Human Third Eye ׃ The Source Of Infinite Knowledge

Published: 26.12.2012
Updated: 30.07.2015

National Symposium on Jain Philosophy, Science And Scriptures


On this earth a number of persons took birth who had extraordinary brain power, intelligence and knowledge. All the twenty-four Jain Teerthankars, their Ganddharas, KevaliGods, Aacharyas etc.are amongst such divine personalities. In the present time also, many genius persons have become famous, like Rajchandji who could perform hundred things at a time known as shatavdhan, Newton, Faraday, Einstein, Shakspeare, Shakuntala devi, Tathagat Tulsi etc. The entire world is astonished over their magical brain. It compels us to think, how these persons were blessed with so high intelligence and high brain power\ Perhaps it was due to quashing away of their bad karmas in their several births including the present one. The question arises whether we can increase our intelligence and knowledge in our present life, by some method?. The answer is yes, our knowledge can be increased to extremely high level with the help of our “third eye”.In the present paper,details of the third eye, its meaning, construction,working, activation, methods of activation, Jain metaphysics and philosophy,Jain methods of activation, difference between Jnana and knowledge,various types of Jnana, Riddhis - meaning, attainments etc., are brought out.

1. Brief History

We have two eyes to see the outer world. Besides these two eyes, we also possess a third eye which is also known as spiritual eye or mind`s eye. [1] It is a symbol of enlightment. Some philosophers also call it ‘Jnanakshu’ - the eye of knowledge which is the ‘teacher inside’. (antar guru) As we know, the third eye of Lord Shankar caused destruction of the physical world, but perhaps we don`t know that we also possess third eye. The third eye is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajana (brow) chakra, in some spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. The third eye is also associated with visions, clairvoyance, pre-cognitions and out of body experiences [2] The persons who have the ability to utilize their third eye are known as sears. As per the Upanishad, a human being is likened to a city with ten gates; nine of which (two eyes, two nostrils, two ears, mouth, urethra, anus) lead outside to the sensory world. The third eye is the tenth gate and leads to inner realms housing myriad spaces of consciousness. [3]

2. Construction

Third eye is a gland of human body known as pineal gland which was originally believed to be a “vestigial remnant” of a larger organ. (see FIG.1) In 1917, it was known that extract of cow pineal lightened frog skin. Dermatology Professor Aron B. lerner of Yale university, hoping that substance from the pineal gland might be useful in treating skin diseases, isolated and named the hormone received from pineal gland, melatonin, in1958.[4] The pineal gland is a small organ, shaped like a pine cone.(hence its name) It is located on the midline, attached to the posterior end of the roof of the third ventricle in the brain. The pineal varies in size in species; in humans it is roughly one cm. in length and 0.1gm. in weight. It is situated right between the two eyes and expands up to the middle of the forehead when opened. It is one of the main energy centers of the body located at the sixth chakra. The third eye is in fact a part of the main meridian, the line separating left and right hemispheres of the body. (see Fig.2)

FIG.1Glands of human body

FIG 2 Pineal Gland

FIG. 3 Third eye can see beyond physical

FIG.4 Chakras of humanbody

In Taoist alchemy, the third eye is correlated with the upper dantian. [5] The gland is large in children and begins to shrink with the onset of puberty. It appears to play major role in sexual development, hibernation in animals, metabolism and seasonal breeding. Rene Descartes, who dedicated much time to the study of pineal gland, called it “principal seat of the soul”. [6] He believed that it was the point of connection between the intellect and the body. [7,8]

3. Working

(a) Normal or routine working

The pineal gland carries out many body functions in routine working. It controls body nervous system, energy and self -confidence. It is a very powerful tool of the soul “to see”, ”to feel” and to “hear” the higher frequency realities.(see Fig. 3) Some philosophers, therefore call it ‘third eye.’ [9] The gland controls various biorythms of the body. It works in harmony with the hypothalamus gland which directs the body`s thirst, hunger, sexual desire and the biological clock that determines our aging process. The gland secrets a hormone known as melatonin which plays an important role in the activation of third eye and in increasing knowledge. Melatonin is used in curing many diseases. The secretion of melatonin decreases with age which weakens memory, energy and nervous system.

By keeping proper activation of third eye, the melatonin level can be maintained which may prevent all evil aging effects. Melatonin secretion is more during nights.

Why the pineal gland is known as third eye?

