Glossary of Robert Williams, Jaina Yoga

Published: 13.11.2008
Updated: 02.07.2015

International Journal of Jaina Studies
(Online) Vol. 4, No. 3 (2008) 1-53



Robert H.B. Williams (1915-1975) to whom we owe the standard manual for the study of con­duct of Jain laypeople had an eye problem which may have prevented him from preparing the necessary subject index to his Jain Yoga. As the three-hundred page book is often consulted it was thought fit to fill the gap in the hope that the result will be added to a future reprint.


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Glossary of Robert Williams, Jaina Yoga

Users of this indispensible manual for the study of laypeople's conduct in the Jain communities,[1] actually of their whole religious striving (yoga) − a book into which much work has gone indeed − may miss an index of words, especially terms with good English translations, in view of the fact that to Monier Williams in 1899 many Digambara texts were unavailable. Therefore it is hoped that the one below will be attached to a reprint.[2] As authors can easily be found in the table of Contents (p. vii), as a rule they have not been listed. Important explanations, etc., are printed in bold numbers. All explanations, verbatim or paraphrased, are Williams', unless stated otherwise.


ADK = Vardhamāna, Ācāra-dinakara
ĀU = Cāritrasundara, Ācārôpadeśa
Āv Cū = Āvaśyaka-sūtra with Cūrṇi
Āv (H) = Āvaśyaka-sūtra with Haribhadra's commentary
BhS (D) = Devasena, Bhāva-saṃgraha
BhS (V) = Vāmadeva, Bhāva-saṃgraha
CS = Cāmuṇḍarāya, Cāritra-sāra
CVBh = Devendra, Caitya-vandana-bhāṣya
DhB = Haribhadra, Dharma-bindu
DhRP = Śānti Sūri, Dharma-ratna-prakaraṇa
Doha = Śrāvaka-dharma-dohaka
Handiqui = Handiqui, Yaśastilaka and Indian Culture
HIL = Winternitz 1983
KA = Kārttikeya, Dvādaśânuprekṣā
LV = Haribhadra, Lalita-vistara
MP = Jinasena, Ādi-purāṇa
MW = Monier Williams 1899
NPP = Devagupta, Nava-pada-prakaraṇa
P (A) = Haribhadra, Abhayadeva's commentary on the Śrāvaka-dharmapañcāśaka
PASU = Amṛtacandra, Puruṣārtha-siddhy-upāya
P (Pūjā) = Haribhadra, Pūjā-vidhāna-pañcāśaka
P (ŚrDh) = Haribhadra, Śrāvaka-dharma-pañcāśaka
P (ŚrUP) = Haribhadra, Śramaṇôpāsaka-pratimā-pañcāśaka
P (Vandana) = Haribhadra, Vandana-vidhāna-pañcāśaka
P (Y) = Haribhadra, Śrāvaka-dharma-pañcāśaka [with commentary]
P (Yātrā) = Haribhadra, Yātrā-vidhi-pañcāśaka
PS = Nemicandra, Pravacana-sārôddhāra
RK = Samantabhadra, Ratna-karaṇḍa-śrāvakâcāra
Śr (A) = Amitagati, Śrāvakâcāra
ŚrDK = Devendra, Śrāddha-dina-kṛtya
ŚrGuV = Jinamaṇḍana, Śrāddha-guṇa-vivaraṇa
Śr (M) = Medhāvin, Śrāvakâcāra
Śr (V) = Vasunandin, Śrāvakâcāra
ŚrPr = Umāsvāti, Śrāvaka-prajñapti
SDhA = Āśādhara, Sāgāra-dharmâmṛta
T (P) = Umāsvāmin, Tattvârtha-sūtra with Pūjyapāda's commentary
T (S) = Umāsvāmin, Tattvârtha-sūtra with Siddhasena's commentary
TrA = Somasena, Traivarṇikâcāra
UD = Upāsaka-daśāḥ
W = Williams, Jaina Yoga
WB = Willem B. Bollée
= Hemacandra, Yoga-śāstra


