18.09.2014 ►Delhi ►ASK► A Compelling Day

Published: 19.11.2014
Updated: 30.07.2015

When we reached Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra after the morning lecture by three wheeler again we did not know what compelling events lay ahead. The time of arrival was well chosen for encounters with monks and nuns, and perhaps even HH Acharya Mahashraman, we supposed.

Muni Kishan Lal still was busy with other visitors, as there was some time left until our meeting. So we wanted to find out if Muni Kumar Shraman was available for a talk. Muni Jay Kumar and he are the initiators of the International Preksha Meditation Camps (IPMC) taking place once a year since 2002. 13th IMPC was scheduled from 07. - 13.10.2014 in Delhi.

Muni Kumar Shraman

Muni Kumar Shraman was staying with the monks of his group in a room attached to the room of HH. As this group of young monks has the responsibility for all aspects of service regarding his HH directly and indirectly, they are always dwelling near him. At least one of them can be found within earshot. Their personal tasks are rotating from providing medical care for HH if necessary to administration of all affairs concerning the monks. Administration of all affairs concerning the Sadhvis is handled by Sadhvi Niyojika. In Delhi it was Muni Kumar Shraman’s duty to provide medical care for HH in case of need.

The running of a spiritual order is not that different from that of a company. In worldly life the responsibilities of monks perhaps are comparable to those of managers in a company. Sometimes they are far from HQ and have to take decisions on their own, which have to be in harmony with the general dogma. Looking closer to the many qualifications of the monks it is no wonder how good they are networking behind the stage for the benefit of the whole. Perhaps this may be the difference to most companies.

Muni Kumar Shraman was preoccupied with talking to somebody, and we decided to come back later.

Sadhvi Pramukha Kanak Prabha (m, on chair) and Sadhvi Niyojika Vishrud Vibha (r) at Acharya Mahashraman.

Next door Sadhvi Pramukha Kanak Prabha and Sadhvi Niyojika Vishrut Vibha were highly concentrated in discussing something seemingly very important with HH Acharya Mahashraman. So here also all were busy and for the moment no visitors were received. Shortly thereafter the Sadhvis went to the building in a distance of some hundred meters where the nuns were accommodated during Delhi Chaturmas 2014. But then we already were at Muni Kishan Lal.

Muni Kishan Lal now was ready to receive us.

As soon as we entered his room Muni Kishan Lal welcomed me smilingly, „Hello minister, do you remember?“ Sure I remembered and also felt an involuntary smile on my face. The background of this remark is explained best by the fact that Muni Kishan Lal as master of guiding people back to previous births is regularly holding meditation camps on this subject. My first encounter with him was in January 2000 at ASK, the same location where we met now. He was the first Jain monk I had met in this life. His reaction when he saw me was far from understanding to me at this time. He looked at me and laughed. Nevertheless, from the beginning I experienced a feeling of familiarity in his presence. During every India trip we visited him for meditation. 2003 I participated in 2nd IPMC in Surat, Gujarat, where he guided a session of Animesh Preksha.

Pharao and Minister - so you have written, isn't it?

During the session of Animesh Preksha I had several visions and recognized suddenly, that I knew Muni Kishan Lal very well from a previous birth in old Egypt. Muni Kishan Lal as Pharaoh Amenophis 3rd had entrusted the administration of his empire and his treasures to me as his vizier. It was a long term cooperation, based on allegiance and devotion of the minister towards his Pharaoh resulting in peace and prosperity for the country and its people. This vision gave sense to many of my former dreams and visions, and also the feeling of being familiar from the start got an explanation. In Delhi in the year 2000 Muni Kishan Lal had asked me to make photos of hand mudras for the book he was working on. Already then I felt natural about being asked by a Jain Muni, until then seemingly unknown, to perform a task for him. Muni Kishan Lal asked me to do something, I did my best to realise, I was acquainted with this situation from deep inside. Only two years later I knew why.

Muni Kishan Lal: Your name is written here.

After the IPMC I stayed two more weeks in Surat to be near HH Acharya Mahapragya and the saints whom I visited daily. Muni Kishan Lal gave meditation sessions to me. One day the opportunity offered itself to speak with Muni Kishan Lal on my vision during the Animesh Preksha session. He listened carefully and asked me to note all down. When I handed over the papers to him where all was written I plucked up courage and asked him if he already knew that we were familiar with each other from a previous birth when we first met in Delhi and if this was the reason why he had laughed when he saw me. He confirmed with a smile.

About one year ago he gave the papers back to me in exactly the same condition in which they had been handed over to him ten years ago! Not without asking my permission to publish my description in his new book, which I voluntarily gave. Next was his welcoming us in room no. 6 as described. Now his book is ready for printing and will be published soon in Hindi.

