Ahimsa Times 158, 2013-10

Published: 08.10.2013
Updated: 30.07.2015

"What would be the condition of the Indian Sanskrit literature if the contribution of the Jains were removed?
The more I study Jain literature the more happy and wonder struck I am."

Prof. Johannes Hertel, Germany



For the first time in 2,500 years, the two sects of Jainism - Shvetambar and Digambar - have come together for the pious festival of Paryushan.

They are jointly observing an 18-day Paryushan in Jaipur. Across the country, Paryushan of Shvetambar Jains ended on Monday (September 9). But in Jaipur, the festival started on September 2 and will go on till September 19. In a discourse Muni Tarunsagarji said, "I called on the entire Jain community to give up their differences and come together and realize that the religion is stronger than their individual beliefs.

Earlier, he gave a clarion call to Jains when he was in Bangalore 10 years ago and told people to keep aside the finer points of the two sects and come together. "That", he said, "would be the real honour to the Tirthankar (the liberated, omniscient ones)." A decade later, those in Jaipur have answered the call. When Tarunsagarji Maharajsaheb and Shvetambar monk Lalitprabji maharajsaheb said, "Na aath, na dus, athara ko yaad rakho bas (not eight, not 10, but remember 18 days of Paryushan)," the entire community, made up of about 60% Digambars and 40% Shvetambars, accepted the idea. "The differences in the two sects have been deep at a philosophical level. The unification of the two sects marks a historical milestone in the religion which has never seen the Shvetambars and Digambars come together to celebrate Paryushan," said Babulal Jain Ujjwal, a veritable fount of information on Jainism. On September 22, all Jains of Jaipur will seek forgiveness in a community gathering, like a common samvatsari or the closure of Paryushan, the day of repentance of past sins and seeking forgiveness from all, for hurting them knowingly or even unknowingly.


A commemorative postage stamp of Rs. 5/- has been issued on10th Sept. 2013 on renowned Digamber Jain saint Acharya Gyansagar Ji Maharaj. Union State Minister for Corporate Affairs Mr. Sachin Pilot released this stamp in a grand function organised at Kishangarh (District Ajmer, Raj.). Lt. Col. D. K. S. Chouhan, Chief PMG Rajasthan Circle, Mr. JItendra Gupta, PMG, Rajsthan South Circle, renowned industrialist and senior personality of Jain community Mr. Ashok Patni, MLAs of Ajmer District etc. were present on the stage during the release of stamp. Many members of Jainism Philately Group from various states were also present in the function. As many JPG members from different places attended the release function, Mr. Vikas Jain, Rajsthan State Representative of JPG organised a meeting of all of them just after the release function. JPG member Mr. Sanjay Jain (Patna) prepared a folder for this occasion which was released by Sr. JPG member Mr. Jatan Mal Dhor (Jaipur).

Aacharya Gyansagar Ji was born at village Ranoli, District Sikar (Raj.) and his childhood name was Bhooramal. His father was Chaturbhuj Chhabra and mother was Ghritbhari devi. He was second of five brothers. After completing primary studies in his village, he further studied Sanskrit and swadwad in Banaras. He was initiated kshullak Diksha by Acharya Veersagar Ji who belonged to the lineage of Acharya Shantisagar. He was then named kshullak Gyanbhusan. He remained a kshullak for 2 years and 2 more years as Ailak before becoming a Muni. He was initiated a monk Diksha by Acharya Shivsagar Ji Maharaj Khaniya ji, Jaipur on 20th June 1959. He was further elevated to the Acharya status in 1968 at Naseerabad, Rajasthan. He had conferred his Aacharya status to his follower Vidhyasagar Maharaj on 22nd Nov. 1972. He died on June 1, 1973 in Naseerabad.

As an expert in Sanskrit, he had been a great composer in Sanskrit. At least 30 researchers have studied his works and were honored doctoral degrees. At least 300 scholars have presented research papers on his work. His works includes 4 Sanskrit epics and 3 more Jain Granthas and that too in the time when the Sanskrit composition was almost obsolete. These creations have always surprised the modern Sanskrit scholars. Courtesy: Pradip Jain, Philatelist, E-Mail:


Veeraytan International held its annual general body meeting on September 15 in NJ at the home of Sharad and Ketki Shah. The meeting was graced by the presence of Acharya Shri ChandanaJi, Sadhvi Shri Shilapiji, Sadhvi Shri Vibhaji and Sadhvi Shri Sanghmitaji. 50 Volunteers and supporters from various parts of the country attended the meeting. This was such a special event that Mr. Abhay Firodia, President of Veeraytan flew in especially from India for the meeting.

The meeting started with welcoming remarks by the host Dr. Ketki Shah and blessings from Acharya Shri Chandanaji. The office bearers presented report of progress of various projects undertaken by Veeraytan International (USA) along with financial report. The members approved the activity report quickly in anticipation of the next item on the agenda. There was an air of great expectations in the room as the main event was about to unfold - Acharya Shri Chandanaji was going to present a vision - the giant leap forward for Veeraytan that will transform for the better, lives of thousands of young and poor villagers of India and in the process improve rural health and environmental conditions that will also change the face of Jainism in India.

The benevolent and ambitious plan envisioned by Acharya Shriji called for building 200 model primary and secondary schools for 500 students at various Jain Teerthdhams and all the schools will be named Teerthankar Mahavir Vidyalya providing value based education without regard to cast or religion of students. After the phenomenal success of such schools built and operated by Veeraytan since 2001 in Lachhwad, Pawapuri and Kutchh, Veeraytan has seen multitude of benefits of school projects undertaken in small impoverished villages. Value based academic curriculum not only provided quality education to thousands of poor children in villages but special attention by Veeraytan to the nutritional, health, sanitation and environmental conditions has provided demonstrable benefits to the whole village where such model schools were built in the last 12 years. Education not only promise path out of cycle of poverty for the students, but also creates a solid and decent citizen for a brighter future for all of India and for humanity.

For Veeraytan, the reason to focus on Jain Teerthdhams is very instructive. We have all wondered why a school age child is hanging around our Temple during the day and not in school. All of the Terrthdhams, without exception are a hotbed of institutionalized poverty. Generally native Jains have left the towns for cities to the extent that many of our Teerths have no local jain population. A town with a Teerhdham develops a culture of dependency - dependence on pilgrims for their generosity - no major industry or commerce providing job opportunities. Furthermore the pilgrims arrive in high spirits with charity in their heart but they have no attachment to the town or the town’s population. That “benign neglect” attitude is reciprocated by the local population that view pilgrims only as targets of opportunity to make some money and wait for new pilgrims next day. To break this deplorable situation played out at every Teerthdhams perhaps for centuries, a new approach is needed. By creating opportunities for their new generation to be educated, prosper, be healthier and becoming a useful member of their society, Veerayatan sees this as our duty to the town hosting our Teerth and an opportunity to practice Mahavir’s message of compassion and service to the poor and needy.

This gradual transformation/ betterment of a town by an ideal school is not just a theory. The schools in Bihar and Kutchh built by Veeraytan over the last 12 years has proved to be an exemplary laboratory for this social and educational experiment. Now it is time to expand our horizon and make every one of our Teertdham an ideal village, a seat of decent education, where poverty will be on decline, life expectancies of children will rise and jains will be seen as saviors of their town. Veeraytan’s own Teachers training college can provide the teachers for the new schools. By following Bhagwan Mahavir’s message, we can bring these towns to their former glory and revive Jainism to the places where Jainism was once a dominant presence.

The proposal to build schools at our Teerthdhams by Acharya Shri Chandanaji received overwhelming support from those who were present at the meeting –one after another, 20 individuals stood up - each pledging to sponsor one school. The power of the idea, spirit of giving and the opportunity to be an agent of change so appealed to these generous souls that no one asked how much they will have to contribute! The meeting was adjourned for lunch break.

When everyone returned from lunch break, Acharya Shri Ji proposed a Global conference of Veerayatan family be held in 2014 to work out details of how a massive project of 200 schools will be carried out. Various committees for detailed planning and financial controls will have to be formed and awareness will have to be raised for the dream to become a reality. Dr. Vinod Shah of MD proposed the name of Dr. Kiran Patel of Tampa, FL (Past President of AAPI) to be the Convener of the conference approximately a year from now in 2014. It is expected that one hundred international delegates and 100 US delegates will gather to brainstorm and propose a plan for implementation at the 2014 Veeraytan Global Conference. Over the next 4 to 6 weeks, Dr. Patel, in consultation with Acharya ShriJi and Veerayatan International Board form various committees for the conference.

Last speaker of the day was the one everyone was waiting to hear from. Veerayatan President Abhay Firodia, made a detailed presentation on issues ranging from acquisition of land, budget, construction, government permits, corpus funds for sustaining the schools after the construction, hiring of staff and the teachers and Veeryatan’s vision. His presentation was so thorough that it answered all the questions there were on this ambitious and visionary project. Lastly, Abahyji proposed that Sadhvi Shri Shilapiji be the overall manager of the entire project with divine guidance from Acharya Shri Chandanaji. Everyone applauded the idea as Sadhvi Shri Shilapiji graciously accepted the responsibility. Source: Dilip Shah, Philadelphia, US, Past President JAINA.

देशभर में मनाया जाएगा पुष्कर जन्मोत्सव समारोह

साधना के षिखर पुरुष विष्वसंत उपाध्याय पूज्य गुरुदेव श्री पुष्कर मुनि जी म0 का 104 वां जन्म जयन्ती समारोह देष भर के विविध अंचलों में आयोजित होगा। उपाध्याय पूज्य गुरुदेव श्री पुष्कर मुनि जी म0 की कर्म स्थली उदयपुर स्थित गुरु पुष्कर पावन धाम, श्री तारक गुरु जैन ग्रन्थालय में 17 अक्टूबर 2013 को रक्तदान षिविर आयोजित होगा।

मुम्बई के खार क्षेत्र में चातुर्मासरत श्रमण संघीय सलाहकार श्री दिनेष मुनि जी म0, डॉ द्वीपेन्द्र मुनि व डॉ0 पुष्पेन्द्र मुनि के पावन सान्निध्य मे दिनांक: 6 अक्टूबर 2013 को राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर समारोह आयोजित होगा। पुष्करवाणी गुरप ने जानकारी देते हुए बताया कि सूरत गुजरात में उपाध्याय श्री रमेष मुनि जी म0 व उपप्रवर्तक डॉ. श्री राजेन्द्र मुनि जी म0 के पावन सान्निध्य में 20 अक्टूबर को विराट रुप में समारोह मनाया जाएगा। इसी क्रम में तमिलनाडू राज्य के चैन्नई शहर के साहूकारपेट जैन स्थानक में उपप्रवर्तक पं0 रत्न श्री नरेश मुनि जी म0 एवं महासाध्वी डॉ0 श्री दर्शनप्रभा जी म0 के सान्निध्य में 20 अक्टूबर को भव्यातिभव्य रुप में समारोह आयोजित होगा। इसी प्रकार होसपेट कर्नाटक में उपप्रवर्तिनी महासाध्वी श्री चंदनबाला जी म0 के यहां 17 अक्टूबर, हुबली कर्नाटक में महासाध्वी श्री प्रियदर्शना जी म0 16 अक्टूबर, चैन्नई के उपक्षेत्र सी0 यू0 षाह जैन स्थानक में उपप्रवर्तिनी महासाध्वी श्री सत्यप्रभा जी म0 17 अक्टूबर, उदयपुर पंचायती नोहरे में उपप्रवर्तिनी महासाध्वी डॉ0 श्री दिव्यप्रभा जी म0 13 अक्टूबर, समदड़ी राजस्थान तपज्योति महासाध्वी श्री मंगलज्योति जी म0 सा0 17 अक्टूबर, के0 जी0 एफ कर्नाटक महासाध्वी डॉ0 श्री प्रतिभा जी म0 सा0 22 अक्टूबर एवं दिल्ली पष्चिम विहार में महासाध्वी डॉ0 श्री स्नेहप्रभा जी म0 सा0 17 अक्टूबर, थेरगांव: पूना (महाराष्ट्र) में महासाध्वी श्री संयमप्रभा जी म0 सा0 17 अक्टूबर, लोहा मंड़ी आगरा (उत्तरप्रदेष) महासाध्वी श्री शुभा जी म0 सा0 20 अक्टूबर को जन्म जयन्ती समारोह आयोजित करेगें।