a-kaṣāya 33 (nine 'quasi-passions')
a-kasmika 43 ('something unexpected')
akṣata 159
a-gupti 43
a-gṛhīta 48 ('inherent quality even in the lowest stages of living organisms')
agra-pūjā 223
aṅka 5f. (in colophons of Haribhadra's works)
aṅga 43 (seven ∼s of samyaktva), 46 (aticāras and doṣas are negation of ∼s), 270 (eight ∼s)
aṅga-pūjā 223 (begins by removing nirmālya)
aṅgāra-karman 117 ('livelyhood from charcoal')
añjali 201 (at the monastic initiation, conceived as a second birth, ∼ symbolizes the folded hands of the child issuing from the the womb)
accaṅga 107
aṇu-vratas 21 (illustrated by stories), 55 (five), 64 (do), 87
aṇu-vrata-pañcaka 51
aticāra 2 (certain ∼s ['temporal transgression' 87] of Digambaras diverge from the Śvet. ones), 5, 13, 21 (five for each vrata), 27 (distinguished from bhaṅga, cf. 63), 34 ('infraction'), 41 (five ∼s), 63 (peyāla 'typical'; partly kept and partly infringed vow: 'half a bhaṅga'), 64 (mostly five), 86, 96-97 ('exceeding the limits'), 103, 149 (five ∼s of smṛty-anupasthāpana)
aticārâlocanā 204
atitṛṣā 103 ('excessive desire for pleasure in the future')
atithi 150 (= sādhu on his almsround), 216; [− Comm. on Samantabhadra, RK 111 (IV 21) bhojanâdi-dānam api vaiyāvṛttyam ucyate]
atithi-saṃvibhāga 150 (replaced by vaiyāvṛttya by Samantabhadra)
atithi-saṃvibhāga-vrata 149, 162 (ati-cāras of ∼)
atibhāra-vahana 97 (overloading beasts of burden through greed of grain)
atibhārâropaṇa 67 ('overloading'), 68
atilobha 97 ('excessive greed')
atilaulya 103
ativāhana 97 ('driving beasts of burden further than they can comfortably go')
ativismaya 97 ('extreme disappointment')
atisaṃgraha 97 ('hoarding of goods')
atyaṅga 53
atyanubhava 103
atrāṇa 43 ('without defence')
adatta 79
addhā-pratyākhyāna 208 (ten categories of ∼)
adhikāra 188 ('section of caitya-vandana devoted to specific objects of worship')
adho-dik-pramāṇâtikrama 100
an-agāra 37 ('ordinary monk' [Jinasena])
anaṅga-krīḍā 85, 88, 91f. (multiplies risk of hiṃsā)
ananta-kāya 10 (verse on ∼ in Nemicandra and Abhayadeva), 53 (udumbaras not ∼s),
106, 112ff., 116, 261 (thirty-two ∼s)[3]
anarthaka 66 ('fortuitous' of an offence against a vow)
anartha-daṇḍa 23 (category of pāpôpadeśa with four types of ∼), 27 (harming of wind and water bodies under ∼), 73, 112, 121ff., 127, 130ff., 240 (apa-dhyāna is manifestation of a.)[4]
anartha-daṇḍa-vrata 68, 70, 123ff. ('vow to abstain from harmful activities that serve no useful purpose'),131, 229 (reinforcement of ahiṃsā-vrata)
anavasthita-karaṇa 135 ('instability in the sāmāyika'), 136
anādara 147ff. ('lack of zeal in performance')
anābhigrahika 47 (the attitude of those who respect all gods, gurus, and creeds)
anābhogika 46 ('innate state of false belief')
anāyatana 41 (six ∼s), 47 ('non-abode, sc. of right belief'; amounts to mithyātva)
anitya 244 ('impermanence')
aniṣṭa 106 ('undesirable,' of luxuries)
anukampā 42 ('compassion')
anupasevya 107 ('not to be enjoyed,' of luxuries)
anuprekṣās 237 ('imbuing oneself with the meaning of texts learnt') and note 5, 244 (Dig. designation for twelve or sixteen 'themes of meditation' called bhāvanās by Śvet.)[5]
anumati-tyāga-pratimā 177 ('stage of breaking the ties with the household')
anuyoga 237 ('four ∼s propounded by the Jina')
anuvrajana 160 ('following the departing guest')
anusmṛti 103 ('remembrance of pleasure')
anṛta 239 ('falsehood')
antar-vṛttyā 69 ('in spirit' of a vow broken)
andhri-kṣālana 159 ('washing the feet')
anyatva 244 ('separateness of self and body')
anya-strī 91 ('married woman, unmarried girl, not to be left alone')
a-nyāyya 81 ('inequitable')
anvaya-datti 163 ('transfer of property')
apakvauṣadhi 6
apakvauṣadhi-bhakṣaṇa 103ff. ('consuming uncooked vegetables')
apadhyāna 123f. ('evil brooding'), 240 (ārta-dhyāna + raudra-dhyāna; manifestation of an-artha-daṇḍa)
a-parājita-mantra 186 (= pañca-namaskāra)
a-parigṛhītā-gamana 85 ('intercourse with an unmarried woman')
a-parigraha-vrata 79, 93ff., 97 (aticāras of ∼)
apavāda-liṅgin 37 (= vānaprastha)
a-pātra 161
apāya-vicaya 239 ('discerning the nature of what is calamitous')
apoha 265 note 2 ('one of the dhī-guṇas')
a-pratyupekṣitâpramārjita-saṃstāra 147ff. (aticāras of poṣadhôpavāsa)
a-pratyupekṣitâpramārjitâdāna-nikṣepa 147 (do.)
a-pratyupekṣitâpramārjitôtsarga 147 (do.)
a-priya 72 ('tactlessly hurtful', of speech)
a-brahma-varjana-pratimā 176 ('stage of absolute continence')
a-bhakṣya 22 (enumeration of ∼ in the Śrāvaka-dharma-dohaka fully developed), 39 (include honey and udumbara fruits), 54 (butter), 108, 110, 111 (salt no ∼), 112 (listed first in the Pravacana-sārôddhāra), 261 (twenty-two ∼s)
abhaya-dāna 71, 158, 163 (= karuṇa-dāna and dayā-datti)
abhigama 188f. (five 'preparatory features'), 192, 226
abhigraha-pratyākhyāna 212
abhiniveśa 48 ('evil preconception')
abhibhava 214 ('self-mastery')
abhiṣavâhāra 103, 105 ('gruel caused by fermentation')
a-bhūtôdbhāvana 72 ('assertion of what is not')
abhyantara-tapas 238f., 241
abhyutthāna 160 ('standing up')
a-manojña-samprayoga 239 ('contact with what is unpleasant')
amiṣa 223 ('meat' > 'anything comestible' put before the Jina image as agra-pūjā)
a-mūḍha-dṛṣṭi 44 ('unswerving orthodoxy', rejection of mithyātva), 47 (= antonym of
a-rati 33 ('disliking')
arahante saraṇaṃ pavvajjāmi... 186 (catuḥ-śaraṇa)
a-rātri-bhojana 25 (in Amṛtacandra), 55 (as an aṇu-vrata), 108
arka-vivāha Intro., p. xvii (sanctification of ~)
arcakas 190 ('images of votaries bringing garlands' as meditation stimulant)
arcana 159 ('worship')
arthântara 72
ardhâvanata 190 ('reverence with half-bent body')
a-laulya 153 ('disinterestedness' as a dātṛ-guṇa) -alīka ('untruth') 72, ifc. kanyâ°; gav-°; bhūmy
avagāhima 40 (product of cooking rice in oil)
avagraha 192 ('the distance from the image at which the votary is to stand'; three ∼s)
avadhāraṇa 63 ('restrictive definition')
avamâudarya 238 (= ūnâudarya)
avaśyāya, Pkt. osāya 204 (a jala-viśeṣa)
ava-sthā 159
avasthā-trika 241 (three objects of meditation)
a-vīkṣita 103 ('not personally supervised', of food)
a-śaraṇa 244 ('helplessness')
a-śucya 244 ('foulness of the body')
aśvāsa Intro., p. xiii (three ∼s from Yaśas-tilaka)
Aṣṭāpada-stuti 188
aṣṭâhnika 233 (festival, model for profane spectacles like dancing and drama)
aṣṭâhnika-yātrā 232f.
aṣṭôpahāra 219 ('eightfold worship')
asati-poṣaṇa 120f. (rearing girls for prostitution in Gauḍa)[6]
a-satya Intro., p. xix, 72 (categories of ∼), 78 (punishment of speaking ∼)
asad-udbhāvana 72 ('assertion of what is not')
a-samīkṣyâdhikaraṇa 128 (Dig.: 'excessive and improper use of an object without consideration of the aim in view'), 131
a-sambaddha 128 ('nonsensical')
a-steya-vrata 78ff.
ahiṃsā Intro., p. xix (= dayā 'active compassion for all living beings'), xxii (not peculiar to Jinism), 26 (non-killing of animals for sacrifice as first aṇu-vrata), 71 (positive:
karuṇa-dāna or abhaya-dāna)[7]
ahiṃsā-vrata 64 (first aṇu-vrata), 65-71
ahi-phena 111 ('opium')
ākāra 209 (licit ground for breaking pratyākhyāna; later: 'contingency'), 210 (eight ā.)
ākiñcanya 35 ('poverty')
ācām(ām)la 40 ('grain or pulses cooked in water with a sour flavouring'), 143f.
ācāmāmla-pratyākhyāna 211
Ācāra-dinakara Intro., p. xxiv (earliest Śvetâmbara work to deal with marriage)
ājñā-vicaya 239 ('discerning the command of the Jina')
ādi Intro., p. xvii (arbitrarily inserted by commentators where the text offers no justification for it)
ānati 160 (= praṇāma, 'obeisance')
ānayana-prayoga 140f. ('having something brought from outside')
āpta 41 (the Jina)
ābhigrahika 47 (for Śvet. the attitude of those knowing only their own scriptures)
ābhiniveśika 48 (the attitude of those who have an evil preconception)
āyāmāmla, see ācām(ām)la.
ārambha 64 ('execution'), 70 ('activity'), 128 (do.), 143
ārambhakôpadeśa 126
ārambha-ja 66 ('inherent in an occupation', see hiṃsā)
ārambha-tyāga-pratimā 177 ('stage of abandonment of activity')
ārjava 34 ('uprightness')
ārta-dhyāna 124, 207, 214 (= raudra-dhyāna), 239
ālāpaka 194 (twelve ∼s in caitya-vandana)
ālocanā 43 (= garhā), 180 'confession of one's faults'), 204f.
āvarta 201 ('gesture in which the joined palms of the hands are moved from right to left')
āvaśyakas Intro., p. xviii (deemed belonging to yaty-ācāra), 24, 184 ('necesary duties'), 185 (for Dig. practically a matter for the ascetic), 199 (25 essential constituents of vandana)
āśātanās Intro., p. xxiii ('activities unfitting in a temple'), 200 (thirty-three), 203, 221 (∼ to be avoided), 225ff. ('lack of respect of a younger to an older monk'; 33 āś. of the vandana ritual), 243 ('sacrilege')
Āśādhara Intro., p. xii (layman), 26-28
āśrama 23 (four Jaina ∼s in Cāmuṇḍarāya), 36 (according to Jinasena: brahmacārin,
gṛha-stha, vānaprastha, and bhikṣu)
āsana-pradāna 160
āsanas 137
āhāra 143 ('food' in poṣadha) icchā 194 ('longing')
icchāmi khamā-samaṇo ... 199[8]
itvara-parigṛhītā-gamana 85 ('intercourse with a woman temporarily taken to wife'), 87
itvarika 131 ('temporary')
itvarikā-gamana 87
indriya-mada 106 ('vigour of the sense organs') īryā-patha 204
īryā-samiti 69 ucca-sthāna 159 ('seat of honour')
ujjayanta-stuti 188
uttara-guṇas 50
Uttari-karaṇa-sūtra 193
uttiṅga 204 (insect of the form of a dung-beetle)
udumbara 39, 51ff. (five kinds of ∼ = Ficus fruits), 112 (khādima)
udumbara-pañcaka-virati 51
uddiṣṭa-tyāga-pratimā 173, 178ff. (stage of renunciation of the world), 180
udbhrānta-cetasā 147 ('distractedly')
udvartana 119 ('unguent')
upagūhana 44 ('edification')
upacāra-vidhi 241 (eightfold attentions to guru)
upacāra-vinaya 241f. ('respect to guru')
upanayana Intro., p. xx ('initiation rite' a second birth)
upabṛmhana 44 (= upagūhana)
upabhoga 102, 181 (women)
upabhoga-paribhogâtiriktita 129
upalakṣaṇa Intro., p. xvii ('symbols, examples of wider categories', arbitrarily treating words or phrases as ~ by commentators), 53 ('symbolic representation')
upavāsa 144 ('complete fast')
upaśama 42 ('tranquillity')
upāsakâdhyayana Intro., p. xiii
upasargas 215 (∼ assail layman in nightly kāyôtsarga at crossroads) ūnâudarya 238 ('taking only part of a full meal')
ūrdhva-dik-pramāṇâtikrama 100
ūha 265 note 2 ṛddhi 37 ('divine power'), 50 ('wealth')
ṛṣi 37 ('monk who has attained to divine powers' [Cāmuṇḍarāya])
eka-caitya-sthāpanā-jina 188
ekatva 244 ('solitariness')
ekatva-vitarka 240 ('consideration of unity')
ekāntika 48 ('absolute attitude')
egâsaṇa 210
eso pañca-namokkāro ... 185
airyāpathikī-pratikramaṇa 133, 145 (at fast), 203 ('manifestation of contrition referring to unwitting harm caused by all movement'; prelude to the caitya-vandana), 214 (activities [ceṣṭā] in connexion with ∼)
Airyāpathikī-sūtra 163, 193
ailaka 28, 31 (first use of this term), 37, 173, 179 (note 5), 180 (observes poṣadhôpavāsa)
aiśvarya 194 ('wealth') osāya, see avaśyāya kañjikâhāra 144 (= ācāmāmla)
kañcuka 189 ('bodice' of women)
kandarpa 127 (Śvet.: 'libidinous speech'; Dig.: 'coarse language')
kanyā-dāna 28 (marriage), 156f. (not meritorious), 158 (form of sama-datti)
kanyâlīka 71 ('untruth relating to a girl')
karuṇa-dāna 71, 157f., 163 (= abhaya-dāna and dayā-datti), 266 ('charity')
karṇa-vedha 281 (symbolically makes child receptive to Jaina teaching)
karma Intro., p. xviii-xix (building up good ~ in popular Jainism not in harmony with the creed)
karma-bhūmi 251 ('land of toil')
kalayala 135 ('babble of sounds')
kalās 246 (seventy-two 'accomplishments')
kalyāṇa 233 (four or five ∼s)
kaṣāya 33 ('passion'), 42, 69, 93[9]
kāṅkṣā 46 ('desire')
kāma 84 (divisions by Devagupta), 269 (enemy of the soul)
kāma-tīvrâbhiniveśa 89 (used by Dig. for next)
kāma-bhoga-tīvrâbhilāṣa 85 ('erotomania'), 88, 89 (= kāma-tīvrâbhiniveśa for Dig.)
kāya-kleśa 238 ('mortification of the flesh')
kāya-duṣpraṇidhāna 135 ('misdirection of body'), 136
kāyôtsarga 173, 195, 213ff. (fifth Śvet. or sixth Dig. āvaśyaka), 214 (Hemacandra's etymo- logy), 215 (legitimate breaks of ∼)
kāyôtsarga-pratimā 173, 175
Kāyôtsarga-sūtra 173, 193
kālâtikrama 162 ('transgressing the appointed time'; with Dig.: 'offering alms at an unfitting time')
kuttiya 40 ('producing madhu')
ku-deva 47 ('false divinity')
kunthu 109 note 1 ('minute trîndriya insect)[10]
kupya 96 (different for Dig, and Śvet.)
kumāra-śramaṇa 18 (who 'had taken the monastic initiation whilst still a boy')
kula 49 (paternal and maternal ancestry), 242 ('group of monks with the same ācārya')
ku-liṅgin 47 ('false ascetic')
ku-śāstra 47 ('false scripture')
kūṭa-tula-kūṭa-māna 80f. ('using false weights and measures')
kūṭa-lekha-karaṇa 74 ('false statements expressed in writing'), 76
kūṭa-sākṣya 71 ('bearing false witness')
kumārī-go-bhū 27 (∼ classification of satya), 30
kṛmi-kulâkula 53 (epithet of meat)
ketu-kṣetra 94 ('dry farming land')
keśa-bandha 137
keśa-vāṇijya 119 (trade in creatures that have hair), 121
kaivalya 190
kautkucya 128 ('buffoonery')
kriya-vādin 47 (180 varieties of ∼)
kriyā Intro., p. xx ('ceremony'), xxiii (based on Hindu saṃskāras); 15 (53 k. of Ādipurāṇa in Vardhamāna's Ācāra-dinakara), 20 (in Jinasena's Ādi-purāṇa), 274 (do.), 275ff. (fifty-three ∼s)
kleśa-vāṇijya 121 (* = error for keśa-°, q.v.), 126
kṣatriya 37 (two kinds of ∼: jāti-kṣatriya and tīrtha-kṣatriya)
kṣamā 34 ('forbearance'), 153 (as a dātṛ-guṇa)
kṣamā-śramaṇa 199 (= Dvādaśâvarta-vandanaka-sūtra), 145, 201
kṣīra 39
kṣullaka 28, 31 (first use of this term), 173, 179f. (observes poṣadhôpavāsa)
kṣetra 165ff. (seven fields = recipients of dāna)
kṣetra-vṛddhi 101 khaṭikā 111 ('chalk', an a-bhakṣya)
khaṇḍanī peṣaṇī cullī ... 122 (quoted śloka in Prabhācandra)
khāmemi savva-jīve... 207 (< Pratikramaṇa-sūtra 49) gaṇa 242 ('group of senior monks')
gaṇa-rakṣa 242
gaṇḍolaka 111 (organisms in the stomach)
gati 25ff. (four ∼s), 251ff. (possibility fo reincarnation)
garbhâdhāna 164, 276f.
garhā 42 ('repentance'), 132 (one of the guṇas of saṃyaktva)
garhita 72ff. (= nindya), 132
gav-alīka 71
gātika-bandha 278
guḍa 40 ('molasses')
guṇa 41ff. (eight kinds of ∼), 246 (sixty-four ∼s)
guṇa-traya Intro., p. xix (= ratna-traya), 32 (do)
guṇa-vratas 55f. (three)
guṇa-sthāna 21 (14 ∼s), 34 (do., 'stage' − the fifth is that of the Jaina layman),
gupti 32 (three 'forms of self-control')
guru-vandana 133 (by king or affluent layman)
guhya-bhāṣaṇa 77 ('divulging affairs of state')
gṛha-godhila 110 (kind of house lizard)
gṛha-caitya 224 ('private chapel')
gṛha-vyāpāra 189 ('mundane activity')
gṛha-stha 37 (two kinds of kṣatriyas)
gṛhīta 48 ('attitude acquired, e.g., by birth in a heterodox family')
