John Hildrop, London, 1742
  48. Observations on man, his frame, his duty, and his expectations Vol.2 by David Hartley (1705-1757), first pub. 1749. This edition 1801. Much concerned with animals as food eg: 'With respect to animal diet, let it be considered, that taking away the lives of animals, in order to convert them into food, does great violence to the principles of benevolence and compassion.' p.222.
  49. An Introduction To The Principles Of Morals And Legislation by Jeremy Bentham, first pub.1780. This edition 1823. ("can they suffer?")
  50. Disquisitions on Several Subjects by Soame Jenyns, first pub. London 1782; this edition 1822. p.19: Disquisition II - On Cruelty to Inferior Animals
  51. Rousseau's Emile; or, Treatise on education this edition New York, c.1892
  52. John Howard (1726-1790) Biography of the prison reformer by Edgar C. S. Gibson, London, 1901. p.180: "has been accustomed for years to exist on vegetables and water, a little bread, and a little tea."
  53. Letters from a citizen of the world to his friends in the East by Oliver Goldsmith (1728-1774), this ed.1840 'I have seen the very men who thus boasted of their tenderness, at the same time devour the flesh of six different animals tossed up in a fricasee.' p.32.
  54. The Task by William Cowper, first pub.1782; this edition London, 1817
  55. The Cry of Nature (html page on by John Oswald - full text from 1791
  56. Paul and Virginia By Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, this edition, London 1898
  57. Studies of Nature Vol. IV By Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, this edition 1796
  58. Schiller's "The song of the bell"; and other poems Trans. Thomas C. Zimmerman, pub. Pennsylvania, 1896 - see Der Alpenjäger (The Hunter of the Alps) in both German and English

    North America - 18th century

  59. The Ephrata community 120 years ago The Ephrata 'vegan' community was founded by German settlers in Pennsylvania in 1721, this account pub.1905
  60. Souvenir book of the Ephrata cloister complete history, pub.1921
  61. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin edited by John Bigelow, 1868 edition
  62. The Dorrellites 'vegan' community in 1790s New England. See pp.82-89 of this extremely hostile volume of 'History and proceedings of the Pocumtuck Valley memorial association' pub.1905.
  63. Johnny Appleseed: a pioneer hero by W. D. Haley, 1871. This edition 1955. Johnny (1774-1846) was based in Western Pennsylvania. p.8: 'He believed it to be a sin to kill any creature for food'.

    England: early 19th Century

  64. An Essay on Abstinence from Animal Food by Joseph Ritson, published 1802
  65. Joseph Ritson, A Critical Biography by Henry Alfred Burd, 1916
  66. Joseph Ritson, Percy Shelley and the making of romantic vegetarianism (link to ucdavis) - essay by Timothy Morton from 'Romanticism 2006
  67. The Code of Health and Longevity Or a Concise View of the Principles Calculated for the Preservation of Health and the Attainment of Long Life. Vol III: by John Sinclair, pub 1807.
  68. The Surgical Works Vol.2 by John Abernethy, pub, London 1811. 'Of Tumours' p.93: '...the power of the regimen recommend by Dr. Lambe should be fairly tried.'
  69. Water and Vegetable Diet in Consumption, Scrofula, Cancer, Asthma, and Other Chronic Diseases by Dr. William Lambe, First Pub. London 1815 as 'Additional reports on the effects of a peculiar regimen in the cases of cancer, scrofula, consumption, asthma and other chronic diseases.' This edition 1850 New York with intro by Joel Shew M.D. - p.90/91: "My reason for objecting to every species of matter to be used as food, except the direct produce of the earth, is founded as may be seen in my last publication on the broad ground that no other matter is suited to the organs of man, as indicated by his structure. This applies then with the same force to eggs, milk, cheese, and fish, as to flesh meat."
  70. The Life of William Lambe M.D. (PDF 500k on - by E. Hare, 1873, complete text of the 1897 reprint.
  71. The Return to Nature: or, A defence of the vegetable regimen; - John Frank Newton, the original 1811 edition.
  72. Early days of the Right Honorable George Canning - by John Frank Newton, 1828, giving more details about himself.

