Living Systems in Jainism: A Scientific Study: Bibliography

Published: 13.08.2018

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Secondary Sources

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Title: Living System in Jainism: A Scientific Study
Author: Prof. Narayan Lal Kachhara
Edition: 2018
Publisher: Kundakunda Jñānapīṭha, Indore, India
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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. A.N. Upadhye
  2. Acarya
  3. Acharya
  4. Acharya Mahaprajna
  5. Acharya Nemichandra
  6. Adarsh Sahitya Sangh
  7. Ahmedabad
  8. Anekanta
  9. Arhat
  10. Aryika
  11. Berlin
  12. Bhavnagar
  13. Brain
  14. Chakravarti
  15. Charitra
  16. Chennai
  17. Citta
  18. Consciousness
  19. DNA
  20. Darsana
  21. Darshan
  22. Darshana
  23. Delhi
  24. Devendra
  25. Dictionary of Technical Terms of Jainism
  26. Environment
  27. Gene
  28. Genome
  29. Guru
  30. Gyan
  31. H.L. Jain
  32. Indianapolis
  33. Indra
  34. JAINA
  35. Jain Metaphysics and Science
  36. Jain Philosophy
  37. Jain Vishva Bharati
  38. Jain Vishva Bharati Institute
  39. Jain Vishva Bharati University
  40. Jaina
  41. Jaina Doctrine Of Karma
  42. Jainism
  43. Jainworld
  44. Jaipur
  45. Kanpur
  46. Karma
  47. Ladnun
  48. London
  49. Madras
  50. Mahapragya
  51. Mahavira
  52. Mandir
  53. Manu
  54. Manu Doshi
  55. Mimansa
  56. Moksa
  57. Mukti
  58. Muni
  59. N. Tatia
  60. N.L. Kachhara
  61. New Delhi
  62. Prakrit
  63. Prakrit Bharati Academy
  64. Prakriti
  65. Quantum Mechanics
  66. Quantum Theory
  67. Rudi Jansma
  68. S.C. Jain
  69. Sadhvi
  70. Samayasara
  71. Sangh
  72. Saraswati
  73. Science
  74. Shastra
  75. Sholapur
  76. Soul
  77. Sutra
  78. Swadhyay
  79. Swami
  80. Tattvartha Sutra
  81. The Enigma Of The Universe
  82. Tirthankara
  83. Tulsi
  84. Udaipur
  85. University of Madras
  86. Upadhyaya
  87. Varanasi
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