The decision about the choosing of research design is the second step immediately after the selection of problem and formulation of hypothesis. Adoption of an appropriate research design or strategy enables the researcher to save his time relieving him from the burden of unnecessary gathering of date collection and also pave the way to reach at proper conclusion, indeed, providing a series of guide posts with an outline of structure and process, research design hints at the researcher to walk in the right direction.
Fig. M-l. Research Design
In order to investigate the effect of yogic practices on neurophysiological, cardiovascular and respiratory variables in experimental group of subjects, in contrast to control group, at different follow-up stages a multi group and multi-level pre and post research design has been adopted. The design is illustrated in fig. M1.
Two group of subjects, one experimental group and one control group were taken into consideration for investigation. Here 'before' and 'after' strategy with one control group is adopted for comparative purpose besides the strategy of control group in order to eliminate the effect of any testing sensitivity. The testing sensitivity which may occur due to repeated measurements of the parameters.