इसके अलावा पाली राजस्थान में उपाध्याय प्रवर श्री मूलमुनि जी म0 के सान्निध्य में 17 अक्टूबर, सूरत शहर के त्रिकमनगर में चातुर्मासरत साध्वी शांताकुंवर जी म0 के सानिध्य में 20 अक्टूबर को समारोह आयोजित होगा। गोगुन्दा, गुरु पुष्कर महाविद्यालय - गुरु पुष्कर नगर, नान्देषमा, जोधुपर, पाली, समदड़ी, जालोर, विरार, पालघर, बोईसर, थाणा, भिवण्डी, पुना इत्यादि क्षेत्रों में भी जन्म जयन्ती समारोह कार्यक्रम संपन्न होगा।


New York, September 20th, 2013, Consul General of India in New York, Mr. Dhyaneshwar Mulay organized a welcome function to honor H H Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni in the Indian House of New York. Representatives of several Indo-American Associations and Peace Loving Americans were invited to honor H H Zachary Dr. Lokesh Muni, an eminent Indian Spiritual Leader who delivered a speech on “Futurewithout Violence”.

Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni, Founder-President of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati mentioned that not only India and United States, but the whole world is affected by Violence and Terrorism. Peace is the key for the development, violence and terrorism is not a solution to the problem. The United States and India need to cooperate in order to stop terrorism and violence. He also commented that the problem should be eliminated at the root level permanently rather than solve it temporarily. While elaborating the theme, he added “Nations are investing enormous sums of money in the development of armaments and nuclear weapons, but very little is being spent on peace. It is ironic that we seek the fruits of peace without investing anything in it. Let us talk together. Let us meet other (of diverse backgrounds) and walk a few steps together”. He also mentioned that peace, non-violence and harmony are the only way to establish a better world. He also said that poverty, illiteracy and growing population are the bottlenecks. He appealed to world spiritual leaders to work closely together on this mission for better society. In regard to the Washington Shootings, Boston Bombings, Syrian Chemical Attack, and Bombay attack, he said, Nations are investing enormous sums of money in the development of armaments and nuclear weapons, but very little is being spent on peace.

In his Welcome Address, Consul General Mr. Dhyaneshwar Mulay said that not only India and the United States but the whole world is affected by violence and terrorism. He called upon the political and the religious leaders and the NGO’s to come forward to check the violence, terrorism and strengthen the unity of mind. He was addressing peace march led by Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni. He further said that Peace march is not only the ideal for India but it inspires the whole Society and world. The march led by munishree plays a great role in establishing peace and harmony in the society.

Assemblyman Mr. William Scarborough mentioned that India is going to be an economic power and in the future, India will become a world economic power. He said that he has seen so many different forms of violence growing that he believes everyone needs to unify to find more effective methods against violence and terrorism. He honored Acharyaji for his contribution towards peace and harmony and presented with a citation.

On this occasion, Reverend Henry Fury, Superintendent Cynthia Randina, Mr. Amir Dossal, Mr. Roger Sengupta expressed their views. Introduction of Acharyaji by Prof Bipin Sangankar. Bhajans by Miss Preeti Seth enthralled the audience. The evening was adorned by the presence of Renowed Social worker, Padmashree Dr. Sudhir Parikh, Dr. Navin Mehta, Mr. Karamjit Dhaliwal, Mrs. Uma Sengupta, and Ms. Ujwala Shah.

Source: Muni Lokesh, E-Mail:


JITO has roped in around forty Jain Munis to promote heritage tourism through their religious discourses. While big corporate and multi-nationals may be scratching their heads trying to find out innovative ways of branding and advertising their products, here is our very ‘desi’ & innovative way of publicising a programme.

Gone are the days when the Jain Maharaj restricted their talks to religious discourses and teachings on Jainism. If all goes as per plans, soon they will be heard talking about the community’s unique heritage walk, covering ancient derasars in the city, during their religious discourses. According to Jain International Trade Organization they wish to promote their heritage walk project in Ahemedabad. Around 40 Maharaj have agreed to mention the walk during their discourses. The heritage walk is a joint initiative by Jito and NGO City Heritage Centre. The Jain heritage walk was started in the city in March, and in inaugural walk hundreds of Jain Munis and devotees participated in hitherto unnoticed and unexplored monuments in the walled city.

अब शाकाहारी व मांसाहारी जैन होने का खतरा: तरुण सागर

सितम्बर 23, 2013, जयपुर। मुनि तरुण सागर ने कहा कि भगवान महावीर स्वामी के निर्वाण के बाद इन 2500 वर्षों में जैन समाज कभी दिगंबर-श्वेतांबर, कभी मूर्तिपूजक और स्थानकवासी, तो कभी तेरहपंथी और बीसपंथी के नाम से बंटता रहा है, लेकिन आज अगर नई पीढ़ी को जैनत्व के संस्कार नहीं दिए तो आने वाले समय में जैन समाज में एक बंटवारा और सुनिश्चित है और वह बंटवारा इतना खतरनाक है कि खुद महावीर भी हमें क्षमा नहीं कर सकेंगे। वह बंटवारा होगा शाकाहारी जैन और मांसाहारी जैन का।

सकल जैन समाज व चातुर्मास समिति द्वारा सुबोध कॉलेज में रविवार को हुए श्वेतांबर व दिगंबर जैन संतों के ऐतिहासिक क्षमावाणी समारोह में उन्होंने कहा कि बच्चों को तो गधे-घोड़े भी पाल लेते हैं। आप उन्हें केवल गोद में ही न बिठाएं, वरन जैनत्व के संस्कार भी दें, ताकि वे मूलधारा से भटक न पाएं। जैन समाज को शांतिप्रिय व अहिंसक समाज होने की छवि सदियों की तपस्या के बाद मिली है। इसे बनाए रखने की जिम्मेदारी नई पीढ़ी को जैनत्व के संस्कार देकर दें। कार्यक्रम में जैन समाज के सभी पंथों के संत-मुनि मौजूद थे। मुनिश्री तरुणसागरजी के अलावा मुनिश्री चंद्रप्रभ, मुनिश्री ललितप्रभ, मुनिश्री सिद्धसेन, सुबोध मुनि, आर्यिका सम्यक मती भी मंच पर मौजूद थी।

मुनिश्री चंद्रप्रभजी ने कहा कि दिलों में दूरियां हैं तो धर्म, उपवास और मासखमण जैसी तपस्याएं व्यर्थ हैं। क्षमा के द्वार से गुजरकर मोक्ष तक पहुंचा जा सकता है। जो झुकता है वही पाता है। झुकना जिंदा होने का सबूत है। बालाचार्य सिद्धसेन ने कहा कि क्षमा मांगना, क्षमा करना जैनधर्म की विशेषता हैं। सभा को सुबोध मुनि, आर्यिका सम्यक मती ने संबोधित किया। क्षमावाणी के रूप में जैन संतों ने गले लगकर एक-दूसरे से क्षमायाचना की। जब संत गले मिल रहे थे तो इस अद्भुत दृश्य को देखकर पूरी सभा भावविभोर हो उठी।



September 11, 2013, The Jain Society of Central Florida will hold an inauguration ceremony Sept 12-15 for their temple under construction in Altamonte Springs. The ceremony includes moving into the facility which is nearing completion. The temple, being built at 407 W. Citrus St., is in the design of a traditional Jain temple in India. The Central Florida Jain Society, comprised of about 400 members, has been meeting in a small home next to where the temple is being built. The Jain Society of Central Florida was formed in the 1990s.


(An English translation of the press release in Kannada as release by Moodabidri Jain Samaj)

Moodabidri (Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka), September 30, 2013: A day long silent protest has been organised in the premises of the ancient thousand pillars temple (Tribhuvana Tilaka Chudamani Temple) at Moodabidri on October 2, 2013 urging the Government of Karnataka to recommend the case for CBI (central bureau of investigation) enquiry. Eight (Ashta Mathadisha’s) Bhattarakhas belonging to the different Jain Muths of Karnataka along with Dr. D. Veerendra Hegde the Dharmadhikari of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala will lead the protest. The protest will be held from 8.30 A. M. and around 2000 Jains from across Karnataka are expected to assemble at the venue and extend their support. This was communicated by the members of Moodabidri Jain Samaj in a press release today morning at a press conference held in the premises of the thousand pillars temple.

Appreciative of Police Action - Following the theft of 15 anciet, antique, precious Jain idols from Siddantha Darshan temple on the night of July 5, 2013 the police department have taken stern follow up action in the case and were able to trace the sources of 8 idols out of the total 15 that were stolen. Further, they were able to arrest Ghanshyam Das from Orissa the main accused who stole the idols in the case and they were also successful in arresting Subhash Sancheti alias Rajaji of Chattisgarh who is said to be the person who bought the idols from Ghanshyam Das. The Jain community is highly appreciative of the police action until this stage.

Delayed Progess in the Case - Though the police made quick advances in the investigation of this case, the progress has delayed after the arrest of Rajaji. The police haven’t been able to make any further inroads in the case after this and have not recovered all the idols nor have been able to extract any further details from the chief accused and the buyer of idols.

Urge of CBI Enquiry - The undue delay in the case has been a matter of concern to the Jain community and since the case is of grave national importance and is related to three different states (Karnataka, Orissa and Chattisgarh) they have been urging for CBI investgation. In view of the above facts and circumstances the Jain Samaj has urged CBI enquiry in the case.

Jain Bhattarakha’s who will be leading the Protest - Along with Dr.D.Veerendra Hegde the Dharmadhikari of Sri Kshetra Dharmasthala the following Jain Bhattarakha’s will also be leading the protest.

