10.12.1947 - 12.04.2018 ►Aparigraha Jain Has Left for His Heavenly Abode

Published: 25.04.2018
Updated: 15.09.2021

Aparigraha Jain

has left for his heavenly abode

10.12.1947 - 12.04.2018

The last rites of Shri Aparigraha Jain

The last rites of Shri Aparigraha Jain will be performed on Wednesday, 18.04.2018 from 15:00 until 16:30 CET [18:30 until 21:00h IST].

We will celebrate his life, recite Namokar Mantra and Sharan Sutra, and practice all together Preksha Meditation and a light meditation.

During the time of cremation we will play Loggass Sutra recited by Dr. Samani Pratibha Pragya, London, recorded there.

Mrs. Karuna Jain will recite KSHAMAAPANAA SUTRA (FORGIVENESS MANTRA) during the cremation.


I grant forgiveness to all living beings;
and may all of them forgive me.
I have friendship with all living beings;
and hostility toward none.

Please send your condolences to [email protected]

We will publish them on this page.


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His Holiness Acharya Mahashraman's Condolence Message

|| ARHAM ||

Received message from Shree Amit Kumar Jain, Nagpur, that our staunch devotee Aparigarha, in Germany, has left his body on 12th April 2018, the day of Acharya Mahapragya 9th Anniversary. His wife Karuna (Carla) has accepted this bereavement with her husband with equanimity. This is the speciality of Preksha Meditation that she accepted the situation with equanimity. Karuna learnt meditation and practices of past lives from me and used to practice Preksha Meditation. Detail of her experiences is documented in book “Rahashya Purva Janm Ke” which is also available in English translation as “The Secret of Past Lives”.

Blessings and good wishes to Aparigraha, who had deep faith and very high commitment to religion. Let his soul be progressive in spiritual exertion and attain liberation.

Date: 16.04.2018
- Muni Kishanlal
Tosham (Bhiwani) Haryana

Vande Guruvaram

A very very difficult news to hear... It's not sinking in...

Karuna Ji informed us about Aparigraha Ji's lungs cancer sometime back in February 2017. But of-late the treatment were showing positive results quarter-by-quarter. Based on the results, I was very optimistic that nothing could happen to Aparigraha Ji for another 10 years...

What a brave person Aparigraha Ji was. His own words upon detection of lungs cancer (taken from a mail to me):

“When I got to know about my cancer (January) - kind of switch happened: Time changed from normal to "count down mode": Time is blowing into my face and keeping me "awake". Practically I feel much more detached than before and there is definitely more light in the world to see, than before. I feel very happy about "living".

And in another mail:

"Concerning my lung cancer:
That's karma. We will get to know why & what it is good for... time will tell.
I felt a big change in awareness: time switched into 'countdown mode' - that is: everything is much more present before my eyes.
I like this state - I don't fear death - the world shows more light than before. Kind of beautiful."

While I was working in South Korea back in 2007, I was desperately looking for Jainism related material in internet, as that was the only way for me to remain connected to my roots living there. I found herenow4u.net very helpful (possibly only helpful site). And that's how my connection to herenow4u.net started. Since those days I highly admire the genuine effort of Aparigraha Ji and his high benchmark for quality work for publication.

Sometime around 2010, while I was living in Finland, I used to upload Acharya Mahapragya's videos in Youtube. Aparigraha Ji noticed my activities and gave me a teachers hand to tag and title the videos in a way that it could be found easily. And that's how I personally got connected to Aparigraha Ji. For one of the guided Preksha meditation video of Acharya Mahapragya in Hindi, he advised me to translate the instructions in English and embed it as captions into the video. We (Aparigraha Ji, Karuna Ji and I) worked together on this project. I learnt a lot from him while doing this small project. The biggest learning was: whatever we do, we do it perfectly and without any error. No matter how much time it could take but errors can't be accepted. And this is the attitude we need if we are working in the field of publishing Jain literature.