go-dāna 156f. (a form of mūḍhatā)
Go-mukha yakṣa 188 (mythical worshipper) ghaṭa-pattra 279
ghṛta 39
ghola-vaṭaka 111f. catuḥ-śaraṇa 186
caturviṃśati-stava 187
catur-vidha-dāna 154, 157
catur-veda 34 (the substitute canon of the Digambaras = caraṇânuyoga)
catuṣ-pada 94 ('livestock'), 96
caraṇa-kṣālana 159 ('washing the feet')
caraṇa-pramārjana 160
caraṇânuyoga 34 (= catur-veda, q.v.)
cārvāka 70 ('atheist')
cikitsā-śālā 236 ('medical-treatment centre')
ceṣṭā 214 ('activities')
caitya 236f. (five types of ∼)
caitya-vandana 137f., 175, 182, 187, 191ff. (concentration of mind, body, and speech − a liturgy), 198 (long ritual, performed seven times daily by monks), 216 (confounded with dravya- and bhāva-pūjā), 218 (threefold division of pūjā), 236ff.
coro corâvago mantī ... 83 (seven kinds of thieves)
caurya 251 (illustrated by Śrībhūti)
caurya-buddhi 81 ('thievish intent')
campaka 223 (buds of flowers not to be split)
cyavana 233 (corresponds to garbhâdhāna ['conception']) chadma-stha 190
chandena 200 (word pronounced by guru at a layman's performing the vandanaka)
chann'-aṅga-daṃsaṇe phāsaṇe ... 92 ('brahma-vrata')
chavi-ccheda 67 ('mutilating' as an offence against hiṃsā) jāti-karman 276
jāya-vīyarāya ... 192 (third praṇidhāna)
jāvanta kei sāhū ... 192 (second praṇidhāna)
jāvanti ceiyāiṃ ... 192 (first praṇidhāna)
Jina 188, 206, note 1 (J. invoked almost as a personal god)
Jina-jīva 188
Jina-dravya 237 ('religious property')
Jina-mudrā 137, 191
jīva 33 (nine), 152ff.
jīva-nikāya 33 (six), 66
jñāna-dravya 237 (books) ṭhakkura 24 (title of Amṛtacandra) tat-pratirūpaka-vyavahāra 80 ('substitution of inferior commodities; counterfeiting'), 82
tattāya-gola-kappo ... 100
tattvas 24 (seven ∼ explained by Amitagati), 32 (= padârthas), 41 ('dogmata')
tapas[11] 34 ('self-mortification'), 35 ('ascetic practice' as a layman's dharma), 50, 234, 238 (the sixth daily karman)
taskara-prayoga 79 ('suborning of thieves')
tiryag-dik-pramāṇâtikrama 101
tiryag-vāṇijya 126
tīrtha Intro., p. xx (way of progress through life)
Tīrthaṅkarâdatta 79
tīrtha-yātrā 235 ('pilgrimage'; long tradition by 1450)
tīrtha-sevā 45 ('frequentation of the t.')
tīrthâdhipa-vīra-stuti 188
tilaka 222 (nine ∼ for the Jina image)
tuccha-phala 110 ('empty fruit'), 112 (are unsatisfying and destroy many jīvas),
tucchauṣadhi-bhakṣaṇa 103, 105
tuṣṭi 153 ('contentment' as a dātṛ-guṇa)
taurya-trika 251 (vocal and instrumental music and dancing)
tyāga 35 ('renunciation')
trasa-ghāta 106
trasa-jīva 54
trika 188 (ten 'triads'), 189 (of naiṣedhikīs)
tri-kāla-yoga 180
tri-diṅ-nirīkṣaṇa-virati 191
tri-bhuvana-sthāpanā-jina 188
tri-varga 263 (dharma, artha and kāma), 266 daṇḍaka 187, 188 ('chant' at the caitya-vandana), 193-197
dadhi 39
danta-vāṇijya 117, 119
daya mūlu dhamm'-aṅghivaha 64
dayā-datti 163
darśana-pratimā 174 ('stage of right views')
dayā-datti 163 ('giving shelter')
davâgni-dāna 120
dākṣiṇyāviṣaye 125
dātṛ-guṇas 153 (seven)
dāna Intro., p. xx (feeding of monks > provision of rich ecclesiastical endowments); 12 (necessity of ∼), 28, 35 ('almsgiving' as a layman's dharma), 150ff. (divergences between Dig. and Śvet.; five factors), 161 (three types of ∼), 264, 266 (pātra- and
dāna-vidhi 159 (consisting of nine puṇyas)
dāna-vrata 149ff., 238 (for some authors synonym of vaiyāvṛttya-vrata)
dig-vrata 55, 99ff., 139-140
dina-caryā Intro., p. xvii; 4, 8 (later a model for Śrāddha-dina-kṛtya), 13ff. (pattern of
∼), 27 (description of ∼), 30 (Medhāvin's description borrowed from Āśādhara),
182ff. (summary of ∼ in ŚrDK 2-7),
dina-pratimā 180 ('kāyôtsarga for a whole day')
duṣ-pakvauṣadhi-bhakṣaṇa 103f.
duṣ-praṇidhāna 135 (five kinds of ∼)
duḥ-śruti 123 ('faulty reading'), 126 (purely Dig. category; 'listening to, reciting, or expounding evil stories...' [Pūjyapāda]), 'study of works which befoul the mind...' [Samantabhadra])
dūta-kāvya 15
dṛg-doṣa 41 (twenty-five blemishes), 49 (do)
devatā-mūḍhatā 49 ('misconception of the nature of divinity')
deva-loka 255 (rebirth in ∼), 256 (sadness six months before rebirth from ∼)[12]
deva-snāna 55 (use of honey in the Śaivite ∼) devâdhideva Intro., p. xix (annihilator of Kāmadeva = Buddhist Māra in Ratnakaraṇḍaka IV 29)
devâśātanas 225 (ten ∼), 226ff. (eighty-four ∼)
deśatas 143 ('partial')
deśa-virata Intro., p. xi, xxii ('one whose gaze is only half averted from the sensual world')
deśa-viratiguṇa-sthāna 34 ('the fifth stage, that of the Jaina layman')
deśa-saṃyamin Intro., p. xi
deśâcāra Intro., p. xvii ('local usage, customary law'; now increasingly incorporated in
śrāvakâcāra), xxiii
deśâvakāśika-vrata 2, 55, 99, 101, 139ff. (resembles sāmāyika-vrata for some Dig.)
deha-satkāra 143 ('bodily care')
doṣa 9 ('evil'), 41 (eight ∼s), 202 (thirty-two faults)
dyūta 54, 250 (illustrated by Yudhiṣṭhira story)
dravya-jina 188
dravya-hiṃsā 66 ('actual hurt, physical injury'), 69
droṇa-flowers 131 (to be avoided)
Dvādaśâvarta-vandanaka-sūtra 199 (= kṣamā-śramaṇa)
dvāra-bimba 224 ('image at the door')
dvi-pada 95 ('all members of the household inclusive of domesticated animals'), 96
dveṣa 49 (symbolized by weapons) dhana 95 (four kinds of ∼)
dhana-saṃrakṣaṇa 239 ('hoarding of wealth')
dharma 34 ('that which puts the soul in the place of salvation' or 'that which sustains beings in the cycle of transmigration' − two dharmas ['rules of conduct'], one applicable to the monk's life and one to that of the layman), 35 (monk's ∼ tenfold, layman's ∼ fourfold)
dharma-kathā 237 ('listening to the exposition of religious parables')
dharma-nāṭaka 234 ('religious drama')
dharma-patni 31
dharma-bindu 128
dharmôpakaraṇa 154
dharma-lābha 180 (curiously used in Digambara text)
dharma-sv-ākhyātatva 244 ('preaching of the dharma')
dharmya-dhyāna 214 (= śukla-dh.)
dhātakī 119
dhī-guṇa 265 ('intelligence', eight kinds of ∼)
dhyāna 95, 190, 191 (note 1: four types of ∼), 214 (with reference to kāyôtsarga), 239ff. (a form of abhyantara-tapas; four types of ∼) na-puṃsaka-veda 33 ('androgyne sex urge'), 93
namaskāra 185ff., 277 (recitation of ∼ at copulation)
namo bhuvana-bandhave 189 (words to be pronounced at sight of the Jina image at caitya-vandana)
naraka 252
nava-koṭi 64
navanīta 39[13]
nāgavallī leaf 223 ('Piper Betle' [MW])
nāma-karman 279f. (twelve days after birth)
nāma-jina 188
nāma-Jina-stava-daṇḍaka 195 ('chant of praise of the Jinas with their names' [WB])
nāstikas 24 (refuted by Amitagati)
niḥ-śaṅka 43 ('freedom from fear')
niḥ-kāṅkṣā 43 ('desirelessness')
nikṣepa 217ff. ('artificial classification' of pūjā by Vasunandin)
nigodas 54 (minute living organisms in meat of animals died naturally), 65, 91 (in woman's body perishing during coitus)
nitya-maha 217 ('daily worship' as ordinary pūjā at home)
nidāna 46, 50 ('hankering for worldly pleasures'), 171, 239
nindā 42 ('remorse')
nindya 72 ('reprehensible speech')
niḥkāṅkṣā 43 ('desirelessness')
niḥśaṅka 43 ('freedom from fear' or, for Amṛtacandra, 'from doubt')
niyama 180 ('vow'), 212 (fourteen ∼s of Samantabhadra)
nirapekṣa 66 ('carelessly' of an offence against a vow)
nirarthaka-pāpa 130
nirodha 232
nirjarā 244 ('elimination of karma')
nirjugupsā 44 (= nir-vicikitsā)
nirmālya 223 ('anything put on or before a Jina image')
nirlañchana 120 (mutilation of animals by branding, nose-piercing, etc.)
nirvikṛtya 143f. ('tasteless food')
nirvicikitsā 44 ('overcoming of repugnance')
nirveda 42 ('disgust')
niṣṭhā Intro., p. xviii ('performance of the pratimās')
nihitaṃ vā patitaṃ vā 83 (Dig. definition of theft)
nīti 15
naivedya 159, 219 (note 4), 223
naiṣedhikī 189 (three ∼s or relinquishment of mundane activities [gṛha-vyāpāra]), 192
naiṣṭhika 28, 38, 152, 158, 181 (°-śrāvaka)
naisargika 48 ('inherent false belief of creatures devoid of consciousness which cannot discern fair from foul' = a-gṛhīta or an-ābhogika)
no-kaṣāya 33 (nine 'quasi-passions'), 93
nyāsa-haraṇa 71 ('making away with a pledge')
nyāsâpahāra 76 ('the taking of a pledge deposited by another person and forgotten') pakṣa Intro., p. xviii ('favourable inclination to the doctrine')
pañca-gavya 49 (use of ∼ a senseless custom), 224 (note 1), 277
Pañca-namaskāra 182 (to be said in the morning and evening), 186 (quarry for magic formulae), 195, 214
pañca-ratna 224, note 1
pañca-verṇolli 204
pañcâgni 269, note 5
pañcâṅga-praṇāma 190, 192ff.
pañcâmṛta 224 ('ghee, curds, milk, water and sugarcane juice'), 280 (Jina image bathed with ∼)
pada-traya 64 (kṛta, kārita, anumata)
pada-bhūmi-pramārjana 191
padastha-dhyāna 186, 190
padârthas 32 (= tattvas), 41 ('dogmas')
panaka 109 note 1 ('organism producing mould'), 204 (= pañca-varṇolli)
para-dāra 92 ('adultery'), 250f. (illustrated by Rāvaṇa story)
para-dāra-vajjiṇo... 90
para-dāra-virati 86
para-pāṣaṇḍi-praśaṃsā or °-saṃstava 46f. ('praise of adherents of other creeds')
parama-sthānas 282 (seven)
para-vivāha 89 ('second marriage')
para-vivāha-karaṇa 85 ('match-making'), 89
para-vyapadeśa 162ff. ('pretending that the alms belongs to others')
parigraha 93ff. ('attachment'), 99
parigraha-tyāga-pratimā 173, 177 (= anumati-tyāga-pratimā)
pariccheda 19 (five ∼s of Ratnakaraṇḍa), 24 (fifteen of Amitagati)
paribhoga 102
paribhogôpabhoga-parimāṇa-vrata 108
paribhogôpabhoga-vrata 181
parivartanā 237 ('repetition of texts learned previously')
parivāda 74 ('reproach'), 76 (= mṛśôpadeśa for Prabhācandra)
parīṣahas 215 (∼ assail layman in nightly kāyôtsarga at crossroads)
paryaṅkâsana 191 (posture)
parvan Intro., p. xiii (three p. from Jinasena's Ādi-purāṇa), 92 (∼ days), 142 ('days of the moon's periodic change'), 146, 180 (complete poṣadhôpavāsa on the ∼ days)
paśu-pati Intro., p. xix (Jina)
pākṣika 28, 37 (layman with inclination towards ahiṃsā)
pātra 152 (note 3)
pātra-datti 163ff.
pātra-dāna 266 ('almsgiving')
pāda-valmīka 68 ('elephantiasis')
pādôdaka 159 ('washing the feet')
pāpa 125 (folk etymology of ∼)
pāpa-kārya 232 note 1;
pāpa-bhīru 91
pāparddhi 250f. ('making representations of hunting scenes' illustrated by Brahmadatta)
pāpa-sthāna 33 ('occasion of sin'), 78, 100, 204f. (18 sources of sin)
pāpôpadeśa 23 (divided into four types of anartha-daṇḍa), 73, 121, 123 ('harmful counsel'), 125
pāraṇaka 142 ('the following day')
pāriṣṭhāpanika 211 (a contingency)
pāṣaṇḍi-mūḍhatā 49 ('praise of false ascetics' [Samantabhadra])
piṇḍa-doṣa 160ff. ('impurities of food')
piṇḍa-stha-dhyāna 190
puṇya 153 (nine ∼s), 159ff.
pudgala-prakṣepa 141f. ('communicating by throwing objects')
puṃ-veda 33 ('male sex-urge'), 93
pūjana 195 (for Hemacandra: 'offering of flowers etc.')
pūjā[14] Intro., p. xxiv (first unimportant, later more significant than dāna); 15 (in Cāritrasundara's Ācārôpadeśa), 22 (description of ∼), 28, 138, 183 (dravya- and bhāvapūjā), 190 (threefold), 195, 216ff. (= ijyā or yajña; not discussed in canon; earliest conscious imitation of Hinduism. See also sāmāyika), 217 (unreal division into five types; nikṣepa of ∼ by Vasunandin), 218 (for Dig. with four constituents; for Śvet. threefold division, eightfold division), 219 (eight, eleven or 21 forms of ∼), 221 (setting up a Jina image a form of ∼), 235
pṛthaktva-vitarka 240 ('consideration of diversity')
peyāla 63 ('typical', of aticāra)
paiśunya 74 ('calumny'), 77 ('breaking up a friendship... by revealing what one has learned' from body language; Volksetymologie of ∼)
poṣadha 142f. (divergences between Śvet. and Dig.), 144 (man performing p. looks like a muni on whom clothes have been draped), 145 (Śvet. representation)
poṣadha-days 142 (four ∼)
poṣadha-pratimā 175
poṣadha-śālā 144f.
poṣadhôpavāsa 25 (a pratimā in Vasunandin), 142, 143 (effective only without
ārambha), 149, 180 (observed by ailaka and kṣullaka), 215 (kāyôtsarga is accessory to p.)
poṣadhôpavāsa-vrata 142f.
praṇāma 137 (five forms of ∼ 'obeisance'), 160, 190 (three 'reverences')
praṇidhāna 191f. ('final prayer')
Praṇidhāna-sūtra 192, 222
praṇipāta-daṇḍaka 193
pratikramaṇa 133, 203ff.
pratigraha 159 ('reception')
pratimā Intro., p. xi, 22 (two divisions of eleventh p.), 25 (do.), 37 (11th ∼), 172ff. (11 stages of spiritual progress as a sopāna-mārga), 180f. (historical development)
pratimārjana 132 ('removing of living beings with broom')
pratilekhana 132ff. ('scanning of the ground, etc.')
pratiṣṭhā 15 note 2 (a ritual)
pratyākhyāna 97 (a-parigraha-vrata form of ∼), 107, 133, 207ff. (two kinds of ∼; ten categories); 209 (two licit grounds [ākāra] for breaking the pr.); − renunciation of certain foods[15]
pradāna ifc. hiṃsā
prabhāvaka 45 ('person')
prabhāvanā 44ff. ('good works')
prabhāsva 237
pramatta-yoga 78 ('careless activity'), 83, 229
pramāda 100, 106 ('carelessness'), 229ff. (fivefold)[16]
pramādâcarita 123ff. ('purposeless mischief')
pramārjana 191
pravacana-mātṛ 32 (nine ∼ ['matrices of the doctrine'])
pravacana-vātsalya 246 ('layman' or, for Pūjyapāda, 'co-religionist')
pravartaka 242
prahara 140, 143
praśaṃsā 47 ('praise')
prātihāryas 190 (eight)
prāyaścitta 213 (Hemacandra's etymology), 238 ('confession to a guru')
prāyôpagamana 166
prârthanā 191 ('invocation')
prāsuka 138, 180 ('rendered sterile by boiling,' of water)
prīta 277
prekṣaṇaka 234 ('spectacle')
preṣya-prayoga 140ff. ('sending a servant for something from outside')
bandha 66ff. ('keeping in captivity' as an offence against hiṃsā)
bahir-vṛttyā 69 ('in the letter' of a vow kept)
bahya-pudgala-prakṣepa 141 ('communicating by throwing objects')
bāhya-tapas 238 (six types of ∼)
bimba 224 ('Jina image')
bodhi-durlabha 244 ('difficulty of enlightenment')
brahma-carya 35 ('celibacy')
brahma-cārin 36 (5 kinds of ∼), 282
brahma-vrata 27 (aticāras of ∼ committed by women), 84 (18 kinds of ∼) bhakta-pāna-vyavaccheda 68 ('stinting of food or water to man or beast without a cause; provoking the suffering of hunger or thirst in animals for any reason')
bhakti 42 ('devotion'), 45, 153 (as a dātṛ-guṇa)
bhaṅga 9 (et passim), 27 (distinguished from aticāra, bh. is a permanent transgression), 63 ('complete negation of a vrata'), 69 (three kinds of ∼: kṛta, kārita, anumata; 243 ∼s against ahiṃsā-vrata for Devagupta; 147 ∼s), 87
bhaya 41 (seven fears), 43 (do), 93
bhavyas Intro., p. xx ('right people')
bhāṭaka-karman 68 (a forbidden trade), 117ff.
bhāva 35 ('spiritual attitude' as a layman's dharma)
bhāva-jina 188
bhāvanā 9, 245 ('meditation'; 12 or 16 mental attitudes; Śvet. designation for Dig. anuprekṣā)
bhāva-pūjā 224 (meditation of ∼ performed by the poor)
bhāva-śrāvaka 271
bhāva-hiṃsā 66 ('intention to hurt'), 69
bhikṣu 37 (four kinds of ∼)
bhūta-nihnava 72 ('denial of what is')
bhūmy-alīka 71 ('untruth relating to land')
