Jain View Of Life: 5.03 Chandrabhedi Pranayama

Published: 24.01.2012
Updated: 02.07.2015

Chandrabhedi Pranayama


Sit in a comfortable posture, keeping the head, neck, and spine in a straight line. Place the right thumb on the right nostril, the right index finger between the eye brows, and rest the middle finger against the left nostril.


Close the right nostril and gradually inhale through the left nostril, filling the lungs completely. Retain the breath momentarily, then, closing the left nostril, exhale completely through the right nostril. Pause momentarily before repeating. Repeat nine times.

A second method is to inhale through the left nostril, retain it, then exhale through the same nostril, pausing before repeating the process. It can also be practiced without retention or pause.


Start with three pranayamas, extending this to twenty seven; nine in the morning, nine at noon, and nine in the evening per day.


It increases cold, so it should not be practiced in winter. Those laden with bile can practice it for pacifying heat, but those laden with cold and phlegm should perform this exercise in moderation. All should begin by breathing through the left nostril in summer and the right nostril in winter.


It reduces bile, purifies the blood, provides vigour, and makes a person's nature peaceful.


Jain View Of Life

Publisher: Adarsh Sahitya Sangh Edition: 1st Edition 2000

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