    Byron and Shelley

  73. Life of Lord Byron: with his letters and journals (Vol.1 - to 1811) pub. London, 1839, this edition 1854. p.356 - 1811, June 25: "... an entire vegetable diet, neither fish nor flesh coming within my regimen."
  74. Life of Lord Byron: with his letters and journals (Vol.3 1814-17) pub. London, 1839, this edition 1854. p.337: abstinence.... like some years ago,...of diet, and, with the exception of some convivial weeks and days, (it might be months, now and then,) have kept to Pythagoras ever since.
  75. Lord Byron's Don Juan first two Cantos pub.1819, unfinished at Canto 16 on Byron's death in 1824. This complete edition from Philadelphia, 1859. Overall it reflects Byron's inconsistency about his diet.
  76. Shelley at Oxford (1810/11) - by Thomas Jefferson Hogg, Shelley's friend at Oxford. This edition from 1904.
  77. Letters from Shelley to Thomas Jefferson Hogg (1810/11) - with notes by W. M. Rossetti and H. Buxton Forman, 1897
  78. A Vindication of Natural Diet (original 1813) - new edition from 1884, with a preface by Henry S. Salt and W.E.A. Axon.
  79. The life of Percy Bysshe Shelley Vol.2 by Jefferson Hogg, pub. 1858 (in 4 volumes but only 2 finished). This is a much critcised biography, more about Hogg than Shelley.
  80. Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus 1823 edition, by Mary W. Shelley. Written 1816-17, first pub.1818. (later revised 1831)
  81. The Shelley Society's papers. 1886-1888 - 20 articles by various authors
  82. A Shelley Primer - by Henry S. Salt 1887
  83. Percy Bysshe Shelley: A Monograph - Henry Stephens Salt, 1888
  84. Shelley's Vegetarianism - by W.E.A.Axon, 1890
  85. Peacock's memoir of Shelley, with Shelley's letters to Peacock - Thomas Love Peacock 1785-1866 - edited by H.F.B. Brett-Smith, 1909
  86. Selected prose works of Shelley - edited by Henry S. Salt, 1915 - The necessity of atheism -- A letter to Lord Ellenborough -- A refutation of deism -- A defence of poetry - Essay on the literature, the arts, and the manners of the Athenians -- On life -- On a future state -- Essay on Christianity

    USA - Early 19th century - Graham and Alcott

  87. Letters of Pestalozzi on the Education of Infancy - published Boston 1830. Written by Pestalozzi to J. P. Greaves, and this book read by Bronson Alcott.
  88. Record of a School by Elizabeth Peabody 1835, about Bronson Alcott's school
  89. Discourses on a Sober and Temperate Life - original by Luigi Cornaro, 16th century Italy. The edition with intro and notes by Sylvester Graham, New York, 1833
  90. Nature's own book by Asenath Nicholson, 1835 - a not-very-strict Grahamite
  91. A treatise on bread, and bread-making by Sylvester Graham, Boston 1837
  92. Lectures on the Science of Human Life by Sylvester Graham, first pub. Boston 1839. this edition pub. by William Horsell, London 1849
  93. The philosophy of sacred history considered in relation to human aliment and the wines of Scripture - by Sylvester Graham, edited by Henry S. Clubb, pub. W. Horsell, London, 1859
  94. Lectures to ladies on anatomy and physiology by Mary Gove Nichols, Boston, 1842 - many references to the vegetable diet.
  95. Bronson Alcott's Fruitlands (1843) by Clara Endicott Sears with Transcendental Wild Oats (1876) by Louisa May Alcott, 1915 edition
  96. The Dial (Vol.3 - 1842-3) - the Transcendentalist journal, articles on Greaves and Alcott.
  97. Pedlar's Progress The Life Of Bronson Alcott by Odell Shepard, Boston, 1937

    England - mid 19th century

  98. The Healthian - April and part of May 1842 (PDF 2.5mb,, courtesy of Bill Shurtleff and University of California at Berkeley,)
  99. The law and method in spirit-culture: an interpretation of A. Bronson Alcott by Charles Lane, 1843, includes the full text of the letter from Greaves to Alcott.
  100. A brief account of the First Concordium, or Harmonious Industrial College published at the Concordium, 1843 (PDF 419k courtesy of Maynard Clark and Harvard University).
  101. The New Age - Concordium Gazette - from Alcott House, Ham Common, Surrey. Complete issues - May 1843 to December 1844
  102. Fruits and farinacea the proper food of man by John Smith, (1798-1888) London 1845
  103. Hydropathy for the People by William Horsell, written in England in 1845, with notes by Russell Trall M.D. for this New York, 1850 edition.
  104. Punch magazine, 1848, Vol.XIV - includes a sarcastic piece about The Vegetarian Society which was founded in September 1847.
  105. Vegetarian messenger Vol.1 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1849/50
  106. The penny vegetarian cookery - by the Vegetarian Messenger, 1850 - mostly ovo-lacto, but much is vegan, even a vegan omelet.
  107. Vegetarian messenger Vol.2 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1850/51
  108. Vegetarian messenger Vol.3 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1851/52
  109. Vegetarian messenger Vol.4 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1852/53
  110. Vegetarian messenger Vol.5 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1853/54
  111. Vegetarian messenger Vol.6 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1854/55
  112. Vegetarian messenger Vol.7 - Vegetarian Society UK, 1855/56
  113. On the mode of communication of cholera by John Snow, 1855 - expanded from the 1849 pamphlet.
  114. On chloroform and other anaesthetics: their action and administration by John Snow - published shortly after his death in 1858, and including a brief 'Life of John Snow' by Benjamin W. Richardson M.D. who knew him, but was very hostile to his vegetarianism.