bhūṣaṇa 44ff. (five ∼s of saṃyaktva for Hemacandra)
bhṛtya-strī-puruṣa-varga 94 ('servants')
bhoga-patni 31
bhoga-bhūmi 161, 251f. ('land of ease'), 254 (rebirth in ∼ linked with dāna by Dig.; rebirth always in couples)
bhogas 23 (5 classes of ∼ to be avoided); 102 ('things used once')
bhogôpabhoga 5 (in Haribhadra Virahâṅka's Dharmabindu), 12 (in Hemacandra's Yoga-śāstra)[17]
bhogôpabhoga-parimāṇa-vrata 102
bhogôpabhoga-vrata 53, 102ff., 212 ma-kāras 40. 49, 52ff. (māṃsa, madhu, madya)
maṅgala 221ff. (eight ∼s)
matsaritā 162f. ('jealousy in almsgiving')
mada 41 (eight ∼s or forms of vainglory or pride), 49, 269 (an enemy of the soul)
madya 250f. (illustrated by Yādava story)
madya-virati 51
madhu-virati 51
manojña-viyoga 239 ('separation from what is pleasant')
mano-duṣpraṇidhāna 135 ('misdirection of mind')
mantra-bheda 74 ('revealing of confidences')
mantras Intro., p. xxiii (in ritual)[18]
mantra-snāna 223 ('purification by recitation of mantras')
māṃsa 250ff. (illustrated by Bakarakṣa story)
māṃsa-virati 51
mātā-pitaraḥ 263 (mātā first member; pūjā of ∼)
māyā 33 ('deceit'), 50, 93
mārdava 34 ('humility')
mithyātva Intro., p. xiii ('false belief'), xxiii (Buddhism); 8 (presented from nine angles by Devagupta), 47 (five kinds of ∼ for Śvet.), 48 (three or seven kinds of ∼ for Dig.)
mudrās 137
muktā-śukti-mudrā 137, 191
mukha-vastrikā 145, 200ff. (strip of cloth worn in front of the mouth), 222 (necessary for pūjā at home)
muni 37 ('monk with supernatural knowledge' [Jinasena])
muṣṭi-bandha 137 ('symbolic limitation')
mūḍha-sākṣi-padôkti 74 ('false witness')
mūḍhatā 41 (three ∼s), 48 (do)
mūḍha-dṛṣṭi 48 ('false belief', a doṣa of samyaktva)
mūrchā 99 ('hallucination'; parigraha as ∼)
mūla-guṇas 24 (discussed by Amitagati; interdictions of ∼), 50ff.[19]
mūla-bimba 224 (principal image to be made pūjā to first)
mṛśôpadeśa 74 ('spreading of false information'), 76
maithuna 84 (twofold), 86, 92 (twofold), 143 (poṣadha in respect of ∼)
mokṣa 197-198 (women able to reach ∼)
moda 278ff. (garbha-puṣṭyai ceremony)
modaka 105 ('sweetmeats')
moha 49 (symbolized by rosaries)
maukharya 127 ('garrulity'), 128
mauna 231 ('occasion for silence') yajñôpavīta 282 (symbolizes the seven parama-sthānas), 286 (three threads symbolize
yatanā 9 ('striving to be made'), 92
yati 37 ('monk who has already begun to ascend the spiritual ladder' [Jinasena])
yati-viśrāmanā 243 ('services by laymen to individual monks')
yaty-ācāra Intro., p. xi (counterpart to Hindu dharma-śāstra), xvi, xx (function of ~), 34, 160
yantra-pīḍana 118, 120 ('grinding of pulses and crushing of sugar-cane')
yama 212
yātrā Intro., p. xxiii ('religious festival'), 232ff., 234 (external manifestation of the material prosperity of active Jains)
yāvat-kathita 131 ('lifelong')
yoga Intro., p. xi ('whole religious striving')
yoga-mudrā 137, 191
yogyâsana 159 ('seat of honour') rati 33 ('liking'), 93 ('pleasure')
ratha-yātrā 234 (Jina image procession on a chariot)
ratna 96 (24 kinds)
ratna-traya Intro., p. xi, 32ff., 282 (in a brahmacārin's study period symbolized by
mauñji-bandha in three coils around the loins)[20]
rasa 40 ('flavour', 4 kinds of ∼)
rasa-parityāga 238 ('abstention from luxury goods')
rasa-vāṇijya 119
raho-'bhyākhyāna 73ff. ('secret calumniating')
rāga 49 (symbolized by women)
rātri-bhakta-pratimā 173, 175
rātri-bhojana[21] 12 (in Hemacandra's Yogaśāstra), 23 (the 6th aṇu-vrata), 25 (forbidden), 70 ('eating by night'), 107ff., 109 (responsible for disease; rebirth as animal consequence of ∼), 211 (abstention from ∼)
rūpa-stha-dhyāna 191
rūpâtīta-dhyāna 191
rūpânupāta 141 ('communicating by making signs')
raudra-dhyāna 124, 214 (= ārta-dh.) lakṣaṇas 15
lākṣā-vāṇijya 119
lābha 161 ('acquisitiveness')
liṅga Intro., p. xix (a monk's symbols such as rajo-haraṇa), 41, 43 (five ∼s of saṃyaktva for Śvet., four Dig. ∼s)
loka-mūḍhatā 49 ('worldly foolishness')
lokâcāra 262 ('usages of the world' not to be infringed)
loca 180 ('pulling out one's hair')
lobha-parityāga 153 ('disinterestedness' as a dātṛ-guṇa)
vadha 67 ('beating' as an offence against hiṃsā; 'merciless flogging')
vadhakôpadeśa 126
vana-karman 117, 118
vanaspati-kāya 251 ('vegetable kingdom')
vandana(ka) 199 ('reverent salutation' with 25 āvaśyakas), 225 (note 3)
varṇâdi-trika 191 ('three requirements of the liturgy')
vasati 156 ('dwelling-place' as the best form of dāna)
vastra-bandha 137 ('symbolic limit in ritual')
vācanā 237 ('reciting of sacred texts')
vātsalya 43 ('loving kindness'), 45
vāg-duṣpraṇidhāna 135 ('misdirection of speech')
vāna-prastha 23 (= status of layman in 11th pratimā), 37 (one who wears one piece of cloth and engages in moderate asceticism; = kṣullaka or apavāda-liṅgin)
vikaṭanā 167 ('death-bed confession')
vikathā 230 ('idle speech'; seven kinds of ∼)
vikṛti 39ff. (ten ∼s), 52 (three), 212[22]
vicikitsā 46 ('repulsion')
vijñāna 153 ('discrimination' as a dātṛ-guṇa)
viṭatva 86 ('obscene language')
vinaya 45, 238 (expression of respect to ascetics), 241
viparīta 48 ('the view that what is true is false and vice versa')
vipāka-vicaya 240 ('discerning the consequences of karma')
vipula-tṛṣā 89 (= kāma-tīvrâbhiniveśa)
viraha 5
viruddha-rājyâtikrama 79 ('transgressing the limits of a hostile state'), 80 ('accumulation of wealth in war-time'), 81ff. (Dig. interpretation: 'the obtaining of merchandise' by illicit means = vilopa for Prabhācandra)
vilopa 81 (see viruddha-rājyâtikrama)
vivikta-śayyâsana 238 ('avoidance of all that can lead to temptation')
viṣaya-viṣato'nupekṣā 103 ('lack of contempt for the poison of sensual pleasure')
vīra-caryā 180 ('almsround')
virahamāna-jina 188
vṛtti-saṃkṣepa 238 ('limiting of food')
veda 33 ('sex-urge')
vedanā 239 ('sensation of suffering')
veśyā 93 ('fornication'), 250f. (illustrated by Cārudatta)
vainayika 48 ([wrong] view that all gods, etc. are alike)
vaiyāvṛttya 44ff., 149-150, 169 (as an expression of purity before sallekhanā), 180 (ailaka and kṣullaka perform for the ascetics in muni-vana), 188, 238 ('rendering personal services to ascetics'), 241ff., 242 (objects of ∼), 243 (covers all reciprocal assistance among monks; in Ratnakaraṇḍa IV, 21 (vai. = dāna)
vaiyāvṛttya-kara 197
vaiyāvṛttya-vrata 149, 238 (for some authors synonym of dāna-vrata)
vairāgya 194 ('asceticism')
-vyavaccheda ifc. bhakta-pāna
vyavasarga 238 (= kāyôtsarga)
vyasana 24f. (seven ∼s), 28, 41 (seven vices), 54, 247ff., 250 (cautionary tales in connexion with the 7 vy.)
vyākhyā 7 et passim ('comment, explanation')[23]
vyāpāra 143 ('worldly occupations')
vrata ifc. an-artha-daṇḍa-°;
vratas Intro., p. xviii (~ treated under the second pratimā); 2 (sequence of ∼ in
Tattvârtha-sūtra), 8 (presented from nine angles by Devagupta), 55-64 vratasnāna 223 ('purification by observances of the vows')
śakaṭa-karman 68 (a forbidden trade), 117, 118 ('livelyhood from carts')
Śakra-stava 193, 198
śaṅka 46 ('doubt')
śabda 130 (sounds reprehended)
śabdânupāta 140f. ('communicating by making sounds')
śama 42 ('tranquillity')
śalya 2 (three ∼s 'stings'), 50 (māyā, nidāna and mithyātva)[24], 169-170, 175
śikṣā-vratas 50, 55ff. (four 'vows of spiritual discipline'[25]), 139
śiva Intro., p. xix (mokṣa)
śīla 2 (with Digambaras designates guṇa-vratas and śikṣā-vratas), 35 ('virtue' as a layman's dharma), 55, 245 note 2
śukla-dhyāna 214 (= dharmya-dh.), 231 (silence essential for ∼)
śaikṣa 242 ('neophyte')
śoka 93 ('sorrow')
śauca 34 ('desirelessness')
śyāmika 224 ('mould' on the Jina image to be removed daily)
śramaṇa-bhūta 173
śramaṇôpāsaka Intro., p. xi
śrāddha Intro., p. xi (purely Śvetâmbara usage), xxiv (late accretion from Hinduism), 52 (reproved by Jains, but nowadays in innocuous form accepted), 54 (of meat)
Śrāddha-dina-kṛtya 16 (imitation of ∼)
śrāvaka 36-37 ('etymologies' of ∼), 152 (∼ to be emended to sādhaka)
śrāvaka-guṇas Intro., p. xvii (thirty-five ~), xxii (describe householder); 9ff. (earliest source for 21 ś.); 10 (verses on the 21 ś. inserted into Pravacana-sārôddhāra), 12 (35 ś.), 16 (35 śr.), 256ff. ('qualities of the ideal layman': multiples of seven)
śrāvaka-dharma Intro., p. xi
Śrāvaka-prajñapti Intro., p. xviii; 2
śrāvakâcāra Intro., p. xi (with Digambaras only; = upāsakâdhyāyana), xii (idealize
muni), xvi (creation of mediaeval period), xvii (original pattern: the description of
samyaktva and the twelve vratas...), xx (aim of ~), 20 (in Jinasena's Ādi-purāṇa 38-40), 21 (in Somadeva and Devasena), 25, 29ff.
śrī 194 ('abundance')
śruta-jñāna 188 ('worship of the holy writ')
śruta-stava-daṇḍaka 196 ('chant of praise of the holy writ and the absent Jinas in other continents') saṃyama 34 ('self-discipline')
saṃyuktâdhikaraṇa 128 ('linked implements or objects which inevitably involve destruction of beings')
saṃrambha 64 ('preparation'), 69 ('saṃrambha, samārambha and ārambha - ways by which a vow can be broken'; see hiṃsā)
saṃlīnatā 238 (= vivikta-śayyâsana)
saṃvara 244 ('checking of karma')
saṃvega 42 ('spiritual craving'), 245 ('fear of the cycle of reincarnation')
saṃskāra 143 ('bodily adornment')
saṃstāra-dīkṣā 167 ('death-bed consecration'), 169 (naked)
saṃsthāna-vicaya 240 ('discerning the structure of the universe')
sakala-datti 163, 177ff.
saṅkalpa-ja 66 ('intentional'; see hiṃsā)
saṅketa 137 (types of pratyākhyāna)
saṅgha-sevā Intro. p. xi
sacitta-tyāga-pratimā 176 ('stage of purity of nourishment')
sacitta-nikṣepa 162 ('depositing alms on sentient things')
sacitta-pidhāna 162 ('covering alms with sentient things')
sacitta-pratibaddhâhāra 103 ('consuming seomething connected with sentient beings')
sacitta-sambaddhâhāra 53 ('consuming jujubes or udumbara fruits')
sacitta-sammiśrâhāra 6 (v.r. for apakvauṣadhi) 6
sacittâhāra 103 ('consuming sentient beings')
saccitta-davva-vigaī-... 212 (list of fourteen Śvet. niyamas)
sat-kāra 151 ('respect'), 160, 195 (for Hemacandra: 'giving of ornaments or clothes')
sattra 236 ('food-distribution centre')
sattva 153 ('zeal' as a dātṛ-guṇa)
satya 27 (classification of ∼), 71 (Vasunandin's definition, kinds of ∼), 73 ('true') -satya 34 ('truthfulness'), − ifc. a
satya-vrata 71-78
sad-alapana 72 ('denial of what is')
sandhyā 219 (three right times for pūjā)
sama-datti 163ff.
sa-manojña 242 ('distinguished monk')
samavasaraṇa 216ff. (pūjā ceremony a simulacrum of ∼), 223
samādhi-maraṇa 167 (= sallekhanā)
samārambha 64 ('inception')
samiti 32 ('rule of conduct, care')
sammāna 195 (for Hemacandra: 'hymns of praise')
samyaktva 8 (presented from nine angles by Devagupta), 34 (essential element of any work devoted to the lay life), 43 (seven aṅgas of ∼)
saraḥ-śoṣaṇa 120 ('drying up of tanks' to make the soil cultivable)
Sarva-siddha-stuti 188
sarvâkṣara-mantra 186 (namaskāra)
sallekhanā 4, 27ff. (Āśādhara on ∼), 55, 57, 166ff. (seventeen forms of ∼ of which three are suitable for Jains; = samādhi-maraṇa), 168, 170, 172, 181, 186
sallekhanâdhikāra 181 (of Samantabhadra)
sallekhanā-vrata 55, 166ff.
savve jīvā vi icchanti jīviuṃ 70 (Daśavaikālika vs 219)
sahasâbhyākhyāna 73ff. ('sudden calumniating')
sāṃśayika 48 ('state of uncertainty between various viewpoints')
sākāra-mantra-bheda 5, 74, 77 ('the divulging from jealousy... of the secret intention of another person as divined from his body language')
sādhaka 38 ('one who ends his life by sallekhanā')
sādhana Intro., p. xviii ('completion of one's life by ritual suicide')
sādhāraṇa-dravya 237 ('all that has been bequeathed to the [Jaina] community')
sâpekṣa 66 ('with due care and attention, with consideration' of an offence against a vow)
sāmāyika Intro., p. xvi, 25 (a pratimā in Vasunandin), 132ff., 136, 138 (importance in lay life diminished in fifteenth century), 175, 216 note 1 (period of meditation > praise of Jina > pūjā); − 'equanimity' (Jaini 1979: 350)
sāmāyika-pratimā 175
sāmāyika-vrata 57, 131, 139 (resembles deśâvakāśika-vrata for some Dig.), 147
Sāmāyika-sūtra 138 (obligatory recitation of ∼)
sârthaka 66 ('conscious' of an offence against a vow)
sāvadya 72ff. ('in which encouragement to harmful actions is given', of speech) Sitâmbarâcārya 27 (= Hemacandra in Āśādhara)
siddhas 194ff.
siddhatva 191 ('state of nirvāṇa')
siddha-stava-daṇḍaka 197ff. ('chant of praise to the siddhas')
siddhârthaka 189 (to be discarded at performing sāmāyika)
siddhi-gati 194
siddhi-stava 197
sudṛṣṭa-smaraṇa 188
sūkṣma-kriyā-pratipāti 240 ('maintenance of subtle activity')
sūkṣma-hiṃsā 27, 65 ('taking of life in any form' illicit for ascetics only)
sūkṣmâsatya 77 ('inaccurate speech used in play or in jest')
sūtaka Intro., p. xxiv
sūtikā-gṛha 279 ('delivery room')
sūna 122 ('slaughterhouse' > five harmful actions, impeding the path to mokṣa, peculiar to Digambaras)
sūri 138, 203 note 2 (∼ explained as sthāpanâcārya)
setu-kṣetra[26] 94 ('irrigated land')
sodara (vyasana) 25 (ancillary [vice])
sopāna-mārga 172 (the eleven pratimās)
stena-prayoga 80 ('approving or encouraging thieves' [Haribhadra])
stena-śāstra Intro., p. xiii, 81
stenâhṛtâdāna 79ff. ('receiving stolen goods')
strī-mukti 91
strī-veda 33 ('female sex-urge'), 93
sthāpanâcārya Intro., p. xxi (symbolically represents guru), 138, 145, 202[27]
sthāvara 96 (three kinds of immovable property: arable land, houses and orchard land)
sthāvara-jīva 54, 66
sthiti-karaṇa 44 ('strengthening in the faith')
sthūla-hiṃsā 27, 66 (killing of higher forms of life illicit for all Jains)
sthūlâsatya 77 ('speech by which great suffering... is caused to another person or to one-self')
sthairya 45 ('firmness')
sthairya-bhūṣaṇa 44 (= sthiti-karaṇa)
snapanas 15 note 2 (21 sn. required for the pratiṣṭhā ritual)
snāna 223
snāpakas 190 ('gods on elephants who pour water from ewers [kalaśa]' as a meditation stimulant)
sphoṭa-karman 118 (cultivation of the soil, etc.)
smṛty-akaraṇa 136 ('forgetfulness of the sāmāyika')
smṛty-anupasthāpana 148 (forgetfulness)
smṛty-antardhāna 101 ('aticāra of dig-vrata')
sva-dāra-mantra-bheda 5, 74ff. ('divulging the confidences of one's wife')
sva-dāra-saṃtoṣa 86, 89ff.
svâdhyāya 237 (study; five elements of ∼)
svâdhyāya-śālā 237 (construction recommended by Āśādhara)
Svāmi 19 (= Samantabhadra) -haraṇa ifc. nyāsa
hāsya 93 ('sense of the absurd')
hiṃsā 54 (jīvas fermented into alcohol); 66 (ārambha-ja 'inherent in an occupation' or
saṅkalpa-ja 'intentional' = an-ār°); 221 (connected with bathing);− ifc. a-°;
dravya-°; bhāva
hiṃsā-pradāna 123 ('facilitation of destruction'), 125
hiṃsā-śāstra 70 (Manu-smṛti thus called by Hemacandra)
hīnâdhika-mānônmāna 80 ('over-weighing and under-weighing')

