JVB Houston ►Sunday's Discourse ►01.09.2013

Published: 31.08.2013
Updated: 10.09.2013

Samani Parimal Pragya

Samani Vikas Pragya   


The Sunday discourse series continues this Sunday September 1st, 2013


Discourse 9

Let’s hear from

Samani Parimal Pragya ji
Samani Vikas Pragya ji

[Disciples of H.H. Acharyashri Mahashraman]

When: Sunday September 1st, 2013 

10:30 AM - 11:30 AM - Discourse by Samani Parimal Pragya Ji

Gyanshala Session

Children's Gyanshala Session 2013-14

Begins on September 1st, 2013

Gyanshala is open to all children between the ages of 4 and 17 years who want to learn Non-violence, Jainism, Science of Living (Prayer, Yoga & Meditation) and the Hindi Language.  Classes are taught by Samanijis, volunteer teachers, parents and guest speakers.

Enrollment for session 2013-14 is open. Classes begin September 1st, 2013 9:50 AM. For more information please contact


Paryushan 2013



Monday September 2nd through Monday September 9th, 2013

A Festival of Forgiveness

A Festival of Self-Discipline

A Journey of Self-Awareness

Let’s celebrate this spiritual festival in the auspicious presence of Samani Parimal Pragya Ji and Samani Vikas Pragya Ji (Disciples of Acharya Mahashraman Ji)  Please note Morning Schedule - September 2nd through 9th 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Bhaktambar & Aagam Vaachan led by Samaniji

There will be dinner arrangements on all days except Samvatsari Day (Sept 9th).

If you have not done so, please RSVP your daily attendance to aid organizers for total headcount.

Click here to RSVP for Dinner Atttendance

Dinner sponsorships are available and can be shared by multiple families. Please email  if you wish to sponsor a dinner.


Parallel programs including English Pratikraman for kids on all days.

Upcoming Events:

  • Paryushan Mahaparv 2013 - September 2nd through September 10th, 2013 under the guidance of Samanijis.
  • Monthly Preksha Meditation Workshop - Saturday September 14th, 2013; 9 AM - 1 PM (Register)

    Regular Weekly Program Schedule:

    Tuesday (Mangal Day - A great program for Adults/Seniors)
    9:00 am Jain Studies
    10:00 am - 12:00 noon Geet, Relaxation & Meditation
    12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch
    1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Audio Spiritual Discourse & Discussions


    8:00pm Spiritual Discourses Thursday
    9:30am Yoga & Meditation (For Ladies only) Saturday
    9:00am Yoga & Meditation for a Healthy Life

    2nd Saturday
    9:00am-1:00pm Preksha Meditation Workshop (Register) 1st & 3rd Sunday
    9:50am-1:00pm Childrens' Gyanshala (Sunday School)

    Shashank Jain
    JVB Preksha Meditation Center

    Click on categories below to activate or deactivate navigation filter.

    • Jaina Sanghas
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        • Terapanth
          • Institutions
            • JVB Houston, USA
              • Jain Vishva Bharati [JVB]
                • Page glossary
                  Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
                  1. Aagam
                  2. Acharya
                  3. Acharya Mahashraman
                  4. Geet
                  5. Gyanshala
                  6. JVB
                  7. JVB Preksha Meditation Center
                  8. Jainism
                  9. Mahashraman
                  10. Meditation
                  11. Non-violence
                  12. Paryushan
                  13. Pragya
                  14. Pratikraman
                  15. Preksha
                  16. Preksha Meditation
                  17. Preksha Meditation Center
                  18. Samani
                  19. Samani Parimal Pragya
                  20. Samani Vikas Pragya
                  21. Samvatsari
                  22. Science
                  23. Science Of Living
                  24. Shashank Jain
                  25. Soul
                  26. Yoga
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