Numerous western thinkers consider it essential to rise above good and bad for fullness of moral life. Bradley believes that morality leads us beyond good and bad.[42] The dualism of good and bad rules in moral life but that dualism must come to an end in the state of self fullness. Therefore, for complete realization we will have to rise above morality (good and bad). Bradley agreed that righteousness (spiritualism) is above morality. According to him morality ends in spiritualism, where individual establishes harmony with God rising above the dualism of good and bad. Bradley says that in the end we reach to such spot where all processes come to an end although the best action starts from here. Here our morality blossoms in the extreme and merge in God and we experience immortal love all around with all contradictions to an end.[43]
What Bradley differentiated between morality and spirituality the same differentiated by Indian Philosophies between practical morality and spiritual morality. Practical morality pertains to good and bad. Here the vision of conduct is relative to society and its objective is public walefare. Spiritual morality pertain to the realm of pure consciousness (detached or renunciatory vision of life) and it is relative to the individual. Its ultimate objective is to lead man from bondage to salvation.