    USA later 19th century

  115. Religion, Natural and Revealed by Orson S. Fowler, New York, 1st pib. 1844, 10th edition 1848 p.136: Were a flesh diet productive of no other evil consequence than lowering... benevolence that alone should forever annihilate so barbarous a practice'.
  116. Physiology, animal and mental by Orson S. Fowler, New York, 1847, 5th edition 1851 (half of Fowler & Wells, NY, which published many of the veg-related books on this page).
  117. Hydrotherapy or The Water-Cure by Joel Shew, New York 1851.
  118. Philosophy of Health: Natural Principles of Health and Cure by Larkin Baker Coles M.D. Boston, first pub. 1848 - 26th revised edition 1851 (claims 28,000 sold) p.51 The Quality of Foods (promotes lacto-vegetable diet)

    Russell Trall

  119. The hydropathic encyclopedia Vol.1 by Russell Trall, 1855 (orig.1851) -includes ovo-lacto-dietetics
  120. The Hydropathic Encyclopedia Vol.2 by Russell Trall, New York, 1854 (orig.1851) - appears to be vegan, but see below...
  121. The New Hydropathic Cook-book: With Recipes for Cooking on Hygienic Principles - by Russell Trall, 1854, includes the use of milk and eggs, but see below:
  122. The hygeian home cook-book; or, Healthful and palatable food without condiments - by Russell Trall, 1874 - the first vegan cookbook, see Preface.


  123. Walden by Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), first pub.1854. This edition with intro by Will H. Dircks, 1886.
  124. Life and writings of Henry David Thoreau by Henry S. Salt, witten 1890 -1896 edition
  125. Anti-slavery and reform papers - Thoreau, Henry David, ed. H. Salt,1890
  126. Selections from Thoreau - Thoreau, Henry David, 1895, ed H. Salt 1895
  127. Poems of nature - Thoreau, Henry David, ed. H. Salt, 1895

    More late 19th century USA

  128. Health: Its Friends and Foes by Reuben D. Mussey M.D., LL.D, Boston, 1862. p.169: Chapter VIII - Man by nature a vegetable eater - vegetarianism
  129. Recollections of a busy life by Horace Greeley (1811-1872) pub.1868 - editor of the NY Tribune p.98: Chapter VIII - Temperance in all things
  130. Horace Greeley Voice Of The People by William Harlan Hale, 1950.
  131. Health in the Household, Or, Hygienic Cookery by Susanna Way Dodds, 1883 - argues strongly for plant-foods only, but then includes meat...
  132. The stomach: its disorders and how to cure them by J.H. Kellogg, Battle Creek, 1896
  133. Food, Home and Garden - Journal of the Vegetarian Society of America Vols I-III, 1897-99; edited by Henry Clubb
  134. The Golden Age Cook Book by Henrietta Latham Dwight, New York, 1898
  135. The Vivisection Question articles from 1880 to 1900 compiled by Albert Leffingwell M.D, 1901

    Europe - late 19th century

  136. Les Confidences: Confidential Disclosures by Alphonse de Lamartine (1790­1869) 1857 edition. p.60: 'to kill animals for the purpose of feeding on their flesh is one of the most deplorable and shameful infirmities of the human state'.
  137. The Descent of man - Charles Darwin, 1871
  138. Fruit and bread: a scientific diet by Gustav Schlickeysen, translated from the German by M. L. Holbrook, New York,1877 - original German edition appears to have been 1875. Strongly Darwinian, the earliest known vegan (frugivorous + grains) book from Germany.
  139. The Dietetic Reformer and Vegetarian Messenger, August, 1884 - The Vegetarian Society (Manchester), one complete issue - the first section of a large book of other misc. articles.
  140. Sir Isaac Pitman, his life and labors by Benn Pitman (brother) 1902
  141. The life of Sir Isaac Pitman by Alfred Baker, 1908
  142. Essays on Diet - Prof. Francis W. Newman, 1883
  143. Fifty Years of Food Reform by Charles Forward, London 1897 ( 20mb PDF)
  144. Tolstoy biography by Romain Rolland, 1911
  145. Musicians of Today - by Romain Rolland, includes Wagner and Hugo Wolf, 1915