• His Holiness Swasti Sri Charukeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji, Moodabidri Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Lalithakeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji, Karkala Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Devendrakeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji, Hombuja Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Lakshmisena Bhattarakha Swamiji, Narasimharajapura Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Bhattakalanka Bhattarakha Swamiji, Swadi (Sonda) Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Vrushabasena Bhattarakha Swamiji, Lakkavalli Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Bhanukeerthi Bhattarakha Swamiji, Kambadahalli Jain Muth.
• His Holiness Swasti Sri Dharmasena Bhattarakha Swamiji, Amminabhavi (Varur) Jain Muth.

Source: Nitin H.P., Jain Heritage Centres News Service


Sep 18, 2013, Chhattisgarh Government has requested the government of Karnataka to initiate CBI probe in the ancient Jain idols case where 15 rare Jain idols were stolen from Karnataka in July and the interstate trail through about four states led to a leading jewellers group in the controversy. In the context, chief secretary Sunil Kumar has written a letter to chief secretary of Karnataka government S. V. Rangnath, stating that Chhattisgarh's director general of police had also dispatched a letter to Karnataka's DGP in the backdrop of the theft on September 10, and has endorsed the same to him too. Sunil Kumar stated in the letter that Karnataka police has made sincere efforts and Chhattisgarh police have also provided necessary assistance in investigation of the case. The Jain community in Chhattisgarh has handed over memorandum to Governor of the state on September 7, demanding immediate arrest of the culprits besides seizure of the stolen idols. The Jain community in Raipur has also staged demonstrations and demanded that the case should be handed over to Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

The chief secretary further stated in the letter that as the missing idols are priceless antiques, the involvement of some interstate or international gangs in the case cannot be ruled out. However, Chhattisgarh government opined that if the case is handed over to CBI for further investigation, it will not only be an appropriate response to the demands of the Jain community but will also be a proactive measure in the interest of speedier investigation. The decision in this respect, however, has to be taken by the government of Karnataka and the central government, stated Sunil Kumar in the letter. Theft of rare antique idols from Karnataka turned into a major controversy as the Jain community here is anguished over "non-cooperation" by state police due to the accused alleged links with an influential jewellery chain group of central India.


Sep 12, 2013, RAIPUR: Theft of rare antique Jain idols from Karnataka is snowballing into a major controversy far away in Chhattisgarh, as the Jain community here is anguished over "non-cooperation" by state police due to the accused alleged links with an influential jewellery chain group of central India.

Jain acharya Vivek Sagar, who led a delegation of community members and submitted a memorandum to the state government last week, has given a September 30 ultimatum for recovery of idols and arrest of thieves; failing which he would not take food. Community members said, 15 rare Jain idols were stolen from Karnataka in July and the inter-state trail through about four states led to a leading jewellers group in Chhattisgarh after a Bhilai-based showroom of this group was raided by the Karnataka police early last month and arrested Subhash Sancheti, also known as Rajaji, the owner of Bhilai branch and brother-in-law of chain's owner.

On the other hand, opposition Congress is demanding a CBI probe into the theft-alleging that state police was not cooperating. State Congress president Charan Das Mahant said the state police's reluctance was apparently visible in its actions and it did not cooperate with the Karnataka police during the preliminary stages of its investigations. "The probe needs to be handed over to the CBI", he demanded. Faced with criticism that police was dilly dallying because of the accused links with the influential business group, director general of state police Ramniwas said "It's an international racket. We have requested the Karnataka police to handover the probe to CBI". He also claimed that the arrests made from within the state were with the help of the state police. Meanwhile, state government sources said top officials are in touch with their Karnataka counterparts to reassure its cooperation in the wake of Chhattisgarh government facing criticism from Jain Community that its police did not cooperate. Indications are that chief minister Raman Singh is also in favour of handing over the probe to CBI.

Local community members said the police had claimed that they have so far recovered eight of the 15 stolen idols and five of the costly idols have been melted. They don't believe this melting theory and suspect that they have probably been smuggled out of the country. Idols, dating back to 200 BC two centuries before Christ, belonged to Guru Basadi temple in Moodbidri, a religious town of Dakshin Kannada. After the theft on July six, police identified the thief as Ghanshyam Das of Orissa. Karnataka police later raided his father-in-law Digambar Mohanty's house in Bhubaneswar and recovered three intact idols and molten metal, apparently that of five that had been melted. Mohanty and Diptimayee, wife of Das, were arrested and later Das was detained by the Andhra Pradesh police.

Subsequent interrogation of the accused led the Karnataka police to Bhilai, where they raided the showroom. "I don't think the government's intent is to shield anyone. Let's examine at which level there was non-cooperation from the police. We can take appropriate action", state home minister Nankiram Kanwar said.


Bhattarak Shree Charukirtiji of Moodbidri was interviewed by Mr. A. K. Jain, Editor, Ahimsa Times, at New Delhi on Sunday 29th September, 2013 about Current Issues and in particular theft of precious idols at Moodbidri.

Click on photograph to hear the message.



Mr Ahmed Patel
Political Advisor, All India Congress Committee
24 Akbar Road, New Delhi

Dear Sir,

Subject: The non-action by the Karnataka Chief Minister Shri Siddharamaiah for referring to CBI enquiry about the theft of Rare Precious Antique Jain idols from a Jain temple at Moodabidri (Karnataka).

Background - With reference to the above subject I hereby would like to bring to your kind notice about:

1. The theft that had occoured on the night of July 5, 2013 in Siddantha Mandir at Moodabidri, a small town located at a distance of 37 Kms away from Mangalore.

2. 15 rare antique Jain idols made out of precious stones & gold worth several millions of dollars in the international market were stolen by a notorious idol thief Ghanshyam Das of Orissa.

Karnataka Police Action
1. A complaint was given in this connection on the morning of July 6, 2013 by the Jains of Moodabidri in connection with the theft to the Mangalore police.

2. Swiftly responding to the complaint the Police Commissioner of Mangalore City Mr. Manish Khabhrikar & Mr. S.Ravikumar (Assistant Commissioner of Police, Mangalore North) swung into action. They came into action based on various clues provided to them by localites.

3. As fallout of this several teams of police were formed to investigate the case intensely.

Based on various leads Mr. Manish Khabhrikar & Mr. S. Ravikumar and their team landed at Bhubaneswar and with the help of Orissa police conducted a raid where the young aggressive wife, Dipthimai Mohanty Patnaik (who herself is a law student) and her father (who was an employee of the Government of Orissa) were arrested and 3 stolen precious antique Jain idols were recovered along with approx. 1.2 KGS of gold. The police also checked the gold smith there who admitted that it is his seal on the gold biscuit.

4. The accused were produced before the Orissa court and brought on transit demand along with Orissa police lady officer to Moodabidri where they were produced at the Moodabidri court.

5. Subsequently, during the investigation it was observed that the thief Ghansham Das had 59 mobile SIM cards issued from different states. The Mangalore police were tracking the thief but he was so clever so as to not to stay for more than one night at one place.

6. Due to efficient tracking, he was nabbed at Sri Kalkulam along with Andhra Pradesh police and produced in the court for transit demand there and was brought to Moodabidiri.

7. During the interrogation he admitted having stolen all the 15 idols but he said that he has sold the remaining idols to one Subhash Sancheti of Durg, Chattisgarh who is a franchise and/or partner of M/s Anoopchand Trilokchand, the largest jewellers of Chattisgarh.

8. Hearing from the thief that the buyer of the stolen idols has been buying stolen items for last four years and is very strongly connected with Chattisgarh Government, the Police Commissioner Manish Khabrikar, his ACP Mr Ravi Kumar and their team in pursuit of the buyer of the stolen idols landed in Chattisgarh. However, Subhash Sancheti could not be arrested for 5 days despite high profile attempt by Mangalore Police. After his arrested he was presented to the local court and on transit remand he was brought to Moodabidri.

9. This Subhash Sancheti is a very intelligent and sharp person and knows the implications of admitting any role and has been maintaining a stand that he knows nothing. It is only through narco analysis of Ghanshyam Das and Subhash Sancheit, details and truth would come to light.

10. There is a stalemate in the court and although the Moodabidri Judiciary is very sensible and upright, they need some proof to prosecute Subhash Sancheti.

Karnataka Police's Limitations- The Mangalore Police has acted and arrested people in other states with arrest warrants but is not in a position to frequently travel, stay for long periods and conduct investigations particularly in Chattisgarh and Bhubaneshwar. Since this is a matter covering 4 states and being aware that such items are easy to smuggle out of the country, indepth enquiry by CBI is urgently required.

Chattisgarh Jain Community's reaction-

1. Since there was initially no swift action by Chatishgarh Government/administration the Jain community took out a public march on Saturday 7th of September, 2013 led by a Digambar Jain ascetic Acharya Sri Viveksagarji. He said that unless the Government announces a CBI enquiry by Septembr 30, 2013, he will have to go on a fast unto death to save Jain Religious Heritage.

2. A memorandum was presented to the Hon’ble Governor of Chattisgarh Mr. Shekhar Dutt by Mr. Gajendra Patni, President of Chattisgrh unit of All Digambar Jain Mahasabha (more than a century old organisation).

Chattisgarh Government's Action
1. Hon’ble Governor Mr. Dutt said that although there is no President’s Rule in Chattisgarh he cannot act independently since a State Government exists, but he will personally speak to the Chief minister Mr. Raman Singh to see that prompt action is taken in this matter and law and order should be maintained in the state.

2. Promptly on his return to Raipur the next day, the Chief Minister Mr. Raman Singh met the Jain Delegation and said that he will give in writing to support the call for CBI Enquiry and that he will instruct the Director General of Police Mr. Ramnivas and the Principal Secretary to contact their counterparts in Karnataka (DGP Ramnivas came on the television channel and said that all action will be taken by the Chattisgarh police to support the call for CBI enquiry).

3. A photo copy of the letter dated September 10, 2013 written by DGP Mr. Ramnivas to Mr. Lalrokhuma Oachau IPS Director General of Police Karnataka is enclosed for your reference.

4. The Chief Secretary of Chhattisgarh, Mr. Sunil Kumar also spoke personally to the Chief Secretary, Government of Karnataka in this matter.

5. Though the Chhattisgarh Government is ready and willing to endorse the action of referring the matter to CBI they are helpless as the recommendation for CBI enquiry has to be initiated by the Government of Karnataka.

Karnataka Government's inaction in spite of Jain Community's Reprsentation

1. Ironically and tragically, even though Mr. Siddharamaiah is fully aware of this ghastly incident and has been presented with a demand by Sri D. Surendrakumar of Dharmasthala (executive president of Bharatiya Jain Mailan) and Sri Abhaychandra Jain (MLA from Moodabidri & Minister of sports in Siddharamaiah's cabinet) for recommending the case for a CBI enquiry, he has shown his resistance citing that the Karnataka Government has not referred any matter for CBI enquiry in the last fourteen years.

2. Totally ignoring the Urgent Action of recommending for CBI Enquiry, he proceeded for his tour to China. While he was away to China the Chattisgarh Government wrote a letter through their DGP and Chief Secretary spoke to their counterparts in Karnataka assuring all kind of support from their Government in this case and urging them to urgently recommend the matter for CBI Enquiry.

