Jain View Of Life: 4.1.08 Shirshasana

Published: 02.01.2012
Updated: 02.07.2015

Shirshasana (Head stand)


Sit on the knees.


Have a fourfold blanket or bedsheet. Place it on the floor in front of you. Fold the hands. Place your interlocked fingers into the form of a cup. Place your forehead on the blanket, supported by your cupped hands. Bringing your weight forward, raise the hips while keeping the legs bent. By shifting your weight bring the legs up. Raise the legs gently and slowly off the floor. Straighten the legs, keeping the spine erect. The whole body is now inverted, with head down and the entire body straight. Maintain the crown of the head rests on the cupped palms. The elbows will be in the position of a triangle. Retain this pose for as long as possible without discomfort. While exhaling, lower the legs by first bending at the knees. Straighten the legs on the floor. After performing Shirshasana, practice Tadasana, standing on toes. This asana is very helpful for preventing a sudden reverse flow of blood from the head.


Thirty seconds to three minutes.


It makes the neck strong and powerful. Strengthens the stomach, shoulders and memory power. The endocrine system is well toned up, it also tones up the blood content. It is good for the brain. It removes emission, diabetes, headache, asthama, etc.


Those who suffer from heart problems, blood pressure, eye disease, neck pain, impurity of blood and ear disease should not perform this asana.


Jain View Of Life

Publisher: Adarsh Sahitya Sangh Edition: 1st Edition 2000

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  1. Asana
  2. Body
  3. Brain
  4. Endocrine System
  5. Shirshasana
  6. Tadasana
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