Jeevan Vigyan - 8: Leeson-14 : Exercises for Spine

Published: 03.10.2018

The spine is the most important part of all body organs. Flexibility of spine is a symptom of sound health. A healthy person's spine is straight and flexible. If the spine is strong, consciousness of a person gets developed. Flexibility of spine is not only beneficial for the health of a person, but it is also important from the point of view of one's nature and general disposition.

Exercises of the spine are very easy and uncomplicated. They have been selected with the object of strengthening the spine. A healthy spine ensures good health, sharpness of memory, capacity of deep thinking and a good disposition. Exercises of spine help in removing the poisonous elements clogged in stomach, neck and waist regions. These exercises can be done easily by people of all age-groups. Let us now learn how to perform these exercises.

There are in all 8 exercises for spine. But first let us see in what position the body should be while doing these exercises.

Position of the body: Lie down straight on your back. Keep the legs straight. Spread your hand in line with the shoulders. Let both palms touch the ground.


Position of the Body: Keep your legs one foot apart.


    1. Inhale. Touch the heel of the right foot with the big toe of the left foot. Turn your neck to the left hand side. Now exhale and return to the original position.
    2. Inhale and touch the heel of the left foot with big toe of the right foot. Turn the neck to right hand side. Exhale and return to the original position.


Position of the body: It will remain same as before. In the second exercise lift the right foot and place it between the first and second toe of the left foot


    1. Inhale (Pooraka) and turn both feet to the right so that these touch the ground. Turn the neck to the left. Exhale (Rechana) and return to the original position.
    2. Inhale and turn the feet to the left so that these touch the ground. Turn the neck to right. Now exhale and return to the original position.


Position of the body: As before. Position of the Third Exercise: Place the right ankle on the left ankle.


    1. Inhale and turn the feet to the left to touch the ground turn the neck to the right. Now exhale and return gradually to the original position.
    2. Inhale and turn the feet to the right so that they touch the ground. Turn the neck to the left. Exhale and return to the original position. NOTE: Repeat this exercise by placing the left ankle on the right ankle.


Position of the body: As before.

Position of the Fourth Exercise: Keep the left leg straight. Bend the right leg and place the sole of right foot by the side of left knee.


    1. Inhale and bring the right knee over the top of the left leg so that the right knee touches the ground. Turn the neck to the right. Now exhale and return to the original position. Bend the left leg and place the sole of the life foot by the side of the right knee.
    2. Now straighten the right leg. Inhale and lift the left leg and bring it over the top of the right leg so that the left knee touches the ground. Turn the neck to the left. Now exhale and return to the original position.


Position of the body: Bend both the legs. Keep the distance so much that the sole of one foot is able to touch the knee of the other foot.


    1. Inhale and touch the right knee with the left. sole. Turn the whole body to the left and turn the neck to the right. Now exhale and return to the original position.
    2. Inhale and touch the left knee with the right sole. Turn the whole body to the right and turn the neck to the left. Now exhale and return to the original position.


Position of the body: As before.

Position of the Sixth Exercise: Bend both legs at knees and keep them parallel to the ground. It must be kept in mind that the calves must touch the hips.


    1. Inhale and turn legs to the right so that the right knee touches the ground and the left knee is on the top. Turn the neck to the left. Now exhale and return to the original position.
    2. Inhale and turn legs to left so that the left knee touches the ground and the right knee is on the top. Turn the neck to the right. Now exhale and return to the original position.


Position of the body: As before.


    1. Inhale and lift hips and waist and bring them rapidly back to the ground. Now exhale. Repeat this exercise rapidly three times. Now assume the position of KAYOTSARG.
    2. Inhale and left the whole body from heels to shoulders. Bring it back rapidly exhaling side by side.
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While lying on your back, inhale and joint your hand over the top of your head, keeping them straight. Turn your whole body like a roller to the left. Exhale and return to the original position. Again inhale and turn your whole body to the right, like a roller. Exhale and assume the original position.

Entire body gets massaged by the spine. Deformities of stomach, chest and waist are corrected.

Lie down on your back. Concentrate on the respiratory cycle. Inhale and exhale naturally and easily without resorting to any strain. Remove all tension from the body and let it lie loosely.

Close your eyes gently. Keep the feet apart at the distance of one foot. Let the palms face the sky keeping them parallel to the body. Feel the entire body loosening down. This is the position (mudra) for kayotsarga. It has been described in detail in the first lesson.


    1. How are the exercises of the spine useful?
    2. Describe the procedure of all spinal exercises.
Title: Jeevan Vigyan - 8

Muni Kishan lal

Dr. Shiv Kumar Sharma

Shubh Karan Surana

Editor: Muni Dhamendra Kumar
Publisher: Jeevan Vigyan Academy
Digital Publishing:
Amit Kumar Jain

Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Body
  2. Consciousness
  3. Kayotsarg
  4. Kayotsarga
  5. Mudra
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