English Index

Abbreviations Intro(duction), pp. xxviiff.
adultery 250f. (para-dāra in empty house or ruined temple; condemnation of gandharva-vivāha), 253 (punishment in hell for ∼)
agriculture 263 (reprehensible in Sauvīra)
alchemy[28] 260
alcohol 52 (aphrodisiac quality of ∼ for Amitagati), 54 (full of jīvas), 248; − cf. Liquor
Ambikā[29] 279 (prayed to to guard the newborn)
ancestor cult 52, 53 (to be rejected)
androgyne 85 note 1 (na-puṃsaka)
animals 65 (killing destructive ∼); 131 (∼ not to be kept by Dig. as they kill others)
aphrodisiac 111 (aubergines)
apothegm 202 (numerical ∼)
Āśādhara 30 (borrowings from ∼), 63 (∼ borrows from Hemacandra)
aubergines 111 (an aphrodisiac)
Āvaśyaka-Cūrṇī 75ff., 83, 90, 93, 96, 100, 112, 119, 132, 138, 149, 158, 173 (list of pratimās)

Bakarakṣa 250 (example for māṃsa)
bathing 14 (rules for ∼); 221 (up to the neck; connected with hiṃsā)
beads 186 (string of ∼ of gold, gems or lotus seeds)
bee 52 (incarnation of the pitaras)
Bengal, see Gauḍa
betel 277 (to be chewed at copulation), 280 (distributed at bahir-yāna)
Bibliotheca Jainica Intro., p. xv
birth ceremony 279 (jāta-karman; details in Upāsakâdhyayana)
birth pollution[30] 279
bodily care 143 (deha-satkāra)
Buddhists 24 (refuted by Amitagati)

cat 83 (thief to be classed with a ∼), 109 (rebirth as a ∼ consequence of rātri-bhojana; 131 (not to be kept by Dig.)
Cārudatta 250 (example for veśya)
change Intro., p. xix (absence of ~ in Jainism a myth), xx (~ from philosophy to religion in mediaeval period)
charity[31] 165 (dāna)
cliché 134, 144 (of poṣadha)
cloth 189 (pieces of ∼ to be worn)
cocks 131 (not to be kept by Dig.)
compassion 42 (anukampā)
communicating 140f. (anupāta)
copulation 84 (maithuna, two kinds of ∼), 277 (for the sake of a son in candle light, green clothes and while chewing betel)
cow's urine 107 note (according to Prabhācandra, unfit for consumption by civilized people) cow worship,[32] 49 (attacked by Hemacandra)
craving 42 (spiritual ∼: saṃvega)

delivery room 279 (sūtikā-gṛha)
desire 46 (kāṅkṣā), 50 (for reward: nidāna)
desirelessness 43
devotion 42 (bhakti)
Dhārā 26 (thirteenth century centre of learning in Rajputana)
Dharmabindu Intro., p. xiv (Suali's translation unfinished); 5 (mostly follows Tattvârtha-sūtra), 7f. (not by author of Pañcāśakas)
Digambaras Intro., p. xviii (~ are innovators), xix (epithet of Śiva)
dildo 88 (used in an-aṅga-krīḍā)
disciples 138 (distinction of rich and poor ∼)
disgust 42 (nirveda)
dislike 51 (of meat, liquor and honey)
dogs 131 (not to be kept by Dig.), 248 (urinate in mouth of drunk[33])
doubt 46
drama 233 (modelled after aṣṭâhnika festival)
drinking 14 (rules for ∼), 248f. (consequence of meat-eating), 263 (frowned upon in Lāṭa)
drunkenness 248
Dvādaśânuprekṣā Intro., p. xv (edition by A. N. Upadhye, Agas, 1960)

eating 14 (rules for ∼), 25 (see a-rātri-bhojana), 70 (by night: 'rātri-bhojana')
edification 44
eight 190 (prātihāryas), 222, 265 (kinds of dhī-guṇa), 283 (in connection with marriage)
ekêndriyas 66
eleventh pratimā 25, 178ff., 285ff.
empty 250 (copulation in ∼ house); 105 (tucchâuṣadhi 'vegetable products')
erotomania 85
examination 146f. (pratilekhana; failure of ∼)
examples Intro., p. xx (Jainism relies much on ~)
excretion 14 (rules for ∼)

failure to examine or sweep 146f.
fifteen 27 (trades forbidden to Jains), 117ff.
53 kriyās 20 (in Jinasena's Ādi-purāṇa), 275 (do)

five 19 (paricchedas), 21 (classes of persons entitled to maintenance by the faithful), 23 (classes of bhogas to be avoided), 34 (offences of each uvāsaga-daśa), 36 (kinds of brahma-cārins), 52 (number magic with groups of ∼), 150 (five factors of divergence as to dāna for Dig. and Śvet.), 187 (daṇḍakas); − cf. Pentads
flavour 40 (four kinds of rasa)
flowers 222 (five-coloured), 223 (never to be cut in two)
folk etymology 125 (of pāpa by Haribhadra), 128 (of kautkucya), 131 (of samāya), 132 (of bhante), 150 (of a-tithi), 194 (of arhat and arihanta)
food 39ff.
forgetfulness 135ff., 147
forty-nine 254 (maturity in ∼ days for those born in bhoga-bhūmi)
four 21 (categories of truth and falsehood), 37 (kinds of bhikṣu), 40 (kinds of oil; flavours), 52 (number magic with groups of ∼)
fourteen guṇa-sthānas 21 (in Devasena's Bhāva-saṃgraha)
1,400 or 1,444 5, 30 (1440 verses)

gambling[34] 54, 130, 247ff., 260; − see also: dyūta
garlands 221 (for the Jina image)
garments 189 (two for men and three for women)
Gauḍa (Bengal) 120 f. (rearing girls for prostitution)
ginger cake 105 (pūraṇa)
good works 44 (prabhāvanā)
grain 95 (dhānya, varieties of ∼)
grass in mouth of asylum seekers 249[35]
green 277 (clothes worn at copulation)
Gujarati Sanskrit in Hemacandra 11

hair tied up 137
Haribhadra 57 (influenced by Tattvârtha-sūtra)
hell 26 (suffering in ∼), 252ff.
Hemacandra 27 (borrowings from ∼ by Āśādhara)
hermaphrodite 85
heterodox 24 (refuted by Amitagati), 153 (no almsgiving to ∼)
Hindu influence Intro., p. xxiii (Digambaras earlier affected by ~ than Śvetâmbaras); 14, 16 (in Ratnaśekhara about 1500 CE), 30 (justification of image worship by Medhāvin), 31 (information on Jaina law of personal status in Kannada in the seventeenth century), 36 (concept of āśramas taken over by Cāmuṇḍarāya), 275 (in Jinasena's tradition), 277, 286
Hinduism 14 (accretions from ∼ in Jinadatta's Viveka-vilāsa); 49 (attacked by Hemacandra, especially as to the sacred cow), 186 (influence of ∼), 216 (pūjā earliest conscious imitation of ∼)
honey 40 (three kinds of ∼), 51-52 (offered to ancestors; aphrodisiac quality of ∼ for Amitagati), 55 (unclean because derived from vomit or spittle of insects or pressed out of eggs in the womb of bees; eating equivalent to burning seven villages [proverb]), 112 (svādima), 253 (leads to be made to drink molten iron in hell)
honey-gathering 55 (by smoking out the bees and destruction of the hive)
houses 94 (three kinds of ∼), 262 (rules for building ∼)
householder Intro., p. xxi (his life rooted in compromise)
hunting 249

ideal layman 8 (by Haribhadra Yākinīputra), 9 (in Śāntisūri's Dharma-ratna-prakaraṇa)
ideal monk 9 (in Śāntisūri's Dharma-ratna-prakaraṇa)
incest 93 (∼ probable if brahma-vrata not enforced), 248 (due to alcohol)
indigo 119, 131 (to be eschewed)
influence 16 (alien ∼ on Jinism rejected by Yaśovijaya), 186 (of Hinduism through Jinasena)
innovations 6 (in Tattvârtha-sūtra), 9 (made by Devagupta), 13 (by Haribhadra and Hemacandra), 14 (in ritual), 19 (Samantabhadra made many ∼ in the śrāvakâcāra doctrine), 87