3. Further, Mr Surendrakumar and others member of the Jain community in Karnataka met the Home Minister and Principal Secretary of Karnataka. Responding to the delegation, the Home minister and Principal Secretary said that they were prepared for a CBI enquiry subject to an approval from their Chief Minister Mr. Siddharamaiah. They assured that once Mr. Siddharamaiah is back home from China on September 13, 2013 from China, they will talk to him and get a recommendation issued from the Karnataka Government for CBI enquiry by Monday, Septemeber 16, 2013.

4. Most unfortunately, in total contrast to the working of Chief Minister of Chattisgarh, Mr. Siddaramaiah is dilly dallying on the garb of various petty issues absolutely neglecting that the time is the essence in criminal investigation and that these idols could be smuggled abroad if, as per rumours, they have been sold in Bangkok market for Rs. 2,400 crores.

5. There is an old parable that there was a king who went to sleep and gave his sword to his monkey friend to keep flies at bay. A fly came and sat on the nose of the king, the monkey was trying to hit at the fly by the fly flew away and the nose of the king was chopped. Thus, most unfortunately, Mr. Siddaramaiah has not realised, that not only he has failed in his duty as a Chief Minister but he is putting the country's heritage to ransom, encouraging international smugglers and worst of all, is acting as a traitor to Congress Party not only in Karnataka but will have nationwide ramification as not only Jains but also Hindus will vote against Congress and major rival party will stand to benefit tremendously in the forth coming national elections.

To conclude I on behalf of Jain community would request your good self to kindly recommend this case of national cultural importance for a CBI enquiry. Below are my contact details and I am always reachable on phone and I am ready to meet you at your convenience at the very earliest.

R. P. Jain, Flat no.UG-2, C-120 Paryavaran Complex, Saiyad-ul-ajaib, New Delhi - 110030, E-Mail: , Mob: 93117-75246


September 2, 2013, Ujjain: Miscreants targeted two Digambar Jain temples located in Lakshmi Nagar. They made away with 2.5 kg silver ornaments and cash worth Rs 25,000 from the temples. Jain community people protested against the theft. According to Madhav Nagar police, some unidentified miscreants broke into two Digambar Jain temples in Lakshmi Nagar locality and took away silver ornaments, utensils and cash from the donations boxes. Thieves targeted Adinath Digambar Jain temple and Mahavir Digambar Jain temple. They broke the locks of three gates of the Adinath temple and vanished with three silver crowns, nine chhatra and two thrones. They also unlocked three donation boxes and stole away Rs 20,000. They also broke into nearby Mahavir temple and stole away three chhatra and cash worth Rs 3000 from the donation box. Police was informed after temple priests reached at the temples in the morning. SP Anurag also reached at the spot to investigate the case. Community people in large numbers assembled at the temples and protested against the poor security of the temples. Since there were no CCTV cameras at the temples, police will not be able to catch the accused immediately.


 Sep 12, 2013, The theft of the 700-year-old idol of Lord Shantinath from Prernatirth derasar on has left the Jains of the city completely devastated. Thefts at religious places have become a big problem.

It is time all of us came together to demand stern action against such crimes from the government and the police,” said Neeraj Kumarpal Shah, businessman and trustee of several Jain trusts. Suggesting that background checks should be carried out on each and every employee working at a derasar, Shah said even the credentials of a priest hired for a derasar should be checked like that of the employees of any organisation. “Devotees should also be alert and prevent such thefts,” he added.

This is not the first time that the Ahemedabad witnessed theft at a derasar. In February 2012, a Jain idol, made of marble and said to be nearly 1,500 years old, was stolen from a derasar in Visnagar, Mehsana district. However, the police succeeded in arresting the mastermind within a month.

Two years ago, thieves tried to steal the idol of Lord Neminath from the Taranga Jain temple. As the idol was too heavy to lift, it broke and the thieves ran off with its head.

What kind of money do these idols fetch? Must be a fortune? “The derasars are a good hunting ground for thieves because they often house very old idols. They fetch a tremendous amount of money in the antique market as many derasars have idols that are over 1,200 years old.

Another reason is that at many derasars, the idols, particularly the smaller ones, are not fixed and hence it becomes easy to steal them even in broad daylight,” said Kirti Shah, trustee of Shantinath derasar in Ahmedabad, adding that as derasars and temples are public places, entry cannot be restricted. “The only solution in such a case is to have strong security measures in place. We have built an additional strong room at our derasar to ensure that the valuables are kept safe,” he pointed out.

उदयपुर: दिगम्बर जैन मंदिर से 12 प्रतिमाएं चोरी, महिलाएं धरने पर बैठी

16-Sep-2013, उदयपुर: झल्लारा थाना क्षेत्र में  दिगंबर जैन मंदिर से  चोर 12 जिन प्रतिमाएं और कीमती सामान ले भागे। कुछ प्रतिमाएं अष्ट धातु और कुछ पाषाण (पत्थर) की हैं। थाने से महज 200 मीटर की दूरी पर मंदिर में हुई वारदात के खिलाफ लोगों ने रविवार को बाजार बंद रखा।

चोरों की जल्दी गिरफ्तारी नहीं होने पर बड़े स्तर पर विरोध प्रदर्शन की चेतावनी दी है। सुबह 5 बजे श्रद्धालु मंदिर पहुंचे तो सभी गेट खुले थे। मंदिर में वेदी पर कोई प्रतिमा नहीं थी। चोरी की सूचना पर जैन समाज के लोग और आसपास के ग्रामीण एकत्र हो गए। इन लोगों ने घटना को लेकर प्रदर्शन किया और आरोपियों की तलाश कर गिरफ्तारी की मांग की। सलूंबर डिप्टी अभय सिंह भाटी, थानाधिकारी सज्जन सिंह, एफएसएल टीम के सदस्य मौके पर पहुंचे। उन्होंने टूल मार्क सहित आरोपियों के फुट मार्क लिए। मौके से लोहे की रॉड मिली है। पुलिस ने गांव के मगनलाल करमेरा की रिपोर्ट पर अज्ञात के खिलाफ चोरी का मामला दर्ज किया है।

थाने के बाहर धरने पर जा बैठीं महिलाएं - जैन मंदिर में चोरी के विरोध में रविवार सुबह आठ बजे महिलाएं बाजार में आ गईं। इन्होंने दुकानें बंद करवा दी। फिर झल्लारा थाने के बाहर धरने पर जा बैठीं। इस बीच समाज ने बाजार बंद की घोषणा कर दी। महिलाओं के साथ ही समाज के प्रतिनिधि मंडल ने थाने में डिप्टी व सीआई से बातचीत आरोपियों को जल्द से जल्द पकडऩे की मांग की।

ऐसे पता चला चोरी का: सुबह 5 बजे श्रावक मंदिर पहुंचे। तब सभी गेट खुले थे। मंदिर में वेदी पर कोई प्रतिमा नहीं थी। चोरी की सूचना पर जैन समाज के लोग और आसपास के ग्रामीण एकत्र हो गए। इन लोगों ने घटना को लेकर प्रदर्शन किया और पुलिस की लापरवाही पर रोष व्यक्त किया। इधर, झल्लारा के बाजार दिनभर बंद रहे। समाजजन ने पुलिस को चेतावनी दी कि चोरी का जल्दी खुलासा नहीं हुआ तो बड़े स्तर पर आंदोलन किया जाएगा।

पुलिस ने जुटाए सुराग: सलूंबर डीएसपी अभय सिंह भाटी, थानाधिकारी सज्जन सिंह, एफएसएल टीम के सदस्य मौके पर पहुंचे। उन्होंने टूल मार्क और फुट मार्क लिए। मौके से लोहे की रॉड मिली है। पुलिस ने गांव के मगनलाल करमेरा की रिपोर्ट पर अज्ञात के खिलाफ चोरी का मामला दर्ज किया है।

ये मूर्तियां ले गए चोर मंदिर के गर्भगृह में स्थापित धातु से बनी भगवान नेमीनाथ की 10 इंच लंबी प्रतिमा, चौबीस भगवान का बड़ा चौबीष्टा, छोटा चौबीष्टा, बाहुबली भगवान की मूर्ति, आदिनाथ की मूर्ति, महावीर भगवान की मूर्ति, पारस नाथ भगवान की दो प्रतिमाएं, सिद्ध भगवान की मूर्ति, शांति नाथ भगवान की मूर्ति, रानी पदमावती की छोटी व बड़ी मूर्तियां चोरी हुईं। मूर्तियों पर लगे चांदी के करीब 700 ग्राम वजनी तीन आभा मंडल, दो माह की दानराशि से भरे गुल्लक, पूजा कक्ष के लॉकर में रखे कलश, पीतल व स्टील के बर्तन चोरी हुए।

उदयपुर, चोरों ने मंदिर को भी नही छोड़ा, 14 सौ साल पुरानी अष्टधातु की प्रतिमा चोरी

 Sep 24, 2013, उदयपुर. ढीकली गांव स्थित प्राचीन जैन व चारभुजा मंदिर से रविवार देर रात चोर अष्टधातु की बेशकीमती प्रतिमाएं और मुकुट चोरी कर ले गए। सुबह जब ग्रामीण पूजा करने के लिए मंदिर आए तो खुले दरवाजे, बिखरा सामान और प्रतिमाएं गायब देख चोरी का पता चला।

चोरों ने गांव में और भी जगह ताले तोड़े और नकदी चोरी की। चोरी की सूचना पर एक-एक कर पूरा गांव इकट्ठा हो गया। ग्रामीणों ने इस घटना को लेकर नाराजगी जताई और पुलिस प्रशासन से आरोपियों को जल्द से जल्द पकडऩे की मांग की। एडि.एसपी सुधीर जोशी सहित डिप्टी, थानाधिकारी मय जाप्ता मौके पर पहुंचे और मौका मुआयना किया। चोरों के बारे में पुलिस कोई सुराग हाथ नहीं लगे। मूर्ति चोरों ने पुलिस की नींद उड़ाई, मंदिरों की सुरक्षा के अब भी इंतजाम नहीं: जिले में मूर्ति चोरों ने पुलिस की नींद उड़ा दी है। एक पखवाड़े में हुई बड़ी वारदातों में दो जैन मंदिरों से 16 प्राचीन प्रतिमाएं चोरी होना भी शामिल है। इनमें चोरों की मोडस ऑपरेंडी (चोरी का तरीका) एक जैसी ही सामने आई है। मौके पर पहुंची पुलिस की टीम को कहीं भी चोरों के फिंगर प्रिंट नहीं मिले हैं।यही वजह है कि पुलिस को एक भी मामले में चोरों का कोई सुराग हाथ नहीं लग पाया है। चोरी की बढ़ती वारदातों के बावजूद पुलिस की ओर से जिले में प्राचीन मंदिरों की सुरक्षा के कोई इंतजाम नहीं किए गए हैं। पुलिस अधीक्षक महेश गोयल बताते हैं कि इन वारदातों को गंभीरता से लिया जा रहा है।

इसके लिए टीमें बनाई गई हैं, जो अलग-अलग स्तर पर काम कर रही हैं। हर स्तर पर तहकीकात जारी है। मोडस आपरेंडी के आधार पर पुराने मूर्ति चोरों सहित संदिग्ध लोगों से पूछताछ की जा रही है। कुछ सुराग हाथ लगे हैं, जिनका सत्यापन किया जा रहा है। 30 अगस्त को सराड़ा के बडग़ांव में नेमीनाथ दिगंबर जैन मंदिर से अष्टधातु की बनी चार मूर्तियां चोरी हुई थी। मूर्तियां पाश्र्वनाथ, महावीर स्वामी, नंदीश्वर द्वीप मय चौबीसी चन्द्र प्रभू भगवान की प्रतिमाएं थीं। फरवरी में राजस्थान के खजुराहो नाम से प्रसिद्ध जगत के अंबिका मंदिर के पास से अद्र्धनारीश्वर की प्राचीन प्रतिमा चोरी हो गई थी।


Sep 3, 2013, Bharuch: Thieves struck at a historical Jain temple in Panchayati Bazar in Ankleshwar. Dilip Choksi, trustee of Shree Shantinath Jain Derasar said, "When devotees reached temple on Monday early morning, they found the doors open and crown and other gold and silver ornaments on the idol of Lord Mahavir missing. Stolen ornaments are valued at around Rs 25 lakh. GIDC Ankleshwar police has registered a complaint and are investigating the case.

