While performing this asana feet are to be touched by hands. That is why it is called the PaadHastasana. This asana should be performed by healthy persons only. This is considered to be one of the best of the easy asanas. Let us learn how to perform this asana and what its uses are.
- Stand erect with both feet joined together.
- Heels should be touching each other and toes should remain apart.
- Take both hands up keeping the palms in front.
- Inhale deeply while drawing both hands above the head and take them backward as far as possible, exerting tension on them.
- Exhaling slowly, bend the body gradually in front and try to touch the toes the toes with both hands.
- When you are able to catch hold of foot-tumbs, try to touch the knees with your nose. This is the final position of this asana.
- Now return to the standing position slowly and inhale deeply.
It is sufficient to perform this asana twice in the initial stages. It can be increased gradually to ten times. One must try to place both the palms on ground in order to perform this asana.
While performing this asana, it is mainly the spine and the digestive system which get favourably affected. You have learnt about these in previous lessons also.
The Paad Hastasana makes the spine flexible. The digestive system is revitalized. It helps in curing constipation. By performing this asana one gets rid off the pain in the waist-regions. Legs and leg-muscles become stronger.
- What are the advantages of Paad Hastasana?
- Describe the procedure of performing the Paad Hastasana.