Chaitanya Kendra Preksha
In order to gain finer individual traits, human beings have been longing for ways of self-transformation. This change in the personality is possible through perception of psychic centers, which results in the harmonization of the endocrine system - the main source of our emotions. Preksha Meditation has recognised thirteen important centers for this purpose.
The human endocrine system secretes extra-cellular signalling chemical compounds called hormones and governs growth, metabolism, and emotions through them. It is commonly believed that our emotions are product of our brain where as, in reality, emotions are the result of hormones. Meditation on the psychic centers can establish control over endocrine system and bring about transformation in our personality.
Although, our consciousness resides through out the body, it subsists in its most concentrated form along the psychic centers. In other words, psychic centers are the focal points from where the waves of consciousness emanate in the body. During the perception of psychic centers, attention is focused for a long time on a specific part of the body.
The main objectives of the perception of the psychic centers are:
- Rectification of attitudes, behaviour, and emotions
- Transformation in the habits
- Building a positive character and compassionate personality
- Establishment of control over emotions
Human beings are unique in the sense that they possess logical and reasoning power. However, good ideals and positive character can be sustained only through proper understanding of the centers of the character-building. Perception of the psychic centers is an important technique for this purpose.
Character is not linked with brain, but is linked with the endocrine system. In other words, one may be intelligent but not necessarily a good human being. The basic source of character is the karmic body. The vibrations of karmic body reach the electrical body. The vibrations of the electrical body enter the physical body and thus influence the endocrine glands or the psychic centers. We can awaken the hidden powers of the psychic centers by practising chaitanya kendra preksha.
Description of the psychic centers
Perception of the following 13 psychic centers can help us to boost our mental and spiritual powers, and alleviate our common problems.
- Shakti kendra (center of energy)
- situated at the lower end of the spine cord, it is the reservoir of energy. Meditation at this center helps in developing eloquence and poetic genius.
- Swasthya kendra (center of health)
- situated in the pelvic region below the lower abdomen, it houses the gonads of the endocrine system. Meditation at this center establishes control over the unconscious mind. It helps in maintaining good health.
- Taijas Kendra (center of bioelectricity)
- situated in the navel area, it is linked with the adrenal glands. Meditation at this center enhances the vital energy.
- Anand kendra (center of bliss)
- situated in the centre of chest below the lungs and near the heart (thymus gland). Meditation at this center is one of the most eminent ways to bring about positive transformation and purification of the emotions. It assists in realization of innate bliss by breaking the chain of unwanted thoughts.
- Vishuddhi kendra (center of purity)
- situated near the Adams apple in the throat, it influences the thyroid gland. Meditation at this center inculcates the capacity to analyze, interpret, and transform instincts. It also slows down ageing process.
- Brahm kendra (center of celibacy)
- situated at the tip of the tongue. Meditation at this center helps in sustaining celibacy.
- Pran kendra (center of vitality)
- situated at the tip of the nose, it is the gateway to the vital energy. Meditation at this center assists in boosting the vital energy and in the attainment of a state of thoughtlessness.
- Apramad kendra (center of vigilance)
- situated on the pinna (ear), it is associated with the awakening of consciousness and restraining from addictions. Meditation at this center may help to end bad addiction including alcoholism and smoking.
- Chaksus kendra (center of vision)
- situated in the eyes, it is intimately linked to the vital force. Meditation at this center helps in improving concentration power.
- Darshan kendra (center of intuition)
- situated between the eyebrows, it primarily influences the pituitary gland. It is a point where parasympathetic, sympathetic, and central nervous systems meet. Perception at this center develops intuition power and extrasensory capabilities.
- Jyoti kendra (center of enlightenment)
- situated in the middle of the forehead but under the influence of the hypothalamus, it is responsible for the emergence of emotions. Meditation at this center pacifies anger.
- Shanti kendra (center of peace)
- situated in the anterior side of the head but under the control of the hypothalamus, it channelizes the feelings. Meditation at this center helps alleviate malice (ill feelings) and extinguish negative passions and intense emotions.
- Gyan kendra (center of knowledge)
- situated at the center of the head, it involves the cerebrum, cerebellum and the brain stem. Meditation at this center enhances extra sensory powers, I IQ, and memory.
(a) Physical(b) Psychological
- Promotes physical growth
- Boosts vital energy
- Influences the glandular system
(c) Emotional
- Alleviates mental turbulences
- Promotes peace of mind
- Increases inner joy and happiness
- Rectifies our attitudes and behavior
- Helps in controlling our passions
The primary goal of Preksha Meditation is to transform or purify our emotions. Perception of psychic centers directly leads to realize the consciousness. The qualitative and quantitative differences in the hormones released from the endocrine glands depend on our emotions that in turn dictate our conduct, and behavior. Even deep-rooted habits, including addictions, can be cured through perception of the psychic centers.