I moved to Germany in 2012 and I, my wife and kids got closer and closer to Aparigraha Ji and Karuna Ji. In Germany there is a special culture of Godfather. In my heart, I silently felt Aparigraha Ji as my Godfather since last few years.

Aparigraha Ji is my constant companion, a great visionary dear friend who keeps guiding me till date…

Amit Kumar Jain

Message of Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumar for Mrs. Karuna on the demise of Mr. Aparigraha

There are a few people in the world who have really comprehended Jainism and who are true devotees of Jainism. Among them the names of the couple - Karuna and Aparigraha, I believe, stand in the front row.

When, on 14th April 2018, I got the news that Aparigraha has passed away, I thought that a true follower of the noble doctrines of Jainism has passed away. Both - Karuna and Aparigraha - have made strenuous efforts to propagate and make popular the Jain Doctrines for the betterment of humankind at large. Their website herenow4U is a landmark in the field of IT in the modern age for spreading the message of Ahimsa, Karuna, Aparigraha, Anekanta, etc. throughout the world. The whole Jain Samaj as well as the whole humankind owes to these two workers (couple) a great for their selfless services.

I express my hearty consolation for Mrs. Karuna at the sad occasion of her husband’s passing away and at the same time express my multitude congratulations to both for their noble works. I hope to meet Mrs. Karuna when she will come to India in future.

With all spiritual good wishes for Mrs. Karuna…

Muni Mahendra Kumar

Aparigrahji's sad demise has shocked me like any thing. We were in touch for last thirteen years. I have lost a good friend. He had done a great job for terapanth dharma sangh. We met many a times and every time I inspired. A great loss to our dharmasangh. May his soul rest in peace. I request Karunaji to keep patience. She is having good knowledge of religion. Everyone who takes birth has to die one day. Aprigrah has done great things in his life and now we have to complete his incomplete dreams and acts. Kariunaji Please keep yourself normal in this heart breaking event. You are very wise and understand the essence of religion.

-CA. Sobhagya Jain
Udhna, Surat.

Got a message from Sushil Bafna that Aparigraha ji Jain has left his mortal body on 12th April. A film of his personality and the contributions he had made for Terapanth and Jain religion at large appeared in my mind.

He was very determined and dedicated towards his mission of life to bring awareness in the entire world about the eternal message of Ahimsa, Aparigraha, anekant, Karuna and much more. Both Aparigraha and Karuna were closely associated with Jain Terapanth. I really appreciate his great contribution creating website where people can visit to satisfy their queries.

Now it all has come to Karuna to fulfill the vacant place. May Karuna and her family get  the strength to bear this loss. And departed soul achieve his spiritual goal in his next birth.

Samani Sanmati Pragya
JVBNA New Jersey, America

Really shocking to learn about untimely demise of Aprigrahji Jain.

He was a source of inspiration to many. In fact he was an Institution himself. His contribution to the jains in particular has no parallel. Through Herenow4u he has done so much for the Terapanth sect.

A great, irreparable loss to the society. His name has become synonyms of HN4U.

This is the ultimate truth. We have to accept it. I pray for spiritual upliftment of the departed soul.

Heart felt condolences to the bereaved family members, Karunaji & Raoul.

Sushil Choraria

Shocked to hear this news. This is very big damage for all of us. The life he lives and the work he has done has set an inspiration for all of us. I pray his soul reach the utmost destination of salvation.

Mahima Bokariya

He has always been a really great inspiration for all of us.

The website on which I used to search for things related to Jainism, and he made me a part of it. It was a different level of attachment with him.

Remembering his wonderful and gentle soul will forever remain in our hearts. May he rest in peace.