There is a pathway from the retina to the hypothalamus called the retinohypothalmic tract which brings information about light and dark cycles to the region of hypothalamus called the suprachiasmatic nucleus or SCN in short. From SCN nerve, impulses travel to the pineal gland. These impulses inhibit production of melatonin. At night this inhibition ceases and melatonin is released. The pineal gland is,therefore, a photosensitive organ and important time keeper for the human body. That is why it is known as third eye.

(b) Activation of third eye

It is the activation of third eye which makes it so special and important. As per Hindus and Upanishad concepts, there are seven chakras present in our body which occupy positions at the seven major glands of the body. These chakras go on receiving energy from the outer world. The third eye is the ajna chakra or sixth chakra, also known as brow chakra. (see FIG.4) The electromagnetic radiation is received by this chakra which influences the third eye. In the awakening condition of third eye, high frequency waves known as cosmic rays are received which start producing melatonin due to which a magnetic field is produced. The negative and positive forces interact and become strong enough to create “light in the head”. With this “light in the head” activated, astral projectors can withdraw themselves from the body, carrying the light with them. Astral travel and other occult abilities, are closely associated with the development of “light in the head”. After physical relaxation, concentration upon the pineal gland is achieved by staring at a point in the middle of the fore head, which will activate the pineal gland. [10] Beginning with the withdrawal of the senses, the physical consciousness is centered in the region of the pineal gland. The precaution has to be taken to visualize, very intently the subtle body escaping through the trap door of the brain. A “popping sound” may occur at the time of separation of the astral body, in the area of the pineal gland. When the third eye is activated some extra ordinary experiences are observed like direct perception, intuition, imagination, visualization, concentration, self mastery, extra-sensory etc.

(c) Some important events of third eye activation

We see so many things more clearly than the physical vision. We see other frequency realities. We “see” the things which are not present near the five senses. We ‘feel’’ many things which are difficult to be narrated. We listen inner voices, sound of instruments from other frequencies. We can hear messages from the masters. We get solution of such problems, the solution of which was not possible before. Our action changes,our understanding will change, our perception will change. [11] It is found that the intuition, clairvoyance and knowledge are developed in the same ratio as the pineal gland gets activated. Even universal knowledge may be possible if the pineal gland is activated to the maximum value. [12]. C.W. Leadbeater claimed that by extending an “etherik tube” from the third eye, it is possible for one to develop microscopic vision and telescopic vision [2]. It has been asserted by Stephen Phillips that the third eye’s microscopic vision is capable of observing objects as small as quarks. [13] Here it is worth mentioning that the “universal knowledge” is not the same as the “keval jnana” (omniscience) which is acquired by a Jain Arihant (omniscient). Even for acquiring “universal knowledge” karmas play very important role i.e. Universal knowledge can`t be acquired simply by the activation of third eye, but it also depends on the karmas. The difference between knowledge and jnana has been brought out in the description of Jain Meta physics. There, it has been shown how the Arihant attains Keval jnana just after his “Ghatiya” karmas are quashed away from the soul.

(d) Basic requirements for the activation of third eye

There are a no. of methods for the activation of third eye. [14, 15] For the activation to take place, fullest amount of concentration, meditation and contemplation (ekagrata,dhyan and tapa) are required. There are many methods towards achieving this. However, so far no Jain method has been reported in literature. The Jain methods are being mentioned, for the first time.

4. Jain metaphysics and philosophy

The pineal gland can easily be activated following Jain meditation principles as are given in Jain scriptures[16,17] It is to be noted that these principles don`t directly mention that the third eye can be activated following these principles.

However, when we look into the attainments and Riddhis obtained by an ascetic, following these, we can definitely infer that these attainments and Riddhis are possible only when the third eye is being activated. A Jain ascetic/future omniscient is Always busy in meditation and contemplation and thus fulfills the condition of activation of third eye. This suggests that there may be several methods of activation of third eye. Here, one important method known as “Preksha-dhyan” (shwas preksha) is being described.

