Preksha Meditation & Human Health: 6. References And Biblography

Published: 18.10.2015

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Title: Preksha Meditation & Human Health
Authors: Professor J.P.N. Mishra, Dr. P.S. Shekhawat
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladnun
Edition: 2015. 1st.
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Page glossary
Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
  1. Advaita
  2. Anand
  3. Anger
  4. Arpita
  5. Asana
  6. Asanas
  7. Bandha
  8. Bangalore
  9. Banglore
  10. Bhastrika pranayama
  11. Bihar
  12. Body
  13. Bombay
  14. Brain
  15. Calcutta
  16. Chakra
  17. Chicago
  18. Concentration
  19. Consciousness
  20. Contemplation
  21. Darshan
  22. Das
  23. Delhi
  24. Dhyan
  25. Fasting
  26. Gandhi
  27. Geeta
  28. Gita
  29. Hatha Yoga
  30. Hatha-Yoga
  31. Jain Vishva Bharati
  32. Jain Vishva Bharati Institute
  33. Jin
  34. Kamat
  35. Kamath
  36. Kendra
  37. Kolkata
  38. Krishna
  39. Kriya
  40. Kundalini
  41. Ladnun
  42. Lakshmi
  43. Lonavla
  44. London
  45. Mahajan
  46. Math
  47. Meditation
  48. Mimamsa
  49. Mishra
  50. Munger
  51. New Delhi
  52. OM
  53. Papa
  54. Philadelphia
  55. Pranayam
  56. Pranayama
  57. Pranic Healing
  58. Prasad
  59. Preksha
  60. Preksha Dhyan
  61. Preksha Meditation
  62. Preksha Yoga
  63. Pune
  64. Raichur
  65. Rama
  66. SS
  67. Science
  68. Swami
  69. Swami Vivekananda
  70. Tolerance
  71. Upadhyay
  72. Vajrasana
  73. Vivekananda
  74. Yoga
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