The priest of the ancient Jain temple located at Panchayati Bazaar in Ankleshwar was arrested in connection of theft of gold and silver ornaments on night. According to police, priest Raju Mithalal Rawal (35), who performed the daily puja at temple, was one of the trustworthy person for the devotees.

In a span of one year, he systematically planned and stole various ornaments and jewellery of temple and sold them to goldsmiths and traders of Ankleshwar. The value of stolen valulablers is around Rs 16 lakh. Some of the traders confessed that they have received ornaments, but were not aware if they were stolen ones.


TILOYAPANNATTI - By Acarya Yativrishabha, Prakrit text + Hindi translation, Hindi translation by Pandit Balchandra Shastri, Distributed by Hindi Granth Karyalay, Set of 2 books, Hardcover Rs. 800 for the set. Jain Cosmology has a unique perception of the Universe. It perceives solar and lunar entities in a manner that is different from the current cosmology as well those put forward by different cultures. According to Jain cosmology, this universe is an uncreated entity existing since beginningless time. The Universe is made up of what Jains call six dravyas or reals or substances - living beings, non-living things or matter, space, time and the principles of motion and rest. The universe itself is divided abode of gods, abode of humans and animals, and abode of hellish beings.

The Text- Yativrsabha's TILOYAPANNATTI is an ancient Jain text on karanaanuyoga (ganitaanuyoga). It gives mathematical descriptions of Jain cosmology and is invaluable for the study of Indian cosmography. This work is said to be the source of many later works such as the 'Raajavaartika', 'Harivamsha Puraana', 'Triloka Saara', 'Jambudviipa Prajñapti' and 'Siddhaantasaaradiipaka'. The Tiloya Panatti is a Prakrit work in the Jain Shauraseni dialect and has been composed primarily in the aaryaa metre. The work has a total of 5677 verses divided into 9 chapters.

Acharya Yativrshabha is known for his important commentary on the Kasaayapaahuda, {Treatise on Passions}, which is dated in the early centuries of the Common Era. Hence it is speculated that Acarya Yativrshabha belonged to 4th - 5th century CE. Also, there are at least five references to Acarya Sarvanandi’s Lokavibhaaga (Prakrit) in the Tiloyapannatti. And the Prakrit Lokavibhaaga has been reliably dated as having been composed in the middle of the 5th century CE.

Book available at: Hindi Granth Kartalay, Mumbai 400004, E-Mail:

Jainendra Siddhant Kosh - Encyclopedia of Jain Doctrine - By Kshullaka Jinendra Varni, Hindi, Set of 5 books, 2012 27 x 18 cm 2500 pages approx., Hardcover, Price for this set of 5 books: Rs. 1370. Sometimes, circumstances lead to the creation of masterpieces. Pujya Jinendra Varni was an advanced Jain layman who fell seriously ill. He endured medical treatment for eighteen long years. During this treatment, he stayed by himself in a room adjoining a Jain library inside a Jain temple complex. Being spiritually inclined, he spent his time in prayer and study. Owing to his long illness, he read and reread a vast number of Jain texts. In the course of his study, he made well-organised notes. These notes were put together by him loosely, to form a diary of sorts, which would serve as a handy glossary for his own use. Gradually, over the years, this sprawling diary was organised and typed into large bound books. With time, Varni ji's fame spread and various scholars went through his voluminous notes. Their clarity and comprehensiveness were recognised and they were eventually published in the current form.

So one man's long illness led to the compilation of this masterly encyclopedia of Jain doctrine, carried out by someone who was not only a scholar, but a practitioner of the doctrine. Several decades after its publication, the Jainendra Siddhant Kosh remains unsurpassed as the standard encyclopedic work on Jain doctrine in Hindi. Several important pencil sketches and line drawings have been incorporated in this work, in order to clarify key Jain thoughts, especially those related to Jain cosmology. This is a well organised and comprehensive encyclopedia on Jainism. Each entry is systematically presented. Each term is explained in depth using examples, citations and instances from scores of Jain texts. The citations are given accurately and completely. They are given in the original language (Prakrit, Sanskrit or Apabhramsha, as the case may be) and then explained in Hindi. For enquiries contact: Hindi Granth Karyalay, 9, Hirabaug, C. P. Tank, Mumbai, E-Mail:

Development & Impact of Jainism in India & Abroad - Editor- Gunvant Barvalia, Publisher- Arham Spiritual centre's SKPG Jain Philosophical & Literary Research Centre, L. B. S. Road, Mumbai-400077, E-Mail: [email protected] Pages-8+220, Price- Rs.300, Year-2013.

It is a good effort to present the development of Jainism in various states of India and abroad with a wider impact of it. The book contains 31 articles of learned scholars on various topics. A few topics are- 1. Contribution of foreign scholars in Jain Literature and Philosophy, 2. Jain Manuscripts, Collection in foreign countries, 3. Jain Images of India in Museums abroad, 4. Contribution of NRI's to Jain shasan, 5. Development and Impact of Jainism in Asia and Asian Dwip, 6. Contribution of Jaina Philosophy to Global Philosophies, Most of the articles are centered on development and impact of Jainism in the various states of India i.e. Gujarat, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Kashmir, Bengal, Kerala, Goa, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar, Tamilnadu, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Haryana. The Book covers the Northeast India, Saurashtra also. Courtesy: Jinwani, August,10, 2013.



Animal Welfare Society of India shall hold two days program on 16th and 17th November at New Delhi to create awareness about Vegetarian Dietary habits and addiction free life style. The venue will be Siri Fort Auditorium. The event is expected to be attended by over 1000 school and college teachers and students. The renowned neuro-surgeon of India Doctor D. C. Jain is co-ordinating the entire program. Doctor Jain is known to be actively associated with philanthropic activities for a long time.

The two day event will deliver a strong message in the minds of young children and teaching faculty about Vegetarianism and addiction free life style. It is accepted beyond doubts that, only healthy and happy people can make India a strong nation. The health problems of majority of people are on exponential rise due to rapidly changing life style including unhealthy food habits. Further the students and young people are driven towards addictions of alcohol, drugs, electronic media etc. As a consequence every sixth person is having ailments like Diabetes, Hypertensions, Obesity, Cancer, Chronic Kidney Diseases and Heart Attacks. This trend is causing worry amongst people and health policy planners. Prevention of these diseases is a major thrust area of extensive medical research world over. A diet which is rich in fiber, low in cholesterol and rich in anti-oxidents can prevent many about diseases. Life style modification which include alcohol and drug free healthy habits along with eating of fruits and vegetables as one of scientific steps in the direction of healthy life. A large number of eminent doctors, ecologists, environmentalists, nutrition experts, dieticians, psychologists, Religious, social activists will also participate and offer cultural activities in the program. For further information and participation in this program please contact A. K. Jain, Editor, Ahimsa Times, Telephone: 98-100-46108, E-Mail-


May be to woo voters ahead of next year's state elections, the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) has urged the Pune Municipal Corporation to close slaughterhouses in the city on Ekadashi and respect religious sentiments of the people. Ekadashi, considered auspicious for Hindus and Jains, falls twice every month.

In a proposal tabled before the civic coordination committee, MNS leader Vasant More and corporator Aarti Babar said Ekadashi has religious significance. "This is the day when many citizens observe fast and consider it to be auspicious day. However, the slaughterhouses continue to sell non-vegeterian food. This is wrong," said More. He said the MNS want to ensure that religious sentiments of citizens are not hurt. "We have urged the city mayor to stop the shops from selling flesh on the religious day. It is not going to make impact to their business," More said. Recently, the MNS delegation had visited the flesh market in the city on the day of Ekadashi and found that the shopkeepers were doing business as usual. MNS had forced the closure of the shops on the day, More said. "PMC need to keep control over these shops as they run on license granted by the civic body. They should make it a rule of keeping the shops closed on the religious days," More said. MNS demand is being described as politically motivated by other party leaders. "MNS is trying to woo voters by playing this emotional card," said a Congress leader. Acting PMC health chief S T Pardeshi said the civic body cannot do much on the demand. "We control the business by issuing license and ensuring that they are properly run causing no health hazard to citizens," he said, adding, the PMC does not have legal powers to close shops for this reason.


Sep 7, 2013, Ujjain: Digambar Jain community has opposed the proposed move to ban use of peacock feathers by its saints. Letters have been written to the government asking to relax the norms for the use of feathers. According to community members, the government has recently issued a notification to amend the Wild Life Protection Act 1972 with a view to protect the national bird. Saints traditionally keep 'pichhi' as it signifies non-violence. Feathers which fall naturally in Kartik month of Hindu calendar are used for the purpose," said Shailendra Shah, adding he would support any law introduced to keep a check on offenders who kill peacock for feathers. "Jain community believes in protecting birds and feathers used by Jain saints do not cause any harm to them," he added. Jain community believes in protecting birds and feathers used by Jain saints do not cause any harm to them," he added.


Wild Life Protection [Amendment] Bill 2013 is before select committee of Rajya Sabha. There is no need to panic or submit uncalled for memorandum. All India Digamber Jain Organisations' coordination committee has the mandate to protect the interests of Digamber community and its revered saints in particular and Jain community at large.