Kavita Bhansali

Respected Karuna Ji, Dear Raoul,

Kavita Bhansali called me on 12th April and told Aparigrah Ji is not online and she did not get reply of her message and she asked me do you have any communication with him. It was almost daily routine to talk with him. I and Kavita were concerned with his health, I thought may be due to medical emergency he may be in hospital. Next day got very shocking news that Aparigrah Ji is no more with us. Never imagined that he will left us so soon. He was active till last moments. So many memories came in my mind like film reels. For me it is personal loss. He was my Guide, teacher.

During his last India trip he has stayed Guwahati many days. Also visited Varanasi and Jalgaon on invitation of me. Samani Jin Pragya also met with him and Karuna.I have learnt so many things by him. He was man of great thoughts and action. Stayed always cheerful and happy. Always tried to give something new to herenow4u.net magazine. Due to his effort herenow become worldwide name for getting information of Jain and Terapanth sect. His thought were very clear. He was perfect husband and always supported Karuna Ji.

Sad demise of him is great loss. I pray my respectful homage and pray for upliftment of his soul.

It is our duty to complete his dream. I will give full support to Karuna Ji and Raoul. My full sympathy towards family and Karuna Ji get strength to bear loss of Aparigrah Ji which is very hard.

Karuna Ji has set example to follow Jain Sanskar Vidhi during cremation.

Sushil Bafana

It is hard to believe that Aparigrah Ji is no more. I never met with him but was in contact with him. He was very keen reader and observer. Whenever I made news for herenow, he always guided me to make it error free.

Herenow4u is wonderful site and great treasure for people who believe in non violence and truth.

I am deeply shocked by his untimely demise. I wish he get Moksha very soon and we will complete his unfinished task.

Rajshree Pugalia

Dear Karuna,

Om Arham

Please accept my heartfelt condolences on departure of Aparigraha for heavenly abode. Aparigraha fought his illness with fortitude and stoicism.

The Jain theory of karma states that soul is independent. Yet I see a thread of common values and aspirations between Aparigraha and Late Acharya Mahapragya and Acharya Mahashraman which brought them together. The ethos of Jain Vishva Bharati is similar to the one a browser reads on HereNow4U website.Similarly when you both visited the International School in Tamkore or came to participate in the Paryushan festival in JVB London, your spiritual motives vibrated withus.Thus our common goal of serving humanity brought us together.

In 1874, an eminent German Indologist, Dr Hermann Jacobi brought to the attention in the West the existence of Jain religion. A century and a quarter later another German, Aparigraha Jain through his sterling qualities lighted a new flame of Jainism by the use of internet.

Karuna, I am sure with your strong faith and conviction you will overcome the tragedy that has befallen on you and your family.

Let the departed soul be in peace and grow spiritually in the new abode. Hope Karuna and the family gain strength and peace.

Blessings to all.

Samani Dr Pratibha Pragya


Respected Karuna & Family and All Relatives,

On behalf of Jain Vishwa Bharati I would like to convey our deepest heartfelt condolences on your loss of your beloved Husband Aprigrah.

He was very humble and caring person adored by everyone who were linked or associated with him. He has left behind very good memories to live upon. Was a true Jain.

We are all very sorry that you all have to experience this situation. All we can do now do is to pray as much as we can for the departed soul so that it ascends to the abode of Almighty God and at the same time gives the family strength to come through these torrid and difficult time ahead. Our thoughts and prayers are with You and all the Families.

Bhagwan Mahavir rests her soul in peace.

In this time of grief, may the glow of God’s love light our way, and may the warmth of their embrace give You, family, relatives, and friends, everyone known to the family peace, strength and comfort, to pray for the departed soul.

Everyone has to go this way but no-one knows when, date and time are in our Hands. Let us live a life that we can leave for others and gain that eternal peace within. If we can be any help please count on us.


