A Way to Achieve Real Happiness and Prosperity -Muni Pranamyasagar Ji 🙂 Indulge in Yourself ☺️ #worthy_Read • #AcharyaVidyasagar
The real happiness and prosperity lie in the act of Devotion. Sometimes we want them by fulfilling our wishes. Sometimes we want them by collecting things. Sometimes we want them by detaching ourselves from materialistic things. Sometimes we want them by either yoga or by pranayama.
But all these methods are not complete until we know the real nature of oneself, outer things, relations, birth, death cause and the world. So first step is to know everything with devotion. If you know anything without devotion and faith, it will be banished in the adverse situation.
So, first know the nature of oneself which is called AATMA, JIVA (A Substance with full consciousness). The other name of oneself is CHAITANYA. This substance can never be destroyed by any process, nor be generated by any God or Brahma. So we are AATMA and it lives from beginningless time to endless time. Like aatma, other worldly outer matters are also immortal. But they change from one form to other forms like energy. Aatma or Jiva also changes its forms by taking birth individually at different places. After that, the sense of belonging and possession always remains with us. So the conclusion is we are permanent and all other relations, materialistic things are temporary.
If you always want happiness and prosperity in your life, first get true knowledge. Our knowledge is wrong because we always want to keep all materialistic things with us which is not possible. For this, we earn money, build buildings, create new products, want more relations, name, fame etc.
Once upon a time, there were three saints. They were roaming the street for blessings. Their names were money, prestige, and happiness. They entered a house and asked what would you like to choose from three of us. The person asked for money first. Money stopped there for less time. Then they three met again and they entered into another house. The same question arises, householder said I want Prestige. Prestige stopped there. After some time they met again and they entered into another house and the same question arises. The third householder said I need happiness. But all three stopped there. Householder said I need only happiness. Happiness said where there is happiness, money, and prestige come automatically. This is the fact that happiness and prosperity don’t belong to materialistic things.
These are mental states. It totally depends on our Attitude. Attitude relies on our thinking process. Divert your thoughts to change your attitude. It is possible by sustaining the practice.
For doing practice, you must have time for yourself. For this, sit up straight without any strain. Concentrate on your breathing. After 4-5 minutes you will feel a subtle body filled with consciousness. Power and Purity are symbolized by OM and ARHAM. Generate power and purity in your body by deep sound of OM ARHAM. This will make you feel that you are completely detached from your relations, business, and other materialistic things. This feeling of oneness should be strong. The warmth of this will strengthen your thinking process and your attitude too. Power and purity of oneself create real peace. Happiness and Prosperity are the by-products of this supreme peace. Peace is our nature and reality. By this process, anyone can attain long time happiness and prosperity of one-self.
Generally, people living in this world think that ‘Happiness is fulfilling dreams.’ What we desire? What do we want? If we get desired object, we will be satisfied and if we don’t, the mind gets unsatisfied. So, lack of satisfaction converts into miserable condition.
With this, it is clear that unhappiness is the state of mind seeking some object. More desires, more the disturbance of mind. This results in unhappiness.
To learn this science of mind Rishi, Muni always remains in the happy state. They want nothing from this outer world. They want their soul, they experience their own knowledge which is related to their soul. When their mind connected with their soul, they attain a state of oneness. When oneness appears, unhappiness disappears.
JAIN AACHARYA says “NIRDAVANDVA VRITI ADHYATAM”. Where the mind experiences duality, unhappiness appears. The mind becomes far away from ADHYATAMA (Spirituality). Attributes of our soul present in the state of bliss. JAIN AACHARYA KUNDKUND said that-
एदम्मि रदो णिच्चं सचंतुत्ो होइ णिच् मिेदम्ह! एदेि होई णतत्ो तो होणहणद उत्मिचं सोक्चं!!
“Aedammi Rado Niccham Santutho Hoi Nicch Medamhi, Aeden Hoi Titto To Hohidi Uttmam Sokkham!!”
If you want supreme bliss, then indulge in yourself, be satisfied with your soul and feel satiated.
Also, the desires of mind are changeable. These desires change with our age, experience, needs, time, family environment, social and political pressure and so on. As the desires change, happiness flies away. As the mind rises up, the pre-happiness has passed. So the state of happiness in mind never remains constant. Constant happiness is only possible if we use our mind as an instrument to merge into our soul.
A soul is associated with our attributes like knowledge, perception, bliss, power, purity etc. So, the source of happiness lies in inner CHAITANYA. This kind of happiness gives real prosperity. The prosperous mind wants nothing. It has so much potency of positivity. Positive mind always sees prosperity around itself. A man of such kind of mind can see the light of stars even in darkness. He feels natural blowing air better than cooler. He thinks we have eyes, ears, legs, hands, and mind to receive all
the prosperity of nature. His heart is always green by seeing the greenery of the earth. This is the real meaning of prosperity. So the happiness and prosperity always live together, work together like the eyes of a man.