Jina as a personal god 206 note 1
Jina image 221 (ritual for setting up [pratiṣṭhā] ∼; accounted a form of pūjā), 224

Klatt 4 (on various Haribhadras)
Kundakunda-śrāvakâcāra 14
land 94 (three kinds of ∼)
Lāṭa 263 (alcohol frowned upon in ∼)
layman's duties 13
layman's life 12 (in twelfth century Gujarat)
liquor (madya), see also alcohol
liturgy 192 (caitya-vandana)
livelihoods 117ff.
love-play 85 (anaṅga-krīḍā)
loving kindness 43 (vātsalya)

magic 52 (Jain number ∼)
Manu-smṛti Intro. p. xxii (called hiṃsā-śāstra in Hemacandra, Yoga-śāstra II 35), 23 (quotations from ∼ by Cāmuṇḍarāya), 261 (eight forms of marriage)
marriage Intro., p. xxiv (first regional usage; since Jinasena a ceremony based on Hindu fire ritual), 282ff. (various rites), 283 (∼ and number eight)
meat 40 (three kinds of ∼), 51 (dislike of ∼), 52 (aphrodisiac quality of ∼ for Amitagati). 53 (kṛmi-kulâkula epithet of ∼), 54 (eating meat of animals who died a natural death forbidden as containing nigodas)
meat-broth 112
meat-eating[36] 54 (catalogued among seven vyasanas), 54 (aphrodisiacal; sin against compassion), 70, 248 (produces addiction to alcohol), 253 (punishment in hell for ∼)
meditation subjects 12 (for sleepless nights)
Megha-dūta Intro., p. xviii (Jain version by Jinasena)[37]
menstruation taboo Intro., p. xxiv
merit 156 (transfer of ∼ impossible), 219 (transfer of ∼ of pūjā from householder to servants assisting him)
milk 39 (from five animals kosher, but not from camel)
missionary efforts necessary in Jainism Intro., p. xx
mnemonic verses 6
monk's life 25 (panegyric of ∼ by Vasunandin)
Moslem influence Intro., p. xxii
mutilating 67 (see: chavi-ccheda), 68

Nava-pada-prakaraṇa 8 (by Devagupta, deals with layman's religion from nine angles)
negative formulation of Jainism Intro., p. xix (~ overstressed)
Nemicandra 10 (perhaps contemporaneous with Śāntisūri)
nine puṇyas 153
Niśītha-cūrṇī 109
Nīti-śataka (Bhartṛhari) 53
nudity 27 (permitted to women in sallekhanā)
number magic 52 (interplay of groups of five and four), 283 (in connexion with marriage)
numerical categories Intro., p. xiii; 10 (in Nemicandra's Pravacana-sārôddhāra), 73 (see: tetrads), 257 (śrāvaka-guṇas multiples of seven)
obscene language 86 (viṭatva)
occupations 117ff.
oil 40 (four kinds of taila)
opium 111 (ahi-phena)
orthodoxy 44
overloading 66 (see: ati-bhārâropaṇa), 97 Pañcāśakas 5 (archaic Prakrit verses), 7 (beginning of the sixth century; not by author of Dharmabindu; nineteen in number)
panegyric 25 (of monk's life), 31 (of Akbar by Rājamalla)
pentads are younger than tetrads in numerical presentations 73
pickles 110, 113
poison of snake eye 139-140 (radius of ∼)
polygamy 283f.
poṣadha-days 142 (four)
postures 137 (increasingly important)
Prabhācandra 74, 81, 122, 126
Prakrit Intro., p. xxv (use of ~ ended by Hemacandra), 6, 9, 21, 25, 26
Premchand 3
pride 50 (eight forms of mada)
professions allowed Intro., p. xxii (agriculture, commerce, medicine, astrology, administration), 117ff., 260; − see also trades; worldly occupations
prostitution 120ff. (rearing girls for ∼ as customary in the Gauḍa country), 249
Pūjā-pañcāśaka 219 (earliest work on pūjā)
purification by cow's urine Intro., p. xxiv
purity 169 (five expressions of ∼ before sallekhanā), 223 (to be observed sevenfold before pūjā)
Puruṣârtha-siddhy-upāya Intro., p. xv (paraphrase by Jagmandarlal Jain), 24-25
quotations 9 note 2 (by Yaśodeva on Pañcāśaka), 13 (by Devendra), 197 (Haribhadra)
Ratna-sāra 17 (attributed to Kundakunda but belongs to a later period)
Rāvaṇa 250 (example for para-dāra)
rebirth 109 (as various animals in consequence of eating at night); 252f. (in hell), 253ff. (in heaven), 256 (sadness six months before ∼ from heaven)[38]
receiving stolen goods 79 (stenâhṛtâdāna)
remorse 42 (nindā)
repentance 42 (garhā)
repugnance 44
repulsion 46
rites de passage Intro., p. xxiv
ritual impurity of women Intro., p. xxiv
rosary[39] 186
Rudradatta 250 (example for all seven vyasanas)

Śaiva persecution of Jains Intro., p. xix
salt 111 (is not an a-bhakṣya), 263 (not sold by brahmins)
Samantabhadra 19, 30 (borrowings from ∼ by Sakalakīrti), 43f., 49, 51, 57, 77 (paiśūnya), 81, 86f., 89, 97, 100, 103, 106, 121, 125f., 131, 134f., 136f. (ritual movements and other requirements for the sāmāyika prescribed), 139f. (on spatial limitations), 144, 150, 159 (on dāna-vidhi), 161, 168 (on sallekhanā), 170 (bhaya first aticāra of sallekhanā), 174f., 178 (on the 11th pratimā), 181 (on the pratimās), 199 (on vandanaka), 212; − see also Ratna-karaṇḍa
sanskritisations 142 (false ∼ of Pkt. posaha upavasatha), 166 (false ∼ of Pkt. pāovagamaṇa)
Śāntisūri 10 (perhaps contemporary of Nemicandra)
Sauvīra 263 (agriculture reprehensible in ∼)
seven 282 (parama-sthānas)
sevenfold caitya-vandana 198 (by monks)
sesamum[40] 263 (not sold by brahmins)
sex 33, 85 (three ∼es), 93
sexual intercourse 91 (∼ forbidden), 143
Siddhasena 7 (about 800 CE; borrows from Haribhadra's Āvaśyaka-vṛtti)
six 269 (enemies of the soul: kāma, krodha, etc.)
slash-and-burn 125
sleeping 14 (rules for ∼)
snakebite 15 (remedies for ∼ in Jinadatta's Viveka-vilāsa)
spatial limitation 140 (in dig-vrata, etc.
Śrāvaka-prajñapti 2f. (Śvet. work closely related to Pañcāśakas), 5, 65 (on killing destructive animals)
Śrībhūti 250 (paragon of caurya)
sting 50 (śalya; three ∼s)
stolen objects 79 (two divisions of ∼)
stories 21 (illustrating the aṇu-vratas in Somadeva's Yaśas-tilaka), 29, 250 (illustrating the seven vyasanas)
study 282 (of astrology, mathematics)
suicide Intro., p. xviii, xxiv (ritual), 65 (forbidden)
Tattvârtha-sūtra Intro., p. xviii, 2ff. (seventh adhyāya partly devoted to lay life; T. is a Digambara work), 7 (bhāṣya not by Umāsvāti), 18 (from angle of śrāvakâcāra a Digambara text)
temple ritual Intro., p. xvi (building up of ~), xxi (Jaina brahmin useful for ~)
ten 39 (vikṛtis)
tetrads older than pentads in numerical presentations 73
theft 83 (Dig. definition of ∼; connected with hiṃsā), 249
thief 83 (seven kinds of ∼)
thorn 50 (śalya, three ∼s)
three 40 (kinds of honey and meat)
toothpicks 39 (belong to svādima 'relish')
trades 27 and 260 (15 ∼ forbidden to Jains); − see also professions
transgressions 86 (∼ committed by women only referred to by Āśādhara)
triads 188 (ten trikas)
twelve 188 (adhikāras in caitya-vandana)

udumbaras 51-53, 110, 253 (wenn eaten, one has to swallow live coals in hell)
unidentified verses in Yaśodeva's Pañcāśaka commentary 9 note 2
Upāsakadaśāḥ Intro., p. xvi (supplied framework of the vratas), 117ff.
urine of cow Intro., p. xxiv (used for purification), 92

Vasunandin 25 (pratimā framework), 29 (gāthās paraphrased by Guṇabhūṣaṇa), 131 (observance of the anartha-daṇḍa-vrata), 135, 144, 146 (on poṣadha), 151, 157 (on karuṇa-dāna), 161 (ignorant people do not give without material result), 168 (sallekhanā rite for śrāvakas), 174 (eschewing of the seven vyasanas), 176 (on abstinence from sexual relations by day and eating by night), 178 (on clothes as only possession from the ninth pratimā onwards), 180 (on uddiṣṭa-tyāgapratimā), 217 (nikṣepa of pūjā), 218f. (number of forms of ∼), 221 note 4, 239 (bāhya-tapas is fasting), 241-242 (on upacāra-vinaya), 243 (on vaiyāvṛttya 'community self-help'), 247f. (on vyasana), 251, 252 (masses must be coerced to a righteous life by the fear of punishment in hell), 274 (on śrāvaka-guṇas)
Vedāntic concepts in Somadeva's Yaśas-tilaka 21
vegetarianism Intro., p. xxiv (first optional, later obligatory); − see also meat-eating
vices, see vyasana
of paiśunya 77

water xxi (economy with ~); 109 (drinking unfiltered ∼ at night kills many jīvas and causes disease)
wedding to a plant 284 (before a third marriage)
women 197-198 (able to attain mokṣa)
worldly occupations 143 (vyāpāra)

Yādavas 250 (example for madya)
Yāpanīya-tantra 197 (quotation from lost ∼ on women as able to attain mokṣa)
Yāpanīya tradition 27
Yogaśāstra 11 (rich in facts), 13 (borrowings from Y. by Siddhasenasūri)
Yudhiṣṭhira 250 (example for dyūta)

Index locorum[41]

ADK: pp. 5b-6a = W 277; pp. 8b-9b = W 278; pp. 9b-14b = W 279; pp. 14b-16b = W 280; pp. 17a-18b = W 281-282; p. 31b = W 283; p. 43a = W 15; pp.152-155 = W 15, pp. 726-36 = W 179

Amara-koṣa, i. I, 50 = W 255

ĀU: i. 58 = W 122; ii. 3-8 = W 221; ii. 12 = W 223; ii. 29-30 = W 222; ii. 29-31 = W 223; ii. 35-36 = W 219; ii. 51 = W 231; v. 4-12?; vi. 3 = W 35; vi. 19 = W 166

Āv Cū: p. 285 = W 77; pt. ii, p. 291f. = W 90; pt. ii, p. 292 = W 96; pt. ii, p. 294 = W 100; pt. ii, p. 297 = W 119

Āv (H): p. 819b and 820a = W 67ff.; 820b = W 77; 821b = W 75ff.; 822b = W 79 and 83; 823a = W 80ff.; 823b = W 93; 825a = W 87ff.; 825b = W 86 and 88ff.; 827a = W 101; 827b = W 100; 828b = W 104ff. and 112; 829a = W 117; 829b = W 118 ff.; 830a = W 120; 830b = W 125 and 127ff.; 831a = W 128ff.; 831b = W 132; 832a = W 132ff.; 832ab = W 133ff.; 833b = W 134; 834ab = W 135; 834b = W 136; 835ab = W 141; 836b = W 147ff.; 837b = W 151, 155 and 160; 838b = W 162ff.; 840a = W 170

BhS (D): 461-87 = W 219; 496 = W 152; 497-533[42] = W 161; 535 = W 254; 537 = W 255; 542 and 544 = W 255; 578-80 = W 164 and 264

BhS (V): Bhūmikā, p. 7 = W 29; 443 = W 52; 448 = W 54; 470 = W 223; 508 = W 144; 530 = W 160; 599 = W 237

