When Acharya Tulsi was visiting Adhyatma Sadhana Kendra, Delhi for a short period, Mrs. Indira Gandhi came to know about him and visited him.
At that time she had not yet ascended to the position of Prime Minister of India. H. H. Acharya Tulsi observed her behavior and surmised that she was under some stress. He suggested her to practice Preksha Meditation. The conversation continued across a range of issues, including religious attitudes and the variety of religious forces in India and the value of meditation. Their meeting was described in a book about her life "Indira Gandhi: A Biography" by Pupul Jayakar as follows:
"We started to speak of religious attitudes and the various religious forces operative in India and meditation. At a recent meeting with Acharya Tulsi, head of the white-robed Jain sect, and his main disciple Yuvacharya Mahapragya I had discussed ways of perception. The Yuvacharya spoke of drishtV or direct seeing as central to Jain meditation. He said, 'that for the Jain seeker the transformation of the brain lay in drishti or total attention on the thymus and thyroid, the two chakras or centers of immense power, one between the eyebrows and the other in the throat.'
I saw a sudden awakening in Indira.
She said 'Don't the Jains start meditation with watching breath?
"But to watch thought in the instant of its arising slows down breath'. I replied, 'Breath and thought are interlinked.
The Yuvacharya as if to test the level of investigation, spoke to me of tratak, an esoteric practice which involved the drawing back of the faculty of sight so that the senses changed direction. It was backward flowing movement."
Also, during another Chaturmas at Delhi, former Indian Prime Minister Mr. V. P. Singh came to visit Acharya Shree Tulsi and during his stay, he practiced Preksha Meditation along with the group. Later, he participated in a one day meditation camp. His remark after his practice was, "I have benefited from the technique of meditation".
The practice of meditation from early childhood shapes the life and personality perfectly.