Everybody has the aspiration to become rich. However, big and large factories cannot make anybody rich. The machines, made of steel, cannot eradicate poverty from the world. Poverty will be eradicated with the principle of real swadeshi. Man should be able to live his life in peace with the limited, small aspirations. For this, it is not necessary to take the help of machines, robots and computers.
Laotse was going somewhere. In the forest, he met a woman who was crying. Laotse stopped and asked, "Sister, why are you crying?" The woman replied, "Sir, the leopard has eaten my son; not only my son, he has also eaten my husband." Laotse asked, "Then why do you live in this forest?" She explained, "Because there is no cruel ruler here and there is peace here. The wild beasts do harm only sometimes, but we are at least free from the tyranny of the ruler all the time."
Man wants peace. If it gets destroyed then happiness, prosperity and joy are of no avail. Today's economic theories may produce the material means. These means cannot provide real satisfaction and inner happiness. The need today is to introspect and to re-evaluate the economic theories. In the context of non-violence and peace as the leading guideposts, this re-evaluation alone will provide the real understanding of the need and usefulness of the economics of non-violence and peace.