Preksha dhyan (shwas preksha or breath meditation)

When breath is inhaled and exhaled, the vibrations are generated throughout the body which stimulate inner body organs, knowledge-centers, consciousness-centers and internal power-centers. When all these centers are visualized with fullest concentration, it is known as Preksha-dhyan or Shwas preksha (breath meditation)

Deergha shwas preksha (long breath meditation)

In this meditation, length of the breath is increased slowly, concentration is made on the nostrils, eyes are kept closed and respiration is visualized. Full effort is made to concentrate only on the breath entering and leaving nostrils. Under the very deep concentration, various strength centers of the body are activated. There are eleven such centers. Here it may be noted that in Upanishad, only seven such centers are mentioned. When the Deergh shwas preksha is performed with full devotion and dedication, different types of attainments (Riddhis) are obtained as shown below׃


Body part

Consciousness center

Attainments obtained



Strength center

Body power increased



Health center

Body power increased



Luminous (tejas)center

Strength waves produced



Control center

Body balance felt



Pious center

Purity of brain



Life center

Age &lively fresh air received



Pleasure center

Utter pleasure



Darshan center

Right faith



Jyoti center

Immense peace of mind


Brain center

Jnana center

Samyak jnana obtained


Brain’s back (pineal gland)

Super knowledge center

Expanded clairvoyance obtained

Thus,it is found that in this Deergh shwas preksha, pineal gland is activated which results in providing many attainments like right knowledge and many other
RIDDHIS. It is a matter of great pleasure to have known that Preksha dhyan training classes are being run at Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladnun.

Before we proceed ahead, let us try to understand the meaning of jnana as also the difference between jnana and knowledge. Jnana is the precious treasure of the soul. At no time soul can remain without Jnana., even the ‘nigodiya’ jeeva possess a little bit of jnana. Jnana becomes “samyak jnana” (right knowledge} when it reveals the nature of things neither insufficiently, nor with exaggeration nor falsely, but exactly as it is and with certainty[18, 19]. Thus, we may say that jnana is the natural attribute of the soul.

Difference between Jnana and knowledge

We shall now discuss difference between jnana and knowledge as suggested by Prof.N.L. Kachhara [20, 21] The objects have infinite aspects. Our normal cognitions
perceive and know only some aspects of the object. Souls having varying amounts of karmic matter may perceive different aspects of the object and so know the same object differently. In each case the experience is real but incomplete. Incomplete apprehensions introduce an element of doubt and the subsequent cognitions may be different from the previous ones. Knowledge is an attribute of the perverted soul as against the jnana which is the natural attribute of the soul. Knowledge is, therefore, temporary and remains in existence as long as jnana obscuring karmas are in existence. There are eight karmas which are associated with the soul. These are- Darshnavarni, Jnanavarni, Mohaneeya, Antarai, Vedneeya, Nam,Gotra and Aayu (life span). Out of these, first four are known as Ghatiya karmas as they go on making “ghat” (harm) to the soul and rest four are Aghatiya karmas. All the Ghatiya karmas make the soul perverted and hence complete jnana is not possible until and unless these are removed from the soul. The moment these karmas are removed, the soul attains “kevalJnana” (omniscience). Then the soul starts knowing all objects in their entirety with all qualities and modes. Complete truth is found in the jnana - Kevaljnana - of the omniscient only. All objects stand as reflected in the soul. The cognition of soul, therefore, ultimately leads to cognition of the entire universe.

There are five divisions of Samyakjnana, namely Matijnana, Shrutjnana,  Awadhijnana, Manahparyaya and Kevaljnana. We have already discussed about Kevaljnana. Let us try to know the remaining four. In the mundane soul, the jnana is clouded by karmas. Irrespective of the karmas veil some jnana always manifests. This manifested jnana is divided into four classes based on the intensity of the veil and the function performed by jnana. When the veil is thicker, the manifested jnana is known as matijnana(perceptual cognition) that takes help of senses and mind to cognize the objects. By the cognition obtained through Matijnana, the anxiety to know more about the object is known as Shrutjnana. For Shrutjnana, words, speech, or some indication are essential. Words, speech and indication are Matijnana and the meaning conveyed by all these, is Shrutjnana. Matijnana is, therefore, the cause and Shrutjnana is the work.[22]. Awadhijnana (clairvoyance) directly perceives the external objects beyond sense limits. Manahparyayjnana (cognition of mental states) also perceives the thoughts of other mundane souls. It is worth mentioning that for attaining any of these four jnana, lot of meditation, concentration, Tap (twelve types) and observance as laid down in Jain scriptures, is most essential, which will ultimately activate the third eye and fetch one the desired jnana [23,24].An ascetic can attain some or all these Jnana, depending upon his meditation and Tap etc. However, the moment Kevaljnana is attained, all these four Jnana vanish and the omniscient is left with Kevaljnana only. [25]

