Samani Punya Pragya

Published: 18.10.2019
Updated: 11.03.2023
Samani Punya Pragyaji


Born: 25.07.1971, Asadha, Rajasthan, India

Terapanth Info

ID: 77
Diksha: 1993 by Acharya Tulsi


Personal Background:

Samani Punya Pragya was born on July 25th, 1971 in Asada, Rajasthan, India. She is a disciple of His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman. She was initiated into the Saman order in the year 1993 at the age of 21, after five years training of Diksha as Mumukshu.

Academic Background:

She has an M. A. in Prakrit language and literature. She knows ancient classical languages such as Prakrit, Sanskrit as well as modern languages Hindi, Gujarati and English. She is gifted with a beautiful voice and a melodious singer.


She has traveled throughout India to propagate Jainism, Preksha Meditation, non-violence as per direction of H.H.Acharya Mahapragya. At present she is working at Jain Vishva Bharati London, UK.

2004 JVB London
2005 JVB London together with Samani Pratibha Pragya.
2006 JVB London together with Samani Pratibha Pragya till 13.08.2006 both leaving for Kenya/Africa. On 01.10.2006 they will arrive in India joining Ahimsa Yatra.
2007 with her group leader Samani Param Pragya in JVB Orlando

Samani Punya Pragyiji well known to Karuna from JVB London 23.11.2006 Ladnun, Rajasthan
Samani Param Pragya (left), Samani Punya Pragya (middle), Karunaji (right) taking interview [road Ladnun - Hariyal, 24.11.2006] Samani Param Pragya (left), Samani Punya Pragya (middle), Karunaji (right) taking interview [road Ladnun - Hariyal, 24.11.2006]
Samani Param Pragya (left), Samani Punya Pragya (middle), Karunaji (right) taking interview [road Ladnun - Hariyal, 24.11.2006] Samani Param Pragya (left), Samani Punya Pragya (middle), Karunaji (right) taking interview [road Ladnun - Hariyal, 24.11.2006]
Her voice:


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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Acharya
  2. Acharya Mahapragya
  3. Acharya Mahashraman
  4. Ahimsa
  5. Ahimsa Yatra
  6. Asada
  7. Asadha
  8. Diksha
  9. JVB
  10. JVB London
  11. JVB Orlando
  12. Jain Vishva Bharati
  13. Jain Vishva Bharati London
  14. Jainism
  15. Ladnun
  16. London
  17. Mahapragya
  18. Mahashraman
  19. Meditation
  20. Mumukshu
  21. Non-violence
  22. Orlando
  23. Pragya
  24. Prakrit
  25. Preksha
  26. Preksha Meditation
  27. Preksha Path Of Peace
  28. Punya
  29. Rajasthan
  30. Saman
  31. Samani
  32. Samani Param Pragya
  33. Samani Pratibha Pragya
  34. Sanskrit
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