Written by Muni Pranamyasagar Ji / Disciple Acharya Vidyasagar Ji (Book name- Fact of Fate)
Source: © Facebook
✿ भक्ति बेकरार है आनंद अपार है, आजा प्रभु पारस तेरा, जय जय जय जय कार है! ~ श्री पार्श्वनाथ दिगंबर जैन अतिशय क्षेत्र 'पटेरिया जी' गडाकोटा-सागर, मध्य प्रदेश ✿
राग के बिना आत्मा रह सकता है, परन्तु ज्ञान के बिना आत्मा रह ही नहीं सकता, क्योंकि ज्ञान आत्मा का 'आत्मभूत लक्षण' है । ज्ञान का आत्मा के साथ नित्य तादात्म्य सिद्ध सम्बन्ध है और राग का आत्मा के साथ संयोग सिद्ध सम्बन्ध है । अनात्मभूत लक्षण है ।
- राग की क्रिया से आत्मा को कुछ लाभ नहीं होता, उल्टे नुकसान ही होता है, नवीन बन्ध ही होता है । जिसे नवीन बन्ध नहीं करना हो, वे राग नहीं करे ।
- ज्ञान की क्रिया (सत् अहेतुक ज्ञप्ति क्रिया) से लाभ ही लाम होता है, मोक्षमार्ग एवं मोक्ष प्रगटता है, बन्ध नहीं होता क्योंकि ज्ञान तो जानन-क्रिया मात्र ही है ।
- आत्मा चैतन्य चमत्कारिक वस्तु है, वह अपने में रहकर अनन्त ज्ञेयों को प्रकाशित करता है । वस्तुतः अपनी ज्ञान पर्याय की अनन्तता रूप सामर्थ्य ही प्रकाशित होती है । ज्ञेयों के कारण मेरा ज्ञान प्रकाशित नहीं होता ।
- स्वज्ञेय और परज्ञेय दोनों ही अपने ज्ञान प्रकाश से प्रकाशते हैं । वह प्रकाश शक्ति का ही प्रकाश है, परज्ञेय का नहीं ।
- आत्मा और बन्ध दोनों के 'आत्मभूत लक्षण' भिन्न हैं । आत्मा का लक्षण तो ज्ञान (चैतन्यता) है और बन्ध का लक्षण राग (मोह-राग-द्वेष) जड़ता है; परन्तु दोनों का काल और क्षेत्र एक ही होने से अज्ञानी को वे दोनों एक ही ही है ऐसा लगता है; क्योंकि दोनों के एकत्व का अध्यास और अभ्यास अनादि से ही चला आ रहा है । लक्षण भिन्नता से विचार करने पर भिन्नता भासित हो सकती है ।
- जानने वाला ज्ञान तो राग से भिन्न ही है और जानने में आनेवाला राग जानने वाले ज्ञान से भिन्न है । राग और ज्ञान में दर्पणवत् मात्र ज्ञेय-ज्ञायक सम्बन्ध ही है अन्य दूसरा कोई सम्बन्ध नहीं है ।
- जिस समय राग होता है उसी समय वह ज्ञान मे ज्ञात होता है, परन्तु इससे कहीं वे एक द्रव्य नहीं हो जाते हैं । ज्ञान का स्व-पर प्रकाशक स्वभाव है, इसलिये ज्ञान की पर्याय में राग ज्ञात होता है । राग से ज्ञान नहीं, ज्ञान से राग नहीं, यथापि आत्मा स्वयं को और राग को प्रकाशित करे (जाने) ऐसी अपनी पर्याय की द्विरूपता को ही प्रकाशित करता है । ज्ञान राग को (ज्ञेय को) प्रकाशित करता है - यह कहना भी व्यवहार है क्योंकि ज्ञान ने तो अपने स्व-पर प्रकाशक स्वभाव को ही प्रकाशित किया है । ज्ञान ज्ञेय में तन्मय नहीं होता; ज्ञेय सम्बन्धी अपने ज्ञान में आत्मा तन्मय रहता है ।
Source: © Facebook
श्री सिद्ध क्षेत्र पालिताना: जहा से तीन पांडव युधिस्ठिर, भीम और अर्जुन सहित आठ करोड़ द्रविड़ राजाओ ने मोक्ष प्राप्त किया है तथा एक भव्य शांतिमय दिगंबर जैन मंदिर पहाड़ पर है जहा मंत्रमुग्ध करदेने वाली जिन प्रतिमाय है तथा एक मंदिर निचे है वो भी बहुत प्राचीन है! जब भी जाए दोनों मंदिर के दर्शन जरुर करे तथा यथाशक्ति दान भी करे!
Shri Shatrunjaya Giri, Palitana is an ancient famous place of salvation, from where three Pandavas Yudhishthir, Bheem & Arjun got Nirvana (Attain full & final liberation from world). This is a sacred place from where 8 crores of Dravida Kings attained salvation by accepting penance for self-purification, thus vanishing Ashta Karma. This Siddha Kshetra is described in ancient Prakrit & Sansakrit texts.
Source: © Facebook
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