CS: p. 2 = W 34, 41 and 43; p. 3 = W 44; p. 4 = W 47; p. 5 = W 67ff. and 76ff.; p. 6 = W 81ff., 87f.; p. 7 = W 55, 89, 94, 96 and 107; p. 9 = W 121,124, 126 and 140ff.; p. 10 = W 125 and 127ff.; p. 11 = W 129 and 134-137; p. 12 = W 144 and 147ff.; p. 13 = W 104ff.; p. 14 = W 153ff. and 162ff.; p. 19 = W 176ff.; p. 20ff. = W 36, 121, 164 and 179; p. 21ff. = W 37, 185, 217 and 237; p. 22-24 = W 168; p. 23 = W 166 and 170; p. 24 = W 171; pp. 24-27 = W 245; p. 26 = W 185; pp. 65ff. = W 241; p. 67 = W 243; p. 69 = W 185 and 199; pp. 74-95 = W 239ff.; pp.78-92 = W 244

CVBh: 6-19 = W 189; 10 = W 218 and 223; 19ff. = W 189; 23 = W 198

Daśavaikālika-nijjutti H 250 (153 in Bhadrabāhu) = W 96 (six categories of property in the commentary)

Dharma-rasāyana: 25 = W 252; 47-49, 51-57 and 61-62. = W 253; 71 = W 252; 143 = W 64; 152 = W 186

Dharma-saṃgraha: 48 = W 99; pt. i, p. 73b = W 110; p. 90ff. = W 145; p. 134b = W 219

Dharma-saṃgraha-śrāvakācāra= see Śr (M)

DhB: i [. 7] = W 257; i. 16ff. = W 261; i. 22-24 = W 262; i. 31 = W 262; Municandra on iii. 16 = W 66; iii. 27 = W 74; iii. 32 = W 103; iii. 33 = W 127; iii. 36 = W 146; iii. 46ff. = W 182; iii. 71 and 73 = W 165; Municandra on 37ff. = W 267

DhRP: 5-7 = W 257; 7 = W 251; 9 = W 270; 10 = W 269; 11 = W 268; 13 = W 261; 15- 17 = W 269; 19 = W 267; 20 = W 231 and 262; 27 = W 269; 34-37-i = W 271; 42-77 = W 272; 21 (Comm.) = W 37; 22ff. and 26 = W 268; 24 = W 267; 32 = W 36; 45 = W 266

Doha: Bhūmikā, pp. 9-19 = W 22; 10 = W 175; 17 = W 179; 34-36 = W 113; 37 = W 108; 40 = W 64; 181-204 = W 219

Guru-vandana-bhāṣya: 1 = W 201

Handiqui (= Somadeva, Yaśas-tilaka): p. 4 = W 21; pp. 246-252 = W 32; p. 255 = W 50; p. 257 = W 47; p. 258 = W 47; p. 259 = W 43ff.; pp. 260f. = 44; p. 262 = W 45; p. 263 = W 55; p. 264 = W 70ff. and 113; 265 = W 73ff., 80 and 83; 266 = W 77; 269 = W 127 and 130; 269-282 = W 138; 272 = W 186; 272-282 = W 241; 281 = W 137; 282 = W 144; 283 = W 103 and 149; 284 = W 157; 284-285 = W 152ff.; 287 = W 172; 288 = W 269 (note 5)

KA: Intro., pp. 67-70 = W 18; 305 = W 174; 333ff. = W 78; 335 = W 84; 337ff. = W 92; 341 = W 100; 344 = W 124; 347 = W 125; 348 = W 126; 352 = W 137; 353 = W 135; 355 = W 137; 363ff. = W 158; 367 = W 140; 371 = W 137; 374 = W 143; 382 = W 108; 382ff. = W 176

Lāṭī-saṃhitā, insertion after ii. 5 = W 275; ii. 79 = W 53 and 116; ii. 178-183 = W 31; ii. 179-186 = W 284; vii. 55ff. = W 31 and 179

LV: pp. 76a-76b = W 193; 76b-89b = W 194; 89b-96b = W 195; 96b-106a = W 196; 106b-118b = W 197

Manusmṛti: v. 55 = W 23
MP: xxxviii. 24 = W 185; xxxviii. 26 = W 232; xxxviii. 26-32 = W 217; xxxviii. 35 and 38ff. = W 164; xxxviii. 50-311 = W 274; xxxviii. 69-76 = W 276; 72 and 77-79 = W 277; xxxviii. 75 = W 186; xxxviii. 80-84 = W 278; xxxviii. 85-89 = W 279; xxxviii. 90-95 = W 280; xxxviii. 96-103 = W 281; xxxviii. 104-126 = W 282; xxxviii. 125 = W 121; xxxviii. 127-134 = W 283; xxxviii. 142-149 = W 285; xxxviii. 150-156 =W 286; xxxix. 8 = W 54; xxxix. 81-200 = W 286; xxxix. 152 = W 36

Mūlācāra: 213 = W 116; 484 = W 160

NPP: 2 = W 9; 4 = W 47; 21 = W 69; 22 = W 66; 30 = W 73; 39 = W 78; 48-50 = W 84; 58 = W 94; 70 = W 100; 75 = W 53, 112 and (p. 32b) 123; 83 = W 130; 84 = W 124ff. and 130; 121 = W 155; 127 = W 163; 129 and 131 = W 167; 129-135 = W 166; 135 = W 170; 137 (p. 61b) = W 8

P (A): 15 = W 89; 26[43] = W 86 and 88ff.; 17ff. = W 94; 18 (p. 28) = W 95; 20 = W 101; 21 (p. 32) = W 107; 22 (and p. 35) = W 104ff. and 119; 23 (p.36) = W 123; 25 (p. 38) = W 138; 27 = W 139; 29 = W 149; 30 = W 148; 31 = W 155; 32 = W 162

PASU: prastāvanā, p. 4 = W 24; 14 and 23 = W 43; 15 = W 44; 30 = W 45; 40 = W 34; 41-48 = W 69; 65-68 = W 54; 70 = W 55; 73 = W 53; 79-89 = W 64; 91-98 = W 72; 99ff. = W 78 and 229; 104 = W 83; 108 = W 91; 116 = W 93; 129-134 = W 108; 130 = W 109; 139 = W 140; 141 = W 124; 142 and 145 = W 126; 146 = W 130; 148 = W 136; 149 = W 134; 155 = W 138; 169 = W 154; 171 = W 151; 164- 166 = W 107; 169 = W 154; 172-174 = W 161; 175 and 177-180 = W 171; 184 = W 74; 198ff. = W 238; iii-28 (?) = W 99

P (Pūjā): 4ff. and 7 = W 219; 9-13 = W 221; 14ff. = W 219; 21 = W 219; 41 and 44ff. = W 3 and 217

P (ŚrDh): 3 = W 41; 7 = W 64; 11 = W 72; 12 = W 75ff.; 14 = W 81; 20 = W 102; 40 = W 166; 42-46 = W 182; 46 = W 230

P (ŚrUP): 4-6 = W 174; 10-12 and 18 = W 175; 11 = W 134; 12 = W 135; 17 = W 215; 20ff. and 23-25 = W 176; 24 = W 53; 26 and 29-31 = W 177; 32ff. and 35-7 = W 178

P (Vandana): 2 = W 198

P (Y): 1 (p. 1-2) = W 3 and 11; 11 (p. 60) = W 73 and 75; 14 (p. 67) = W 81 and 83; 15 = W 91; v.16 = W 89; 17 (p. 72) = W 92; 21 = W 102 and 112; 23 (p. 89) = W 124; (p. 158) = W 11; Upodghāta, pp. 11-13 = W 11

P (Yātrā): 3 and 6-11 = W 233; 4 = W 235; 18 and 26-28 = W 234; 30ff. = W 233

Padmanandi-śrāvakācāra: 12 = W 247 and 252

Pratikramaṇa-sūtra: 49 = W 207

Praśnottara-śrāvakācāra: xii = W 247; xiv. 6 = W 84; xiv. 27 = W 82

PrSU:[44] p. 72 = W 76; 273 = W 82

PS: 93-174 = W 201; 207, 211 and 217-221 = W 39; 236-241 = W 114; 245ff. = W 110; 277 (p. 73) = W 90; 432 = W 225; 433-436 = W 226; 659 = W 236; 1351- 1353 (with Siddhasena Sūri's comm.) = W 206ff.

PSU:[45] see PrSU

Pūjā-prakaraṇa: 4-6 and 8-10 = W 222

Ratnamālā: 43 = W 186

Ratnaśekhara on Śrāddha-pratikramaṇa-sūtra: 15 = W 92; 18 = W 96; 22 = W 123

Ratna-sāra: 153 = W 275

RK: Intro., p. xv (C. R. Jain's paraphrase), xvii, xix (devâdideva), 19, 23 (Cāmuṇḍarāya familiar with ∼); [vs.] 3 (I,3) = W 32 and 34; 11ff. (I, 11f.) = W 43; 13-16 (I, 13-16) = W 44; 17-18 (I, 17ff.) = W 45; 22-25 (I, 22[46]-25) = W 49; 56 (III, 10) = W 76; 57 (III, 11) = W 83; 58 (III, 12) =W 81; 60 (III, 14) = W 86- 87; 62 (III, 16) = W 97; 66 (III, 20) = W 51; 68ff. (III, 22-23) = W 101; 75 (III, 29) = W 123; 76, 79 (III, 30 and 33) = W 126; 77 (III, 31) = W 125; 79 (III, 33) = W 126; 84-86 (III, 38-40) = W 106 (and commentary, note 7); 88 (III, 42) = W 212; 89 (III, 43) = W 107; 90 (IV, 44) = W 103; 93ff. (IV, 3-4) = W 140; 97 (IV, 7) = W 139; 98 (IV, 8) = W 137; 99 (IV,9) = W 135; 109 (IV,19) = W 144; 113 (IV, 23) = W 122; 114 (IV, 24) = W 161; 120 (IV, 30) = W 137; 121 (IV, 31) = W 162; 124 (V, 3) = W 181; 124-131 (V, 3-10) = W 168; 129 (V, 8) = W 170; 137 (V, 16) = W 174; 138-140 (V, 17-19) = W 175; 139 (V, 18) = W 136, 175 and 199; 142 (V, 21) = W 108, 174 and 176; 146 (V, 25) = W 178; 147 (V, 26) = W 178;[47] − 111 (IV, 21) = W 243; prākkathan pp. 4-15, p. 115 and p. 196 = W 19. − See also Samantabhadra.

ŚrGuV: prastāvanā, p. 2 = W 15; p. 7a = W 260; p. 13b = W 261; 17a-18a = W 283; p. 19a = W 261; p. 20a and 21b = W 262; p. 30b-31a = W 263; p. 32a = W 264; p. 34b = W 164 and 264; p. 36b = W 265; p. 58a and 62b = W 268

Śr (M): v. 1-8 = W 37; v. 4 = W 50; v. 164-168 = W 250; vi. 44 = W 231; vii. 40 = W 140; vii. 136 = W 183; viii and ix. 21= W 179; ix. 38 and ix.233 = W 30; ix. 207 = W 284; ix. 280 = W 37; x. 100 = W 246; pp. 327-328 = W 30

ŚrPr: 259 = W 70; 264 = W 77; 265 = W 79; 275 = W 94; 285 = W 102; 290 = W 130; 293 and 310 = W 134; 313ff. = W 135; 319 = W 139; 344-350 = W 217; 345 and 348ff. = W 3; 376 = W 182; 382 = W 166; Haribhadra on 115 = W 66; Haribhadra on 345 = W 217

Śr (V): 1-47 = W 32; 4 = W 41; 57 = W 174; 59 = W 247; 60-69 = W 248; 60-124 = W 247; 70-79 = W 249; 86 = W 248; 88-93 = W 249; 94-100 = W 249; 137 = W 252; 176 = W 252; 209 = W 71; 101-133 = W 250; 141-162 = W 253; 164-170 = W 253; 177-190 = W 254; 191-203 = W 256; 211 = W 83 and 92; 215 = W 131; 220 = W 150; 221-223 = W 151; 225 = W 242; 233-238 = W 154; 235-237 = W 157; 239-270 = W 161; 250-257 = W 255; 258-260 = W 254; 263 = W 246 and 254; 271-272 = W 168; 274 = W 135; 275 = W 138; 292 = W 144; 280-289 = W 146; 299 = W 178; 301-313 and 303-310 = W 180; 314 and 318 = W 108; 320 = W 241; 328 and 330 = W 242; 337-340 = W 243; 351 = W 239; 381ff. = W 221; 382 = W 217; 383-384 = W 218; 389 = W 274; 448-458 = W 218; 452 = W 233; 453-458 = W 218; 458-476 = W 241; 466 = W 186; 483-492 = W 219; ++? W 221; 495-508 = W 256; − Prastāvanā, pp. 18ff. = W 25; p. 41 = W 25; p. 45 = W 19; Bhūmikā, pp. 54-58 = W 181; pp. 60-64 = W 179

Samarāditya-kathā = W 158ff.