Mr. Hasu J. Vora
JVB London

Dr Kusum Lunia's Heartfelt condolences on the sad demise of Mr. Aparigraha

The Demise of Mr Aparigraha on 14th April 2018 was a sad day For Me and  Anuvrat Samiti Delhi as He had been Instrumental in spreading the philosophy of Anuvrat. Anuvrat Movement's ideologies reached to thousands of people worldwide through news, views and events that were covered vastly on the German Online Portal HereNow4U, a brain child of Mr Aparigraha and Mrs Karuna. The Duo have made strenuous efforts to propagate and make popular the Anuvarat philosophy for the betterment of mankind at large. Their website herenow4U is a landmark  in the modern age for spreading the message of Anuvarat, non violence, Compassion, non absolutism etc. throughout the world. The whole humanity owes to this couple for their selfless services.

We express our heartfelt condolences for Mrs. Karuna at this sad demise of her husband.

May his soul ascend to its spiritual journey for moksha.

With all spiritual good wishes for Mrs. Karuna...

Dr Kusum Lunia
General secratry
Anuvarat Samiti - Delhi

Preksha practitioner Aparigrah who truly lives like his name, has left the materialistic world leaving karuna. That too on the auspicious day of Acharya Mahapragya's death anniversary 12 april 2018. He become now everlasting, part of this day now.

Karuna, you both have lived the life as per the proverb "as the name so are the attribute".

You both have imbibe these two qualities of karuna and aparigraha deeply by practising Preksha Meditation. Karuna, now you try to do darshan of gurudev at the earliest and take spiritual blessings and inspirations from him.

Aparigrah was simple, clean hearted, cheerful and peace loving soul. His face is coming in front of me. Now you move forward considering your loneliness as boon for your spiritual elevation.

Sadhvi Rajimati
Nokha mandi
Sunday 22.04.2018

Dear Karunaji,

I just learned your husband, inspiring partner and Jain devotee Aparigraha has died. The wise messages from the Terapanthis you just published on your valuable, much-visited Jain website are, I think, the best comfort for you now. I would like to tell you I was impressed when I met you both in the Jain Delhi conference in early fall 2014. Due to the sterling kindness of the Jains, I then visited Ladnun, with all its treasures of the Jain Vishva Bharati Institute, and Mr Geerdes greatly encouraged me to go and gave advice. I vividly remember our last discussion: your husband graciously told me about his own meditation experience, praised Preksha fully, and offered an exceptional portrayal of Muni Mahendra Kumarji.  

May he find a better abode and eventually the exit from saṃsāra

With every good wish for you and your work,

Eugen Ciurtin

Dear Jain Vishva Bharati and Karunaji

I am deeply saddened to learn of the sudden passing of Shri Aparigraha Jain. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you for writing such a poignant and from-the-heart obituary of this wonderful soul, who I am sure, has found an elevated place in the Jain Lokakash due to his warm and gentle nature, and his priceless contribution of love by documenting in great detail the activities and events in our Jain world, and emphasizing the wonderful work of JVB. I enjoyed meeting you and him at several of the SOAS Jaina Studies Workshops at Univ of London. I especially and always enjoyed reading his most informative weekly editions of HereNow4U newsletters. He will be missed by everyone in the world of Jain studies. Auf wiedersehen!

Manish Mehta

Dear Carla Karuna,

I was shocked to hear the demise of my esteemed friend Mr. Aparigraha Jain. He was an ideal friend, a thorough gentleman and a devoted worker.

His dedication to spread the eternal values of non-violence was exemplary. May his soul rest in peace.

We know it is a great blow for you and takes time to recover. We do share your grief. I am sure you have the strength to sustain the loss and face life and its challenges boldly,


Dearest Karuna

I met you and Aparigraha for the first time at the Preksha International Camp held at Ladnun, Rajasthan. Subsequently you both visited London few times - most notably during the Prathista Mahotsav of the Jain Derasar at Potters Bar, Hertfordshire and one of the JVB Paryushan festival at Sayer Centre, Cricklewood, London. We again met you and Aparigraha when Latika, Paras and I visited Berlin about three years ago. Inevitably these contacts brought us closer and closer. Moreover, our communications became more frequent, whether it related to some reports to be submitted for the HereNow4U or it was for simply to say "Hello".