 It had dealt with successfully in the matter of then proposed ban on 'mayur pankh' in draft Wild Life Protection [Amendment] Bill,2010 as well recent developments in drafting of Wild Life Protection[ Amendment ] Bill, 2013. In spite of our countless telecommunications to Jain Samaj countrywide that rumors of ban on peacock feathers in Wild Life Protection [Amendment] Bill, 2013, which is now before the select committee of Rajya Sabha, and consequent non-availability of 'Mayur Pichhi' to our revered tyagijans are baseless, the matter has not come to rest, hence, this written clarification. to satisfy the quest of inquisitive minds and widely publicized assumptions / interpretations, it is submitted that Principal Wild Life [ Protection] Act, 1972, as amended by Amendment Act of 2010, shows that section 44 under 'chapter v- trade or commerce in wild animals- animal articles and trophies' is as it is and effective statue, neither amended by amendment act 2010 nor proposed in amendment bill, 2013 as both act / bill enacted / proposed amendments in sections 2 to 39 and thereafter jumped to sections 49 afterwards [ amendment bill, 2013 may be seen at www.rajyasabha.nic.in under heading 'bills with the committees'], which provides as follows: ''chapter v - trade or commerce in wild animals animal articles and trophies'' ''Section 44. dealing in trophy and animal articles without license prohibited.'' second proviso to sub section [1] ''provided further that nothing in this sub section shall apply to the dealers in tail feathers of peacock and articles made there from and the manufacturers of such article'.' It is further explained that any schedule [s] is to be read with reference to enabling section [s], mentioned therein, and section [s] in the context of coverage of particular chapter, and it will leave no chance of ambiguity, as is prevailing now in the case of proposed bill. Source: Dr. Bimal Jain, Co-coordinator, Akhil Bharatvarshiye Digamber Jain Sansthaye - Samanvay Samiti, 412, Modi Tower, 98, Nehru Place, New Delhi- 110 019, E-Mail: .


Its really sad that ignorantly or knowingly at times, Jain community and its sentiments are hurted. So an able clarification is provided here.

No peacock is technically required to be harmed for deriving Peacock feathers for mor picchi, Nor any Sheep is required to be harmed for deriving wool for katashna / ogha. Our earlier enlightened Jain Saints have always taken care to protect even smallest insects and organisms. Digambar Monks use peacock feather as morrpicchi / Morpinchi as a well thought process of earlier learned saints. The peacock feather brooms made up of naturally fallen feathers in their hand are symbolic of their reverence for all living things, where they do sweep with same while sitting or walking around to save life of even the tiniest organisms & micro-organisms. Jain Saints use picchi of feathers which fall naturally in Kartik month of Hindu calendar & same is naturally available in Kartik Month. Jainism prohibits any harm to peacock or any other living being. Jain saints use Peacock feathers which have fallen naturally & free from any animal cruelty.

On same part Shwetambar monks as a well thought process of earlier learned saints use Ogha (a broom of woolen threads) to sweep with same while sitting or walking around to save life of even the tiniest organisms & micro-organisms. Such ogha is made of up of woolen threads derived from available vast vast woolen waste where at least once in a year to keep sheep comfortable, especially in warmer climates or month of April (like how some people get shorter haircuts for summer) a short haircut is compulsory. Traditionally wool is actually derived very very delicately manually with scissors without hurting sheep,Sheep grows wool continuously. If they dont get short haircut at least once per year specially in summer then they become very uncomfortable and stressed, especially when it is hot and humid. Traditionally in india wool was derived from sheep after giving sheep short hair cut in summer. Its prohibits wool derived from sheep during winter season as then same is required by sheep. Jainism teaches to use woolen waste for its ogha, kambli & katashna which is available naturally in abundance & free from any animal cruelty. Woolen Katashna is must for kayotsarga meditation as per shwetambar tradition as it has cosmic science behind same.

Please note none of these procedures actually require killing or abusing any animals at all.

Same actually displays depth & degree of compassion these monks practice towards tiniest creatures too & original concept behind same remains so noble. An optimistic may praise same. Again its noteworthy that population of Jain Monks using morpicchi or ogha or katashna is highly negligible i.e. possibly 0.001% of total India's population. India has third largest population of sheep. And peacock is officially India's national bird. What we mean is that in ancient days Sheep and Peacock were well distributed in India & in india we had a large population of same. Hence when such a noble thought was introduced these things were available naturally & were abundant. Still Wool is naturally available in abundance. Again many other traditions other than jains having been using these stuffs, some are using same for religious purpose and some for decoration / luxury purpose. Luxury products have resulted in animal cruelty.

Jain community believes in protecting birds, animals, tiniest creatures and feathers & wool used do not cause any harm to them. Commercialization process and human greed has given birth to many malpractices & cruelty which is harmful for humans, animals, birds, environment. Ignorance & half knowledge is not going helping us to deal with situation. Jain teachings teach us that things are going to further deteriorate in this cycle and hence we should also try to walk on path of salvation & make an attempt to get freedom from this vicious cycle of birth and death. A situation can be addressed like "is glass half full or half empty".

Why Jains dont advocate Synthetic Alternatives? Many Jains don’t advocate synthetic alternatives as its slightly hard which can injure tiniest organisms during sweeping process and at same time they are decomposable and eventually harms ecology, animals, birds & humans at large. Recent surveys on internet state that for production of Synthetic material's / products till now more than 80,000 chemicals have been developed, distributed, and discarded into the environment over the past fifty years with toxic effects on humans or animals, contaminating our air, water, food, etc. Jainism teaches to practice ahimsa with ecology and environment too. Hence Jain Saints do"nt advocate synthetic alternatives.

What's Cosmic science / spiritual significance of Peacock Feathers as per Jainism? As Peacock saves one from poisonous snake, hence it’s feather is symbolic of saving us from worldly poison of greed, passion, hinsa. Peacock signifies wisdom, Peacock feathers symbolize the transmuting of desire into the path of liberation. Because of its significance Peacock feathers are used in hinduism and buddhism tradition too.

What's Cosmic Science / Spiritual Significance of Woolen Katashna / Ogha as per Jainism? Wool signifies divine purity, spirituality, tenderness, detachment, innocence, & peace. So original concept behind usage of same is very high.Hence while pratikrama & samayik usage of such katashna & charoda symbolically stands for spirituality, detachment, purity, tenderness especially while performing ritual of self repentance. Wool is a natural insulator and protects drainage of spiritual energy. Cotton when its wet looses its property of insulator and in market again many dont find complete pure cotton. So Cotton is not preferred for samayik / Pratikraman / kayotsarga meditation.

What Should be done? Shravak's / Shravika's / Govt. organisations should come together & organize a platform to procure naturally available peacock feathers (in Kartik Month) or woolen waste required by community at large.

Well many jains are connected with Panjrapole, Goshala's and other animal welfare projects. Jains practice jivdaya. We need to praise work who are able to serve animals directly or indirectly. No one is flawless and None of us are kevali Bhagwants. None of us actually have capacity to leave life at par with these Jain saints.

Each & every Jain Monk has opted to walk on path of salvation, a path shown by our Tirthankars. And these monks whether they are digambar or shwetambar are our true teachers in real sense who are making each & every attempt to teach us path shown by tirthankars. They are true ambassadors of nonviolence. Jain ascetics do not have a home or any possessions. They wander barefoot from place to place except during the months of Chaturmas. They don’t move during chaturmas again to save insects & microorganism which are active during rainy season. The quality of life led by them is difficult because of the many constraints placed on them. The Jain ascetics are detached from social and worldly activities. Jain Monks never cause harm or violence to any living being. They do limit their necessities to the lowest limit and apart from these limits they attempt to live a detached life. All the activities of their life have only one aim, namely, self-purification for self- realization. For the attainment of this objective, besides following laid down guidelines they perform the pratikraman daily, and perform other austerities. All their activities are directed towards elevating their souls to the Paramatma-dasha, the state of the Supreme Soul. If we can't appreciate penances practiced by Jain Monks, lets not make life of these jain monks more difficult either and be part of any upsarg / Jain Shashan Asatna. Choice is yours.


Sep 25, 2013,Ahmedabad: Gujarati Jains community in Nairobi needs to be applauded for their in-time support and compassion towards humanity in the hour of need. When the dastardly attack on Kenya shopping mall was going, the Jains in the area recorded their presence by their generous offering to all who needed it most. Gujarati Jains have opened the doors of their community center next to the upscale Westgate Mall in Kenya's Nairobi which is under siege by terrorists for rescue and relief operations.

The Visha Oswal Community Center in Nairobi has become the hub of rescue relief where over 300 Gujarati volunteers are offering their services to tend to the scores of injured terror victims including Indians, Europeans and from other countries. Lalit Dhami, vice-chancellor of Tapovan Sanskar Pith on the Ahmedabad-Gandhinagar highway, said that the Visha Oswal Community Center has six marriage halls which have been converted into make-shift emergency center where medical treatment is being given to the injured. A media center has also been created at the center. "Apart from Indians, a big number of Asians and Europeans have taken shelter in the center. We are doing our best to make them feel safe and comfortable by offering hot meals and a decent living arrangement," Jhakhariya said.

Jhakhariya said that while the Gujarati Jain community is doing their bit and have not ask for help from the government. They have urged the local spiritual Gurus to hold prayer meets wishing an early end to the terror crisis and peace to the tortured souls. Prakash Pindoriya who runs transportation business in Kenya volunteered his services for the relief operation ever since terror struck the mall on Saturday. "We have been involved in giving first aid to victims who are not grievously hurt and donating blood. The locals do not have much knowledge about blood donation wherein we are helping by collecting community members and facilitating blood donation," Pindoriya said. Atul Shah, owner of the Nakumatt chain of stores in Kenya including the Westgate Mall in Nairobi told Mahant Bhagwatpriya Swami of the Swaminarayan Gaadi Sansthan that while the situation was under control, firing was still being reported from inside the mall. Courtesy: Dr. Sulekh. C. Jain, Houston, Texas, USA, E-Mail:


The funerals of 18 Gujaratis who were killed in the Westgate Mall terror seige in Nairobi were held while retrieval of bodies from the building remained painfully slow because many lay under collapsed debris. Harish Kanabar, president of BAPS Satsang Mandal, Kenya said these 18 Gujaratis belonged to different communities including Patels, Jains, Kutchi Jains and Khojas (followers of Aga Khan). Director of the Westgate Mall Arvind Raghavani said,about 25 Gujaratis Indians have died in the terror attack. Another 175 people were injured, including more than 60 who remain hospitalized. Chinubhai Shah, committee member of Visha Oswal Samaj which was running a rescue and relief center next to the mall, said that death toll is near 70 and is expected to touch 100. "A number of dead bodies buried under the debris are yet to be recovered," said Shah.


New Delhi, September 1, 2013,: The Centre on Saturday launched Ahimsa messenger programme to combat violence against women and children. The programme targets both men and women, including youths, to address and eliminate all forms of violence against women and children at grassroots and facilitate social/community mobilisation to fight social evils.

 Ahimsa Messengers would also serve as link workers in case of any violence and also facilitate the women to approach the concerned authorities in case of incidences of violence for suitable redressal and follow up on the case. UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi, who inaugurated the program, said that the Ahimsa Messenger is directly related to the safety and empowerment of women. They will spread awareness and knowledge about their legal rights and their economic and social growth, their safety and dignity in the society. “The Ahimsa ‘doots’ (messengers) will be trained to empower them. A unique feature of this programme is that adolescent boys have also been made an integral part of this programme,” she said. She also said that on the one hand women are touching the pinnacle of success in various fields, on the other, she is also suffering as a victim of child marriage, female foeticide, domestic violence, dowry related deaths and sexual harassment.



24th September 2013: In the world famous Mahatma Gandhi Center in New Jersey, USA leaders of the Hindu, Muslim, Jain and Sikh faith participated in World Peace and Communal Harmony conference to bring a message of peace and love to the people at internationally. Religious leaders of different religions came on one platform to emphasize that ‘Religion teaches us to come together; it does not create differences’. Religious Gurus further said that for development in the country peace and harmony should be maintained.