Attainment of Riddhis
As has been mentioned in the description of shwas preksha, when an ascetic by his high concentration and meditation becomes capable of activating his third eye, to such a high degree that his supernatural knowledge center gets activated, he may be blessed with a no. of attainments or Riddhis as mentioned in Jain scriptures [16,17,18,19,26] The meditator is blessed with the Riddhis for two different purposes ׃
  1. For procuring immense amount of power which he may use for destructive purposes. The famous example is that of Deepayan Muniraj who ablazed Dwarika.
  2. For the purpose of attaining salvation. Such ascetics/ future Omnicients are blessed with a no. of Riddhis which are used only for spiritual purposes. Total no. of Riddhis are sixty four; the details of which may be found in any of the above referred books. The Riddhis are divided into eight groups, as are shown below׃


Name of the group & No of different Riddhis

Names of Riddhis


Intellect Riddhi (18)

KevalJnana Riddhi, Manahparyaya Riddhi, Awadh Jnana Riddhi etc.


Vikriya Riddhi (11)

Anima, laghima, Mahima etc.


Kriya Riddhi (9)

Janghcharan Riddhi, Vyomcharan Riddhi etc.


Tap Riddhi (7)

Ugra Tap, Deept Tap, Tapt Tap etc.


Bal Riddhi (3)

Manobal, Vachan Bal, Kaya Bal


Aushad Riddhj (8)

Amaroushadhi, Khilloshadhi etc.


Ras riddhi (6)

Ashivish ras, Dhrishtivish ras etc.


Kshiti/Kshetra Riddhi (2)

Aksheen mahanasik, Aksheen mahalaya

In the above context it is to be noted that Keval jnana Riddhi is obtained only by the omniscients and other intellect Riddhis are obtained by the ascetics possessing higher order of Gunsthan. It is also mentioned that the above Riddhis are not at all gossip but a reality. In first century A.D. Acharya Kund Kund deva was possessing “Kriya Riddhi” due to which he could walk in the sky. From the religious Jain Granth “Darsansar” written by Acharya Devsen, it is learnt that Acharya KundKund Dev severally visited “Videh Kshetra”- a place where no human being has yet been able to reach inspite of all modern technological advancements. It is also learnt that he attended “Samavasarana of Lord Seemandhar Swami” where he could listen his preachings, which clarified many of his doubts. He wrote a no. of Dravyanuyog philosophical scriptures like Samaysar, Niyamsar, Pravachansar etc. [27,28,29]. Mahamuni Vishanu kumar saved lives of seven hundred Munis(ascetics) using ‘Vikriya Riddhi,’as is well known to all Jains.

To sum up, the third eye is a most precious organ, the proper activation along with quashing away of karmas, may bless one with immense amount of knowledge.