    Henry Salt (also much by Salt on Shelley and Thoreau above)

  146. Literary Sketches - Henry Stephens Salt, 1888
  147. Songs of freedom - Salt, Henry Stephens, 1893
  148. Pamphlets V, 1836-1895 - includes 'On Certain Fallacies' by Henry Salt
  149. Humanitarian Essays: Being Volume III. of "Cruelties of Civilization." -Henry Stephens Salt, Humanitarian League, London, 1897
  150. The Humanities of Diet (PDF 42k on - by Henry Salt, 1914
  151. Seventy years among savages by Henry S. Salt, 1921 - autobiographical essays

    Asia and the Pacific - 19th and 20th centuries

  152. Thoreau's philosophy of life, with special consideration of the influence of Hindoo philosophy by Helena A. Snyder, Dissertation, Heidelberg University, 1902. p.20 Abstinence from meat eating
  153. The Hindoos as they are: a description of the manners, customs, and inner life of Hindoo society in Bengal by Shib Chunder Bose, first pub.1881. This edition Calcutta, 1883. 'The writer has exposed the... evils to India of English dietetic habits' (Howard Williams in Ethics of Diet).
  154. Poetical works of Edwin Arnold: containing The light of Asia 1883. p.95: 'henceforth none Shall spill the blood of life nor taste of flesh' (in 1891 Arnold was Vice-President of the Bayswater Vegetarian Club, of which Gandhi was Secretary)
  155. A guide to health - Mohandas K. Gandhi, 1921
  156. A Quest For Gandhi by Reginald Reynolds, 1952. Personal account of Ghandi at the ashrams.

    Europe and USA - 20th century

  157. Romain Rolland; the man and his work by Stefan Zweig, New York, 1921
  158. Thirty-nine reasons why I am a vegetarian Henry Stephen Clubb, published by the Vegetarian Society of America, Philadelphia, 1903
  159. The Universal Kinship by J. Howard Moore (1862-1916), pub. Chicago, 1906. "kinship of all the inhabitants of the planet Earth"
  160. No Animal Food and Nutrition and Diet with Vegetable Recipes - Rupert H. Wheldon, England, 1910. This ed. New York. - the first British vegan cookbook
  161. Humanitarian Philosophy by Emil Edward Kusel, Los Angeles, 1912
  162. A great Russian tone-poet, Scriabin by A.E. Hull, London 1918. Refers to Scriabins theosophy, from about 1904, which led to his vegetarianism.
  163. The Natural Diet of Man by John Harvey Kellogg 1923
  164. The Vegan - the magazine of the Vegan Society UK, all issues from 1944, link to
  165. Vegetarian Times - US bi-monthly magazine, the link goes to January 1980. See 'Browse all issues' for the complete subsequent issues, currently up to 2004.
  166. Vegan Views - UK magazine, some items from 1975 onwards, online version free to download.

    General histories on

  167. The Ethics of Diet - A Catena (HTML pages, full text) by Howard Williams, 1st published 1883, text from the 2nd edition, 1896.
  168. Souvenir Book of the 15th World Vegetarian Congress - India, 1957 -(HTML pages) - huge collection of articles by various worldwide authors.
  169. Vegetarianism in Australia, A History (PDF 8mb) by Edgar Crook, 2008

    Most recent books are still subject to copyright, so not available for free online. Links below are to some recommended books via

  170. Animal Liberation: Peter Singer, 1975, revised 1990, chap.5, on history, is still good, and way ahead of anything else written at that time.
  171. Search for a New Eden: James Pierrepont Greaves (1777-1842): The Sacred Socialist and His Followers by J. E. M. Latham, 1999 - the story behind Alcott House. This takes a rather condescending view of their diet, and has some mistakes, but much valuable research.
  172. Vegetarian America: A History by Karen and Michael Iacobbo, 2004
  173. Of Victorians and Vegetarians: The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain by James Gregory, 2007. A non-vegan perspective, but more useful history.

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Bombay
  2. Buddha
  3. Chicago
  4. Dhammapada
  5. Hermann Jacobi
  6. IVU
  7. Indore
  8. JAINA
  9. Jacobi
  10. Jaina
  11. Jaina Sutras
  12. Jainism
  13. Kalpa
  14. Kalpa Sutra
  15. London
  16. Mahavira
  17. Manu
  18. Plato
  19. Pythagoras
  20. Science
  21. Sutra
  22. Vegan
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