Founder President of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni, Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi, President of the All India Imams Association, Pujya Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji, President of Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh Shri Deviki Nandan Thakurji and Sadhwi Bhagwati addressed the to spread the message of World Peace and Communal harmony.

Founder President of Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti and famous Jainacharya Dr. Lokesh Muni addressing the large event said “Religion brings us together it does not create differences. Unity in diversity is the basic principle of India culture. Acharya ji said Come, let’s sit together as one family and talk, even if it’s few steps, lets walk. Vikas (development) and Mitas (sweetness) never comes from fighting it only comes from peace and love.” Swami Chidanand Saraswatiji said "Often, wrongs were committed and mistakes happened. But no wrong was ever made right through more violence and it does not matter now who started the fight lets all come together to end it. Imam Umer Ahmed Ilyasi in the conference said that he has seen so many different forms of violence growing that he believes everyone needs to unify to find more effective methods against violence and terrorism. He said peace, non-violence and harmony are the only way to establish a better world.

Shri Devkinandan Thakurji on the occasion said that world political, spiritual leaders and social organizations should work closely together on this mission of World Peace and Communal Harmony to create a better society. He called upon the political and the religious leaders and the NGO’s to come forward to check the violence, terrorism and strengthen the unity of mind. On the occasion many prestigious people, leaders, social workers, philosophers and industrialists were present. Source: Muni Lokesh, E-Mail:



Click on photograph to hear the message.


The South Asian Community Centre is producing a video on "elder abuse" and your help is needed. The purpose of the video is to bring awareness about elder abuse, and how we can prevent this societal problem from affecting those in our own community. The planned format is interviews with professionals as well as the taping of groups of people from the local South Asian community talking about the issues and concerns.

Volunteers are required for this key component of the video as we will not be focusing on any one person or family. If you would like to volunteer for one of the 'gatherings', please call any of the following people for more information or to participate:

• South Asian Centre: Kusum Mann, E-Mail: Tele: 519-252-747 - Monday - Thursday 2-5 PM
• South Asian Centre Board: Dr. Sushil Jain, E-Mail: , Tele: 519-966-2474
• South Asian Centre Board: Mirza Baig, E-Mail: , Tele: 519-988-0159

We are looking for 20 people to participate in groups of 5-7 people. The 20 minute video will be shown to the public locally as well as in other regions.


Ahmedabad: Technology is moving at a crazy pace and creating ever more complicated products for human consumption. According to AMC, the dengue mosquito density currently stands at 0.89 mosquitoes per room, Diseases caused by it have attained epidemic proportions yet a Gujarati Jain has taken it upon himself to deliver the people from this menace but in his own unique, spiritual way.

He has developed a 'Jivdaya' insect repellant that will not kill insects like mosquitoes but drive them out of people's homes. Also calling it an 'ahinsak spray', Priyank Shah, 36, a businessman has researched on effective ways of chasing out insects, not killing them. Priyank was a dealer of a well known international insect repellant brand till a few years back, but that clashed with his ideologies. "Jains believe in equal compassion towards all beings - it is called jivdaya. While I was selling these repellants, I was unhappy because insects die due to it. It was at a spiritual discourse with Jain monk Yashovarma Sureshwarji Maharaj that, I vowed to put my resources at work to develop a concoction that would not kill insects."

The answer came in pine tree oil. "It has a scent that drives insects like mosquitoes, spiders, ants, cockroaches and even lizards away. It has an oily base, so it must be sprayed on the floor," he explained. The effect is such that the insects rush out of the vicinity. After one and a half years of research, Priyank created his signature repellant and gave sample bottles to friends and relatives. "I even gave it to many city derasars like Hutheesing Temple and Tapovan. Everyone has found it effective and fragrant too," he said. In the last three months, he has produced 2000 bottles of 500 ml each that have been delivered to Mumbai and Rajkot as well.


Sep 12, 2013, AhmedabadThe piety turned into a celebratory note when 1,350 Jain devotees of the city successfully ended their Paryushan fast together. The event became more memorable when it broke all previous records where such a large number of people performed paarna and sought blessings of Acharya Bhagwans.

Even though the day began on a hot and humid note, the muggy weather could hardly dampen the mood among hundreds of Jains who flocked to the Sabarmati riverfront to celebrate paarna ending of the Paryushan fast.

It was a sight to behold on the Riverfont when kin of the devotees on fast, fussed about the venue either clicking photographs of the grand event or offering food their loving care making the pious event more poignant. The brain of the event Panyas Shri Mahabodhi Vijayji Maharaj, who blessed the participants for successful completion of paarna said, “We never expected the event to turn out to be so hugely successful with such a massive participation.”

The event, organised by Samuhik Siddhitap Sankalan Samiti, saw participation by 21 Jain Sanghs of the city in a bid to create a record. However, nobody from either the Guinness Book of records or the Limca Book had been called to confirm the claim for record, a Maharaj said. When asked why not, he said that they did not believe in registering and getting confirmation by these Books. “We are sure that we will go on creating new records, breaking our own previous records,” he added.

Four huge domes were erected to accommodate 300-odd devotees each. Also, 200 sadhus and sadhvis from all over the state and 60,000-strong audience made the event more spectacular. A donation box kept at the entrance and bulging from the devotees’ benevolence bears testimony to the day’s success story.


भारत सरकार द्वारा जैन धर्मं को स्वतंत्र  व अल्पसंख्यक धर्मं घोषित न किये जाने के विरोध में

18 दिसम्बर 2013 से आमरण-अनशन आरम्भ करने हेतु सूचना

आदरणीय डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह जी
निवेदन है कि दिनांक 23 अक्टूबर,1993 को भारत सरकार द्वारा पांच धार्मिक समुदायों को जनगणना के आधार पर धार्मिक अल्पसंख्यक घोषित किया गया था, लेकिन जैनों को नहीं जबकि जैन भी धार्मिक रूप से अल्पसंख्यक थे! जैन धर्मं भारत का एक प्राचीन और स्वतंत्र धर्मं है। जैन धर्मं के प्राचीन और स्वतंत्र होने के विभिन्न अकाट्य प्रमाण उपलब्ध है। भारत के ही नहीं अपितु विश्व के कई साहित्यकारों, इतिहासकारों, राजनीतिज्ञों, अन्य धर्मों के ग्रंथों और विभिन्न राज्यों के उच्च न्यायालयों और भारत के उच्चतम न्यायालय ने भी अपने कई निर्णयों में जैन धर्मं को प्राचीन और स्वतंत्र धर्मं माना है।

उच्चतम न्यायालय ने भी 29 जुलाई 2004 को केंद्र सरकार को इस विषय को दस वर्षो से लंबित होने के कारण चार महीने के अन्दर निर्णय लेने के आदेश दिए थे परन्तु फिर भी केंद्र सरकार ने आज तक कोई निर्णय नहीं लिया! दिनांक 17.5.1992 को लोक सभा में पारित राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक आयोग के खंड 2 सी के अंतर्गत केंद्र सरकार को किसी भी समुदाय को अल्पसंख्यक घोषित करने का संवैधानिक रूप से पूर्ण अधिकार प्राप्त है और इस अधिकार में कोई भी न्यायालय हस्तक्षेप नहीं कर सकता, फिर भी केंद्र सरकार जैन समाज की उपेक्षा कर रही है।

वर्ष 2007 में गुजरात सरकार ने धर्मान्तरण बिल पारित कर जैन धर्मं को हिन्दू धर्मं का हिस्सा बनाने का प्रयास किया था, जो कि विरोध के चलते असफल हो गया था। इसके अतिरिक्त प्राचीन जैन प्रतिमाओं और तीर्थों पर नाजायज कब्जे किये जा रहे है। जैन संतो को जान से मारने के षड़यंत्र किये जा रहे हैं जिससे जैन समाज अपनी और अपने धर्मं के भविष्य को लेकर चिंतित है। जैन धर्मं के अनुयायी अल्पसंख्यक होते हुए भी भारत के स्वतंत्रता आन्दोलन में अपना पूर्ण सहयोग देने से लेकर आज तक सर्वाधिक शिक्षित होकर भारत सरकार में उच्च पदों पर आसीन होकर, देश में महत्वपूर्ण व्यवसायों में अन्य को रोजगार और सरकार को सर्वाधिक आयकर व अन्य कर पूरी ईमानदारी से देते हुए अहिंसक तरीके से अपना जीवन व्यतीत कर रहा है फिर भी अपने संवैधानिक अधिकारों से आज तक वंचित है।

अल्पसंख्यक मंत्रालय जैन धर्मं को अल्पसंख्यकता देने में टी.एम.ए.पाई के एक फैसले को अवरोध बताता है जबकि माननीय उच्चतम न्यायालय ने ही दिनांक 29 जुलाई 2004 को मुक़दमा संख्या 4730/1999 में साफ-2 अपने आदेश में लिखा है कि टी.एम.पाई मुक़दमे में राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अल्प्संख्यकता देने सम्बन्धी विषय को लिया ही नहीं गया।

इस विषय में देश की विभिन्न जैन संस्थायों द्वारा पिछले कई वर्षों से पत्र व अन्य माध्यम से निवेदन किया जा रहा है एवं विश्व जैन संगठन द्वारा भी अनुरोध पत्र दिनांक 23 सितम्बर व 19 फरबरी 2013 द्वारा निवेदन किया गया! जैन समाज के कई प्रतिनिधिमंडल पिछले एक वर्ष में कई वार आपसे, माननीया सोनिया गाँधी जी से व अल्पसंख्यक मंत्री जी से मिल चुके है, सभी के द्वारा जल्द कार्यवाही करने के आश्वाशन दिए गयें।

विश्व जैन संगठन द्वारा इस विषय में विश्व अल्पसंख्यक दिवस 18 दिसम्बर 2012 को भी एक विशाल अधिकार रैली और अधिकार सभा का आयोजन दिल्ली में किया गया था और जैन धर्म रक्षकों द्वारा 4 से 8 अप्रैल 2013 को जंतर-मंतर, दिल्ली पर अनशन भी किया गया था और जैन समाज के प्रतिनिधिमंडल के साथ अल्पसंख्यक मंत्री जी की जल्द कार्यवाही के आश्वाशन के बाद अनशन स्थगित कर दिया गया था लेकिन आज तक भी सरकार द्वारा कोई कार्यवाही नहीं गयी, आपके द्वारा हमारा संवैधनिक अधिकार आज तक नहीं दिया गया, जिसका हमें दुःख है।

अत: भारत सरकार द्वारा जैन धर्मं को ‘राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक आयोग अधिनियम’ के खंड 2 सी के अंतर्गत यदि 30 नवम्बर 2013 तक राष्ट्रीय स्तर पर अल्पसंख्यक धर्मं घोषित नहीं किया तो विश्व अल्पसंख्यक दिवस दिनांक 18 दिसम्बर 2013 से समस्त भारत के जैन समाज के सहयोग से विश्व जैन संगठन द्वारा सम्पूर्ण भारत में व दिल्ली में विशाल “जैन अधिकार रैली”और जैन धर्मं-रक्षकों द्वारा आमरण-अनशन।

