The work of a man gets reflected in excellence. Why should then obstacles be put in the growth of excellence? Why are limits put to such growth?
No obstacles should be put in the growth of excellence. It is certainly not desirable to do so. But if there is incompetence wearing the mask of excellence, it should certainly be checked. The danger today is that certain resources and products are making man incompetent. The growth of such resources should be checked.
If a country has invented successfully an effective medicine for cancer or AIDS, it can never be desirable to restrict import of those medicines. Everything can be restrained with discretion. Beef should not be exported for earning dollars or any other foreign currency. This is not desirable. Today it so happens that good products are exported. While these are produced, the people do not get them as they are sent to other countries and articles of luxury are imported. Until the problem of bread is not solved, import of articles of luxury is certainly unwise. Any sensible ruler or party should first of all see whether the primary needs of the nation are being fulfilled or not. To import luxury articles without giving thought to this aspect is only a reflection of thoughtlessness. It should certainly be checked.