When Acharya Mahapragya through his vision conferred the accolades of Aparigraha and Karuna Jain you were both worthy of these "adjectives " long before your conversion to Jainism.However these put you both into more responsible positions. You were deprived of the luxury of a la cartel menu! But you turned this deprivation by becoming a model Jain couple.

After Aparigraha was diagnosed with lung cancer, he drastically increased his time of Preksha meditation and prayers. Understandably anyone who first becomes aware of the affliction of cancer one momentarily loses like any other mortal his bearings. Aparigraha "rewired" himself in order not to be intimidated by the threat of death. He used the hymn - Chaitya Purush Jag Jaye - composed by Acharya Mahapragya not as a means of longevity but as a tool for introspection to appreciate the immortality of the soul together with its innate power of enlightenment.

Our mutual desire of you and Aparigraha to come and stay with us in London after Aparigraha's full recovery did not materialise. But I am sure you will still be able to come and bring Aparigraha's aura with you when you visit us.

Latika and other members of the family join me in conveying our heartfelt condolences on Aparigraha sad demise.

Yours in deepest sorrow

Dinesh Z. Shah

It is with a great sadness I learn that Aparigraha is no more.

He was a great friend of me since I welcomed him and Karuna in my home on Nice in France to receive some interesting books and magazines about Jainism I had collected during my life.. He published a nice report in HereNow 4ud of this visit with Karuna and photos of me and of my home. I read each week his bulletin on the Web that afforded to me many information on the events and developpment of JaInism in the world. We became friends and I saw great number of Jain events in the word so reported.

He will miss me. I hope his great learned soul will attain moksa soon. With my sincere regards to his wife Karuna who is also a great soul. Christian Geerdes will remain in my memory a great friend. I hope his soul be in the heavenly abode with bliss for his great kindness and work in favour of the most valuable religipn on the earth.

My sincere condoleances to Karuna and his family. Aparigraha was a great soul and a great Jain in the world.

Pierre Paul Amiel

Dear Carla,

It was my good fortune to meet Aparigrha and yourself as early as 2008, when we felicited Prof. Dr Klaus Bruhn and Prof. Dr, Bollee on behalf of Prakrit Institute, Shravana Belagola. Afterwards I visited you with my friend Neeraj Punglia from USA in 2013 and we also met in Delhi in September 2014. We have met again and had the pleasure of your hospitality. Aparigraha is a great soul and has now moved nearer to the ultimate goal. Let us all wish him well to reach 14th Gunasthana, Ayoga Kevali and then to Siddha loka.

Ajit Kumar Benadi

Condolence message

Dear Karuna ji

A good heart has stopped beating, a good soul ascended to heaven. We part with our beloved spiritual friend in pain.

In this sorrowful time, we would like to extend to you our heartfelt condolences. Please accept it.

With regards

All members of
Preksha International

Wishing spiritual peace and perfection

Dear Carlaji / Karunaji!

In the morning I got email from Samani Unnata Pragyaji about Aparigraha. It is a shokinģ news. Aparigraha was a genious scholar and dadicated to spread Jain teachings. After your contact he has shown all his devotion to Jain religion and Terapanth. At the moment of his passing away we wish his pious soul spiritual peace and perfection. May his devotion to non-violence and spirituality increase till he libarates. Your dedication to him is also beyond words. You have provided your best services to him and took care of him till his last breath. In this movement we wish you all the best.

Samani Chaitanya Prajna
Samani Him Prajna

Karuna Ji,
Om Arham.

Sri Sushil Bafana introduced me to your deep research work and serious effort to bring peace to the world. I am a student of philosophy and by visiting your website herenow4u.net feel that I got a great treasure.

I came to know about the sad demise of respected Aparigrah Ji and felt that he was so near to me and I have lost one of closest. My heartful condolence. His soul rests in peace and got his destination Moksha very soon.