जंतर-मंतर, नई दिल्ली पर शुरू किया जायेगा, जो इस बार जैन समाज का संवैधानिक अधिकार मिलने तक जारी रहेगा और इसकी पूर्णत: जिम्मेवारी भारत सरकार की होगी।

मान्यवर, यह शांतिपूर्ण आन्दोलन किसी भी प्रकार का राजनीति लाभ लेने हेतु नहीं अपितु जैन धर्मं को स्वतंत्र और अल्पसंख्यक धर्मं घोषित कराने हेतु है। अत: आपसे पुन: अनुरोध है कि सम्पूर्ण देश के जैनों के साथ न्याय करते हुए शीघ्र राष्ट्रीय अल्पसंख्यक आयोग अधिनियम, 1992 के खंड 2 सी के अंतर्गत आर्डर जारी करने के आदेश दें। आपकी अति कृपा होगी। संजय कुमार जैन, राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष, विश्व जैन संगठन (पंजी.), इ-मेल:


Karachi: The Sindh Governor promulgates Hindu Marriage Ordinance– first time in Pakistan, said the former caretaker Law Minister of Sindh, Mehmood Mandviwalla. The minorities, including Hindus, Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists, finally have a law whereby their marriages would be registered and recognized by the Government of Sindh. According to a press release issued here Friday, the Ordinance was promulgated by the Governor of Sindh, Dr Ishratul Ibad Khan, with the efforts of the Mehmood Mandviwalla.The Ordinance establishes a Hindu Marriage Registration Authority that will be responsible for registration of Hindu marriages solemnized in the province. Mandviwalla said that during his tenure as caretaker law minister, he had met the representatives of the Hindu Community who had been demanding for a legal framework for registration and accordingly had worked with them to finalise this law. Source: Mr. P. L. Jain, E-Mail:



Sep 22, 2013, The Upakar Foundation recently announced that Shobhit Jain, of Branchburg, New Jersey, is the recipient of the Geeta Rastogi Memorial Scholarship for the Performing Arts.

The aspiring filmmaker rounds out Upakar’s class of 2017, including its first-ever community college awardee, increasing the total to 20 current Upakar scholars. Upakar was founded in 1997 in part to combat Indian American community stereotypes, including that every child can afford a college education. In addition, Upakar has long recognized non-traditional Indian American career pursuits by its scholarship recipients and has publicized role models in these professions. Jain was the valedictorian of his high school class. He served as class president for all four years and also led the student council and the local chapters of the Key Club and Model United Nations Club. Jain also holds a first-degree black belt in taekwondo and served as a columnist for the Branchburg News. In the fine arts realm, he has performed with the Satrangi School of Fusion, a Bollywood dance troupe. His short film “Me, Myself, & I” won Best High School Dark-Comedy at the 2012 International Student Film Festival in Hollywood and an “Honorable Mention” at the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards. Jain will be attending New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts to study film and television.


Sep 05, 2013, Addressing this year’s theme of “Women’s Perspectives in the Dharma Traditions (and Beyond),” more than 30 leading female scholars were featured at the second annual International Jain Conference held Aug. 23 and 24 at Claremont Lincoln University.

The conference invited the scholars to examine how ancient interpretations of sacred texts and religious traditions can pose obstacles to the full citizenship of women, as well as articulate new approaches to those very same texts and traditions in order to usher in more social equality. Experts from the Jain, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu faiths as well Islam, Judaism and Christianity focused on these questions in the context of the status of women throughout the world, according to a press release. Dr. Brianne Donaldson, assistant professor of Jain and Sikh studies at Claremont Lincoln University, opened with a call to make the conference a vehicle to champion the rights of women socially, physically and spiritually in all communities.

Dr. Masum Momaya of the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D. C. presented a collection of idealized images depicting South Asian women “in veils or doing domestic labor [which] are used to justify military action with the mission of ‘saving these women,’” before showing a series of maps that highlighted countries and regions with higher statistics of physical abuse of women and selective infanticide in favor of male children. Dr. T. S. Rukmani of Concordia University in Canada spoke on Sanskrit texts that supported equality for women. She holds the distinction of being the first woman to obtain a Ph.D. from the University of Delhi, as well as the only person to be awarded the D.Litt. degree in its Sanskrit department, established in 1922. Dr. Rita Gross from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire, a pioneer in the field of Buddhist studies and author of numerous books, including “Buddhism after Patriarchy,” spoke of the role of women in the Buddhist faith, while Dr. Manisha Setty of the Jamia Islamia University in Delhi spoke about the lives of Jain nuns and the vows of renunciation they take.

The keynote speaker was Dr. Nikky Singh of Colby College in Maine who spoke of the beauty of the Sikh scriptural poetry and the ways in which women are both celebrated and subjugated. Dr. Rosemary Radford Reuther, the preeminent scholar and pioneer in the field of women’s rights and feminism in Christianity, Rabbi Gail Labovitz of the American Jewish University and Edina Lekovic of the Muslim Public Affairs Council spoke on what being a woman in their faith traditions meant to them and how it felt to be both a professional and a woman of faith in American society. Dr. Rita Sherma of the University of Southern California and Claremont Lincoln University hosted an evening panel with female scholars from the Hindu, Jain, Buddhist, Jewish, Christian, and Muslim traditions to discuss romantic love as experienced by women in their religions. The conference culminated with a trip to the Jain Center of Southern California in Buena Park, where conferees were given a preview of an upcoming exhibit at the Smithsonian curated by Momaya. Titled “Beyond Bollywood,” the exhibit depicts the history of Indian Americans and how they have helped to shape the U. S. Her preview included the arrival of the first Indian immigrant to America in the 18th century, images of Indians building the railroads, a rare poster from the lecture tour of V. R. Gandhi, the first Jain delegate to the World Parliament of Religions in 1895, and a rare candid photo of Dalip Singh Saund, the first Indian American elected to Congress in 1957, chatting with future presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson.

Pallavi Gala, a Pathshala teacher, also gave the attendees insight into the practice of women of the Jain Center, and highlighted the students who have continued to practice Ahimsa and Anekantvad in their professional lives. The conference committee was chaired by Dr. Nitin Shah. Members included Poorvi Parekh, Dr. Mamta Shaha, Alka Dalal, Dr. Brianne Donaldson, and Whitny Braun, who served as conference coordinator.


New Delhi, September 11, 2013, Raj Jain, the eminent painter and ex-professor of Govt. College of Art, Chandigarh doesn't have a particular style of art and takes his inspiration from objects around him. The artist recently exhibited his paintings at All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society. One look at his work and you know that he does not follow any conventional form. In fact, his style is more intuitive. Most of his paintings centre around life. His work mostly consists of the simple things in life.The Wait, The Paper boat, The Monologue and The Bench are some of the popular works of Raj Jain.

Paper boat: the interpretation- There are four renditions of The Paper boat. The Paper boat represents the last stage of life, Old age. It shows that this last phase of life is fragile and unsteady. It is flimsy and uncertain of the direction. It will go wherever the waves take it.

The wall: what's beneath it- For Raj Jain, one more important inspiration from real life, has been The Wall. Like The Paper boat, The wall, too, has many renditions and we can draw a different meaning and interpretation from each one of them. "I have always been intrigued by these walls as they are everywhere around us and make a great impact in our lives. Wherever we may go, we are surrounded by walls which protect us from the outside world."

Where music and art meets- According to Raj Jain, the basic fundamentals of paintings and Indian classical music are very similar. "The basic principles of paintings and Indian classical music are not very different from each other. Both are forms of art and takes inspiration from each other. We all can interpret and comprehend different things from art individually", said Raj Jain who also likes to plays flute.

The universal appeal- Noted art critic and poet Padmashree Keshav Malik, lit a candle and inaugurated the exhibition. "I feel special and proud to be here to inaugurate this great exhibit of life in these paintings. The unique thing about the paintings are that anybody from any walk of life can relate to these paintings. I have no words to describe any of the paintings as it may mean a different thing to different people," says Malik.

Raj Jain has received many honours including the Sailor Prize, All India Fine Arts & Crafts Society (1978), Punjab Lalit Kala Akademi to name a few. The Exhibition opened on the 6th of September and will last till 12th September, 2013.



Aatham | Chaudas | Pancham | Bij | Agiyaras


Jain Festival


Auspicious Day

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

Date: 3 | 6 | 9 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 |15 | 17 |18 20 | 24 | 27 | 30
Date: 4 | 31
Date: 10-18 - Ayambil Oli
Date: 18 - Poonam (Bhav Siddhachal Yatra)
& Ayambil Oli Finishes
Date: 19 - Parna
Date: 04 - Neminath Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 18 - Naminath Chavan Kalyanak
Date: 24 - Sambhavanath Kevalgnan Kalyanak
Date: 31 - Neminath Chavan Kalyanak
Date: 31 - Padmaprabhu Janma Kalyanak

Vad Baras
Vad Teras
Vad Chaudas
Vad Amas
Sud Ekam
Sud Bij
Sud Trij
Sud Choth
Sud Chhath

Sud Satam

Sud Aatham
Sud Nom
Sud Dasam
Sud Agiyaras
Sud Baras
Sud Chaudas
Sud Poonam
Vad Ekam
Vad Bij
Vad Trij
Vad Trij
Vad Choth
Vad Chhath
Vad Satam
Vad Aatham
Vad Nom
Vad Dasam
Vad Agiyaras
Vad Baras

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Ahimsa Times
2013 - October

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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Aarti
  2. Acarya
  3. Acharya
  4. Acharya Dr. Lokesh Muni
  5. Acharya Gyansagar
  6. Acharya Lokesh Muni
  7. Acharya Shantisagar
  8. Acharya Shri Chandanaji
  9. Adinath
  10. Ahimsa
  11. Ahimsa Times
  12. Ahimsa Vishwa Bharati
  13. Ahimsa Vishwa Bharti
  14. Ahmedabad
  15. Ajmer
  16. Akbar
  17. Andhra Pradesh
  18. Anekantvad
  19. Apabhramsha
  20. Arham
  21. Atul Shah
  22. Ayambil
  23. Ayambil Oli
  24. Banaras
  25. Bangalore
  26. Bangkok
  27. Basadi
  28. Bhagwan Mahavir
  29. Bhajans
  30. Bharuch
  31. Bhattarakha
  32. Bhattarakhas
  33. Bhilai
  34. Bhubaneshwar
  35. Bhubaneswar
  36. Bihar
  37. Body
  38. Bombay
  39. Brain
  40. Brianne Donaldson
  41. Buddhism
  42. Chandana
  43. Chandigarh
  44. Charukeerthi
  45. Chaturmas
  46. Chhatra
  47. Chhattisgarh
  48. Chidanand
  49. Christianity
  50. Claremont Lincoln University
  51. Communal Harmony
  52. Cooperation
  53. Darshan
  54. Das
  55. Delhi
  56. Derasar
  57. Dharma
  58. Dharmadhikari
  59. Dharmasthala
  60. Digambar
  61. Digamber
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