Preksha Meditation & Human Health: 5.2 Triglyceride

Published: 04.10.2015

The control group of subjects has shown almost constant level of serum triglyceride during the different follow up periods, the mean values being 174.0294 ± 11.03022, 174.7941 ± 10.44112 and 173.5294 ± 9.84804 mg/dl. Contrary to that there was a regular decline in the triglyceride in experimental group of subjects at all follow-up periods. The mean serum triglyceride level in this group on 0 day was estimated to be 173.5294 ± 9.84804 mg/dl. However, at the subsequent follow- up periods, i.e. 90 and 180 days the mean values were 171.9118 ± 9.44319 and 170.5000 ± 9.02270 mg/dl respectively. The difference in the mean values between control and experimental group of subjects at 90 and 180 days were statistically significant (p < 0.0005). (Table No.C5, C6 and C7).

Table C5: Intra-group comparison of triglyceride levels of control and experimental group of subjects after 90 days follow-up duration.

Group Duration Mean (mg/dl) SD SE 'A'
Control 0 day 174.0294 11.03022 1.89167 0.727
90 days 174.7941 10.44112 1.79064
Experimental 0 day 173.5294 9.84804 1.68893 0.0928***
90 days 171.9118 9.44319 1.61949

Table C6: Intra-group comparison of triglyceride levels of control and experimental group of subjects after 180 days follow-up duration.

Group Duration Mean(mg/dl) SD SE 'A'
Control 0 day 174.0294 11.03022 1.89167 2.674
180 days 173.5294 9.84804 L68893
Experimental 0 day 173.5294 9.84804 1.68893 0.0451***
180 days 170.5000 9.02270 1.54738

Table C7: Intra-group comparative values of triglyceride at 1st follow-up (90 days) and 2nd follow- up (180 days) in control and experimental group of subjects.

Group Duration Mean(mg/dl) SD SE A'
Control 90 day 174.7941 10.44112 1.79064 0.417
180 days 173.5294 9.84804 1.68893
Experimental 90 day 171.9118 9.44319 1.61949 0.0789***
180 days 170.5000 9.02270 1.54738

The values of triglyceride of both the groups i.e. control and experimental group of subjects at the beginning of the experiment were found to be in similar range (174.0294 ±11.03022 and 173.5294 ± 9.44319) without any significant difference. But after 90 and 180 days a significant decline was noticed in experimental group, in comparison to control group, as depicted in Table C8.

Table C8: Comparative values of triglyceride at different follow-up periods in control and experimental subjects.

Group Duration Mean(mg/dl) SD SE 't'
Control 0 day 174.0294 11.03022 1.89167 0.606
Experimental 0 days 173.5294 9.84804 1.68893
Control 90 day 174.7941 10.44112 1.79064 4.725##
Experimental 90 days 171.9118 9.44319 1.61949
Control 180 day 173.5294 9.84804 1.68893 7.853##
Experimental 180 days 170.5000 9.02270 1.54738

Fig. R15: Comparison of Triglyceride levels of control and experimental group of subjects at various follow-up stages.


Title: Preksha Meditation & Human Health
Authors: Professor J.P.N. Mishra, Dr. P.S. Shekhawat
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati University, Ladnun
Edition: 2015. 1st.
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