After visiting Muni Kishan Lal we met this joyful bunch of friends symptomatically for the atmosphere on the campus of ASK.


Before lunch at Swami Dharmananda’s home we hurried to the office of the conference team for a visit: Carla Geerdes, Manish Kuhar, Sunil Agarwal, Sushil Bafana (r)

Sunil Agarwal (l) und Manish Kuhar, members of the conference organising committee, working for Gemini Corporation, served tea and asked how to be helpful in realising our plans in Delhi.

As a matter of fact we planned to visit Mehrauli Dadabari Temple and to participate in a meeting of Digambara saints o which we were informed by Ajitkumar Benadi some days before departure to India. The president of Jain Association International (Germany) himself planned to participate, as he was sure to be in Delhi that day. Manish Kuhar noted our destinations and promised to organize a driver with car. The temple is not far from the Kendra, the meeting of the Digambara Saints was supposed to take place on 21.09. in a part of Delhi named “Model Town”, rather far from where we stayed. We were happy about this kind offer of assistance and in high spirits we went to our friend’s home for lunch.

After lunch we took a detailed look around, …

… where not as many visitors as usual could be seen because of lunchtime.

HH Acharya Mahashraman and some senior monks were preparing a gathering of different religious traditions in India initiated by HH Dalai Lama, scheduled for 20.09.2014, …

… while at the same time he was listening to members of the Sangh and gave his blessings to the many visitors approaching him, among them also Christian Aparigraha Jain Geerdes (r).

 Muni Kishan Lal (l), Muni Rakesh Kumar (m), Muni Sumermal (Ladnun) (r), Muni Sukh Lal (m, kneeling).

 Then we visited Muni Abhijit Kumar from whom we will report more later, …

… and encountered Muni Vardhaman, who underwent formations as CA and Reiki Master before he took Diksha, and whose in worldly terms uncle is Muni Rishabh Kumar.

 Muni Kumar Shraman was very busy with visitors the whole day, actually discussing with Dharamchand Lunked (l). So we decided to wait for a more convenient opportunity to talk to him.

 Muni Vishrut Kumar in the group of Muni Kumar Shraman was at this time visited by his mother.

The big hall slowly filled with visitors again. Many among them were wearing Muhapatti as sign of spiritual devotion.

Muni Vijay Kumar

In front of a wall Muni Vijay Kumar was sitting, surrounded by relatives of his native worldly family. Like many others they had come for Darshan of HH, and further to see him. They all looked very happy to have brought up a monk. Since more than 30 years Muni Vijay Kumar is in the group of Muni Sumermal (Ladnun). In 2007 we had met first, and he still remembered us.

Sadhvi Niyojika Vishrut Vibha and visitors

In the afternoon we had different plans, as Christian Geerdes seemingly wanted some rest. I intended a visit to the house of the nuns for talking to Sadhvi Niyojika Vishrut Vibha on a dream. Since my stay in Surat in 2003 I do not miss the opportunity to visit her, not only because we can communicate in English language. When I came to her room, she was busy with visitors. She waved a kind welcome in my direction and gave me sign to sit down at her right side. After some time the visitors left, and she turned towards me. I explained the reason of my visit to her. Some days before departing to Delhi I had dreamed of her. She did not wear the white Sari of a nun, but western clothes, Blue Jeans and T-shirt! Then HH Acharya Mahashraman came into the picture, also clad in western style. He said in English, “Wake up, get up!” I looked quite amazed at Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha who got up and smilingly said also in English, “OK, move, what are you waiting for?”

Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha after description of my dream

When I had finished I expectantly looked at her and took her photo, while she stayed without saying a word for quite some time, as long as I broke the silence. Sure it was me being eager to know her view, not her to tell. After some time I noted a subtle smile in her eyes before she started to speak. “Clothes are not important,” was accompanied by a gentle touch on her chest, underlining what is important without mentioning. For some time we sat in silence, and then I said good-bye. She responded to me with this subtle smile in her eyes again. Yes, I thought, such a smile is an inspiration to open the mind. Anyway, that was what had happened to me.