Vinod Singhi
[email protected]

On behalf of everyone in Compassionate Crusaders Trust, I offer my obeisance to the great soul Aparigraha Jain, (CAJG, Cris Aparigraha Jain Geerdes, Cris Geerdes, Editor Christian Geerdes).

May his eternal presence show all of us the way to the ultimate light in our ahimshik journey ahead.

With personal condolences,
Debasis Chakrabarti, Founder
Compassionate Crusaders Trust
1/13-A, Olai Chandi Road, Kolkata-700037, India
url: http://www.animalcrusaders.org

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      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Mahapragya
      3. Acharya Mahashraman
      4. Ahimsa
      5. Ajit Kumar Benadi
      6. Amit Kumar Jain
      7. Anekant
      8. Anekanta
      9. Anuvrat
      10. Anuvrat Samiti Delhi
      11. Aparigraha
      12. Aparigraha Jain
      13. Arham
      14. Aura
      15. Ayoga Kevali
      16. Berlin
      17. Bhagwan Mahavir
      18. Bhiwani
      19. Body
      20. Brain
      21. CAJG
      22. Calicut
      23. Chaitanya
      24. Chandi
      25. Christian Geerdes
      26. Compassionate Crusaders Trust
      27. Cris Aparigraha Jain Geerdes
      28. Cris Geerdes
      29. Darshan
      30. Debasis Chakrabarti
      31. Delhi
      32. Derasar
      33. Dharma
      34. Dinesh Z. Shah
      35. Dr. Samani Pratibha Pragya
      36. Equanimity
      37. Eugen Ciurtin
      38. Fear
      39. Gunasthana
      40. Gurudev
      41. Guwahati
      42. HN4U
      43. Hampana
      44. Harrow
      45. Haryana
      46. Hasu J. Vora
      47. HereNow4U
      48. Hermann Jacobi
      49. JAINA
      50. JVB
      51. JVB London
      52. JVBNA
      53. Jacobi
      54. Jain Derasar
      55. Jain Sanskar Vidhi
      56. Jain Vishva Bharati
      57. Jain Vishva Bharati Institute
      58. Jain Vishwa Bharati
      59. Jaina
      60. Jainism
      61. Jalgaon
      62. Jin
      63. Karma
      64. Karuna
      65. Karuna Jain
      66. Kavita Bhansali
      67. Kevali
      68. Klaus Bruhn
      69. Kolkata
      70. Kusum Lunia
      71. Ladnun
      72. Loka
      73. Lokakash
      74. London
      75. Mahapragya
      76. Mahashraman
      77. Mahavir
      78. Mahima Bokariya
      79. Manish Mehta
      80. Mantra
      81. Meditation
      82. Moksa
      83. Moksha
      84. Muni
      85. Muni Kishanlal
      86. Nagpur
      87. Namokar Mantra
      88. Nokha
      89. Non violence
      90. Non-violence
      91. OM
      92. Paryushan
      93. Pierre Paul Amiel
      94. Potters Bar
      95. Pragya
      96. Prajna
      97. Prakrit
      98. Preksha
      99. Preksha International
      100. Preksha Meditation
      101. Prof. Muni Mahendra Kumar
      102. Purush
      103. Purva
      104. Rajasthan
      105. Rajshree Pugalia
      106. SOAS
      107. Sadhvi
      108. Samani
      109. Samani Chaitanya Prajna
      110. Samani Jin Pragya
      111. Samani Pratibha Pragya
      112. Samani Sanmati Pragya
      113. Samiti
      114. Sangh
      115. Sanskar
      116. Saṃsāra
      117. Sharan Sutra
      118. Shravana
      119. Shravana Belagola
      120. Siddha
      121. Soul
      122. Surat
      123. Sushil Bafana
      124. Sushil Bafna
      125. Sushil Choraria
      126. Sutra
      127. Tamkore
      128. Terapanth
      129. Terapanthis
      130. The Secret of Past Lives
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