SDhA: i. 4 = W 42; i. 5 = W 48; i.11 = W 257; i. 19-20 = W 37 und W 287; ii. 2-3 = W 51; ii. 4 = W 54; ii. 8 = W 54; ii. 24-28 = W 217; ii. 25 = W 216; ii. 30 = W 219; ii. 34 = W 221; ii. 37 = W 235ff.; ii. 39 = W 237; ii. 40 = W 236; ii. 50, 57 and 59 = W 164; ii. 51 = W 152; ii 56ff. = W 158 and 285; ii. 73 = W 166; ii.75-76 = W 158; ii. 84 = W 235; iii. 1-8 = W 181; iii. 2-4 = W 38; iii. 7-8 = W 50 and 174; iii. 9-12 = W 251; iii. 11-14 and 15-18 = W 112; iii. 11-15 = W 109; iii. 16-23 = W 247; iii. 19 = W 250; iii. 20-23 = W 251; iii. 23 = W 283; iv. 6-22 = W 65; iv. 12 = W 70 and 121; iv. 16 = W 67; iv. 36-38 = W 231; iv. 39 = W 72; iv. 40-43 = W 73; iv. 44 = W 73; iv. 45 = W 76; iv. 46-49 = W 84; iv. 47 = W 81; iv. 48-50 = W 84; iv. 50 = W 82; iv. 51 und 53-54 = W 91; iv. 58 = W 86ff. and 90; iv. 64 = W 27; v. 3 = W 101; v. 8 = W 126; v. 9 = W 124 and 126; v. 10-11 = W 124; v. 12 = W 129; v. 14 = W 107; v. 20 = 104ff.; v. 21 = W 118; v. 21-23 = W 102 and 117; v. 23 = W 27; v. 28 = W 135, 137 and 139; v. 29 = W 134; v. 31 = W 218; v. 35 = W 144; v. 36-38 = W 145; v. 40 = W 148; v. 47 = W 152; v. 49 = W 122; v. 54 = W 162ff.; v. 174 = W 116; vi. 1-9 = W 183; vi. 10 = W 216; vi. 14 = W 225; vi. 27 = W 215; vi. 53 = W 158; vii. 5 = W 144; vii. 9 = W 177; vii. 13-14 = W 176; vii. 20 = W 281; vii. 21 = W 177; vii. 24-27 = W 285; vii. 27-28 and 31-33 = W 178; vii. 39 = W 35; vii. 34-50 = W 180; vii. 46ff. = W 180; vii. 49-50 = W 181; vii. 55 = W 246; vii. 61 = W 181; viii = W 168; viii. 4, 16 and 28 = W 172; viii. 7 = W 171; viii. 37-38 = W 169; viii. 38 = W 27 and 169; viii. 42-43, 63-64 and 68- 69 = W 169; viii. 45 = W 170

Siddhānta-sārādi-saṃgraha: nivedan, pp. 22-23 = W 31

Subhāṣita-ratna-saṃdoha: xxi.13, xxii. 18 and xx. 24 = W 52

Sūtra-prābhṛta: 21 = W 178

Stava-vidhi-pañcāśaka: 3 = W 233

T (P): iii. 37 = W 251 and 254; vi. 24 = W 246; vii. 11 and 14 = W 71; vii.12 = W 42; vii. 18 = W 50; vii. 21 = W 106, 123, 126, 131, 134 and 144; vii. 23 = W 34 and 46; vii. 25 = W 74; vii. 27 = W 80ff.; vii. 28 = W 90; vii. 31 = W 141; vii. 33 = W 136; vii. 35 = W 104; vii. 36 = W 162; viii. 22 and 37 = W 171; ix. 27-39 = W 239; ix.35 = W 240

T (S): vol. ii, Introduction, p. 63 = W 7; vii. 8 (p. 64) = W 66 and 70; vii. 9 (p. 74) = W 73-74; vii. 10 (p. 76) = W 79; vii. 11 (p. 78) = W 86; vii. 12 = W 99; vii. 16 (p. 90) = W 140; vii. 16 (p. 91) = W 131; vii. 16 (p. 92) = W 142; vii. 16 (p. 94) = W 160; vii. 17 (p. 95) = W 167; vii. 19 (pp. 100-102) = W 47; vii. 20 = W 67ff.; vii. 21 (pp. 104ff.) = W 75-77 and (p. 113) 128; vii. 22 (pp. 107ff.) = W 80ff.; vii. 23 (pp. 108ff.) = W 87ff.; vii. 23 (p. 109) = W 90; vii. 24 = W 93 and 97; vii. 27 (p. 112) = W 127; vii. 27 (p. 113) = W 128; vii. 28 = W 135ff.; vii. 29 = W 147ff.; vii. 30 = W 105; vii. 30 = W 53; vii. 31 (p. 115) = W 141 and 162-163; vii. 33 (p. 117) = W 153; vii. 33 and 34 (p. 119) = W 151 and 155; vii. 34 (p. 118) = W 160; vii. 34 (p. 120) = W 153; ix. 7 = W 34; ix.24 (p. 257) = W 243

Tr (A): vii. 108 = W 122; viii. 55-62 = W 278; viii. 11-25 = W 279; viii. 29-51 = W 277; viii. 111-125 = W 279; viii. 126-130 and 136-139 = W 280; viii. 147-181 = W 281; xi. 41-64 = W 283; xi. 197ff. and 200-205 = W 284

T(S) probably wrong for T (P) on W 243

UD: i. 45 (p. 7) = W 69; i. 56 (pp. 21ff.) = W 63; i. 70 (p. 26) = W 50; ii. 29 = W 117

Vandhana-vidhāna-pañcāśaka: 2 = W 198

Varāṅga-carita: xv. 106 = W 26

YŚ: p. 148 = W 261ff.; pp. 149-151 = W 263; pp. 151-152 = W 264; p. 153 = W 265; pp. 154ff. = W 266; p. 157 = W 267; i. 47-56 = W 256; ii. 2 = W 41; ii. 3 = W 47; ii. 6-7 and 9 = W 49; ii. 15 (pp. 180-182) = W 42ff.; ii. 16 (p. 185) = W 45, 238 and 241; ii. 17 (pp. 187-189) = W 46ff.; ii. 18 (p. 192) = W 69; ii. 22-49 = W 65; ii. 29-31 = W 54; ii. 33-49 = W 70; ii. 47 = W 52; ii. 53-64 = W 78; ii. 57 = W 72; ii. 66 = W 83; ii. 79 and 81 = W 91; ii. 80 = W 92; iii. 3 = W 100; iii. 6-7 = W 110; iii. 8-12 = W 251; iii. 8-43 = W 54; iii. 41 = W 55; iii. 42-43 = W 53; iii. 44-46 = W 116; iii. 48-70 = W 108; iii. 50-52, 56-60, 62 and 67 = W 109; iii. 73 = W 239; iii. 75 = W 124; iii. 76-77 and 81 = W 125; iii. 78- 80 = W 124; iii. 79 (p. 500) = W 231; iii. 81 = W 125 and 225; iii. 82 (pp. 505 and 508ff.) = W 133; iii. 85 = W 142; iii. 87 (pp. 521-526 and 527) = W 155-156 and 158; iii. 90 (p. 547) = W 67- 68; iii. 91 = W 74ff.; iii. 92 = W 80ff.; iii. 94 (p. 555) = W 87; iii. 94 (p. 556) = W 89; iii. 94 (p. 557) = W 90; iii. 94 (p. 558) = W 86 and 88; iii. 95 = W 95ff.; iii. 97 = W 102; iii. 98 = W 103ff.; iii. 102-103 = W 118; iii. 105-106 = W 118; iii. 107- 109 = W 119; iii. 109-112 = W 120; iii. 113 = W 121; iii. 114 = W 120; iii.116 (p. 577) = W 136; iii. 117 = W 140; iii. 118 = W 146ff.; iii. 119 = W 162; iii. 120 (pp. 583-595) = W 164ff., 182, (p. 584) 216 and (p. 585) 236; iii. 122 = W 4 and (p. 597) 182; iii. 122-132 = W 182; iii. 124 (pp. 599-644) = W 188; [iii.][48] 124 (pp. 600ff.) = W 221; iii. 124 (p. 601) = W 219; iii. 124 (pp. 605-607 and 611) = W 203ff.; iii. 124 (p. 610) = W 215; iii. 124 (p. 655) = W 216; iii. 130 (pp. 607-611) = W 213; iii. 130 (p. 610) = W 215; iii. 130 (pp. 659-686) = W 199; iii. 130 (pp. 661-664) = W 202; iii. 130 (pp. 665-676) = W 201; iii. 130 (pp. 676-678) = W 202 and 225; iii. 130 (p. 679) = W 199; iii. 130 (p. 679-682) = W 204; iii. 130 (682-685) = W 205; iii. 130 (p. 687) = W 203; iii. 130 (pp. 693-694) = W 214; iii. 130 (pp. 694-696) = W 215; iii.130 (p. 697) = W 208; iii. 130 (pp. 698-710) = W 209; iii. 130 (pp. 707ff. and 696) = W 39 and 50; iii. 144 = W 215; iii. 149 (p.755) = W 172; iii.149-153 = W 166; iii. 150-151 (p. 757) = W 167; iii. 150 (pp. 758-759) = W 233; iii. 151 (p. 758) = W 186; iii. 152 = W 170; iii. 153 (pp. 758- 761) = W 167 and 214ff.; iv. 55-110 = W 244; iv. 102 = W 49; pp. 145-147 = W 260; p. 158 = W 268; p. 160 = W 269; p. 612 = W 137 and 193; 612-629 = W 193; 629-632 = W 194; 632-642 = W 195; 642-646 = W 196; 646-653 = W 197

Yājñavalkya-smṛti, iii. 36-42 = W 117


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Bollée, Willem B. The Story of Paesi (Paesi-kahāṇayaṃ). Soul and Body in Ancient India. A Dialogue on Materialism in Ancient India. Text, Translation, Notes and Glossary. Beiträge zur Kenntnis südasiatischer Sprachen und Literaturen 8. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2002 (The Story of Paesi [Paesi-kahāṇayaṃ] or Soul and Body in Ancient India. A Dialogue on Materialism in Ancient India. Text, Translation, Notes and Glossary. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay, 2005a).

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Bollée, Willem B. Samantabhadra's Ratnakaraṇḍaka-śrāvakâcāra. Text, Translation and Notes. Mumbai: Hindi Granth Karyalay (in preparation).

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Dasakāliyasuttaṃ of Śayyambhava with Bhadrabāhu's Niryukti and Agastyasiṃha's Cūrṇi. Edited by Muni Puṇyavijaya. Varanasi, Ahmedabad: Prakrit Text Society, 1973. Daśavaikālikasūtram with Bhadrabāhu's Niryukti and Haribhadra's Vivaraṇa. Devacandra Lālabhāī Jainapustakôddhāra 47. Bombay: Nirṇayasāgar Press, 1918.

Falk, Harry. Bruderschaft und Würfelspiel: Untersuchungen zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Vedischen Opfers. Freiburg: Hedwig Falk, 1986.

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Handiqui, Krishna K. Yaśastilaka and Indian Culture. Sholapur: Jaina Saṃkṛti Saṃrakshaka Saṅgha, 1949.

Jaini, Padmanabh S. The Jaina Path of Purification. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1979.

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Jha, Dwijendra Narayan. The Myth of the Holy Cow. London & New York: Verso, 2002.

Jhavery, Mohanlal Bhagwandas. Compendium and Critical Study of Matraśāstra (with special treatment of Jain Mantravāda). Ahmedabad: Sarabhai Manilal Nawab, 1944.

Kārttikeya, Svāmikumāra, Dvādaśânuprekṣā. Edited by Adinath N. Upadhye. Agas: Parama-Śruta-Prabhāvaka Śrīmad Rājachandra Jaina Śāstramālā, 1960.

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© The Editor, International Journal of Jaina Studies 2008


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              1. Adinath
              2. Agam
              3. Ahiṃsā
              4. Ahmedabad
              5. Ailaka
              6. Akbar
              7. Anitya
              8. Anukampā
              9. Anuprekṣā
              10. Anuyoga
              11. Anyatva
              12. Anādara
              13. Apoha
              14. Arhat
              15. Arihanta
              16. Aticāra
              17. Avagraha
              18. Aṅga
              19. Aṅgas
              20. Bal Patil
              21. Bandha
              22. Berkeley
              23. Berlin
              24. Berliner Indologische Studien
              25. Bhakti
              26. Bhāva
              27. Bhāvanā
              28. Bhāvanās
              29. Bhāṣya
              30. Body
              31. Bombay
              32. Bonn
              33. Brahmin
              34. Brahmins
              35. Buddhism
              36. Calcutta
              37. Colette Caillat
              38. Consciousness
              39. Cūrṇi
              40. Daśavaikālika
              41. Delhi
              42. Devendra
              43. Deśa-Virata
              44. Dharma
              45. Dhyāna
              46. Digambara
              47. Digambaras
              48. Doṣa
              49. Dveṣa
              50. Dāna
              51. Ekatva
              52. Ernst Leumann
              53. Fasting
              54. Fear
              55. Greed
              56. Gujarat
              57. Guru
              58. Haribhadra
              59. Hemacandra
              60. Hermann Jacobi
              61. Hindi Granth Karyalay
              62. Hinduism
              63. Hiṃsā
              64. Indologica Taurinensia
              65. International Journal of Jaina Studies
              66. JAINA
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              68. Jain Yoga
              69. Jaina
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              71. Jayandra Soni
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              73. Jinasena
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              79. Klaus Bruhn
              80. Krishna
              81. Krodha
              82. Kundakunda
              83. Kāma
              84. Kṣullaka
              85. Leumann
              86. London
              87. Ludwig Alsdorf
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              116. Padmanabh S. Jaini
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              142. Schubring
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              144. Siddhasena
              145. Soul
              146. Sādhaka
              147. Sādhu
              148. Sāmāyika
              149. Tapas
              150. Tattvas
              151. The Jaina Path of Purification
              152. The Story of Paesi
              153. Umāsvāti
              154. Upabhoga
              155. Upavāsa
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              168. Walther Schubring
              169. Willem Bollée
              170. Winternitz
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