Sadhvi Sanghmitra with the book authored by her, arranged for the photo in her lap by Sadhvi Samadhi Prabha

Relaxed and happy I wanted to go back when I felt a soft touch on my shoulder by one Sadhvi giving sign to enter the room I just was about to pass. There Sadhvi Sanghmitra sat with crossed legs and looked for something in the piles, consisting of papers and books, around her. Finally she found a heavy volume and handed it over to me, pointing with her index on herself. It became clear to me that she had authored the book, and she gifted it to me! The book is titled "जैन धर्म के प्रभावक आचार्य ----साध्वी संघमित्रा" in Hindi and depicting the biographies of all important Jain Acharyas and their impact on Jain Dharma. It is a highly appreciated research work as I could read in the foreword by Prof. Dr. Radhakrishnan who from 1962-67 was the President of India. On my request she again took the book which Sadhvi Samadhi Prabha arranged carefully in her lap and looked straight into the camera. It was also Sadhvi Samadhi Prabha who had focused my attention on her group and its learned senior group leader Sadhvi Sanghmitra Prabha. Fortunately, as it would have been a pity to have missed the encounter with this group of nuns and their good vibrations.

Sadhvi Sheel Prabha (l), Sadhvi Shrut Yasha (m), Sadhvi Samadhi Prabha (r) are in the group of Sadhvi Sanghmitra.

Sadhvi Vandana Shree

Outside the room Sadhvi Vandana Shree was astonished to see a Hindi book with me. She asked if I know Hindi. When I said no, she continued to talk in English. Her tender juvenile face is remarkable. Upon questioning she told me that she was initiated as Sadhvi by Acharya Mahapragya when she was 15 years old. This is rather unusual, but without words she expresses in her attitude that even in a very young age she was sure about the path she wants to follow in her life and about the appropriate lifestyle. Her gentle nature and her bright eyes perhaps are conveying more than words. Meanwhile 33 years old, she impressed me by her appearance of being someone experienced in life, although nearly ageless. Only later I remembered where we had met for the first time. It was in 2008 during Jaipur Chaturmas of Acharya Mahapragya where she guided one meditation session of the Preksha Meditation Camp I had participated in. The language of the camp was mostly Hindi. For me it was, even without knowing Hindi, a spiritually very enriching experience, which also resulted in finding many new friends all over the Indian subcontinent. The other participants cared a lot for me. When they got aware that I do not know Hindi they frequently switched to English. Among other they wanted to know if a Preksha Meditation Camp enhances the own practice of meditation without understanding the language in which the sessions are held. As I am rather well versed with the steps of Preksha Meditation and different methods of the Preksha system I was able to confirm. Further it was an opportunity for me to experience this meditation in the frame of its cultural background.  

After this encounter I hurried back to the meeting point in the back area of the assembly hall where Christian Geerdes was waiting for me. He had found a shady place under a fan, even a chair. I also went for a chair, and both of us looked what happened around us. A two-years-old catched our attention, looking very interested at us.

Bhavia had discovered us, …

… first approached under full protection …

… and finally laid his hand into mine.  

Photos: 18.09.2014

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      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Acharya
      2. Acharya Mahapragya
      3. Acharya Mahashraman
      4. Acharyas
      5. Adhyatma
      6. Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra
      7. Ajitkumar Benadi
      8. Animesh Preksha
      9. Aparigraha
      10. Aparigraha Jain
      11. Carla Geerdes
      12. Chaturmas
      13. Christian Geerdes
      14. Cooperation
      15. Dadabari
      16. Dalai Lama
      17. Darshan
      18. Delhi
      19. Delhi Chaturmas
      20. Dharamchand Lunked
      21. Dharma
      22. Digambara
      23. Diksha
      24. Gujarat
      25. IPMC
      26. Jain Dharma
      27. Jaipur
      28. Kendra
      29. Ladnun
      30. Mahapragya
      31. Mahashraman
      32. Meditation
      33. Muhapatti
      34. Muni
      35. Muni Jay Kumar
      36. Muni Kishan Lal
      37. Muni Kumar Shraman
      38. Muni Rakesh Kumar
      39. Muni Rishabh Kumar
      40. Muni Sukh Lal
      41. Muni Sumermal
      42. Muni Sumermal (Ladnun)
      43. Muni Vijay Kumar
      44. Muni Vishrut Kumar
      45. Preksha
      46. Preksha Meditation
      47. Preksha Meditation Camp
      48. Preksha Meditation Camps
      49. Reiki
      50. Rishabh
      51. Sadhana
      52. Sadhana Kendra
      53. Sadhvi
      54. Sadhvi Pramukha
      55. Sadhvi Pramukha Kanak Prabha
      56. Sadhvi Samadhi Prabha
      57. Sadhvi Sanghmitra
      58. Sadhvi Sheel Prabha
      59. Sadhvi Shrut Yasha
      60. Sadhvi Vandana Shree
      61. Sadhvi Vishrut Vibha
      62. Sadhvis
      63. Samadhi
      64. Sangh
      65. Shraman
      66. Sukh
      67. Surat
      68. Sushil Bafana
      69. Swami
      70. Swami Dharmananda
      71. Vandana
      72. आचार्य
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