Forgiveness is a well known term and is followed in various traditions in various forms. Christian philosophy has a tradition of submitting your sins before the priest in church. Hindu philosophy also has tradition of asking forgiveness from God for sins.
Jain use the word KhamatKhamna. It is beyond asking forgiveness. It means both forgiving and asking forgiveness. It is a way to wash the dirt of enchantment and aversion. It's purpose is uplifting the soul. People have so much grudge for each other. This grudge leads to a distressed lifestyle. It has stolen our peace of mind and harmony among relations.
It is hard to forgive others especially when others don't ask for forgiveness. But here forgiving others is for our own sake. The poison of grudge is harmful for our social, professional, spiritual development. It is harmful for our body and mind also. We have to open the knots of grudge. As everyone has to die sooner or later but the grudge knots will pain us even upcoming lives.
The person against which we are keeping grudge might even not know. The pain is ours so we have to find remedy. Remedy is positive thinking. Go into deep relaxation - Kayotsarga for at least 20 minutes. Then train yourself with positive emotions. Give yourself a wakeup call. Your goals are very high. Don't let people divert you from it. Just move on one more step to your goal.
If we forgive others it is obvious we will not misbehave.
Let us determine to open all knots through Preksha Meditation.
Upasak Munish Jain