References ׃

    1. Widtsoe, John, A rational theology, 1915
    2. Leadbeater, C.W., The chakras. Wheaton, Illinois, USA, Theosophical publishing house, P. 79
    3. Third Eye, Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia.
    4. Lerner AB, Case JD, Takahashi Y (1960) Isolation of melatonin from pineal glands, J. Biot chem., 235,1992-7 PMID 14415935
    5. The doctrin of the elixir by R.B. Jefferson, coombe springs press 1982, chapter 4
    6. Descartes and the pineal gland, Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy
    7. Descartes R. ”The passion of the soul”, Philosophy of the mind, Chalmers D. Newyork, Oxford university press,Inc. 2002
    8. Pineal gland, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    9. Third eye, FAQS from meditation guru, INDIA, 2005
    10. Third eye, Activation and basic usage by Rene K. Muller,1995
    11. Meditation guru,Third eye, FAQS from meditation guru INDIA
    12. The third eye and the pineal gland, Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    13. Phillips, Stephen, Extra sensory perception of quarks, Wheaton, USA 1980
    14. Tratka, the meditation of third eye, Wikipedia, The free encyclopedia
    15. Third eye activation and basic usage, Rene K Muller(Kiwi@ 1995
    16. Jain Yog Darpan, Pt. Babul al Jain,Jan. 2010, Page 124(Editor-Dr.L.C.Jain)
    17. Gommatsar, Nemi Chandra Siddant Chakravorty, Karmkand, 1993
    18. Ratnakarand Shravakachar, by Acharya Samant Bhadra Swami, Shr Digamber Jain Shramana Sanskriti Sansthan, Jaipur
    19. Manava Dharma, by Diganbaracharya Jnanasagar ji, (Original writer, Acharya Samant Bhadra Swami) Aagam prakashan, Jainpuri, Revadi,2010
    20. Jain Epistemology by Dr. N.L. Kachhara, excerpts from his forthcoming book.
    21. Jain Metaphysics and Science ׃ A comparison, Dr. N.L. Kachhara, Prakrit Bharati Academy, Jaipur,2011
    22. Jain Dharma aur Darshan, Muni Pramana Sagar, Shiksha bharti, Kashmere-gate, Delhi-6, 1996
    23. Moksha Shastra (Tattvarth Sutra) Acharya Uma Swami, Commentary by Pt. Panna Lal Jain,Digamber Jain Pustakalaya, Surat, 1978
    24. Moksha Shastra (Tattvarth Sutra) Acharya Uma Swami, Commentary by Pt. Mohanlal Shastri, Jabalpur, 1991
    25. Kaundeya Kaumudee, collection of articles of Pt. Manik chandraji Koundeya, Editor Niraj Jain & Nirmal Jain, 1008 shree Chabdraprabh Digamber Jain Atishaya kshetra Prabandha Samiti Dehara Tijra, March 2005
    26. Tiloya pannatee,Yati vrashabhacharya, Jain sanskrti sanrajkshk sangh Solapur,2007
    27. Purusharth Deshana,by Aacharya VishuddhaSagar (Pravachan of original Granth‘Purusharthsidyupaya by acharya Amritchandracharya) ISBN no.81-7628-131-3,third edition (Editor Dr. L.C. Jain),Jabalpur,2008
    28. Jain Dharm ka pracheen itihas, vol. 2, Parmanand shastri, Publisher-Ramesh chand Jain Motorwale, Rajpur road Delhi,1975
    29. Samayasar, Shrimadbhagwat Kundkundacharya, commentary by Pt. Pannalal Jain,shriParamshrut Prabhavak mandalShrimad Rajchandra Aashram,Aagas
    30. Devyani Complex,Jainagar, Yadav colony, JABALPUR(M.P.)

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      Some texts contain  footnotes  and  glossary  entries. To distinguish between them, the links have different colors.
      1. Aagam
      2. Aayu
      3. Acharya
      4. Acharya Kundkund
      5. Aghatiya
      6. Arihant
      7. Bhadra
      8. Body
      9. Brain
      10. Chakra
      11. Chakras
      12. Clairvoyance
      13. Concentration
      14. Consciousness
      15. Contemplation
      16. Darshan
      17. Delhi
      18. Descartes
      19. Deva
      20. Dharm
      21. Dharma
      22. Dhyan
      23. Digamber
      24. Einstein
      25. Ghatiya
      26. Gotra
      27. Gunsthan
      28. Guru
      29. Hypothalamus
      30. Jabalpur
      31. Jain Dharma
      32. Jain Metaphysics and Science
      33. Jain Philosophy
      34. Jain Vishva Bharati
      35. Jain Vishva Bharati University
      36. Jaipur
      37. Jeeva
      38. Jnana
      39. Karmas
      40. Karmic matter
      41. Keval Jnana
      42. Kriya
      43. Kshetra
      44. Kundkund
      45. Ladnun
      46. Matijnana
      47. Meditation
      48. Moksha
      49. Muni
      50. Munis
      51. N.L. Kachhara
      52. National Symposium on Jain Philosophy, Science And Scriptures
      53. Nemi
      54. Newton
      55. Omniscient
      56. Omniscients
      57. Panna
      58. Pineal Gland
      59. Prakrit
      60. Prakrit Bharati Academy
      61. Pramana
      62. Pravachan
      63. Preksha
      64. Preksha Dhyan
      65. Purusharth
      66. Ras
      67. Riddhi
      68. Sagar
      69. Samayasar
      70. Samiti
      71. Sangh
      72. Sansthan
      73. Science
      74. Shastra
      75. Shiksha
      76. Shramana
      77. Solapur
      78. Soul
      79. Surat
      80. Sutra
      81. Swami
      82. Tap
      83. Tapa
      84. Third Eye
      85. Tulsi
      86. Yati
      87. Yog
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