How can the mentality of accumulation and dominance be changed?
There was an incident that took place some years ago. Respected Gurudev had graced Gangashahar with his presence. Shri Rajiv Gandhi came there. Gurudev told him that he should give one message to Indiraji that, while organizational change was being talked about, it was dependent on force. The use of force can be necessary up to a limit, but if a change of heart does not take place, then this organizational change brought about by force would not be effective, would not be long lasting. Only if the use of force is limited and training is imparted for a change of heart, any fundamental change would be possible and the mentality to dominate others would also change. A principle of change is that both the organization and the heart of the individual should change simultaneously. Both should go together in a joint process. It is only then that the right type of change can materialize.