The main purpose of the practice of Preksha Dhyana is to purify the mental states. The mind is constantly choked by contaminating urges, emotions and passions. This hampers the flow of wisdom. The hurdles of uncleanliness must first be removed. When the mind is cleansed, peace of mind automatically surfaces. Balance of mind, equanimity and a state of wellbeing are also experienced simultaneously.
As we shall see later, manifestation of tejas lesya (bright red psychic colour) is the commencement of purity of mind. Thus tejas lesya brings about a state of wellbeing; padma lesya (bright yellow psychic colour) brings about peace of mind and sukla lesya (bright white psychic colour) results in purity and equanimity.
It should always be remembered that the ultimate aim of the sadhak is purity and equanimity - freedom from contamination by passions. The state of wellbeing is not our ultimate aim It will inevitably ensue; nevertheless, it is not the objective. Similarly, peacefulness is also a secondary benefit and will always be achieved, but it is not the aim. We have to transcend both these mental states to reach our ultimate purpose, viz. total purity of mind and goodness.